IIITMSM &œg&g}XKtÊÊmBÊHmHI* ALMOST A CENTENARIAN. MORE WATER NEEDED PROPOSED ALLIANCE. PRIMATE OF LONDON. Daniel M. Lewi, «W Yea*» of A*e, S4IU Spain and Portnsal to Be United Into \ Act» a» Jndffe and Live* Up to «ht* Realm, Under Auflni Right Rev. Francis Bourne Pro­ Mi» Conviction». S ilt Lake City Confronted by a Se­ •1 Great Britain. moted by the Propaganda. "I consider that the marriage cere­ rious Problem. Official Lisbon papers, pamphlets and other literature widely distributed hint mony is too sacred to be performed by at the possibility of a Spanish-Portu­ Create« Archbishop of Westminster a Justice of the peace. The Authority «•tkliK Ca» AM oré Permanent Relief and BJx-Qffloi® He*« of Oathoiio who should unite two souls in the bonds zmmmm Bat the Vurt Irtigittoa Sehe»»e guese empire under one head, the pres­ -• &/£ ent king, Dom Carlos, offering himself Gfcmrrh in Bn«lan4—Soon to of matrimony is a minister of the Gos­ »13 riMW< k? the Gover*- Be Mad* Cardinal. pel, and one in good standing at that." neit for Utah. for the post. So says Justice Daniel M. Leal, who The scheme is to be carried out un­ Right Rev. Francis Bourne, the Ro­ lives at Polo, 111., and who Is the oldest der the auspices of Great Brtlain, and active police magistrate in Illinois, or, Tlw Mormons ax« not progressive it la hoped that no warlike complica­ man Catholic bishop of Southwark, agriculturist». Cooperation has blunt­ London, has been chosen to succeed for that, matter, in the entire middle tion» may .result- A correspondent west He is now in his ninety-sixth year, ed their ambition. There is no incentive mentioned the matter to a high official the late Cardinal Vaughan as arch­ and is still holding office In the town to individual effort. The average mem­ of Dom Carlos' court, and the gentleman bishop of Westminster. ber of the church, whch has its strength Like the pope. Bishop Bourne was where he has been elected to seven four- had no hesitation whatever to put yeSr terms. Before his first term as po­ In the rural communities, has ten or himself on record. He said: "The bora of poor and obscure parents. Be­ twenty acres of land. He raises enough fore his elevation to be a bishop he lice magistrate he served one term as present king of Spain is not expected town magistrate, so that he has been in to support himself and family, and that lo live long; at any rate he will die had only done parish work In the Is as far as ambition carries him/ if Southwark diocese and waa promoted position to perform marriages for over arguments were needed against coop­ by right of succession in 1896. three decades. But he never encour­ eration and in favor of individualism, FranclB Bourne was born at Clap- aged anyone to seek his good offices for L they could be found abundantly In ham, in London, In 1861, and many such a purpose. Utah and In Colorado, respectively. , If still remember him as a barefootoed "In these days when there are plenty the same spirit of progress inspired tlie boy on Clapham common. He got his people of Utah as is found everywhere early education at the ecclesiastical In Colorado, the state would have wealth college« of St. Cuthbert, UBhatn and and prosperity far In advance of what St. Edmund's, Ware, and the College tmWm she now possesses. of SL Sulspice in Paris. He spent a • At present about 600,000 acres of land year or two at the University of Lou- h ö? are being irrigated In Utah, and ex­ vain, and returned home to be or­ perts say that this can be Increased to dained a priest in 1884. 3,500,000 or 4,000,000 acres, with a full He was assigned to several obscure development of all Irrigation projects. parishes, among which were Grin- stead, in Surrey, where he remained The size of the average holding in Utah SN is less than 30 acres. It is about twice until 1889, when he was appointed that amount in Colorado, and 40 times rector of the diocesan seminary near that amount in Wyoming, this last be­ Guilford. Surrey. ing due to the fact that Wyoming is a In a few years he succeeded in build Ing a new college and a magnificent Miss Alice M. Smith, of Minneapolis, grazing state. The Chicago .Journal say? that thus chapel. At the Instance of the then bishop of Southwark Leo XIII. made 1 Minn., tells how woman's monthly suffering far the national government has not him a domestic prelate In 1896, and a selected any irrigation projects in Utah, DOM CARLOS OF PORTUGAL. year later coadjutor bishop