Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 6-13-1930 The Ledger & Times, June 13, 1930 The Ledger & Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger & Times, "The Ledger & Times, June 13, 1930" (1930). The Ledger & Times. 84. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/84 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Lowest Adverti»in* Rate l,OC&P*»nr» $1.50 •atal >«a o" f kratutfcj of any Kentucky $2.00 \l~.r. -f Weekly #New»p« per. Kentucky* Most Progressive Weekly Newspaper' VOLUMK Kl MUIUSAT, UHTDGKT. HUDAI HORIHW IVKI IS, Itm TEACHERS ARE Ei*ht of Ref R Haxel> DISTRICT HEALTH White Leghorn Flock All Five Children in Calloway FISCAL COURT Is Highly Productive Family Win Health Blue Ribbon A XIllAmiorn nv Join in Re-union on 52nd Anniversary PUSHES HAZEL GROUPS MEET HERE D. T. Adams, of Murray AINNUuNLfcl) Bl of His Service to Southern M. £ Church Route 9. has brough to the 9 One of the most unusual fami- passed on only a few years ago. Splendid Attendance. Interesting Ledger & Times office an un- ROAD PROJECT COUNTYBOARD lies in this section of the country The Rev. Pigue Is one Of the Talk* Mark Conference In | usually large egg produced by held its annual reunion Wednes- best known and deepest beloved (It) Mund*). a member of his large flock of | day of last week at the Hazel and respected ministers of this White Leghorns It Is 6 Magistrates Vote Offers to Reed, Almo; Hurt, Kirlcsey; home of the Rev. R. R. Pigue. section. He has served all of his Murray was host to an excellent Inches in circumference and 3 State Highway Com- Arnett, Lynn Grove, , Eight sons, seven of whom are pastoral life in western Ken- meeting of the Southwestern Ken- and an eighth inches long. v tucky and western Tennessee and mission Retain Placet newspaper men, gathered to pay tucky Health Unlf Association Mr. Adams has 103 hens in thefr respects to the honored no pastor in all this section is Monday. The sessions were well his flock and since January 1 father and to attend the annual closer to the people. * attended and thetalks and papers has reaped a harvest of 1,000 IS CONTINGENT UPON ILSON IS PRINCIPAL family home-coming. The mother This year's reunion canie.on the were Baid to be unusually interest- dozen eggs. BOARD S ACCEPTANCE T HAZEL HIGH SCHOOL 52nd anniversary of Rev. Plgue's! ing. service to the church. Since the The morning session was held boys went away from honre it has New Principals Will Head in the office of the Cklloway City School Files Application ISO ATTEND LEGION been customary to reunite for County Health Unit In the court for $1.25 Tax in a Faxon, New Concord three days at least ~once a year house. A talk on "Kentucky's 16 MORE SIGN FOR District High Schools The "bo'ys" are: Blue Ribbon Children" wainnade MEETING SATURDAY R. H. Pigue. Jr.. Munce M. by Dr. Jaunita M. Jennings, of the Pigue and Paul W. Pigue, of Calloway Fiscal Cburt got be- The 1 plete roster of teachers state bureau of Maternal and JERSEY CALF CLUB Nashville; fid W. Pigue of Mur- Child Health. Dr. Jennings hind the Hazel road project Tues- for J!a lloway county graded a«d Mauy \ Oritur*. Officers freesboro; W. W. Pigue of Pitts- day when it passed a resolution to high schools for th« year 1930-frf, pointed out the increase in the Present; Six Member* Join burgh, Pa.; Marvin H. Pigue of Total Enrollment Now 45; 2.S advance the "money to build the with only one ttfr two vacantia yet number of Blue Ribbon children 1***1 PoaC New Orleans; R. W. Pigue, of St. In the past five years. Are New in I>alr> roacW to the state highway comr appearing, IH announced thll week \ LOUIB, and Robert L. Pigue sports Work. The visitors were guests of the mission, provided the state roa^l by tff^ On lloway County Board of editor of The Memphis Evening- board would promise to reimburse The rish fry and get-together local health unit and local phy- Education. Appeal. all brothers. Sixteen boys and girls were the county on other road pro- of the Calloway Post of the sicians at luucheon at the Murray There are several changes in signed last week by County Agent ject during the next biennial American Legion Saturday eve- National Hotel- teachers for the smaller schools C. O. Dlckel In the Calloway Qouo- ning at the scout cabin on the Following invocation by the period. but the high school faculties re- ty Jersey Culf Club, making tl>^ Paris road was an immense suc- Rev. Jno. Ensor, the visitors were The 'order passed at the May main substantially the same. total enrollment. 