WART. 970 WEAF. 660 1 770 WPAT... 930 WABC.8801WEVD 1330 I WLIB..1190 I WQXR. 1560 WBBR 1330 WHNN. 1050 WMCA. 570 WWRL. 1600 RADIO TODAY WBNX 1380 WHOM 1480 WNEW 1130 WOV... 1280 WBYN 1420 WINS. 1000 WNYC. 830 WOR.... 710 SATURDAY, AUGUST 22, 1942' Treasury Star Parade-WJZ, 10:15-10:30 A. M.; WINS, WBNX, 12:45-1; NEWS BROADCASTS WEVD, 3:30-3:45; WLIB, 4-4:15; WINS, 7-7:15; WHOM, 11-11:15. Every hour on the hour United States Marine Band Concert-WEAF, 2:30-3. from 8 A. M. through 11 P. M. Racing: Saratoga Handicap, at Saratoga Track-WABC, 4:30-5. except at 7 P. M. and. 10 P. M. Racing: Meadowland Handicap, Washington Park-WEAF, 6;6:15. on Sundays People's Platform: "The Future of India," Krishnalal Shridharani,NEW YORK TIMES news bulletins S. K. Radcliffe, Tirunagari A. Raman, S. A. Latif-WABC, 7-7:30. over WMCA-570 A. E. F. Members, Speaking to Families, From London-WOR, 8-8:30. Morning Variety Show, With Dinah Shore, George Murphy{ Others-WABC, 8-8:30 6:00-WIN 8:45-WOR, WJZ, Marion Claire, Soprano; Concert Orchestra; Chorus-WOR, 9-10. 6:30-WEAF,WOR, WNYC WNEW. S:55-WQXR Symphony Orchestra, Gregor Fittelberg, Conductor-WJZ, 9-9:45. 6:555-WABC 9:00-WABC, WMCA 7:00-WEAF. WOR, 9:15-WEVD Jessica, Dragonette, Soprano; Bill Perry, Tenor-WABC, 9:45-10:15. WNYC1 WEVD 9:30-WOK, WHEW "Labor For Victory," Rear Admiral Emory S. Land, Chairman Mari- 7:05-WQXR 9:45-WHI 7:15-WMCA, WENI 9:55-WQXR time Commission; John P. Frey of A. F. of L.-WEAF, 10:15-10:30. 7:30-WEAF, WNEW 10:00-WMCA "Pay As You Go Taxation," Beardsley Ruml-WABC, 10:15-10:30. 7:45-WJZ, *ABC I10:S9-WNEW 7 :775-WQXR 10 :55-WQXR 8:00-.00WOR, 111:00-WOR, WABC. Where there Is no listing for a station, its preceding program is on the air WJZ. WABC, WMCA. WNYC WNYC. WMCA WNEW 8:30-WEAF, WMCA,11464-WQXR MORNING WEN, WNEW Afternoon A.SO-WOR-Music; Farmers Digest WHN-Front Page Drama 12:00-WEAF, WMCA, WABC-Revelie Sweetheart, Music WEVD-News Reports 3:30-WJZ, WNEW 9:00-WEN-Radio Newsreel 12 20-WHN 3:45-WNYC, WEVD 6:30-WEAF-Farm News-Charles Wooster9:30-WOR-News Reports 12:25-WJZ 3:55-WQXR WOR-News; Farmers Digest WABC-Garden Talk 12:30-WOR, WNEW 4:00-WMCA WABC-Hugh Conover-Talk, Music WHN-Recorded Music 12:55-WQXR 4:25-WABC WNEW-News; Recorded Music WNEW-News; Hillbilly Music 1;00-WMCA 4:30-WNEW WEVD-Scandinavian Echoes 1:30-WOR, WNEW 4:55-WJZ, WQXR 6:45-WMCA-Early Bird Music WQXR-Concert Music 1:45-WEAF 5:00-WMCA 6:55-WABC-News; Hugh Conover, Music9:45-WOR-Claire Wilson, Comments 1:55-WQXR 5:15-WHN 7:00-WEAF-News; Pat Barnes Music WHN-News Reports 2:00-WABC, WMCA,5:25-WQXR WOR-News; Musical Clock 9:55-WQXR-News; Concert Music WNYC 5:30-WMCA, WNEW W37-Variety Musicale 2:30-WJZ. WNEW 5:45-WEAF, WEN 10:00-WEA;=.