5564 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS March 12, 1992 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS A SPECIAL TRIBUTE TO CHARLES USE. IT AND LOSE IT: $32,500 A issues which we as a Congress have been R. PINZONE YEAR FOR HEALTH INSURANCE struggling with for over 200 years. In support of the Year of the American Indian, and as HON. FORTNEY PETE STARK part of my ongoing series this year, I am pro­ HON. LOUIS STOKFS OF CALIFORNIA viding for the consideration of my colleagues OF OHIO IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES a short biography of Crazy Horse, a Principle Chief of the Oglala Sioux tribe who is known IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, March 12, 1992 for his skills as a warrior. This biography was Mr. STARK. Mr. Speaker, a doctor from a taken from a U.S. Department of the Interior Thursday, March 12, 1992 Sunbelt State recently wrote, giving me one of publication entitled "Famous Indians, A Collec­ Mr. STOKES. Mr. Speaker, I am honored to the best examples I've ever seen of why we tion of Short Biographies." rise today to pay tribute to Charles R. Pinzone need national health care reform. CRAZY HORSE <0GLALA SIOUX) for his 22 years of service as executive sec­ The letter speaks for itself: Crazy Horse (Tashunke Witko) a military figure of the Oglala Sioux tribe, came to retary of the Greater Cleveland Building and HONORABLE REPRESENTATIVE STARK: I have been following the great debate which is power while still a young man in his middle Construction Trades Council. Mr. Pinzone, going on regarding health insurance. I would twenties, during Red Cloud's War along the who is retiring, will be honored on Friday, like to bring to your attention the plight of Bozeman Trail. March 20, 1992, at the Cleveland Marriott So­ probably millions of Americans who are sys­ Unlike Red Cloud, Crazy Horse did not set­ ciety Center Hotel. tematically behg forced to drop their cov­ tle on Sioux lands established by the 1868 erage by their insurance companies because Fort Laramie Treaty, but with his followers, As executive secretary of the Building they were unlucky to develop a disease. stayed out in the unceded buffalo country to Trades Council, Mr. Pinzone was committed to I have been with --Insurance Company the west. for a number of years without any claims. Courageous, daring, skilled in the tech­ providing fairness in the workplace. He lis­ niques of Indian warfare, the bold and im­ tened to both union worker and employer in Unfortunately, in June of 1989, I had un­ eventful 2-artery coronary by-pass with com­ placable Crazy Horse never yielded in his ha­ order to establish this balance. Not only was plete recovery (total expense about tred of the white man, and made it clear that Mr. Pinzone a fair leader, but he successfully $30,000.00). My insurance premiums, in 21h he had no intention of abandoning hunting won the respect of those who came in contact years, have gone up from $735.00 per month and fighting for reservation existence. In December of 1875, the Indian Commis­ with him. for a group of 4 to $2170.00 per month for a group of 2; today I have received another no­ sioner in Washington, alarmed by reports of Mr. Pinzone began his career as an appren­ tice that from 3/1/92 my premium will go up Sioux hostilities, directed that all Indians in tice with the Wood, Wire, and Metal Lathers another 25%, bringing the premiums to the area return to their agencies by January about $2700.00 per month. I cannot obtain 31, 1876. When some Sioux bands, far afield in Union. He utilized his skills and served as ex­ search of game, failed to meet this impos­ ecutive board member, secretary treasurer, any other health insurance because of pre­ existing conditions. I would like to know sible deadline, Gen. George Crook was or­ and elected business representative of Lathers how many Americans can afford to pay dered to attack their winter settlements, Local Union. $32,500.00 per year for their health coverage. and he sent Col. J . J. Reynolds to take Crazy Horse's village by surprise. Crazy Horse or­ Mr. Pinzone remained equally devoted to I have not had even one $1.00 claim since June of 1989. As you can see, the free enter­ ganized a counter-attack, recovered his war­ serving the community. Mr. Pinzone, who won prise system is really at work here. If de­ riors' scattered ponies, and drove off Crook's the 1938 Golden Gloves title, teaches the art sired, I will be happy to provide the details cattle. Without food, the General was forced to return with his men to his post. of boxing to young men at the Charles and documentation of my case. Realizing that Crazy Horse was a more for­ Pinzone Boxing Club in Parma, OH. For 40 I know a number of my colleagues now are midable adversary