American School of Classical Newsletter Studies at Athens Summer 1998 Ν ο.41 Gennadius Library Renovations Set to Begin The 1ong-awaited renovations to the Renovations will also include the instal­ and a Γ c hit ec tur a l ax ial appωac h , and to Gennadius Library are slated to begin this lation of an entiΓe l y new HVAC system to ιnake use of nati ve evergreen plants." fall , culminating six years of planning combat the effects of heat, dnst, and polln­ Τη 1970, the LibΓaΓy experienced its first and fundΓai s in g. PΓesent plans call fο Γ the tion on the Libι-aι-y 's collections. In addi­ major expansion. On advice fωιη Francis Gennadeion to close for appωx im ate l y tion, the Library wi ll be getting new duct R. Walton, who diΓected the LibΓaιγ from six months. woΓk, wiring, and pluιnbing , while the roof 1961 to 1976, the Trustees had approved a The project is in the hands of the Athe­ and all windows and doors wi ll be repaired new addition in 1963, when and if funds ni an architectural fiπn of Ioanni s Yikellas ΟΓ rep1aced for ιnοΓe effective c liιn ate con­ became available. By 1970, work began and Associates, chosen for th e iΓ ex p e ι-ιi se tωl. The refιιΓbi sh n1 e nt wi11 not a1ter the ιιηd e Γ a Γc hitec t Paul My1onas, and in 1972, and accompli shment in hi storica1 renova­ a ppeaΓan ce of the bιιilding inside Ο Γ out, re­ the Tιυstees dedi cated the buildings, which tion in Athens and elsewhere. The focus of specting its status as an histoΓic monιιment. co nψΓi sed an east wing, used fοΓ stacks and the work will be the Main Building, bui1t Ιη the yeaΓ S since the LibraΓy opened in offices, and a west wing. The west wing by the American architectural fiπn of Van 1926, it has ιιnd e rgone seveΓa l Γenovations. eventuall y included the Stathatos Room, Pelt & Thompson between 1922 and 1926. It was Γe p a inted in 1954, and at the same n a ιn ed for Mιne. Helene Stathatos, who PeΓh a p s the ιno st Γadical and difficult t iιne, Ralph GΓi swo ld , landscape aΓc hit ect donated the Macedonian caιΎe d wood p o ι-tion of the plans recommended by of the Athenian AgoΓa, tuΓn ed hi s attention panels lining the wall s as well as the woΓks Mr. Yikellas in volves digging a subbase­ to Γesto rin g the gaΓde n , which had suffered of art; and the Basil Exhibition Room, ment under the Main Reading Roon1, which during the yeaΓs of WoΓ i d Wa ι· ΙΙ and after. naιned after the donor, Frank Basil. The will inαea se stack space and pωvide a The gaΓd en's basic plan was Γev i sed, as west wing's two subterranean levels of ωοm to be fitted out fοΓ on-site book­ Lιιcy Shoe MeΓitt wΓote in h e Γ hi stoΓy of stacks, funded by theAmerican Schools and binding and repair. the School, ''to give a more monumental Hospitals Abωad pω gram of the Agency fοΓ Int e ιηation a l Development, were com­ pleted in 1989. The current efforts began in 1992, when the Trustees ofthe School, ιιnd er th e leader­ ship of then Preside nt Hunter Lewis, fo Γm ed an Ad Hoc Gennadius Library Committee, with Trustee Ladis1aus Yon Hoffω a nn as Chairman. In 1994, Nicho1as Barker, forωer Associate Keeper of the British Libr a1γ in London who served as a consultant to the Committee, presented a survey of the LibraΓy's needs. It identified as the highest priority the necessity of getting "the bnilding as it is in O Γd e r." Το meet the chall enge, the Comωittee hiι- ed Mic hael GΓav es Architects of PΓin ceto n , known fο Γ work on a variety of public bui1dings, including n1u se nω s and libΓaΓ i es . Graves's task was to s uιΎey the stω c tuΓe, to assess the c liω a t e control sys­ tems, to review sec ιιΓit y issues, and to ex­ plore possibilities for reorgani zation of space and expansion. With the assistance of John L. Altieri , whose finn specializes in HVAC Seventy-two ) ' eaι·s ago: Sl1.epl1.ad ίnfιΌnt ojtl1e Gennadίιιs LίbΓα ΙJ', s-tanclίng ση ιπecle cesso ι · of syste ω s, and Joannou & Paraskevaides, Ltd., Sοιι ίdίαs Street, ca. 1926. Pl?oto coιι n e sΎ ofth.e ASCSA