Sun-Thurs: 11:30am-10pm Chag Kasher V’Sameach! Fri: 11:30am-2:30pm • Sat: Closed (Go for Pizza!!) Order on-Line at www.chopstixusa.com Linking Bergen, Essex, Middlesex, Passaic & Union Counties Issue #128 201-833-0200 172 West Englewood Ave. Teaneck, NJ 07666 The Rabbinical Council Of Bergen County RCBC GLATT KOSHER Happy Pesach! JEWISH LINK CHINESE TAKE-OUT OF NEW JERSEY April 22 - 14 Nisan 5776 April 28 - 7th Night Pesach April 21, 2016 1st Night Pesach Light Candles: 7:32 PM SSeeee OOurur CCholhol HHamoedamoed RRestaurantestaurant aandnd Light Candles: 7:26 PM April 29 - 8th Night Pesach CANDLE April 23 - 2nd Night Pesach Light Candles 7:33 PM 13 Nissan, 5776 LIGHTING Light Candles after 8:35 PM Entertainment Guide starting on Page 66! April 24 - Yom Tov Ends 8:36 PM April 30 - Shabbat & Yom Tov End 8:42 PM The Legacy of Evan Levy z”l: Inspiring Others to #SmileThruIt and even when they thought they Evan was well known by every- were smiling to help him, his one; children of all ages at The Mo- smile is what helped everyone riah School, which he attended, as else. His biggest smiles were re- well as fi remen, policemen and even FineFine FFoods.oods. served for his brother and sister, ice-cream truck drivers. Reichman Great Savings. Max and Zoey, and his parents, explains that “his curious person- Seeee Back CoverCover for WeeklyWeekly DealsDeal but he was so generous in spread- ality animated him to get to know ing his smile to everyone he en- FFirstirst EEverver PPopop UUpp countered.” CONTINUED ON P. 22 PPesachesach RRestaurantestaurant iiss hhere!ere! Ahavat Achim Names Rabbi Ely Shestack Pizza, Salads, Soup, Muffi ns, New Rabbi Fries, Froyo and More! Evan Levy z”l CREDIT: LEVY FAMILY EEat-Inat-In OORR TTakeoutakeout By Robin Tare ent smile, and perpetuate his legacy By Larry Bernstein of spreading goodness and joy. See our ad on page 71 Englewood—The passing of Chana Reichman, Rebbetzin of Fair Lawn—On April 13, Con- Evan Levy, an adventurous, playful Englewood’s East Hill Synagogue, gregation Ahavat Achim named Ely and dynamic 4-year-old, is an incon- where the Levys are members, re- Shestack its new Rabbi. He will re- ceivable tragedy. It seems impossible calls that “Evan had a magical way place Rabbi Uri Goldstein, who an- to turn such tremendous heartache to connect with those of all ages. nounced he was stepping down into something positive. However, He befriended babies, the elder- after 10 years to make aliyah this with the creation of The Smile Chal- ly and everyone in between. The summer. lenge, #smilethruit, participants can twinkle in his eye and smile on Newly appointed Rabbi Ely Shestack, carry on Evan’s sweet and ever-pres- his face touched everyone’s hearts CONTINUED ON P. 23 his wife Chana, and daughter Adira. Chag SCHOOLS th SPORTS Sameach! Frisch Seniors Visit MVP 2016 8 Annual Capitol Hill for Annual See Our Ads on Next Two Pages Girls All Star Day Israel Advocacy Mission On Sunday, April 17, 2016, MVP Basketball Seniors at Frisch trave- hosted its 8th Annual Girls All Star Day at SAR led for their annual mission High School in Riverdale. The daylong pro- ShabbosLift to Washington, D.C. this past gram featured over 100 players from yeshivas TM Tuesday to advocate for a throughout the New York and New Jersey Met- Solutions 1-855-shab-lift stronger U.S.-Israel bond on ro Area, as selected by their respective coach- Capitol Hill. Faculty mem- es. There were four All Star games on this fun- (646) 543-8811 ber Rabbi David Sher over- fi lled day: Grades 6 through 8, High School sees the mission each year. Junior Varsity and High School Varsity. Each Students with New Jersey Congressman of the All Stars received MVP All Star Day 2016 Sixth grade MVPs Sasha CONTINUED ON P. 94 Scott Garrett. t-shirts that featured the gold and royal blue Horowitz, NSHA and Yonina Felsen, Yavneh with MVP See our ad on page 15 Family Link featuring Jewel Safren’s latest column on page 82! CONTINUED ON P. 99 Director Judah Rhine. 