Final Report for the Karnataka Integrated and Sustainable Water Resources Management Investment Program Volume 2: The Appendices LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX 1: DESIGN AND MONITORING FRAMEWORK ................................................................ 1‐4 APPENDIX 2: KISWRMIP IWRM ROADMAP .................................................................................. 5‐11 APPENDIX 3: WATER GOVERNANCE .......................................................................................... 12‐38 APPENDIX 4A: OUTPUT 1 PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION PLAN ...................................................... 39‐96 APPENDIX 4B‐1: OUTPUT 2 PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION PLAN (MANAGEMENT OF IRRIGATION SUB PROJECTS IS MODERNIZED) ................... 97‐122 APPENDIX 4B‐2: OUTPUT 2 PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION PLAN (WUCS AND AGRICULTURE DEVELOPMENT) .................................................... 123‐134 APPENDIX 4C: OUTPUT 3 PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION PLAN .................................................. 135‐148 APPENDIX 5: TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR WUCS SUPPORT SERVICE TEAM (SST) ................. 149‐153 APPENDIX 6: IWRM CAPACITY ASSESSMENT .......................................................................... 154‐187 APPENDIX 7: PROCUREMENT CAPACITY ASSESSMENT .......................................................... 188‐202 APPENDIX 8: STAKEHOLDER PARTICIPATION & CONSULTATION ........................................... 203‐214 APPENDIX 9: COMMUNICATIONS STRATEGY ......................................................................... 215‐220 APPENDIX 10: RESETTLEMENT FRAMEWORK .......................................................................... 221‐291 APPENDIX 11: DRAFT SUMMARY POVERTY REDUCTION AND SOCIAL STRATEGY ................... 292‐295 APPENDIX 12: GENDER ACTION PLAN ..................................................................................... 296‐297 APPENDIX 13: PROCUREMENT PLAN ........................................................................................ 298‐305 APPENDIX 14: DEVELOPMENT COORDINATION ....................................................................... 306‐310 APPENDIX 15: DETAILED TRANCHE 1 FUNDING COSTS ............................................................ 311‐327 APPENDIX 16: ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL ASSESSMENT ....................................................... 328‐347 APPENDIX 17: OUTLINE OF FACILITY ADMINSTRATION MANUAL ............................................ 348‐349 DHV BV, The Netherlands in Association with DHV India Pvt. Ltd. i Final Report for the Karnataka Integrated and Sustainable Water Resources Management Investment Program Volume 2: The Appendices ABBREVIATIONS AC‐IWRM Advanced Centre for Integrated Water Resource Management ADB Asian Development Bank APs APs Affected Persons BPL Below Poverty Line BTP Bio‐data Technical Proposal CAD Command Area Development CADA Command Area Development Authority CCA Culturable Command Area CDTA Capacity Development Technical Assistance CE Chief Engineer CEP Community Education Plan CF Conversion Factor CNNL Cauvery Neeravari Nigam Limited CPCB Central Pollution Control Board CVC Central Vigilance Commission CWC Central Water Commission DMF Design and Monitoring Framework DPs Displaced Persons EA Executing Agency EE Executive Engineer EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EIRR Economic Internal Rate of Return EMD Earnest Money Deposit EMP Environmental Management Plan FAM Facility Administration Manual FAO Food and Agriculture Organisation FBS Fixed Budget Selection FGD Focus Group Discussion FTP Full Technical Proposal GAP Gender Action Plan GOI Government of India DHV BV, The Netherlands in Association with DHV India Pvt. Ltd. ii Final Report for the Karnataka Integrated and Sustainable Water Resources Management Investment Program Volume 2: The Appendices GOK/SGOK Government of Karnataka/ State Government of Karnataka GRC Grievance Redress Committee GRF General Financial Rules GSDP Gross State Domestic Product GW Groundwater Wing IA Implementing Agency ICB International competitive bidding ID Irrigation Department IEE Initial Environmental Examination INR Indian National Rupee IP Indigenous People IPPF Indigenous