TOMMUNEUS009952216B2TOUTTMANN (12 ) United States Patent ( 10 ) Patent No. : US 9 , 952 ,216 B2 Visel et al. (45 ) Date of Patent: Apr. 24 , 2018 ( 54 ) BRAIN - SPECIFIC ENHANCERS FOR C12N 15 / 86 (2006 .01 ) CELL -BASED THERAPY A61K 48 /00 (2006 .01 ) (52 ) U .S . CI. (71 ) Applicants :Axel Visel, El Cerrito , CA (US ) ; John CPC . .. .. GOIN 33 / 56966 (2013 .01 ) ; A61K 35 / 545 L . R . Rubenstein , San Francisco , CA ( 2013 .01 ) ; C12N 15 /85 ( 2013 .01 ) ; C12N (US ) ; Ying- Jiun ( Jasmine) Chen , 15 / 86 (2013 .01 ) ; GOIN 33/ 5014 ( 2013 .01 ) ; South San Francisco , CA ( US) ; Len A . A61K 48 / 00 ( 2013 .01 ) ; C12N 2830 /008 Pennacchio , Sebastopol, CA (US ) ; ( 2013 .01 ) Daniel Vogt, Burlingame, CA (US ) ; ( 58 ) Field of Classification Search Cory Nicholas, San Francisco , CA None (US ) ; Arnold Kriegstein , Mill Valley, See application file for complete search history . CA (US ) (56 ) References Cited ( 72 ) Inventors : Axel Visel , El Cerrito , CA ( US ) ; John L . R . 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(57 ) ABSTRACT Herein are described a set of novel specific human enhancers PCT/ US2013 /036030 , filed on Apr. 10 , 2013 . for specific forebrain cell types used to study and select for (60 ) Provisional application No . 61 /622 ,467 , filed on Apr. human neural progenitor cells . This approach enables the 10 , 2012 , provisional application No . 61/676 , 606 , ability to generate interneurons from human ES , iPS and in filed on Jul. 27 , 2012 . cells , making them available for human transplantation and for molecular/ cellular analyzes. These approaches are also ( 51 ) Int. Ci. directly applicable to generating other neuronal cell types , C12N 15 /85 ( 2006 . 01 ) such as cortical and striatal projection neurons , which have GOIN 33/ 569 ( 2006 . 01) implications for many human diseases . GOIN 33 /50 ( 2006 .01 ) A61K 35 / 545 ( 2015 .01 ) 10 Claims, 32 Drawing Sheets U . S . Patent Apr . 24 , 2018 Sheet 1 of 32 US 9 ,952 , 216 B2 FIG . 1 ASSESSOSOS3126* 743624 * 59600 * 81224 fra 187 81161 * n8653 $ 1072 880 131025 $ 16604 9836 1987 15818 18103 $ * $ 1679 * 191537 ust z9 * hs 1626 * 98 10 : 9 * hs1230 183540 K $ 807 ks 1027 81092 6978 * $ 1187 $ 967 * * 1060 * 1166 .* h8923 ns1532 hs 156€ 1202181563 H: $622 69166* 1578 * * * 3102 880 1633 * 19914 1013 1546 81178 097588 4838 wiszyn ohsices usar genes pacated in thiencaphakor development or function : bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbble Since www . Rhenis ) Swibo Serie 7817e hs0 & '7 '. ' ' ' ' 995' ' ' ' ' ' 'ASCUS ' ' W SchaeteW W -cute " " " " " "comodex " " " " " " " " " " "homoing " " " " 19 : 029 SMX ; Brasty sonces 3 : 09babox 3 391236 BMX erogty sprzdos koreobK 3433 25 En racerto . A $ 1823 FOXO forkvad 60X01 as : 983 resy Brairy and enhausMSX ? ta 1533 inhibics of ONA onda 457545 1. 68 minnoid arter binding factor 1 881361 EMOS L } & * orai Quixa as1024$ 177 ., ms16X15163714 . 24 rucea Fecior su 2 . Boom 9 : 579 07Xossistenticio horreddox 2 545 SOUZEY POUmair , Bass 3 . sünscricum factor } oCT in , f81035 68 ! 128 RU ones3 65x2 6181529 , 1481528 . $ POU 295 Xbox 3 Osta SOX2 SR box cordisaing go os1039 S2 353836 ansation facie ha1166 . 181538 WXXNX honaxx (31183 ) ht ? ? ? ? ? gea d & inte????????) see ? } \ $ 1873 2104 ac finger potes < $ * & Cazaust U . S . Patent Apr . 24 , 2018 Sheet 2 of 32 US 9 ,952 , 216 B2 FIG . 2 ? ? :*. 8886 09480 hs 192 F G DaDDOsim:;* VY.. 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Patent Apr . 24 , 2018 Sheet 8 of 32 US 9 ,952 , 216 B2 FIG . 5C version Near D4/ SOXH : : : - fiear Es : : : 97ac2/siri gasverandi ein near GSX1 : : : : : : : : : : : : : m .near FOXG1 : * Luciferaseactivityfoldchangenormalizedtonegativecontrol : vor innear SPG/ SP8 : : : * ** vas auto the near ARX : *TRY : : : : : : : : 2 : L ana Positivens1340 ns304 4$ 669 1s532 8342 hs110 #$1321 His545 hs1052 1$1041 1151226 bs1027 His1007 TTELSE h9408 tys1187 69704 hs1019 Control Enhancer Enhancer Reporter Construct emancantho PGL4 .23 Luciferase Dlx2 Co - transfected with activator TF Ascl1 in PCAGGS, P19 cells U . S . Patent Apr . 24 , 2018 Sheet 9 of 32 US 9 ,952 , 216 B2 FIG . 6 plane a { rostral) plane b (caudal ) on www n . irene *** o LGE * SA? . :,-** OS-rti???? * * pallial ( dorsal structures : diencephalon : Memedial pallium Ththalamus OP dorsal pallium EMT errinentia thalami Plateral palium Vo ventral pallun CP choroid plexus differntatiof zics: Subpaliel ( ventral) structures mante zone (MZ ) UGE - latera gangliomic eminence subventricular zona (SVZ ) NGE medial ganglionio ainence Se Septum verticular zona (VZ ) POA - preoptic area U . S . Patent Apr. 24 , 2018 Sheet 10 of 32 US 9 , 952 , 216 B2 FIG . 7 pallium pallium and subpalliumn
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