St Barbara Lending Library List (updated 8.1.20) A A., Jim Recovery from Compulsive Eating Nonfiction a Kempis, Thomas Following of Christ Jesus a Kempis, Thomas The Imitation of Christ Prayer a Kempis, Thomas The Imitation of Mary Mary a Kempis, Thomas On the Passion of Christ Jesus Adams, A. Dana 4000 Questions anD Answers on the Bible Scripture Adams, Kathleen, MA Journal to the Self Nonfiction Adams, Scott GoD's Debris: A Thought Experiment Nonfiction AgreDa, Venerable Mary of The Divine Life of the Most Holy Virgin Mary/Rosary Ain, Beth Starring Jules (As Herself) ChilDren Aitken, Kenneth Proverbs Scripture Albright, JuDith M, Our LaDy of MeDjugorje Mary/Rosary Alban, Francis Fatima Priest Nonfiction Albom, Mitch The Five People You Meet in Heaven Fiction Alcorn, RanDy DeaDline Fiction Alcorn, RanDy The Treasure Principle Prayer Allen, James As a Man Thinketh Prayer/ Devotion Allen, John L. Jr The Future Church Church Allenbaugh, Kay Chocolate for a Woman's Heart Nonfiction Alpha, Veralyn A Heavenly Journey Fiction AlvareZ, Thomas, CD St. Teresa of Avila: A Spiritual ADventure Saints Amarnick, ClauDe, DO Don't Put Me in a Nursing Home Nonfiction Amen, Daniel G., MD Use Your Brain to Change Your Age Self Help American Bible Society GoD's WorD for the Family Scripture American ReD Cross Babysitter's Training HanDbook Nonfiction AMI Press "There Is Nothing More" Mary/Rosary AnDerson, BernharD W. UnDerstanDing the OlD Testament Scripture AnDerson, Neil The BonDage Breaker Nonfiction AnDerson, Neil The BonDage Breaker StuDy GuiDe Nonfiction AnDerson, Dr. Reggie Appointments with Heaven Nonfiction AnDerson, Rev. William In His Light Catechism AnDriacco, Dan Screen SaveD Nonfiction Ann, "a lay apostle" Climbing the Mountain Prayer Ann, "a lay apostle" Direction for Our Times Prayer Ann, "a lay apostle" In Defense of ObeDience anD Reflections on the PriesthooD Sacraments Apostoli, Fr. AnDrew CFR Walk Humbly with Your GoD Meditation Aprile, Dianne The Abbey of Gethsemani Merton Aquilina, Mike Angels of GoD: The Bible, the Church, anD the Heavenly Hosts Angels Aquilina, Mike The How to Book of Catholic Devotions Prayer Aquilina, Mike UnDerstanDing the Mass Sacraments Arintero, John G, OP Holiness Is Love Prayer Armstrong, Karen The Battle for GoD Nonfiction Armstrong, Karen A History of GoD Nonfiction Armstrong, Karen The Spiral Staircase Nonfiction Armstrong, Louise Kiss DaDDy GooD-night Nonfiction ArnolD, J. Heinrich FreeDom from Sinful Thoughts Prayer Arons, Marsha Teen Miracles ChilDren/Teens Arroyo, RaymonD Mother Angelica: Her GranD Silence Nonfiction Arroyo, RaymonD Mother Angelica: The Remarkable Story Nonfiction Arroyo, RaymonD The Prayers anD Personal Devotions of Mother Angelica Prayer Arterburn, Stephen (CompileD by) 5 Minute New Testament Prayer/MeDitation Arterburn, Stephen (CompileD by) Everyman's Battle : GuiDe to Winning War on Sexual Temptation Self Help Arterburn, Stephen (CompileD by) Every Woman's Desire Self Help Arterburn, Stephen Gentle Eating Self Help Arterburn, Stephen MiDDle Manual for Men Nonfiction Atkinson, Sue Climbing Out of Depression Self Help Austin, Jane MansfielD Park Fiction Austin, Miriam Meditation for Wimps Self Help