than he had thought, years, Mr. Pinzone worked vigorously to pre­ in favor of health reform and feel that some Crook planned a new strategy, and the fol­ form of national health insurance is urgently lowing June, with 15 troops of cavalry and 5 pare young men for the grand fight in the ring needed as private insurance companies are and the ultimate fight in life. of infantry, marched up the Bozeman Trail extorting the public. I will be more than to the Tongue River. On June 17, his army In addition to his work with the Cleveland happy to do whatever is needed to advance ran headlong into 1,200 Oglalas and Chey­ its cause. In any event, I sincerely hope that, area youths, he remains an active member on ennes under Crazy Horse at the Rosebud if and when any reform comes, the Ameri­ River. At the end of a day-long battle, Crook many local boards such as the United Way cans with pre-existing conditions are not for­ gotten. was forced to withdraw with heavy losses, Services, Greater Cleveland Growth Board, chagrined at his second defeat at the hands United Labor Agency, and Cuyahoga Commu­ of the Sioux chief. nity College. A week later, Gen. George A. Custer at­ BIOGRAPHY OF CRAZY HORSE tacked the fugitive village where more than Mr. Pinzone's hard work and dedication 3,000 Indian warriors were encamped along throughout the community has yielded him HON. ENI F.H. FALEOMAVAEGA Montana's Little Big Horn River. Again many honors and awards. He received the OF AMERICAN SAMOA Crazy Horse played a leading role. After the repulse of Maj. Marcus A. Reno's battalion 1987 Leukemia Society Award of Appreciation; IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the 1979 Southwest Area C.O.P.E. Award for by Indians under Sitting Bull and other Thursday, March 12, 1992 chiefs, the braves concentrated almost their Outstanding and Dedicated Service; the 1988 entire force on Custer and his men, some 4 Council for Economic Opportunities Leader­ Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA. Mr. Speaker, miles away. In little more than an hour, the ship Award, and the 1980 Governors Award through Public Law 102-188 (S.J. Res. 217, Sioux and Cheyennes had overrun Custer and for Excellence of Achievement. H.J. Res. 342), Congress and the President his 224 men, slaughtering every one. designated 1992 as the Year of the American After their victory at the Battle of the Lit­ Mr. Speaker, Mr. Pinzone's strong leader­ Indian. This law pays tribute to the people who tle Big Horn (" Custer's Last Stand" ), the In­ ship of the Greater Cleveland Building and first inhabited the land now known as the con­ dian bands dispersed. One by one, as more Construction Trades Council will be greatly and more soldiers poured into their country, tinental United States. Although only symbolic, they surrendered. missed. He continues to be an asset to the this gesture is important because it shows In January of 1877, Gen. Nelson A Miles, city of Cleveland, and I wish him much contin­ there is sympathy in the eyes of a majority of surprising Crazy Horse's winter camp, scat­ ued success. both Houses of the Congress for those Indian tered the Indians without food or adequate • This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended,. rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. March 12, 1992 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 5565 clothing on the frozen plain. The following respect of the UAW's international member­ generation onto the battlefields of life as our May, Crazy Horse and about 1,000 men, ship. Accordingly, on June 5, 1974, she was nation enters the next century. women, and children surrendered to the elected to the post of international vice presi­ As an American citizen, I am challenged to Sioux Chiers old adversary, General Crook, dent at the union's 24th constitutional conven­ accept my freedom to dream the impossible at Red Cloud Agency in Nebraska. dream-to expand on the dreams that my But the young warrior could not stand res­ tion. Since 1974, she has been reelected to forefathers dreamt hundreds of years ago ervation life. Rumors flew that he was plot­ five consecutive 3-year terms. when America was but an idea. After the ting escape, and on September 5, 1877, he was As an international vice president, Mrs. Battle of Gettysburg, Lincoln said, "The placed under arrest. When he realized that he Komer's responsibilities have included direct­ world will little note nor long remember was about to be locked up, Crazy Horse, des­ ing departments responsible for monitoring what we say here, but it can never forget perate, drew his knife and tried to cut his and managing the UAW's relationship with what they did here." To leave my mark on way to freedom.
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