ΑΓchί ι ιes. contίnι ι ed ση page 19 Pu blished by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens B Akoue! ~ Library Board Adds New Member The Board ofTrustees ofthe Gennadius the Ergo-Exchange and th e Panhell enic L i braΓy has elected Elias Μ . Stassinoponl os, Association of Wood Iιηp ort e r s, a11d is on Vice PΓe s i d e n t ofthe Superv isory Board of the Boards of DiΓec tor s of the Federation the Athe 11 s Stock Excha11 ge, to join th e iΓ of GΓeek I n du s tΓi es a 11 d the A the ns ranks. Born in Athens, Μ Γ . Stassinopoul os ChambeΓ of ComιηeΓce a11d Industry. g Γ adu ate d fωm Athens Coll ege and went Mr. Stassinopoulos lives in Athens with 0 11 to ι- ece i ve a11 Μ . Β . Α . in eco 11 omi cs from his wife a11 d their two children, both of Sheffield U ni ve Γs i ty in England. whom are now studying at U.S. uni versi­ Mr. Stassino poulos a lso serves as ties. In addi ti on to coll ecti 11 g books a 11 d C h ai πη a n of the Board of Directors of pain tings of Greece, he is a 11 avid trave l eΓ Ergoin vest, S.A. and is C h a iπηa 11 of the to destinations "k11ow n for their tradition family's M .S. Stassinopoulos Co., a broad­ a11d c ultuΓe. " based co ιηp a n y with interests i11 i ndιι s tι · y , With the addition οfΜΓ . Stassinopoulos, co mm eΓce , and the import/export busi11 ess. the Board of the Ge11n adius Library 11 ow In additio 11 , he is Vice C h a iπη a n of both numbe Γs eleven. El ίas Μ . Sιas s ίnopo u.l o s School Colleagues Win ΑΙΑ Awards for Scientific Co 11tιibuti o n s to Archaeology went to M a Γtin J. Aj tken, retired Professor CaΓO I C. Mattusch (ASCSA 1971-74, was cited as "a fundamental Γeexa nιin a ti o n of Archaeometry and Deputy Director of 1975- 76), Professor in the Art Hi story and of the co11 cepts of Ό ri g in a l ' versus 'copy' the Research Laboratory for Archaeology Hi story Departme11ts of George Mason in ancient sculpture a 11 d of evidence fo r the and the Hi story of Art, Oxford Uni versity. U ni ve Γ s it y , a ιη e mb er of the School 's Man­ di vision of labor between sc ulpt oι-s ' a11d In hi s acceptance, Γead by Α ΙΑ PΓe s id e nt aging Co mJnίttee and C h a iΓ of its Comnιi t ­ fo un deΓ s' wo Γk s h o p s . " Stephen L. Dyson, ΜΓ . Aitke11 Γeme ιηbe red tee 0 11 Publicati ons, received the ni11 th Also at the An11u al Meeti11 g, School hi s associati on with the ASCSA whil e an11u al James R. Wiseman Book Aw a Γd of Managing Commjttee M e mbe ι- J effΓey S. worki11 g 0 11 a magnetic study of G Γeek and the A Γc h aeo l og i cal Institute of A nΊ e Γi ca for Soles (ASCSA 1970- 73), Uni versity of Aegea11 po tt e ιγ: " .. the prese11t occasion h e Γ work Classical Bronzes: τl1 e Art and No ι"th CaΓO li11 a at Greensboro, and Scott freshens in my nιind the much-appreciated Craft oj" Greek and Ron1an Stalιι ary, pub­ Pike (ASCSA 1993- 95, W i e 11 e Γ Laboratory help that Ι Γece i ve d from scholars of the lished by Corn ell Uni versity Press, lthaca, Acting Director 1995- 97), U ni νe Γ si t y of A m e Γi ca n School of Classical Studies at 1996. The award, given annually to the pub­ Georgia, were awarded jointly the AIA's Athens .... Besides hj ghlighting the m e Γit licati on deemed most worthy of ι- ecog ni­ first annual Best Poster Award for their pre­ of neighborl y coo p e Γa ti o n -th e Ameri can tion by the Institute, was presented at the sentati on entitl ed ' Ά Petrographic Charac­ School being but a stone's throw from the AIA's 99th Annual Meeting i11 Chi cago on teri zati on Study of Bronze Age Sandstone British one-this study also illustrated Dece m be ι · 29, 1997. Qu a ιτi es i11 East CΓe te and Its Applicati on the mutual value of interdi scipli11ary work." The volume on classical bro 11 zes is p a Γ t to Minoan Archaeology." The p oste Γ was of Ms. Mattusch's ongoing research that judged first out of ni11 eteen presented at AMERICAN SCHOOL OF began with excavation of b ΓO n ze-workin g the meeting.
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