4 5. It posts cess. More than 150 local Legion- N. C/LOCAL TRAIN welcomed to Murray by County 13 session, putting up the coun- nothing to join this club and Robert Reed, Alino; Max B ires and former service men at- Judge C. At Hale. ty's share for the construction of tended in addition to state" of- every boy or girl interested in a Hurt. Klrksey and Crawford Dr. Ben B. Keys made a talk on Record of Three Daughters, Two Sons of Mr. and the grade and drain on the Con- ficers of the Legion and a num registered- Jersey calf should be- Arnett, Lynn Grove, will again GOES OFF JULY 1 general health and four vocal cord road was-rescinded at Tues- ber o.f visitors from Mayfield and conie a member. You can enroll head their respective schpols. lections were rendered by Miss Mrs. T. A. Jones, Lynn Grove Equalled by days meetlna. Magistrate W. A. Marion. Post Commander Geo. up to July 1st. Hollie Briinm and Miss Charlene Only One Other in State. Patterson voted against the re- Walter Wilson has been select- S. Hart was master of ceremonies. Other Schedule Will KenmJn Those joining last week were as Brimm, students at the college. scinding order. It was supported ed to succeed Prof. M. O. Wrather, Same; Decreased Patronage. follows: Ivison Hill man, Clark Six new members were signed The afternoon session was held .Carlos, 18; Louise. 16; May telle, by Esquires H. E. Brandon, J? O. now county superlntendept, as * Is Reason. Ross, Ralph Goodman, James Only one other family in . the on the local roster. This brings a.t the First Christian church and Wrather and W. H Thompson head "of the Hazel schools. Orie Lassiter, Fred Lassiter. Howard state of Kentucky, according to in; Nellie Rau, 11. and Alvis the roll to approximately 125 was featured with a talk on "The while Magistrates D. P. Farris. E. Lassiter succeeds Hyland Boyd as The local "accomodation" train Ross, Ethel Mae Paschall. Ellis Dr. J. A. Qutlantl,' Calloway" Edward. 8. members which Is highly pleasing Tired Child by Dr. Mary JVT B. Adams and Lee Barnett re- principal al New Concort} while of the N. C. & St. L. railway Paschall, Anna Lou Sinothernian. county health officer, equals the to local Legionaries as It far ex- Pierch, e^ild health demonstrator Mr. Jones is one of the best frained from voting. Houston Dinning succeeds Edd between Paris, Tenn., and Padu- Elridge Smotherman, Harold reord of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Jones, ceeds the goal of 100 for 1930 set and an address by Dr. Hugh Itnown tarings of the west side The motion Tor the resolution ^Niehoff as agriculture teacher. cah. will be discontinued at the Huie and Van Huie. of Lynn drove in having all of the first of the year. Prather. FultXH^ count> health of on the Hazeel road was offered by Thomas Dubois succeeds O. W. cldse :of business. Jane- 30, it is —Twenty-three- of tlie members five children win the coveted Blue of the county. All of the chii- ficer on "Conservation "of Child Esq. Brandon and seconded by Mr. Barker at Faxon. Mr. Barker Visitors at the fry Included announced by the railroad. While are new members and it is their RTbhohs^Tor child- hewUh. award* ax*; students of the Lynn Health . ~ staTes '"that, when takes Mr. Dubois' place In Mc- State Adjutant Thomas Hay den, no reasons are given, it is under- first yea rin Junior 4-H Club of which were made May Day Groye school and Carlos is a mem-f-wrather, State Contact Officer, C. N. Flor- demanded. Calloway county will Crackefc cohuty. stood that the recent opening of The day^ 'program^ was ar- work. The children, pictured here. her of the school basketball team. ence. 8ft. Samuel Woodfiil, out- a bus line between Paducah and ranged by Dr. J. A. Outland, . appropriate ,a sufficient sum to The graded schools will open ln> standing hero of the world war; Paris is the reason though pa- county health officer, and .Mrs. [construct the grade, and drain on July and the high schools in Sep- x District Commander John S. tw^nage has declined steadily dur- Mabel Glasgow, county nurse. ^ Murray Barber's Design Another Gold Medal • the Hazel road, under the under- tember. i Brown, of Marion, Post Adjutant ing the past ten years. ^Among those present was Dr> COUNTY MEDICAL tanding that the state .highway Orville Lamb.
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