AIRPORT MASTER PLAN PIERCE COUNTY AIRPORT-THUN FIELD (PLU) JANUARY, 2018 FINAL REPORT – CHAPTER 1 (AIRPORT INVENTORY) “The preparation of this document may have been supported, in part, through the Airport Improvement Program financial assistance from the Federal Aviation Administration (AIP Project Number 3-53-0052- 018-2016) as provided under Title 49 U.S.C., Section 47104. The contents do not necessarily reflect the official views or policy of the FAA. Acceptance of this report by the FAA does not in any way constitute a commitment on the part of the United States to participate in any development depicted therein nor does it indicate that the proposed development is environmentally acceptable or would have justification in accordance with appropriate public laws.” Pierce County Airport–Thun Field Master Plan ____________________________________________________________________________________ INTRODUCTION Overview An Airport Master Plan (“Plan”) is being prepared by Pierce County for the Pierce County Airport-Thun Field (“Airport” or “PLU”) to identify the 20-year facility improvements and funding resources. The Plan serves as a roadmap for documenting the orderly development of Airport infrastructure, equipment, and services. The formalization of the Plan brings projects, people, and funding resources together in a coordinated manner. The Plan allows Pierce County to satisfy federal grant assurances, and seek project funding eligible under the respective Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) airport aid programs. This Plan is funded by Pierce County, with federal and state grant participation. Plan Purpose The previous Plan was approved in 2000, which is now outdated per activity trends, and FAA design standards, and does not identify key developments envisioned by the County. This updated Plan assesses Airport improvements with respect to current user activity levels, facility conditions, community trends, and FAA design standards. The following are the Plan’s strategic initiatives: • Position the Airport to meet community growth; be responsive to community interests • Accommodate existing and future aviation demands as envisioned by the County • Align with Airport revenues and benefits, and County capital spending • Meet FAA safety standards and grant assurances Master Plan Deliverables The Plan results in four primary products that are used to describe and illustrate the Airport’s 20-year facility development needs. These documents provide the basis for justifying projects as identified by the County, Airport stakeholders, and members of the community. • Plan Deliverable #1: Narrative Report • Plan Deliverable #2: Airport Layout Plan (ALP) - official record drawings • Plan Deliverable #3: FAA Airports GIS (AGIS) survey and mapping data • Plan Deliverable #4: Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for FAA and WSDOT programming Plan Focus The Plan has a focus to resolve key planning issues and provide project recommendations. The following items, as coordinated between the Airport and the FAA, are the major planning actions addressed as part of this Plan: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Inventory Chapter: January 2018 – FINAL FOR WEBSITE POSTING 1 Pierce County Airport–Thun Field Master Plan ____________________________________________________________________________________ • Airfield and Airspace o Runway length options o Runway width options o Taxiway system improvements – meet FAA geometry standards o Airspace obstruction mitigation o Instrument approach procedure improvements – FAA NextGen minimums • Terminal and Landside o Facility disposition - Aircraft hangars - Aircraft apron parking / tie-downs - Aircraft fueling facilities - Auto access, parking, and circulation - Airport operations/admin building - Infrastructure and support facilities o West-side terminal facility layouts to encourage investment o East-side terminal facility feasibility and development options • Land Use and Property o Determine on-Airport aeronautical area and best land uses o Identify future Airport property interests Plan Coordination and Public Involvement The Plan structure actively encourages stakeholder and community involvement. The public outreach process engages the public with the intent of, “We want to hear from you.” The purpose is to build understanding of the Plan process, and establish realistic expectations for what will be accomplished. To bring about a more successful Plan, the County recognizes the need to be inclusive of broader community considerations, which builds a wider support for Plan recommendations and helps facilitate acceptance. Therefore, the public outreach includes meetings and status updates held at key milestones, using various informational materials for public announcement and review. The following are the key public coordination and participation efforts: Airport Stakeholders: The Plan involves coordination and input from multiple local governmental interests, organizations, and constituencies. These key stakeholders are directly engaged as part of the Plan: • Pierce County – Planning and Public Works, Airport & Ferry Division • PLU Master Plan Advisory Committee (MPAC) • Thun Field Advisory Commission (TFAC) • Agencies – FAA-Seattle Office and WSDOT-Aviation ____________________________________________________________________________________ Inventory Chapter: January 2018 – FINAL FOR WEBSITE POSTING 2 Pierce County Airport–Thun Field Master Plan ____________________________________________________________________________________ Master Plan Advisory Committee (MPAC): The County assembled a technical advisory committee specifically for this Plan, comprising individuals with various aviation and community perspectives. This standing committee reviews interim materials, attends project meetings, comments on project findings, and encourages awareness and adoption of the Plan recommendations. The committee makes decisions regarding Plan considerations for official recommendation to the TFAC, per acceptance by Pierce County and review by the FAA and WSDOT. Agency Coordination (FAA and WSDOT): The Plan involves agency coordination primarily with the FAA and WSDOT-Aviation. The FAA is the lead agency for this Plan, involved with the review of Plan documentation and formal approval of the aviation forecasts and ALP drawings. This agency coordination facilitates dialogue as the Plan progresses, to allow communication of shared interests, and to mutually make key Plan decisions that require FAA and WSDOT input and future consideration. Public Involvement (Community): Public outreach serves as the opportunity for the public-at- large to be informed about the Plan’s progress and findings. Public meetings are held at key project milestones to interact with stakeholders and communicate ideas, which provides an understanding of public sentiment towards the Plan recommendations. Public outreach efforts include a dedicated master plan website portal, social media broadcasts, email notifications, direct mail postcard notifications, civic event appearances, and monthly project status updates. AIRPORT INVENTORY SECTIONS The inventory documents information about the Airport facilities, services, and conditions that form the basis for recommendations made throughout the Plan. Project data was primarily collected from a review of Airport records, FAA published data, and stakeholder interviews. This information provides a baseline for establishing Airport activity and conditions. The Inventory Chapter contains the following sections: 1. Airport Characteristics 2. Airfield and Airspace Facilities 3. Terminal and Landside Facilities and Support Services 4. Climate and Wind Conditions 5. Airport and Vicinity Land Use and Operating Regulations 6. Regional and Airport Economic Patterns 7. Airport Economic and Financial Profile 8. Environmental Overview 9. Inventory Summary ____________________________________________________________________________________ Inventory Chapter: January 2018 – FINAL FOR WEBSITE POSTING 3 Pierce County Airport–Thun Field Master Plan ____________________________________________________________________________________ 1. AIRPORT CHARACTERISTICS This section provides an understanding of the Airport’s functional and operational characteristics. 1.1 Airport Location The Airport is in north-central Pierce County, situated 30 miles south of downtown Seattle, and six miles south of Puyallup, the Airport’s associated city. The airfield is situated within the South Hill Community, a census dedicated place. Highway 161 (Meridian Avenue), the major north-south thoroughfare in the South Hill area, is the primary Airport access route. 1.2 Airport Governance The Airport is a publicly owned facility operated by Pierce County, the governmental entity responsible for administering and financially supporting the Airport in accordance with FAA and WSDOT grant assurances. Pierce County operates under a council form of government (seven-member district), with the County Executive Office providing administrative oversight of County departments. The Pierce County Planning and Public Works Department, Airport and Ferry Division, provides staff for airport administration and day-to-day operations. The Airport TFAC is an eight-member advisory commission, appointed by the Pierce County Executive and confirmed by the County Council. The TFAC provides formal advice to Pierce County regarding Airport property matters within
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