ISSN: 0029-7739 $ 1.00 per copy THE OBSERVER Official Newspaper of the Catholic Diocese of Rockford Volume 78 | No. 46 http://observer.rockforddiocese.org FRIDAY NOVEMBER 15, 2013 Logistics Challenge Efforts to Help Desperate Filipinos BY SIMONE ORENDAIN head of the Church That Serves Catholic News Service the Nation, the social justice arm of the Philippine Jesuit MANILA, Philippines—In- province, said before anyone Inside ternational and local groups could take food and other sup- were poised to get aid to the Families of Most Rockford plies to the worst-hit areas, his worst-hit areas of the typhoon- organization would send some- (CNS photo/Romeo Ranoco, Reuters) Diocese Filipino Priests Volunteers pack relief goods inside a government warehouse in stricken central Philippines, one to make sure there was a Reported OK Manila, Philippines, Nov. 8. Super Typhoon Haiyan, one of the stron- pg. 4 but the challenges of getting secure way that goods get to gest storms ever recorded on the planet, smashed into island after help to communities growing Helping in Indiana the right destination. island in the central Philippines, threatening millions of people. Young Observer, pgs. 6-7 desperate for food and water “Because even the military went beyond just making sure cannot pass and go to different people there, because they’re About 600,000 people have roads were clear. areas,” Brother Lee told Catho- (Filipinos) really looking for been made homeless by Super Quick News For the Jesuits who wanted to lic News Service. “They still food, and they’re asking the Typhoon Haiyan. In one of the help, security was the priority. have diffi culty with communi- trucks (for food) and limiting worst-hit cities, Tacloban, a day Jesuit Brother James Lee, cations as well as managing the their access.” Continued on page 4 Special Collection for Philippines Scheduled Nov. 16-17 in Rockford Diocese Parishes The Diocese of Rockford will hold a spe- the United States Catholic Conference Checks can be made out to the Diocese cial emergency collection for the victims of of Bishops and Catholic Relief Services of Rockford. Note in the memo portion of the record breaking typhoon in the Philip- as we respond to immediate emergency the check: Typhoon Haiyan Recovery 2013. (CNS photo/Tom Tracy) pines at all parishes at all Masses this needs for such necessities as water, food, Donations can also be sent to The Dio- Relic of John Paul II weekend, Nov. 16-17. shelter, and medical care and assist in cese of Rockford, P.O. Box 7044, Rockford, Moves to Peoria Next Week The special collection is for our affected the long-term recovery from the disaster. IL 61125; Attention: Typhoon Haiyan Recov- Valeria Bigo, a student at brethren and the Church of the region af- Collection funds will also be used to sup- ery 2013. St. Hugh Catholic School in fected by Typhoon Haiyan. These funds port the long-term need to rebuild the Online donations can be made at www. will then be used to support the efforts of Church after wide spread destruction. rockforddiocese.org/Typhoon-Haiyan. Miami, examines a zucchetto worn by Blessed John Paul II on display at a Nov. 5 youth rally honoring the future saint Historic Galena Church to Celebrate 150 at St. Thomas University in Miami. The rally was part of BY AMANDA HUDSON a Nov. 3-21 tour that gave News Editor St. Michael’s to Host Catholics at some parishes in the Miami Archdiocese a GALENA—St. Michael Par- Annual Christmas ish will celebrate the 150th an- chance to view and venerate Concert, Too a relic of the late pope, which niversary of its church build- was a specimen of his blood. ing on Dec. 7, with a 5:30 p.m. GALENA—St. Michael Parish, here, and The relic will be in the Dio- Mass celebrated by Bishop Father Max Lasrado, pastor, will also host the cese of Peoria Nov. 18 and David J. Malloy followed by a 2013 United Churches of Galena Christmas 19. (See Nov. 1 Seasoned reception. Concert at 7 p.m., Dec. 4. Observer.) St. Michael Church was de- Musicians from 10 Galena congregations signed by Father Samuel Maz- will be represented, along with musicians Diocese Adds New zuchelli, who was the third from Galena High School Jazz and Vocal Facebook Page in Spanish pastor of the parish, from 1835- Ensemble, Tri-State Christian School Mixed To reach more Catholics 1843. Ensemble, Community Handbell Choir, United quickly, the Diocese is now Father Mazzuchelli su- Churches Taize Orchestra and Galena Brass. posting news and pictures pervised the construction of The fi nale will be a performance of “Joy to on Facebook at Diocesis. the fi rst St. Michael Church, the World” as arranged by Douglas J. Benton. de.Rockford. Like it. which was completed in 1842, The piece will feature the combined choirs of Youth Summit Memories, during his time at the parish. all the churches accompanied by organ, hand