1 Statement 2017 Position Market www.bolton.gov.uk About the Strategic Key Quality and Growing Demand Current Workforce Commissioning Providers who Fit for the Healthwatch Co-design How we use Appendices statement direction messages in performance needs market intentions we want to future our resources the statement work with statement About the 1. About the statement direction Strategic A market position statement (MPS) sets out to identify what the care and support market looks like. It provides strategic information for providers to inform their business plans and we expect any health and social provider working within the the statement messages in Key Borough to have read this and understand how their organisation fits in the local market. Therefore the MPS is a good starting point for discussions between the Council, Bolton CCG, local providers and other commissioning organisations. performance Quality and It contains information about: This is Bolton’s latest version of Market Position Statement. We know there are areas which will need needs Growing • What Bolton looks like in terms of current and future further work to improve the information we hold. It is our demography and service provision intention to continue to work collaboratively with partner organisations and engage with service users, carers, • The Council’s / CCG’s commissioning intentions providers and commissioning organisations to improve Demand our intelligence and data so we can help you with your • The Council’s / CCG’s vision for how services might business planning in future years. In these cases we respond to the changing needs for care and support have outlined what work we are currently undertaking to in the future improve our knowledge of the local market. market Current Workforce 2. Strategic Direction intentions Commissioning At a time of growing health and care need and fiscal challenge, a radical change is needed in the way health and care services are planned and delivered to ensure to the provision of high quality, safe, accessible and cost efficient care to those who work with we want to who Providers need it. Over the next five years health and care partners in By 2021/22, we want to: Bolton are working together to shift away from a model future Fit for the of care predicated on illness to one of prevention and • Help people to live healthy lives and empower early intervention that supports everyone in Bolton to communities to support themselves stay healthier and independent for longer. • Prioritise early intervention, offering screening and Healthwatch Key partners: support to prevent illness . • Bolton Council • Focus extra help and support to stay healthy and Co-design • Bolton Community and Voluntary Services (CVS) independent for those who have the greatest need • Bolton Healthwatch • Bolton NHS Foundation Trust • Provide joined up care for those most at risk • Bolton Together of hospital or care home admission, with more our resources How we use • Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation complex needs supported in the home or Trust (GMMH) community setting • NHS Bolton Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) • For those people who need hospital care, ensure Appendices Our vision and delivery plan for this new model of care the right people, and right capacity are in place to is set out in the Bolton 5 Year Locality Plan, which has ensure high quality acute care. been developed and supported by key stakeholders in the borough. 2 statement About the direction Strategic the statement messages in Key performance Quality and needs Growing Demand market Current Workforce intentions Commissioning work with we want to who Providers To achieve this, Bolton Council and Bolton CCG • In order to further promote independence we will: will work with our partners to increase the use of future Fit for the Technology Enabled Care significantly where this is • Work with the market to develop early intervention safe and appropriate and prevention support that helps demand management and to reduce harm, prevent, reduce • Only work with providers who can clearly Healthwatch or delay needs from escalating and avoid care home demonstrate a commitment to delivering high and hospital admissions quality care and who place dignity, compassion and respect at the heart of their service • Focus on commissioning high quality services which Co-design deliver value for money • Work with providers to build capacity in existing services where gaps are identified • Co-design services with partners, staff and service our resources How we use users to ensure health and care services are fit for • Support providers where appropriate to meet the purpose and provide positive user experience standards required • Commission a care market that offers the service Delivery of these plans will be facilitated by the Appendices user choice in how, where and from whom they development of a Local Care Organisation (LCO) which receive their care and support will bring the majority of adult community health and care services under a single organisational form. This • Support independence, self-care and community new integrated provider model (which will be supported asset based models so that people avoid expensive by new forms of contracting and commissioning) will specialist, residential care and acute health services deliver place-based care at scale, focused on delivering for as long as possible population health and wellbeing. 3 statement About the Bolton is in a strong position to reform the local health By these themes we mean: and care system by capitalising on the opportunities and support provided by health and social care devolution • Giving our children the best possible start in life, so direction Strategic in Greater Manchester. On 1st April 2016, the Greater that they have every chance to succeed and be happy Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership took charge of the £6bn health and social care budget for the • Improving the health and wellbeing of our residents, region from central government. The shared vision across so that they can live healthy, fulfilling lives for longer the statement messages in Key all health and care organisations in Greater Manchester is to deliver the greatest and faster improvement to • Supporting older people in Bolton to stay healthier health and wellbeing for the 2.8m residents of the region. for longer, and to feel more connected with their “Taking Charge” is a five year strategic plan supported communities performance Quality and by all health and social care organisations in the region which sets out the plans for achieving this vision. The • Attracting business and investment to the borough, Bolton Locality Plan is aligned to this strategy and matching our workforce’s skills with modern contributes towards its delivery. opportunities and employment needs Growing As part of the devolution agreement, a £450m • Protecting and improving our environment, so that Transformation Fund was established to support health more people enjoy it, care for it and are active in it Demand and care reform across Greater Manchester. Health and care partners in Bolton have received £28.8m from this • Developing stronger cohesive, more confident fund to support delivery of our Locality Plan. communities in which people feel safe, welcome and connected market Current The Council and CCG are committed to stimulating a diverse engaged health and care market to deliver our These can be summarised in our ‘Active, Connected, ambitious plans at this exciting time. We are keen to Prosperous’ themes. work in partnership with providers of all forms and sizes Workforce who are motivated and committed to our vision for high The Care Act 2014 made significant changes to the quality and innovative care and providing real choice for shape of adult social care delivery including fundamental the people of Bolton. reform to place a stronger emphasis on prevention, intentions Commissioning information and market shaping. Councils have a duty to Bolton 2030 Vision provide information and advice relating to care; it gives By 2030 we want Bolton to be a vibrant place built on carers the right to be assessed and access support strong cohesive communities, successful businesses and where eligible (in addition to support for the people for work with we want to who Providers healthy, engaged residents. It will be a welcoming place whom they care); and includes measures to ensure the where people choose to study, work, invest and put ‘portability’ of care provision for people who move from down roots. one area to another. future Fit for the The vision outlines a set of principles and themes. For The changes meant the Council now has to ensure Bolton as a place we want it to be Prosperous, Clean that citizens: and Green, and Strong and Distinctive. For the people Healthwatch of Bolton we want them to be Starting Well in life; Living • receive services that prevent their care needs Well and Ageing Well. becoming more serious • have access to information they need to make Co-design informed decisions • have a good range of providers in an overarching framework for care and support focusing on their our resources How we use wellbeing Appendices 4 statement About the 3. Key Messages in the statement direction Strategic It is expected that there will be an increase in the • Positive activities for vulnerable people number of: • Services to support carers such as respite the statement messages in Key • Older people with multiple care and support needs, including a sustained increase in those with dementia • An upscaling of Shared Lives provision for people with mental health and learning disabilities using the • People living with one or more long term health opportunities of a successful bid to NHS England and performance Quality and conditions Shared Lives Plus. • Young people and adults with mental health problems The supply of care and support services in Bolton is a mix of local authority, NHS providers, voluntary sector needs Growing • People with learning disabilities and autism with and the independent sector.
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