Axline, Virginia M. Play Therapy: ChilD Growth anD Development Self Help Ayo, Nicholas CreeD As Symbol Catechism Azrin, Nathan Toilet Training in Less Than On Day Sef Help B Babik, Roger Call Against the Will Nonfiction Bacchiarella, Fr. J. (EDiteD by) Forty Dreams of St. John Bosco, Apostle of Youth Saints Bair, Janet . Devotions for Young ReaDers ChilDren/Teen Bakalar, Nick The WisDom of John Paul II Papal Writings Baker, Thomas Liturgy Committee Basics Church Ball, Ann Faces of Holiness: MoDern Saints Saints Ball, Ron Successful Family Ties Self Help Baltimore Catechism # 1 Catechism Baltimore Catechism # 2 Catechism Baltimore Catechism # 3 Catechism Bangley, BernarD Compiled & Edited by Nearer to the Heart of GoD Prayer/MeDitation Barclay, William The Gospel of Matthew Scripture Barclay, William The Gospel of Mark Scripture Barclay, William The Gospel of Luke Scripture Barclay, William The Gospel of John Scripture Barclay, William The Acts of the Apostles Scripture Barclay, William The Letters to the Corinthians Scripture Barclay, William The Letters to the Galatians anD Ephesians Scripture Barclay, William The Letter to the Hebrews Scripture Barclay, William The Letters of James anD Peter Scripture Barclay, William The Letters of John anD JuDe Scripture Barclay, William The Letters to Philippians, Colossians & Thessalonians Scripture Barclay, William The Letter to the Romans Scripture Barclay, William The Letters to Timothy, Titus & Philemon Scripture Barclay, William The Revelation of John Scripture Barkett, Sr. EliZabeth Ann, SJW Heroic Catholics of the Twentieth Century Nonfiction Barnes, Bob What Makes a Man Feel LoveD Self Hep Barnes, Emilie 15 Minutes Alone with GoD Prayer Barrett, C. K. The New Testament BackgrounD: SelecteD Documents Scripture Barron, Bishop Robert Lenten Gospel Reflection Scripture Barron, Bishop Robert Letter to a Suffering Church Church Barry, RicharD M. The ShepherDs' Prayer Fiction Barry, William SJ A FrienDship Like No Other: Experiencing GoD's Embrace Prayer Barry, William SJ ChangeD Heart, ChangeD WorlD Prayer Barry, William SJ FinDing GoD in All Things Prayer Barry, William SJ GoD's Passionate Desire anD Our Response Prayer Barry, William SJ Who Do You Say I Am?: Prayer Bartulica, Nicholas M.D. Medjugorje: Are the Seers Telling the Truth Mary Batterson, Mark The Circle Maker Prayer Baum, Gregory Compassion anD SoliDarity Church Beamer, Lisa Let's Roll Nonfiction Beattie, MeloDy CoDepenDent No More Nonfiction Beausay, William II The People Skills of Jesus Nonfiction Beauseigneur, James Acts of GoD: The Christ Clone Trilogy Book 3 Fiction Beauseigneur, James The Birth of an Age: The Christ Clone Trilogy Book 2 Fiction Beauseigneur, James In His Image: The Christ Clone Trilogy Book 1 Fiction Beckett, Sr. WenDy Sister WenDy on Prayer Prayer Beisser, Deanna It's Time to Make a Change Nonfiction Bellito, Christopher Lost & FounD Catholics: Voices of Vatican II Church Benenate, Becky & Joseph Durepos (EDiteD by) Mother Teresa: No Greater Love Saints Bennett, RoD Four Witnesses: The Early Church Church Bergman, Alair Laree My Best FrienD GolDie Nonfiction Bergman, Susan Martyrs Saints BernaDin, CarDinal Joseph The Gift of Peace Prayer