4)"#-*'5 We make stairs easy. 4)"#-*'5 Dirshu Daf HaYomi B'Halacha coverage on pages 60-61. WORLD SIYUMM See our ad on page 65 See our ad on page 88See our ad on page 45 See our ad on page 88 THE ROTHENBERG INJURED? years A Proud History LAW FIRM LLP 800.624.8888 I InjuryLawyer.com of Success NEW YORK I HACKENSACK I LAKEWOOD I CHERRY HILL I PHILADELPHIAA Thank you! FOR SHOPPING AT GLATT EXPRESS! During these hectic weeks of cleaning, cooking and shopping before Pesach, we wanted to take this moment to say thank you for being a valued customer this holiday season. As we continue to excel in quality foods, gourmet catering & exceptional service, we want to express our gratitude to our cherished customers. Chag Sameach! From the Secemski Family and everyone at Glatt Express & Lazy Bean 1400 Queen Anne Road, Teaneck, NJ 07666 201.837.8110 [email protected] 2 April 21, 2016 • 13 Nissan, 5776 201-371-3212 • WWW.JEWISHLINKNJ.COM catering all week long Chol Hamoed lunches. Weekday suppers. Second day dinners. Pesach doesn’t end with the fourth cup. Our chef & catering team is ready to deliver fresh, gourmet dishes for every day of Pesach. Proven in taste, guaranteed fresh for the entire Pesach. Two days done. Six more delicious days to go. 1400 Queen Anne Road Teaneck, NJ 07666 201.837.8110 ƒ 201.837.6305 [email protected] 201-371-3212 • WWW.JEWISHLINKNJ.COM April 21, 2016 • 13 Nissan, 5776 3 WORLD NEWSBRIEFS Netanyahu Orders Halt of Gaza through which arms and terrorism by the defendant directed at the terrorist of peace and prosperity. Israel today is the Cement Shipments to Gaza will fl ow.” was done with no operational necessity, solution, not the problem,” Israeli Prime After Tunnel Discovery rather with criminal intent.” Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said. (JNS.org) Prime Minister Benjamin Net- IDF Soldier Who Shot Neutralized But the judge also wrote, “Within the On Monday, Arab League General-Secre- anyahu on Monday ordered a halt to Gaza- Terrorist Identified, Charged investigation materials themselves, there tary Nabil al-Arabia said Netanyahu’s com- bound cement shipments, following the With Manslaughter is evidence that weakens the stance of the ments marked “a new escalation that rep- discovery of a Hamas terror tunnel under (JNS.org) The 20-year-old Israel Defense prosecution, which maintains that the de- resents a brazen violation of international the Israel-Gaza border. Forces soldier who shot a neutralized Pal- fendant’s actions and conduct necessari- law.” Israel had allowed cement to enter Gaza estinian terrorist in Hebron last month ly constitute the crime of manslaughter. At the same time, Germany’s Foreign as part of the rehabilitation efforts there has been charged with manslaughter and There is not insignifi cant evidence…that Ministry on Monday said that Israel’s de- following Operation Protective Edge in named as Sgt. Elor Azaria, after a Jaffa mili- the injured terrorist, who was lying on the cision to unilaterally maintain control 2014. Although some 10,000 buildings were tary court lifted the gag order on his identi- ground, was carrying an explosive device.” over the Golan Heights would violate in- damaged during that summer’s war, Ha- ty on Monday. ternational law. German Foreign Minis- mas has used the cement mostly for mili- At a hearing, the military prosecution Arab League, U.S., Germany Reject try spokesman Martin Schaefer said it is tary purposes. indicted Azaria on counts of manslaughter Israel’s Golan Heights Affirmation “a basic principle of international law and Netanyahu also said Monday that a sea- and inappropriate behavior, and the judge (JNS.org) The Arab League has de- the U.N. charter that no state can claim the port would not be established in Gaza, add- extended his remand until the end of le- nounced Israel’s “escalation” over con- right to annex another state’s territory just ing that Gaza would only have access to gal proceedings. The judge further ruled trol in the Golan Heights, while Germany like that.” Israel’s Ashdod port, enabling Israel to in- that Azaria would be able to visit his fam- and the United States also rejected Israeli The U.S. State Department also said spect any incoming cargo. ily for the Passover holiday over the com- claims on the strategic territory. that the American position on the Golan “We support any form of humanitar- ing weekend. Israel’s cabinet held its weekly meeting Heights has not changed, and that it does ian aid,” Netanyahu said. “But supervis- Military court judge Lt. Col. Ronen Shor in the Golan on Sunday to symbolize the not recognize the territory as part of Israel. ing a port is much more problematic… I wrote in his decision that “there is appar- Jewish state’s sovereignty in the area. According to recent reports, a negotiat- will not sacrifi ce Israel’s security for the ent evidentiary basis showing that the de- “Israel will never come down from the ed deal on the Syrian civil war that is being sake of a good headline. I will not permit fendant caused the man’s death via a pro- Golan Heights… In the 49 years Israel has the establishment of a maritime artery to hibited act, and that the gunfi re carried out controlled the Golan, it has been a place CONTINUED ON P.
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