SEMESTER I COURSE CODE ISH1 CORE01 HISTORY AND CULTURE OF PRE-ISLAMIC ARABIA Aim of the Course:- The course Intends to familiarize the students with geography of Arabian Peninsula,its climate and the Jahiliyya days.it also throws light in to the life of the Arab People. Objectives of the course:- 1.To create an awareness among the students in the geography of Arabia and Its climate,vegetation, Animal life and Deserts 2.T o give a conceptual idea to the students about the semitic race and their international relations 3.To acquaint information by the students regarding early Arabian Kingdoms. 4.To make students aware about the Jahily COURSE SCHEME I SEMESTER COURSE CODE:ISH1 CORE1 HISTORY AND CULTURE OF PRE-ISLAMIC ARABIA Module I Geography- Various divisions of Arabia- Najd- Eastern belt- Hadramout- Yemen- Al Hijaz- Deserts- The Great Nufud- Al Dahna- Al Harrah- Climate- Influence on the Arab life- Flora- Fauna- Date Palm- The Arabian Horse- The camel.Module II The Semitics- Original home of semitics- Semitic migrations- Early international relations- Egypt- Frankincense- Sumerians and Babylonians- Assyrian penetration- Neo Babylonians and Persians- Hebrews- Reference in OldModuleIII Testament and Classical Literature- Roman expedition. Early Arabian Kingdoms- Sabaean- Minaean- Himyarites- The Nabateans of Petra- Kingdom of Palmyrah- Ghassanids Kingdom- The Lakhmids kingdom- TheModule Hira IV and Kindah kingdom. Arabia on the eve of advent of Islam- The Jahilliyah days- Basus war- Political, Social and Economic Life- Tribal Organizations- Bedouin life- Language- Literature- Poetry- The Ode in the Classical Period- The Muallaqat- Solar aspects- The daughters of Allah RECOMMENDED BOOKS 1.The short History of Saracens: _Ameer Ali 2.Islam in History: _MuhammedMunir 3.History of the Arabs: _Phillip K Hitti 4.The Glimpses of Islamic History: _IrfanFaqih 5.Islamic History: _Dr A Rahim 6.A Short History of Islam: _William Montgomery Watt 7.The Arabs in History: _Prof:Bernad Lewis 8.A Literary History of the Arabs: _Reynold A Nicholson 9.Arab Administration: _Dr S A Q Husaini 10.The Legacy of Islam: -Schatch and Boswrth 11.History of Islam: -Masudul Hassan 12.The Arabs -Antony Nutting 13.The Life of Muhammed -IbnIshaq 14.Islam in History: -MuhammedMunir 15.Islamic history a new interpretation -Shaban.M.A *************** SEMESTER II COURSE CODE:ISH2 CORE02 PROPHET MUHAMMED AND HIS MISSION Aims of the course:- The course familiarize the students about the Life and Mission of Prophet Muhammed and his universal significance. Objectives of the course:- 1.To pick up the attention of the students to the eventful life of Prophet Muhammed 2.To make aware the students about the Battles of prophet Muhammed. 3.To understand the religious teachings He imparted. 4.To enable the students to familiar with the personality and character of Prophet Muhammed COURSE SCHEME COURSE CODE:ISH2 CORE2 PROPHET MUHAMMED AND HIS MISSION Module-I Early life of prophet muhammed-The war of Fijar-Al-Amin-HilfulFuzul-Reconstruction of Ka- bah Marriage with Khadijah-Spiritual development-commencement of mission- Opposition of Quraish -Emigration to Abyssinia- Journey to Taif-Pledges of Aqaba-Hijrah Module-II Prophet at Madinah-Muhajirs and Ansars-covenant to the Jews- Battle of Badr-Uhad-Ditch- Attitude of the Jews-Treaty of Hudaybiyah-Fathah Mecca-(Meccan Victory)Tabuk Expedition- Battle of Hunayn-Farewell pilgrimage and sermon Module-III Basic beliefs-Tawhid and shirk-concept of Man -Five pillars of Islam-Articles of faith- Obligatory duties(Ibadat)Law relating to sexes-Islamic concept of welfare-Difference between Zakkat and sadaqah-Law of inheritance Module-IV Personality and character of prophet Muhammed- As a statesman-As a Judge-As a social- reformer-Diplomacy in treaties-Eulogy from world famous scholars-Michael H Heart- K.S.RamakrishnaRao-Leo Tolstoy-Sir William Muir-George Bernad Shaw-Montgomery watt- Mahatma Gandhi RECOMMENDED READINGS 1.Thesirit of Islam: Syed Ameer Ali 2.Islam in History: MuhammedMunir 3.Muhammed His Life and mission: M. Salim 4.A Short History of Saracens: Ameer Ali 5.History of Islam Vol_1: Masudul Hassan 6.A comprehensive guide book of Islam:Altaf Ahmed Kherie 7.Islam its concepts and History: yedMuhammudunnisar 8.Muhammed the Benifactor of Humanity:NaimSidiqi 9.Foreign Policy of HazratMuhammed:MuhammedSiddiqueQureshi 10.Concise History of Muslim World: Rafi Ahmed Fidai 11.Life of Muhammed: Heykal. 12.ProphetMuhammed and the statesman:- Watt.M.G 13.The first Muslims,Histor and Memory:- AsmaAfsaruddin 14. The Arabs in History:- Bernard Lewis 15. Glimpses of Islamic-History:-IrfanFaquih *************** III SEMESTER COURSE CODE:ISH3 CORE03 THE GLORIOUS CALIPHAT Aims of the course:- The course aims to familiarize students With the great muslim civilization that existed in the 7thcentury.AD.when other parts of the world plunged in darkness.The glorious caliphate presented one of the best civilizations. Objectives of the course:- 1.To introduce to the students with the Khilafat al Rashida. 