Internati onal Conference FROM SEED TO PASTA & BEYOND A SUSTAINABLE DURUM WHEAT CHAIN FOR FOOD SECURITY AND HEALTHY LIVES Bologna, Italy Milan, Italy 31 May - 2 June 2015 3 June 2015 Conference Center EXPO 2015 FlyON Italian Pavillion Invited Speakers & Oral Presentati ons - Abstract - FROM SEED TO PASTA & BEYOND A Sustainable Durum Wheat Chain for Food Security and Healthy Lives INDEX INVITED SPEAKERS & ORAL PRESENTATIONS Abstracts OPENING SESSION Durum wheat breeding: an historical perspecti ve Antonio Blanco - E. Porceddu, University of Bari, Italy Industrial perspecti ves of pasta producti on wheat breeding: an historical perspecti ve Marco Silvestri, Barilla, Italy What kind of pasta for a healthy gut microbiome? Patrizia Brigidi, University of Bologna, Italy Wheat genomics & its applicati ons (Opening keynote lecture) Peter Langridge, University of Adelaide, Australia Session 1. BRIDGING DURUM AND BREAD WHEAT SCIENCE Wheat physiology in a changing climate Matt hew Reynolds, CIMMYT, El Batan, Mexico Genomics platf orms for durum wheat genomics Jorge Dubcovsky, UC Davis, USA Ph1 gene of wheat and its applicati on in durum improvement Kulvinder Gill, Washington State University, USA Improving the health value of durum wheat Domenico Lafi andra, University of Tuscia, Italy Session 2. IMPROVING DURUM PRODUCTIVITY Wheat wild relati ves and their use for the improvement of culti vated wheat Tzion Fahima, University of Haifa, Israel Mapping and cloning valuable QTLs in durum wheat Roberto Tuberosa, University of Bologna, Italy Chromosome engineering: its current potenti al to capitalize on alien traits for sustainable improvement of durum wheat producti on Carla Ceoloni, University of Viterbo, Italy Marker-assisted breeding in durum wheat: progress and perspecti ves Curti s Pozniak, University of Saskatchewan, Canada NEXT FROM SEED TO PASTA & BEYOND A Sustainable Durum Wheat Chain for Food Security and Healthy Lives Improving Fusarium head blight resistance in durum wheat - challenges and chances Hermann Buerstmayr, IFA, Austria Improving Canadian durum wheat quality: geneti c enhancement and science- based grade standards Bin Xiao Fu, Canadian Grain Commission, Canada Phenotyping for sink-source relati onships in wheat Jose L. Araus, University of Barcelona, Spain Adaptati on to climate change: challenges and opportuniti es Luigi Catti velli, CRA, Italy Session 3. MANAGING A SUSTAINABLE DURUM PRODUCTION FOR FOOD SECURITY Durum wheat breeding for the Food Security in the WANA region Michael Baum, ICARDA, Amman, Jordan Environmental and geneti c factors aff ecti ng yield formati on in wheat Conxita Royo, IRTA, Lleida, Spain Addressing spati al-temporal variability in durum wheat culti vati on for improving resource-use effi ciency and sustainability Francesco Morari, University of Padua, Italy Session 4. HEALTHIER DURUM FOR HEALTH LIFE Towards a healthier pasta Mike Sissons, University of New England, Australia Novel foods as an alternati ve to a gluten-free diet Mauro Rossi, CNR, Italy Session 5.1. INNOVATION IN QUALITY AND NUTRITIONAL-ASPECTS OF PASTA Durum Wheat and Pasta market: price evoluti on, volati lity issues and perspecti ves Enrica Genti le, Mauro Bruni- Aretè, Bologna, italy Innovati on in pasta producti on Andrea Cardinali, Rusti chella d’Abruzzo S.p.A., Italy Nutraceuti cal properti es of fermented wheat and its use in pasta producti on Vincenzo Longo, CNR, Italy PREW NEXT FROM SEED TO PASTA & BEYOND A Sustainable Durum Wheat Chain for Food Security and Healthy Lives Geneti c basis of quality traits Agata Gadaleta, University of Bari, Italy Metabolomics in durum wheat: what else? Romina Beleggia, CRA, Italy From seed to pasta: increasing the potenti al nutriti onal value of pasta through innovati ve technological processes Roberto Ciccoritti , CRA, Italy NANOENCAPSulati on of SC-CO2 extracted wheat bran oil by α-Cyclodextrins: A stability study Giovanni Mita, CNR, Italy Geneti c architecture of kernels quality traits in an evoluti onary prebreeding populati on of durum wheat Jacques David, INRA, France GWAS and candidate genes for arabinoxylan in wheat Ilaria Marcotuli, University of Bari, Italy Quanti tati ve trait loci mapping and correlati on analysis on grain multi ple nutriti on contents in durum wheat × wild emmer wheat RIL populati on Jun Yan, University of Chengdu, China Improvement of durum quality and creati on of new allelic variati on for glutenin in EMS—mutant durum wheat populati on Mustapha Labhilili, University of Rabat, Morocco Session 5.2. INTEGRATED BREEDING APPROACHES An SNP-based consensus map for characterizing and exploiti ng geneti c diversity in durum wheat Marco Maccaferri, University of Bologna, Italy Genomics-based approaches for mapping agronomic traits in durum wheat: from consensus regions to candidate genes Anna Mastrangelo, CRA, Italy Development of geneti c and genomic resources for target breeding in durum wheat Steven Xu, USDA/ARS, USA Breeding for sustainable durum wheat producti on Filippo Bassi, ICARDA, Morocco Hybrid breeding in durum: what can we learn from bread wheat? Friedrich Longin, University of Hohenhein, Germany PREW NEXT FROM SEED TO PASTA & BEYOND