TASTING Heatherheather Moors and LOCALLOCAL LLAMBAMB & BBEEFEEF Tranquiltranquil fieldsfields Ofof This Area.Area

TASTING Heatherheather Moors and LOCALLOCAL LLAMBAMB & BBEEFEEF Tranquiltranquil fieldsfields Ofof This Area.Area

YouY will frequently be DISTINCTIVE greetedgreeted by sheep and lambslambs amongst thethe TASTING heatherheather moors and LOCALLOCAL LLAMBAMB & BBEEFEEF tranquiltranquil fieldsfields ofof this areaarea.. The wildflower rich meadowsdows and heheather that form such a large part of the diet ofo these hardy animals gives their meat a wonderfulo taste. Shorthorn cattle, a traditionaldidit breed which has evolved in this region over the lastt two centuries, provides beef of a You only quality that is second too none. The marbling makes the meat distinctively flavoursome.somom Other beef breeds reared locally EAT THE VIEW neneeded ttoo lolookok include Hereford, BeBelted Galloway and Aberdeen Angus. around to see that farming is still very much part of this landscape. Rearing livestock continues to shape the North Pennines Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty as it has for hundreds of years. The two main industries - mining and farming - have historically shaped the local cultural and physical landscape. In the days when mining was still active, it was common for the workers to supplement their sustenance with agricultural activities. The vast swathes of beautiful countryside are still punctuated with small farm buildings now inhabited by a new generationtionion of farmers pproducing excellent food.food. For a hunter-gatherer WILDLY DELICIOUS experience, why not try foragingg WHERE TO STAY and campfire cookingcooking at various GO DOWFOLDDOWFOLD HHOUSEOUSE locationslocations on thisthis trail.trail. WeardaleWearddale wwasaas aatt ththee heheartaart ofo tthehee PPrincerince BBiBishopshhopp ooff LowLow Jobs Hill,Hill, CrookCrook DL15 9AB9AB Durham’sDDurham’s’s huntinghuntiingn ggroundround ffrfromom tthehhe tthirteenthhih rtteentth cecentury.ntury. GoGo to www.thisisdurham.com & t: 01388 762473 e: info@dowfoldhouse.co.ukinfo@dowfoldhouse.co.uk ThThee vivvillageslllaga es ooff EaEastgatesttgag te aandndn WestgateWestggate formedformr ed thethe www.explorenorthpennines.org.ukwww.explorenorthpennines.org.uk boundariesbounddariies ofof thisthiss vastvast huntinghuh ntn inng forest.fof reestt. TheThT e areaareea aalsolsso WILD and look out for scheduled events A multimulti award-winningaward-winning B&B, passionate aaboutbout usinusingg bebbearsarrs ststoriestoories of boarboar huntinghuh nting stretchingsts reetchingg backbaca k to RRomanommaan and activity companies offeringoffering the finest produce, including eggs, delicious sausages andn times.titimes. tthesehese exexperiences.periences. bacon from local farms. Jams, marmalades and compôteses areararee homemade,homemade, often using fruit from the garden.garden. HuntingHuH ntinng andand shootingshhoootit ng continuesconntinueses acrossacross ththee NoNNorthrth PenninesPennnninnees withwith pheasantpheasant aandnnd vvenisonennisonn onon thethhe menu.meenun . It is hhoweveroweve er pperhapserrhah pss forfor thethehe iconicicoconinic redred grousegrg oouse tthathat ththishisi DALEDALE ENDEND B&BB&B plpplaceaca e iss bestbesest known,known, withwith itsits asaassociatedsoocic atedd managementmanaaggeme ene t HamsterleyHamsterley DL13 3PT of hheathereathher mmoorlandooorlr and ththathata ccontributesonntributes muchmuch too thethe t: 01388 488091 e: marmargaret@dale-end.co.ukgaret@dale-end.co.uk apapparentppap rentt wwildnessilldness of thethe area.area.a A large stone built bungalow, situated in a quiet cul-de-sacc inin the lovellovelyy villavillagege of HamsterleHamsterley.y. LoLookok ooututt ffororr ssomeome off thethe bestbeest gamegagamme aandnd venisonvennissoon meatsmeaatst in ttheheh aautumnutummn aanandd wwiwinter.ntter. A 4-star, Tripadvisor award-winning accommodationiooonn ini theththe quietquie village of Hamsterley. Breakfast eggs are fromm ttheirheireirr nneighbour’seighbour’sg chickens, bacon and sausages from a localocaal farm,farm, aandnd the bread is freshlyfreshly made at home. INSPIRING PRODUCERS LOWLOW CORNRIGGSCORNRIGGS FARMFARM HAVE LowLow CornriggsCornriggs Farmhouse, CowshillCowshill DL13 1AQ1AQ TuckedTucked awaawayy in tthehe ddalesales andand in thethe surroundingsurrounding area, therethere t: 0013881388 537600 e: cornriggsfarm@btconnect.comcornriggsfarm@btconnect.com are some award-winninaward-winningg food businesses and producers YYouou can trace much of the local pproduceroduce served here at the A FISHY.. who are passionate about what they do. You will fifindnd some ddoorstepoorstep at tthishis mumulti-awardlti-award winning B&B. TTheirheir pies are excellent meats and pies fromfrom the local butchers and ffarmarm frofromm their own Hereford cattle and lamb and ask for the GameGame and venisonvenison are not the onlyonly wild food shops on the trail. Don’t