2.To understand the glory of the period. 3.To make aware the students about the origin of the deviations in Islam. 4.To look into the details of abolition of pious caliphate. COURSE SCHEME III SEMESTER COURSE CODE:ISH3 CORE3 THE GLORIOUS CALIPHAT Module-I Abu bakr-Election of the caliph and his accession-Problems and challenges-Riddah wars- compilation of the Quran-His character and policies-Religious-social-Political-Administrative- Military achievements- Module-II -Shurah-Diwan-Baytul Mal-Military boardsUmar-His Nomination and Accession to the caliphate-His measures for the integration of society-The expansion of the Empire-Syria ,Iraq, Egypt-consolidation and organization of state-Institution of Amir-al-Mu’Mi’minin Module-III Usman-His Election to the caliphat-unrest in the Republic-Administrative and Military set up- Desert force-The force-His character and personality- Module-IV Ali-His election to the caliphate-His early measures-His relation with Muawiyah-change of capital-Battles of Jamal and siffin-causes and Effects-The emergence of Kharijites-The battle of NaharwanThe assassination of Hadrat Ali-causes and effects-society under pious caliphat- Administration- RECOMMENDED BOOKS 1.The spirit of Islam: Ameer Ali 2.The short history of Saracens: Ameer Ali 3.The Preaching of Islam: Arnold.T.W 4.Orient under the caliphs: Khuda.S.Baksh 5.Encyclopaedia of Islam: Latest Edition-Leiden 6.AbuBakr: MuhammedHusaynHaykal 7.History of the Arabs: Philip K Hitty 8.Arab Administration: S A Q Hussani 9.Arab Muslim Administration: S M Imamuddin 10.Islam beliefs and Institutions: H Lammens 11.The Glorious caliphate: AtharHussain 12.Arab civilization: KhudaBaksh 13.Islamic History a Interpretation: M A Shaban 14.The History of the Islamic people: Carl Brocklmann 15.The Arabs in History: Bernard Lewis *************** SEMESTER III COURSE CODEISH3 CORE04 HISTORY OF THE UMAYYADS Aims of the course:- The course aims to familiarize students the great muslim civilization in 7th and 8thcenturies. Objectives of the course 1.To make the students aware with the period of Umayyad rule- transformation impact. 2. To create awareness about Umer II as a benevolent and virtuous king. 3.To understand the intellectual development under the Umayyads 4.To make aware the students about the causes for the downfall the dynasty. COURSE SCHEME SEMESTER III COURSE CODE3 CORE04 HISTORY OF THE UMAYYADS Module I Muawiyah-The model of Arab sovereign-Yazid-I,Karbala tragedy-Abdullah ibnzubair-rival- caliph-Abdul Malik-Reforms-Mukhtar-Hajjajibnyusuf-Achievements-Walid-Expansion of - Empire-His character. Module-II Umer II-wise and virtuous-Treatment of Dhimmis-Hisham-Achievements and character-The battle of Nobles-Frequent change of Governors-Abdul Rahman al Ghafiki-MarwanII-His character-Battle of Zab Module-III Intellectual development-Knowledge and Literature-culture and social life-Dhimmis-Art- Painting-Music-Architectural monuments-The mosque of Al Madinah-Dome of the Rock-Al Aqsa mosque-Umayyad Mosque. Module-IV Causes of the umayyad downfall –Administration-central government-Provincial administration- Public works-Revenue system-Judicial organization-state chancery-Military organization RECOMMENDED BOOKS 1.History of Islam: MaulanaAkber shah Khan Najeebabadi 2.Concise History of Muslim world: Rafi Ahmad Fidai (Vol-2) 3.History of Islam : Masudul Hassan 4.A History of the Arab People: Albert Horani 5.Glipses of Islamic History: Irfanfaqih 6.History of Islamic civilization: JurjiZaydan 7.A short History of Saracens: Ameer Ali 8.The Umayyad caliphate: Din.A.A 9.Arab Administration: S.A.Q.Hussani 10.The Arabs in History: Prof:Bernad Lewis. 11.The History of the Arabs: Philip .K. Hitti 12.The Short History of Saracence: Ameer Ali 13.The Arabs in History: Bernard Lewis 14.Islam in History: MuhammedMunir 15.A Literary History of the Arabs: R.A.Nicholson *************** SEMESTER IV COURSE CODE:ISH4 CORE5 HISTORY AND CULTURE OF THE ABBASIDS Aims of the course The course aims to familiarize the students the great civilization of the Abbasids rule presented one of the best civilizations in the world was witnessed. Objectives of the course: 1.To impart an idea regarding the greatest glory of the Baghdad . 2.To introduce the students about the characteristics of the Abbasid caliphate 3.To provide an indepth Knowledge to the students regarding the contribution in intellectual life 4.To make aware about the reactionary elements in the Abbasid Empire and the role for its down fall. COURSE SCHEME IV SEMESTER
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