of South­ may be quickly and permanently relieved by but It is now at work, through experts (He May Be Made Ruler of a SpanUh- Fortuguese Empire.) wark, with the right of succession. at the geological survey, making inves­ He continued to live at the seminary Lydia K Pinkham's Vegetable Compound» tigations of the water supply at Utah without Issue. The throne will then go and personally supervise the education 1 iahe, 50 miles south of Salt Lake City. to his sister, the princess of Asturla, of Its inmates, seldom mixing with the "DEAR MRB. PINKHAM:—I have never before given my endorse­ The legislature and governor of Utah married to the son of the count of clergy of the archdiocese. DANIEL M. LEAL. ment for any medicine, but Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable'Com­ hare Joined là a request that the na­ Caserte, who, as Dom Carlos' chief of London is divided into two Roman (Venerable Illinois Justice Who Puts pound has added so much to my life and happiness that I feel UKe tional government construct a dnm staff, murdered 10,000 Spaniards. On Catholic dioceses, the one of South- Principle Abovs Dollars.) making an exception in this case. For two years every month I would across the Jordan river, near its outlet account of the hatred the Spanish peo­ have two days of severe pain and could find no relief, but one day when from Utah lake. This dam would raise ple bear the Casertes, they will never of ministers about, who are always glad -J_IU IJ JX T T«<lla T?. Plnlrham'fl Vpfp.tahle GOUI- the water of the lake ten feet, and fur- suffer the princess of the Asturias to to marry suitable persons, I think that ntsh Irrigation for f.0,000 acres in Salt reign. Therefore two possibilities the business should. In all propriety, X ïouna tnatu worsen wonuera wim "ic, x uun r Lake valley, west and south of Salt loom up: The republic or the choice of a be left to them," he says. "I know that only had to use a few bottles to bring about this wonderful change.^ I Lake City. It would at the same time new ruler. The republican party is dis­ I never took any stock in this feature use it occasionally now when I am exceptionally tired or worn out. — permit the city to monopolize for its credited in Spain, and if it comes to of a Justice's work. Many applied to MRAA ALICE M. SMITH, 804 Third Ave.,, South Minneapolis, Minn, Chair­ choosing a new king the ruler of Por­ me, and some I married, but there has man Executive Committee Minneapolis Study Club. tugal has the best chance, especially been no time I would not have preferred when supported by Great Britain. to have some one else So it "Spain is still fretting under the de­ 'I try to practice what I preach. In and see their best gifts fade away, x,yoia mu. riiuu*»«. = feat of the late war with the United my lifetime I have been twice married, table Compound helps women preserve roundness of form ami States, the loss of her colonies hurt her and in both instances I was married by of face because it makes their entire female organism pride, and her pocket as 1*611. Unio^ a minister, and this is the kind of ad­ Mthyf It^rries^omen safely through the various natural crises and is the safeguard of woman's health. with Portugal would mean the ac­ vice I always give to the young people The truth about this great medicine is told in the letters firom quisition of new colonies and a new era who are about to commence a life of women published in this paper constantly. ___ , of glory and prosperity might be inaug­ wedded bliss. urated under King Carlos. It should be "It is my opinion that there are many Mrs. C. Kleinschrodt, Morrison, 111., says : — remembered that the crown of Spain people who want to get married who "DEAR MBS. PINKHAM:—I have suffered eve* was offered to King Louis of Portugal should not be married at all, and both since I was thirteen years of age with my menses. before the Spaniard^ thought of Ama­ license and ceremony should be with­ They were irregular and very painful. I deus, afterwards dethroned. At that held. This class of people are unsulted doctored a great deal but received no benefit. time Portugal was not ready to add to V< / / /' to each other, a fact that is plainly evi­ "A friend advised mo to try Lydia E. her responsibilities—she had no al­ dent, if not to them, to those who are Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, which I liances, either.
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