15620 THE LONDON GAZETTE, STH DECEMBER 1981 Particulars of the proposals are contained in the Wages HIGHWAYS ACT 1980 Council's Notice D (182), copies of which may be obtained on application to the Secretary of the Wages Council The Folkestone-Honiton Trunk Road (Ferndown Bypass, at the address given below. The Wages Council will con- Side Roads) Order 198 sider any written representation with respect to the pro- The Secretary of State for Transport hereby gives notice posals if made within 21 days from 8th December 1981. that he proposes, in relation to the new trunk road which Any such representation should bear the writer's address he proposes to construct as a bypass to Ferndown in the and signature and be sent to the Secretary, Boot and Shoe county of Dorset, to make under sections 14 and 125 of Repairing Wages Council (Great Britain), 12 St. James's the Highways Act 1980 an Order authorising him: Square, London SW1Y 4LL. It is desirable that persons (a) to improve, raise, lower or otherwise alter highways, making objections should state the precise nature of their (b) to stop up highways, objections and quote the number of the Wages Council's (c) to construct new highways, Notice of Proposals D (182). (a) to stop up private means of access to premises, and (e) to provide new means of access to premises, Yvonne M. Simmons, Secretary all at Ferndown aforesaid, and providing for the transfer 7th December 1981. (SSI) of each of the said new highways to the County Council of Dorset as from the date on which he notifies the Council that the new highways have been completed and are open for through traffic. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT Copies of the draft Order and of the relevant folio of plans bearing the above title and the number HA HIGHWAYS ACT 1980 14/1-SW 135 may be inspected free of charge at all reasonable hours from 8th December 1981 until 23rd The M23 Motorway (The Gatwick Airport Link) January 1982 or within 6 weeks from the date of publica- Variation Scheme 198 tion of this notice, whichever period shall expire later, The Secretary of State for Transport hereby gives notice at the Department of Transport, 2 Marsham Street, that he proposes to make: London S.W.1 ; and at the offices of the Director (Trans- port), South West Region, Government Buildings, Alphington (1) a Scheme under section 16 of the Highways Act Road, Exeter, Devon EX2 8NF; Dorset County Council, 1980, which will vary the M23 Motorway (The Gat- County Hall, Dorchester, Dorset; Wimborne District wick Airport Link) Scheme 1970 by deleting therefrom Council, Furzehill, Wimborne, Dorset; and at Ferndown references to the sections of the link roads which lie Library, Library Road, Ferndown, Dorset; and the Fern- to the west of a point 195 metres (215 yards) south down Sub Post Office, Wimborne Road East, Ferndown, of Meadowcroft and 605 metres (665 yards) north-east Dorset. of Gatwick Airport railway station, and Any person may not later than 23rd January 1982 (2) an Order under section 10 of the Highways Act 1980 or within 6 weeks from the date of publication of this providing that a length of road which he has con- notice, if such period shall expire later, object to the structed starting in the form of a roundabout centred making of the Order by notice to the Secretary of State, 213 metres (235 yards) south of Meadowcroft and at his address at the office of the Director (Transport), proceeding westwards to cross and end on the western South West Region, Government Buildings, Alphington side of the London-Brighton railway line, shall become Road, Exeter, Devon EX2 8NF, quoting Ref. DSW 505209 / a trunk road as from the date when the Order comes TR37/TO49, and stating the grounds of objection. In into operation. the preparation of an objection and the statement of grounds of objection it should be borne in mind that the Copies of the draft Scheme, together with a copy of the substance of any objection or representation may be made Scheme which it is proposed to vary and its relevant communicated to other people who may be affected by it. plan and of the draft Order and of its relevant plan may Any objection already made to the previously published be inspected free of charge at all reasonable hours from proposals will, where its grounds are unaffcted by the 8th December 1981 until 22nd January 1982 or within 6 variations made to those proposals, be regarded as an weeks from the date of publication of this notice, which- objection to the present draft Order, unless the objector ever period shall expire later, at the Department of Trans- otherwise notifies the Secretary of State at his above port at (Room S7/09), 2 Marsham Street, London S.W.1, address. and the South Eastern Regional Office, Federated House, D. F. Payne, A Principal in the Department of Trans- London Road, Dorking, Surrey, and at the offices of port, South West Region. Reigate and Banstead Borough Council, Town Hall, Reigate, Surrey; Crawley Borough Council, Town Hall, 24th November 1981. (12 SI) The Boulevard, Crawley, West Sussex, and the public libraries at Victoria Road, Horley, Surrey, and County Buildings, Crawley, West Sussex. HIGHWAYS ACT 1980 Any person may not later than 8th December 1981 or within 6 weeks from the date of publication of this The M25 Motorway (Poyle to M4 Section) Scheme 1981 notice, if such period shall expire later, object to the making The M25/M4 Motorways (Thorney Interchange) of the Scheme or Order, by notice to the Secretary of Connecting Roads Scheme 1981 State at his address at the South Eastern Regional Office, quoting Ref. CSE 423/ID/26/022, and stating the grounds The London-Bristol Trunk Road (A4) (Colnbrook By-Pass of objection. In the preparation of an objection and the Diversion) Order 1981 statement of grounds of objection it should be borne in The M25 Motorway (Poyle to M4 Section Side Roads) mind that the substance of any objection or representation Order 1981 may be communicated to other people who may be affected The Secretary of State for Transport hereby gives notice by it. that he has made the following Schemes and Orders: W. G. Gathercole, Controller of Administration, South 1. A Scheme under sections 16, 17 and 19 of the Eastern Regional Office, Department of Transport. Highways Act 1980, authorising him to provide for the exclusive use of traffic of Classes I and II of the classes 17th November 1981. (14 SI) of traffic set out in Schedule 4 to the Highways Act 1980, a special road about 2*9 kilometres (1-8 miles) in length starting at a point about 510 metres (558 yards) north-east HIGHWAYS ACT 1980 of Horton Road, Poyle, in the county of Surrey and The Folkestone-Honiton Trunk Road (Ferndown Bypass, proceeding in a generally northerly direction ending about Side Roads') Order 198 350 metres (383 yards) north of the centre line of the M4 The Secretary of State for Transport hereby gives notice Motorway in the county of Buckinghamshire, and for the that the proposals published on 13th August 1981 in a said special road to become a trunk road on the date draft Order bearing the above title and in a folio of plans when the Scheme comes into operation. bearing that title and the number HA 14/1-SW131 are 2. A Scheme under section 16, 17 and 19 of the Highways withdrawn. Act 1980, authorising him to provide for the exclusive use of traffic of Classes I and II of the classes .of traffic D. F. Payne, A Principal in the Department of Trans- set put in Schedule 4 to the Highways Act 1980, six port, South West Region. special roads on routes described in the Scheme for the 24th November 1981. (6 SI) purpose of forming an interchange system between the.
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