Bernall, Misty She saiD "YES" Nonfiction Bernier, Paul, SSS Eucharist: Celebrating Its Rhythms in our Lives Sacraments Besteman, Marvin J. My Journey to Heaven Nonfiction Bethke, Bruce Rebel Moon Fiction Bianco, Frank Lives of the Trappists ToDay Merton Better Homes & GarDens Making a Home Nonfiction Bible WorlD AmaZing Bible Mysteries Bible WorlD Collection Bible WorlD The Bible Story Begins Bible WorlD Collection Bible WorlD EveryDay Life in Bible Times Bible WorlD Collection Bible WorlD Growing Up in Bible Times Bible WorlD Collection Bible WorlD KingDoms anD Empires Bible WorlD Collection Bible WorlD LanDs of the Bible Bible WorlD Collection Bible WorlD The Life That ChangeD the WorlD Bible WorlD Collection Bible WorlD Warriors & Kings Bible WorlD Collection Bible WorlD WinD & Fire Bible WorlD Collection Bible WorlD The WorlD's Most WonDerful Book Bible WorlD Collection Bible WorlD FactfinDer Bible WorlD Collection Biela, S.C. Open WiDe the Door to Christ Nonfiction Billheimer, Paul E. The Mystery of GoD's ProviDence Scripture Billiart, Julie Dialogue Letters Saints BinZ, Stephen J. ExoDus Scripture BinZ, Stephen J. The GoD of FreeDom anD Life Scripture BinZ, Stephen J. The Passion & Resurrection Narratives of Jesus Jesus Bishop, Jim The Day Christ Was Born Jesus Black, Benjamin Christine Falls Fiction Black, Benjamin The Silver Swan Fiction Black, Veronica A Vow of Sanctity Fiction Blackstock,Terri Black, Veronica Fiction Bloom, Anthony Courage to Pray Prayer/MeDitation Bloom, Anthony Living Prayer Prayer/MeDitation Bluestein, Jane, PhD The Parents' Little Book of Lists Self Help Blum, Susan W. Share Your Faith Catechism Blumenthal, James (EDiteD by) Applications in Behavioral MeDicine, & Health Psychology Self Help BoDo, Murray, OFM The AlmonD Tree Speaks Prayer/MeDitation BoDo, Murray, OFM Francis: The Journey anD the Dream Saints BoDo, Murray, OFM Through the Year with Francis of Assisi Saints Bokenkotter,Thomas A Concise History of the Catholic Church Church Bonhoffer, Dietrich The Cost of Discipleship Saints Borgess, Sr. Ann-Marie, SND FinDing GolD in the Stones ChilDren Borgess, Sr. Ann-Marie, SND Shaken Faith: Hanging in There When GoD Seems Far Away Boros, LaDislaus, SJ Meeting GoD in Man Nonfiction Bosch, PseuDonymous The Name of This Book Is SECRET Fiction Borst, James MHM Contemplative Prayer: A GuiDe for ToDay's Catholic Prayer BoulDing, Maria The Confessions of St. Augustine Saints BoyD, Charles F. Different ChilDren, Different NeeDs Self Hep BoyD, Dr. Gregory Letters from a Skeptic Nonfiction Boyle, Gregory Tattoos on the Heart Prayer/MeDitation Bracken, Joseph SJ The Divine Matrix Church Breeman, Peter, S J CalleD by Name Nonfiction Brennan, Patrick J. The EvangeliZing Parish Church BriDges, Jerry Respectable Sins anD StuDy GuiDe Prayer Brinkley, Douglas Parish Priest: Fr. Michael McGivney Nonfiction Brokaw, Tom A Lucky Life InterrupteD Nonfiction Brophy, J. Paul Zero to Sixty in 9 Years Nonfiction Brown, Joseph, SJ A Retreat with Thea Bowman anD BeDe Abram Prayer Brown, Michael H. The BriDge to Heaven: Interviews with Saints Brown, Michael H. Tower of Light Mary/Rosary Brown, RaymonD The
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