Journal of Historical Studies Vol. IV, No. II (July-December, 2018) PP. 92-108 UNVEILING THE TRUTH: INDIRECT FUNCTIONAL ROLE OF DIVINE-INTOXICATED SOULS Qudsia Batool Hashmi PhD Scholar Department of History & Pakistan Studies, University of Gujrat, Lecturer Govt. Degree College for Women Lala Musa Javed Haider Syed Former Chairperson History & Pakistan Studies, University of Gujrat Abstract: Sufism is a mystical movement in Islam. The quest of every Sufi is to get closeness to Allah and he practices meditation and hard struggle for it. In this process of meditation and struggle his heart become enlightened and the veils Hijab between Allah and Sufi started to lift or pierce. When the Theophanies of Divine light fall upon the heart of the Sufi and the veils of Allah started to reveal, if a Sufi tolerate the Divine light he becomes a Jazib and if could not bear his manifestation and himself absorb in Divine light, becomes a Majzub. In state of Jazb, he remained absorbed and intoxicated in Allah’s love and becomes oblivious of the world. He does not remain an active member of society because he does not actively take part in the affairs of the world. It is considered that he is useless for society and even Sufism. This study is about Sain Karam Elahi, known as Kanwan Waali Sarkar, a Majzub in Gujrat. The aim of the paper is to study the traits and characteristics of Majzubs and to analyze their indirect role in society to decrease the miseries and afflictions of the people through their ability to do miracles with special reference of Sain Karam Elahi. The thesis presented in the study is that though Majzubs are unconscious of their state and inactive members of society but they are not useless for humanity rather they help and solve the problems and decrease the miseries of the people indirectly through their ability to do miracles. People visit them and ask them to pray for the solution of their problems make vows, conduct Urs and fairs at their shrines that are the expression of religious and 92 Qudsia Batool Hashmi & Javed Haider Syed cultural activities which indicates their indirect functional and influential role in society. Introduction Chiragh-e-Maqblan Dil Gushta Roshan Ke Hr Gardish Bar Aan Parwana Aamad Trans: “The pure hearts of the beloveds of Allah are luminous and enlightened. Whoever beholds their reality, crazily circle around them like a moth.” 1 Sufism is defined as a quest to know Allah‟s veils. The essence of Sufi way is to purify heart and the purification of heart can only be obtained through Zikr and continuous self-reflection.2 “Sufism is neither a philosophy nor a theology”.3According to Ibne Khaldun, all of Sufism is related to struggle and seeking the way that guide to attain the aims of Kashf 4 and Mushahida. 5 According to Schimmel, the only source to get closeness to Allah is constant purification and in exchange servant qualified for God attributes.6The best way to kill carnal self and purify heart is self-exertion (Mujahida). Self-exertion is an obligatory requirement in the quest to receive glimmering light and flashes of Divine.7 Quran declares heart as centre for all knowledge and actions.8 The path of Marifah is based on struggling against Nafs, because Nafs prevents the light or the unveiling of the veiled knowledge. According to Ghazali, unless you beat your through self-exertion you will not be successful to illuminate your heart with Marifah.9 For him Godliness is door to Zikr and Zikr is door to revelation.10According to him, Zikr purifies heart too much that heart is ready to receive Divine revelation and outflow.11Zikr and concentration takes a Sufi from Fana to Baqa and concentration on contemplation (Muraqba) takes him to Mushahida. 12 The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) said, “Divine observation is gained through spiritual struggle”.13 Marifah, is divided in to three degrees as referred in Holy Quran: Ilm-ul-Yaqeen, 14 Ain-ul-Yaqeen 15 and Haq-ul- Yaqeen.16Ilm-ul-Yaqeen is considered as lowest rank and this knowledge is gained through intellect and reasoning17 and in the words of Sultan Bahoo, through physical and spiritual deeds 93 Journal of Historical Studies Vol. IV, No. II (July-December, 2018) PP. 92-108 and prayers. This leads to the second rank of Ain-ul-Yaqeen, where inner eye of heart gains power to sight. Continuous remembrance of God takes a seeker to the level of Tariqat where the flames of the light and Theophanies of Noor burns the heart of the seeker. Due the effect of the Theophanies and Divine light the seeker remains anxious and restless in the separation of Allah and this separation from Allah makes him crazy and he becomes a Majzub. Third and final stage is Haq- ul-Yaqeen and this rank can be gained through the Divine