Bishop’s Homilies Online That church building was de- bells, brass, and timpani. Go to www.rockforddiocese. stroyed in 1856 along with nu- Offerings will be accepted at the end of the org/youthsummit for video merous other buildings in one performance. All donations will be given to the of the worst fi res in Galena’s (Observer fi le photo) highlights, speeches and St. Michael Parish in Galena will celebrate the 150th United Churches of Galena Food Pantry. more from the Oct. 6 event history. In less than a week after the anniversary of its 1863 church building, Dec. 7 with Info: Carol Godwin, 815/777-2108; and for homilies from Bishop Rev. Jim McCrea, 815/777-0229. David J. Malloy’s Sunday fi re, $10,000 was collected for a Mass and reception. reconstruction, allowing Father Masses at Cathedral of St. the architectural style of Ro- has ranged from additional tioning, carpeting and lighting Peter in Rockford. Patrick McElhearne, the sixth pastor of the parish, to begin manesque Revival, has a num- stained glass windows to 1871 have been added or improved This Issue plans for a new church, also ber of interesting features. paintings of the Stations of the over the 150 years. Its roof is supported by a Cross; from interior redecora- Bishop Malloy ............................. 2 from a Father Mazzuchelli de- The church continues on as wooden truss formation that tions to extensive renovations Headliners ..................................... 3 sign. an interesting part of Galena’s doesn’t require supporting pil- after a 1955 fi re that destroyed Nation/World .......................... 4-5 Before the church was com- architectural history and as an pleted, the next two parish pas- lars in the church. All the win- the sanctuary and did damage Young Observer ..................... 6-7 important setting for all who tors held Mass in the parish dows and doors have arches of to the rest of the church. Faith Forum .................................. 8 call St. Michael Parish their convent and then the church a medieval style. A shrine to St. Therese, the Viewpoints ................................... 9 basement. The new St. Michael Semi-circular arches are nu- Little Flower, was constructed spiritual home. For the Record ......................... 10 Church opened in December merous; they are supported by in 1926 and contains fi rst class All are welcome to the Dec. 7 Media/Arts ................................ 10 1863. Corinthian-style columns. relics of the saint. Mass and reception at the par- Around the Diocese ......... 11-12 St. Michael Church, built in Later work on the church Sound systems and air condi- ish at 227 S. Bench St. 2 FRIDAY NOVEMBER 15, 2013 | The Observer We Must be Mindful — and Joyful — The Observer (ISSN 0029- As We Continue to Live God’s Plan 7739), is published weekly, except five times a year by the Diocese of Rockford, BY BISHOP DAVID J. MALLOY 555 Colman Center Dr., P.O. Box 7044, Rockford, IL 61125 ast week, the Illinois lenges and stresses that go into upon society. It is not the same Phone: 815/399-4300; Fax House and Senate ap- making it work in our broken but as, for example, arguing for leg- Bishop Malloy sent a letter 815/399-6225. proved legislation that redeemed world. islation to compel others to share on this topic to be read at Periodical postage paid at redefined, humanly From the very beginning of our Catholic penitential practice all parishes last weekend. Rockford, Ill., and additional Lspeaking, the union of marriage the human race, men and women of abstaining from meat on Fri- Review the full text in mail offices. given to us by God. have left their original families days of Lent. English or Spanish at POSTMASTER: send address The Catholic Church, joined and joined to each other in the Neither is the human race’s www.rockforddiocese.org. changes to The Observer, 555 by other Christian denomina- formation of new families with historical support for God’s plan Colman Center Dr., P.O. Box tions and people of faith and their own children. Tribes and for marriage a form of unfair Our politicians can and do 7044, Rockford, IL 61125 good will, strenuously opposed societies recognized, before ever discrimination that we have only make grave mistakes as they For ADVERTISING information: this action of the legislature in there was a government and be- now discovered. have in this matter. Our judges Contact The Observer at the order to support what reason and fore Jesus walked the earth, the As Catholics, we recognize do not always decide rightly on address above or call 815/399- faith know that nature’s God has need to foster this union and to that a part of faith is to accept 4300; fax 815/399-6225, important matters that go be- E-mail: rbergman@ inscribed into the world and into give it stability.
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