A Sustainable Durum Wheat Chain for Food Security and Healthy Lives Single Seed Descent (SSD) as a tool to exploit the natural diversity to increase durum wheat sustainability and its adaptati on to climate changes Michela Janni, CNR, Italy Unexplored diversity may bring bett er traits in durum wheat: a genome wide associati on study on Ethiopian landraces material Matt eo Dell’Acqua, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Italy Geneti c diversity in a diverse winter durum wheat (Triti cum durum) panel Alisa-Naomi Sieber, University of Hohenhein, Germany New resistance genes for leaf rust and powdery mildew derived from T. turgidum ssp. Dicoccum Francesca Desiderio, CRA, Italy QTL mapping and candidate genes for Fusarium Head Blight resistance in durum wheat Angelica Giancaspro, University of Bari, Italy Mapping yeld and yeld-component QTL in a durum wheat multi -parental cross populati on Sara Millner, University of Bologna, Italy Exploiti ng the geneti c variability of TdDRF1 gene: a novel functi onal marker associated with yield in drought conditi ons Patrizia Galeffi , ENEA, Italy Session 6.1. FROM FIELD MANAGEMENT TO QUALITY Challenges and opportuniti es for sustainable producti on of durum wheat in the Mediterranean basin to harvesti ng Pierluigi Meriggi, Horta s.r.l., Italy Pasta quality faces the EU’s sustainable agriculture challenge Marie Helen Morel, INRA, France Mycotoxins in durum wheat and strategies for their reducti on Antonio Logrieco, CNR, Italy Relati onship between grain protein content, grain yield and Nitrogen Use Effi ciency assessed in Tunisian durum wheat genotypes Sawsen Ayadi, INAT, Tunisia Distributi on, survival and growths rate of Pyrenophora triti ci repenti s on durum wheat under conservati on agriculture and conventi onal ti llage in Tunisia Manel Othmeni, INAT, Tunisia PREW NEXT FROM SEED TO PASTA & BEYOND A Sustainable Durum Wheat Chain for Food Security and Healthy Lives Reduced nitrogen ferti lizati on eff ects on grain characteristi cs and end-use quality in eight durum wheat culti vars Jean-Claude Dusautoir, INRA, France The phenotypic architecture of tetraploid wheat (Triti cum turgidum L.): eff ects of domesti cati on and post-domesti cati on under contrasti ng nitrogen ferti lisati on Tania Gioia, Insti tute of Biosciences and Geosciences, Germany Comparati ve response of yield, yield components and physiological traits in durum wheat under contrasti ng water irrigati on Zoubeir Chamekh, INAT, Tunisia Session 6.2. DURUM WHEAT “OMICS” New approaches to deal with complex genomes sequencing: the case of durum wheat Sergio Lucretti , ENEA, Italy Integrated durum breeding for water stress tolerance in Australia: The potenti al of miRNAomics Jason Able, University of Adelaide, Australia RNA sequencing in wild emmer and durum wheats in response to shock stress Hikmet Budak, Sabanci University, Turkey Sequence-based geneti c map using durum wheat × wild emmer wheat populati on Assaf Distelfeld, University of Tel Aviv, Israel Genotyping by Targeted Sequence Capture in durum wheat: applicati on to detect QTL for wheat spindle streak mosaic Virus Resistance Yan Holtz, INRA, Italy Novel and conserved miRNAs involved in plant development and nitrogen metabolism in durum wheat Gabriella Sonnante, CNR, Italy Wild emmer wheat natural populati ons display high sequence conservati on of the broad spectrum stripe rust resistance gene Yr36 (WKS1) Tamar Kis-Papo, University of Haifa, Israel Identi fi cati on of a novel domesti cati on locus on wheat chromosome 4B controlling uniformity of grain dimensions and germinati on Moran Nave, University of Tel Aviv, Israel PREW FROM SEED TO PASTA & BEYOND A Sustainable Durum Wheat Chain for Food Security and Healthy Lives DURUM WHEAT BREEDING: AN HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE Antonio Blanco and Enrico Porceddu Durum wheat is widely culti vated in the Mediterranean Basin and north Africa, and in various regions of the world including Canada, USA, Mexico, Russia and India. With about 17 million hectares under culti vati on, the world annual grain yield exceeds 35 million tons with wide variati on caused mainly by drought and heat stresses. Although the intense breeding acti vity conducted over the last century had led to the constant release of leading culti vars, durum grain yield per hectare is lower than bread wheat. The ability of durum breeders to use existi ng geneti c variati on and to identi fy agronomically important genes will open new approaches for improving quanti ty and quality of durum wheat. The recent advances and integrati on of molecular markers, plant genomics and biotechnology with classical breeding methodology has provided the basis for molecular durum breeding. Cereal genomics and technologies advances for genome-wide analysis are contributi ng to the accelerati on of gene discovery and implementati on in practi cal durum breeding programs. The objecti ve of this arti cle is to briefl y review historical development of durum breeding and factors infl uencing the applicati ons of molecular plant breeding in durum improvement programs.
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