-U. S. Navy Band 2:55-WQXR WNYC-News; Sunrise Symphony WOR-Rainbow House, Variety WHN-Sam Kaye Records WJZ-Andrini Continentales, Music Evening WEVD-News Reports WABC-Youth on Parade 6:00-WJZ, WABC, 9:55-WQXR 7:05-WQXR-News; Breakfast Symphony WMCA-N. Y. Times News Bulletins WMCA 10:00-WOR, WMCA 7:15-WMCA-News; Recorded Music WNYC-Take the Tunnel-Talk 6:15-WEAF 10:3D-WMCA, WNEW WEN-News Reports WHN-Recorded Music 6:25-WQXR 10:45-WMCA 7:30-WEAF-News-Don Goddard WNEW-Make Believe Ballroom 6:30-WOR, WHN, 10:50-WQXR WHN-Bob Byron, Songs WEVD-Italian Variety Show WNEW 11:00-WEAF. WJZ, WNEW-News; Recorded Music 6:45-WJZ, WABC. WOR. WABC, WEVD-Morning Melodies 10:03-MICA-Recorded Music WNYC WMCA. WEN' 7:45-WEAF-Let's Fight-Talk; Music 10:15-WJZ-Treasury Star Parade 7 :00-WMCA 11:30-WNEW WJZ-News Reports WNYC-Gramercy Chamber Trio 12:0D-WEAF, WJZ, WABC-News-John Allen Wolf 10:30-WEAF-String Serenade 7:30-WOR, WMCA, WABC, WMCA, 7:55-WQXR-News; Music WOR-Variety Music WNEW WQXR 8:00-WEAF, WJZ-News Reports WJZ-Billy Moore Trio 7:43-WEAF. WEN12:3D-WNEW, WOR WOR-News; Music WABC-Hillbilly Champions 8:00-WJZ. WMCA,12:55-WEAF, WMCA, WABC-News; Variety Program WMCA-Church Talk; Music 3:30-WNEW WEN WMCA-N. Y. Times News Bulletins WHN-John Prentiss Variety Show 8:55-WABC 1:00-WJZ. WABC WNYC-News Review WNEW-News; Recorded Music 9:00-WMCA I :SD-WHN WHN-Kitchen Kapers-Variety WQXR-Talk; Music 9:30-WNEW 2:00-WOR WEVD-Saturday Symphony 10 ;45-WEAF-Arthur Hinette, Organ 9:45-WJZ 3;O3-WMCA-Recorded Music WOR-Beauty-Richard Willis 8:05-WEAF-Studio X -Variety WJZ-Ruth Lowe. Composer BY SHORT WAVE 8:15-WJZ-Recorded Music WNYC-You Can't Do Business With MICA-Unity Viewpoints-Talk Hitler-Sketch Time, Eastern War-Megacycles WNYC-Gramercy Chamber Trio 10:55-WQXR-News; Concert Memoirs LONDON 8:30-WEAF-News; Music 11:00-WEAF-The, Creightons-Sketch 5:45, 6:45. 9:00 P. M.-9.5S, 11.75 WOR-Happy Jim Parsons WOR-News; BBC News 10:45, 11:00 P. IT.; 12:30 A. M.-6.11, 9.53 WJZ-Jim Robertson, Songs WJZ-Maupin Orchestra MOSCOW WABC-Missus Goes A-Shopping WABC-News; Male Quartet WMCA-News Report WMCA-N. Y. Times News Bulletins 7:00 P: M.-9.56, 15.18 and 12.28 WEN-News; Recorded Music 12:00 P. M.-9.56 WNEW-News; Recorded Music WNYC-News: City Guide FROM ENEMY SOURCES 8:43-WOR-News; Music WEVD-Italian Labor Talk WJZ-News; Miniature Quiz 11:03-WMCA-Children's Parade BERLIN WABC-Talk; Adelaide Hawley 11:15-WABC-Milton Bacon, Stories 3:15 and 4:30 A. M.-9.57 WMCA-Christian Science Lecture WNYC-Defense Talk 7:30 A. M.-15.28, 17.76 WNYC-News; City Guide WEVD-Melodic Gems .8:30 A. M.-15.11, 15.20 8:55-WQXR-News; Morning Musicale 11:30-WEAF-Arden Orchestra; Chorus 7:00, 8:00. 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00 P. M. 9:00-WEAF-Garry Moore Variety Show WOR-U. S. Army Band and 1:00 A. M.-6.03, 9.57, 10.54, 11.75 WOR-Dear Imogene. Talk WJZ-LittleBluePlayhouse:The ROME WABC-News; Deutsch Orchestra World at My Fingertips WMCA-N. Y. Times News Bulletins WABC-Let's Pretend-Sketch 11:40 A. M.