Knowledge of Reality. Whoever found this knowledge, found himself drowning in this knowledge.18 So, the first stage Ilm-ul- Yaqeen is considered as stage of separation and separation is seeing everything other than Allah. Second stage is the state of unification; seeing everything through Allah and final stage Haq-ul-Yaqeen is state of unification of unification; that is total self-annihilation in Allah.19The person who qualifies all three stages successfully is known as Salik. Salik is more in touch to world and conscious of his affairs and action but Majzub is the man who qualifies just the second stage of Ain-ul-Yaqeen and so much attracted by Divine beauty and cannot tolerate the Divine manifestation and lost his control at this stage. Majzub: Traits and Characteristics: The root word of Majzub is Jazb which means overpowering quality20or to attract. The person who is dominated by Jazb is called Majzub and the person who travels the path of Saluk with opened eye is known as Salik. The literal meaning of Majzub is that a person under the state of Jazb.21In Sufism a person is attracted towards Allah and is equipped with Divine attributes. Attraction is the gift of Allah which is not obtained by ordinary means rather Allah grants this favour to his pure servants as Allah says; “that is the grace of Allah He bestow it on whom He will”.22 Attraction is of two kinds; one is felt inwardly and is not appeared outwardly. The person in this state loves Allah, follows Shariah and fulfills all commandments but the second kind of attraction appears outwardly. The person feels ecstasy and this kind of attraction may look like madness. The persons whose inward is pure but outward is impure are known as 94 Qudsia Batool Hashmi & Javed Haider Syed Majzub. Majzubs are considered spiritually incompetent and to some extent, are symbols of perplexity. However they are near to Allah but cannot go further to any high spiritual rank.23 In fact Majzubiat is the state of insanity and according to Deobandi translator of Ikmaalush Shiyaam, in the state of Jazb a person is overwhelmed by the Divine love. He is not prone to practice Shariah laws. His status is just like the insane person and Shariah laws are not applicable to insanity. Allah has appointed two groups among his servants one for his worship and the other for his love. First group is engaged in the acts of Ibadat like prayers, Zakat, Sadqat, etc. They are concerned with outer world and the other group is concerned with the deeds of their hearts. They are concerned with Allah and remember Him all the time. There is nothing besides Allah in their hearts.24 According to Ikmalush Shiyam, though Majzub found their Matloob but they are incapable to be a Shaykh because they are unaware about the dangers and the problems of the path. They are not capable to guide and conduct of spiritual path. They are inadequate even to Sufism.25 It is rightly said that everything and every being is of some use. According to William Donkin, with reference to Maher Baba, these Masts are useful for humanity. The matchless utility of these Majzubs is their contribution for the betterment and salvation of the world. The light of love that radiates from these Masts is indirect reflection of light of Allah. Like other human beings they are useful for their fellow beings.26A Majzub is a person who is reached to the pinnacle of Sufism. So Sufis attribute all types of miraculous powers to them through which they help others miraculously. Sufis believe that Majzubs have miraculous powers and numerous stories are narrated about the miraculous and spiritual powers of Majzubs. These stories undoubtedly effect the beliefs of the people. 27 Majzub is a Walli28 and near to God. According to Qushayri, miracles are the sign of his (The Walli) being truthful in his spiritual state. 29 Walli plays an intermediary role between Allah and people, so people believe that a Walli can do miracle so Majzub being a Walli also can do miracles. They have strong belief on the spiritual powers of the Majzubs and consider them as mediator between Allah and them. They believe that the words 95 Journal of Historical Studies Vol. IV, No. II (July-December, 2018) PP. 92-108 spoken by the Majzubs prove prophetic. Having this belief they visit them for the solution of their problems and ask them to pray. So, in the light of above discussion, the indirect functional role of Sain Karam Elahi known as KanwanWaali Sarkar a Majzub (in Gujrat) to decrease the affliction and miseries of the people through his miracles is presented as reference source to support this thesis that Majzubs are useful for humanity and they have indirect functional role in society through their ability to do miracles.
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