forget to try the ever -popularpular rrecipeecipe ooff their award-winning marmalade. caughtcaught in this area.area. Wild salmon, sea andand WearWeardaledale bbeerseers wwhichhich are bbrewedrewed at tthehe Hare anandd HoHoundsunds ppubub in WestWestgate.gate. brownbrown trout are tot bebe foundfound in thethe RiverRiver HILLHILL HOUSEHOUSE EASTEAST COUNTRYCOUNTRY Wear. The river itdis rated as one of fthbt the best BBEBEDED & BREAKFASTBREAKFAST fishing waters in England. WestgateWestgate in Weardale DL13 1NU1NU t: 01388 517145 e: eenquiries@hillhouseeast.co.uknquiries@i i hilillhlhouseeast.co.uk The stunning Derwent Reservoir is a managed fishery. ItIt DID YOU KNOW THAT …? offersoffers fantastic stocked rainbow and wild brown trout fishing.fishing. IIdealdeal for WainwriWainwrightght Pennine JourneJourneyy walkers as the B&B is If youyou are new to fishing,fishing, we recommend that youyou have a gogo at England’sEngland’s oldestoldest agriculturalagricultural showshow was heldheld in nnextext to the path forfor the walk. IfIf their local produce breakbreakfastfast their ‘Try to fish days’ - ideal for beginners!nners! WolsinghamWolsingham (which(which is still held today)today) in 1763. St John’sJohn’s iiss not enouenough,gh, ddineine in anandd trtryy ttheirheir speciaspeciall countrcountryy evenineveningg ChapelChapel and Stanhope also boast excellent agriculturalagricultural supper.s If you are staying over,v there is nothinnothingng fifinerner than cookincookingg showsshows in AugustAugust anandd SSeptember.eptember. and eating your ownwn catch when you return to yyourour cottcottageage or caravan. A simplyly grilled trout servedservved with freshfresh herbs can The Weardale Tattie Pie availableav at The Old Weardale justjust bebe unbeatable.unbeatable. Tearoomroomom is a traditionalal sshowh treattr - well worth tryingng if youyoy u aree here at sshshowtime!ho Visit explorenorthpennines.org.ukp forfoor more information onon wherewhere to fish.fish. NEWLANDSNEWLANDS HALL Frosterley DL13 2SH t: 01388 525292339233 e: carol@newlandshall.co.ucarol@newlandshall.co.ukk CHATTERBOX CAFÉ BRADLEY BURN A friendly, comfortable farmhouse set in a quiet location, CameronCameron GordonGorddon - OwnerOwnerr SHOP & CAFE enjoying magnificent views of Weardale in the North ChrisChhris StephensonSttepe heennsonn - OwnerOwnerr Pennines. TheyThey are a regularregular Taste Durham Award holder rrecognisedecognised for their local produce breakfast. MarketMarket PPlace,lacee, St JJohn’sohn’ns ChChapel,apele , DLDL13L131 11QF QFQ t:: 0138801338888 5375365377535 6 w:w stjohnschapel.co.ukstjoho nsn chapa ell.c.co.uk WolsinghamWolsini ghg amm DL13DLL13 3JH 3JJHH PARKHEADPARKHEAD STATIONSTATION OpOpeningeeninng TiTimes:mees: EveryEvery daydayy 9am-5pm9am-5pm tt: 001388131 888 5529488299488 w:w: bbradleyburn.co.ukradlleybuurnn.cco.uk TellTeT llll usus aboutabouut ChChatterboxata teerbox CafeCafe OpOpeningpene inng TiTTimes:mees:s AAutumn/Winterutumu n/WiW nteer cclocks:lolocks: 99am-4pmam-44pmm StanhopeStanhope Moor, SStanhopetanhope DL13 2E2ESS t: 01388 526434 e: parkheadstation@aol.comparkheadstation@aol.com WeW areare a ssuper-friendlyupperr-ffrienndld y cacafefe in ththehe pippicturesquectuurese que vivillagelllaga e MoMonday-Saturday.ndday-SSattuurday.y CClosedlosed ono Sundays.Sundad yss. of StSt John’sJoJ hn’ss Chapel. WeChapep l.l We alsoalsoo hosthoost thetht e UpperUpU pep r WeardaleWeardale SpSpring/Summerringg/S/ umu mer clocks:cloocks: 9am-5pm9am-m 5pm everyeve erry daddayy A converted former Station Master’s house popular in the VisitorViV sitor InformationInformmattiion PointPoinnt to putputt youyou ‘in‘inn thethe know’know’w TellTell usus aboutabouut BradleyBradleey BurnBurn WWaskerleyaskerley area. Wake up to a Durham Dales breakfast here aboutaba ouo t thetht e bestbests rriversideivi erside wwalksala ks aandnd tthingshhings to dodo in thethee bebeforefore yyouou set off,off, oror enenjoyjoy aa locallocal produceproduce supper supper be beforefore OurOur familyfamilyy hashas bbeeneen fafarmingrming at BBradleyradley BBurnurn sisincence eveeventene t thatthhata tthehe sunsuun isn’tisnn’t shining.shinin ng. HereHeH rre yyouou wwillill finfindd ththehe rretiringetiring for the night.night. 1911939. 39. WeWe growgrrow ccrops,ropss, rerearar llivestockivvese toock aandnd llookook afafterftter bibbiggestgggesst andand bestbeb stst sconesscoonen s alongallono g withwitth WeardaleWeardrdale art andand ththehe bebeautifulautifuul llalandscape.ndscape. YouYou cancan staysttay hereheh re iinn ononee off crcraft,aft, aandndn bikebikke hihire. re. ouourur hoholidayliday coccottagestttagess oror in youryour ownowwn caravan,ccaraavann, yyououo ccanan LADYWELLLADYWELL HOUSE B&BB&B WhWhatatt iiss ththehe iniinspirationnspirraation behindbeb hinnd youryouur business?bbusiiness? eexexploreplp oro e thtthee fifiefieldsldlds on oourur ttrailrrail

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