-9.63 and 11.81 WNYC-Masterwork Hour WNYC-Employment Service-Talk 1:00, 3:00. 6.20 and 10:00 P. M.-9-63, WNEW-Zeke Manners Hillbillies WHN-News: Recorded Music 11.51. 17.52. 1.53 9:03-WMCA-Recorded Music. WNEW-News; Recorded Music 9:15-WOR-Ready Made Families-Geor'ke WEVD-News Reports 11:45-Wt'N-YC-Health Talk Hastings WQXR-Symphonic Music 11:55-WQXR-News Reports AFTERNOON 12:00-WEAx'-News; Consumer Time WABC-Adventures in SeleneDr. 'VNEW-News: Recorded Music WOR-Army-Navy House Party W. F. G. Swann WEVD-Treasury Star Parade WJZ-The Berries, Songs WMCA-Piano Lessons 3:45-7VMCA-Recorded Music WABC-Theatre of Today, With Alan WNYC-Metropolitan Revue WNYC-News; Defense Talk Bunce, Donna Reads WNEW-News ;Recorded Music WVEVD-Nears Reports WMCA-N. Y. Times News Bulletins WEVD-Jewish Music 3;55-WQXR-News; Symphony Music WNYC-Music at Work 1:45-WEAF-News Reports 4:00-WEAF-Pan-American Holiday WHN-News; Popular Music WABC-The Symphonettes, Songs WJZ-Club Matinee-Variety WNEW-Frank Froeba, Piano WMCA-Studio Music WABC-Music From Hawaii WEVD-News in Jewish 1:55-WQXR-News; Chamber Music WMCA-N. Y. Times News Bulletins WQXR-Recorded Interviews With 2:00-WEAF-Variety Music WNYC-Negro Melody Singers Soldiers at Fort Knox, Ky. WOR-Wald Orchestra WEVD-Opera Excerpts 12:03-WMCA-Recorded Music WJZ-Lavalle Orchestra 4:03-WMCA-Jack Eigen-Talk: Music 12:15-WJZ-Herman and Banta. Music WABC-News Reports 4:25-WABC-News Reports WNEW-Instrumental Quintet WMCA-N. Y. Times News Bulletins WEVD-Jewish Melodies WNYC-News: Opera Matinee 4:30-WEAF-Kalash Orchestra WQXR-Midday Music WEVD-Concert Favorites WABC-Racing: Saratoga Handicap, 12:20-WHN-Henry Gladstone, comments 2:03-WMCA-Recorded Music at Saratoga Track 12:25-WJZ-News; Farmer's Union Program2:05-WABC-Of Men and Books-Prof. J. WNYC-P. A. L. Children's Program 12:30-WEAF-Golden Melodies T. Frederick: Muriel Rukeyser WNEW-News: Recorded Music WOR-News; Davis Orchestra 2:15-WEAF-Homemakers Part in the War WEVD-Almanac of the Air: Music WABC-Play-The House of a Thou- Effort-Sketch 4:55-WJZ-News: Ayres Orchestra sand Mirrors, With Virgins Weidler WHN-Baseball Preview WQXR-News; Latin-American Music WHN-Kitchen Kapers-Variety 2:25-WOR-Baseball: Yankees-Washington 5:00-WEAF-Concert Orchestra WNEW-News; Hollywood-Bill Berns2:S0-WEAF-U. S. Marine Band WOR-Jimmy Dorsey Orchestra I2:45-WNEW-Dinah Shore Records WJZ-News; Children's Stories WABC-Jurgens Orchestra 12:55-WQXR-News: Luncheon Music WABC-Brush Creek Follies WMCA-N. Y. Times News Bulletins 1:00-WEAF-Galllcchio Orchestra WHN-Baseball: Dodger-Giants WNYC-Sigma Alpha Iota Musicale WOR-Legion of Friends-Lee Mason WNEW-News; Recorded Music WHN-Sports Resume WJZ-Lopez Orchestra WQXR-Concert Music WEVD-Gllda Mignonette, Songs WABC-Country Jour=al 2:45-WJZ-Southernaires Quartet 5:05-WMCA-Recorded Music WMCA-N.
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