Peoples Planning Framework IWMI International Water Management Institute IWRM Integrated Water Resources Management KADC Karnataka Agriculture Development Corporation KISWRMIP Karnataka Integrated and Sustainable Water Resources Management Investment Program KNNL Karnataka Neeravari Nigam Limited KRWSSA Karnataka Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Agency KSDA Karnataka State Department of Agriculture KSHD Karnataka State Horticulture Department KTPPA Karnataka Transparency in Public Procurements Act LAA Land Acquisition Act LCS Least Cost Selection MCM Million Cubic Metres MD Managing Director MFF Multi‐Tranche Financing Facility MGNREGA Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act MOEF Ministry of Environment and Forests MOWR Ministry of Water Resources NAPCC National Action Plan on Climate Change NCB National Competitive Bidding DHV BV, The Netherlands in Association with DHV India Pvt. Ltd. iii Final Report for the Karnataka Integrated and Sustainable Water Resources Management Investment Program Volume 2: The Appendices NGO Non‐government organization NLBC Narayanpur Left Bank Canal NRCP National River Conservation Plan NRRP National Resettlement & Rehabilitation Plan NWC National Water Commission NWM National Water Mission O&M Operation and maintenance P&C Participation & Consultations PD Project Director PIM Participatory Irrigation Management PIO Project Implementation Officer PMU Program Management Unit PPP Public Private Partnership PPTA Project Preparation Technical Assistance PSC Program Support Consultancy QCBS Quality and Cost Based Selection R&R Rehabilitation and Resettlement RB River Basin RF Resettlement Framework RoW Right of Way RPs Resettlement Plans SCs Scheduled Castes SCF Standard Conversion Factor SGOK State Government of Karnataka SPS Safeguard Policy Statement SST WUCS Service Support Team STP Sewage Treatment Plant STs Scheduled Tribes TAC Technical Advisory Committee TB Tungabhadra sub‐basin TBD To Be Determined TLBC Tungabhadra Left Bank Canal DHV BV, The Netherlands in Association with DHV India Pvt. Ltd. iv Final Report for the Karnataka Integrated and Sustainable Water Resources Management Investment Program Volume 2: The Appendices TMC Thousand Million Cubic Feet (1 TMC = 28.317 MCM) TOR Terms of Reference TOT Training of Trainers TSC Total Sanitation Campaign UT Union Territory VJN Vijayanagara VNC Vijayanagara Channels WDD Watershed Development Department WRD Water Resources Department, Government of Karnataka WRG Water Resources Group WSS Water Supply and Sanitation WUA Water User Association WUCS Water User Cooperative Societies DHV BV, The Netherlands in Association with DHV India Pvt. Ltd. v Appendix 1: Design and Monitoring Framework for the Investment Program 20142014--20232023 APPENDIX 1: DESIGN AND MONITORING FRAMEWORK FOR THE INVESTMENT PROGRAM 2014–2023 Performance Data Sources/ Reporting Design Summary Assumptions and Risks Targets/Indicators Mechanisms Impact By 2028: Assumption Enhanced security No significant change in of water resources River basin WRD/KNNL annual gross volume of water in Karnataka river management reports and scheme availability in Karnataka basins arrangements monitoring reports established in at least Water quality reporting 3 sub-basins metrics are maintained over the monitoring Water quality in at Central Pollution Control period least 90 % of river Board annual reports reaches maintained at or better than class for intended use in selected sub-basins State gross value Department of (2012 INR) of annual Agriculture/ Department agricultural of Revenue annual production increases reports from INR 62,057 crore1 (USD 11.28 National Sample Survey billion) to INR 141,455 State and district crore (USD 25.72 statistics billion) WRD annual reports Outcome By 2020: Assumption Improved water State IWRM strategy WRD/KNNL annual Continued political and resources under implementation reports and scheme community/stakeholder management in monitoring reports support to sustain and the selected river By 2023: proceed with reforms basins in Annual water WRA annual reports Karnataka resources monitoring and assessments in program sub-basins and corresponding water allocations to users implemented By 2023: Infrastructure and WRD/KNNL annual management systems reports and scheme on 55,000 ha of monitoring reports irrigation is modernized (FAO 1996) within the K8 sub-basin 1 Economic Survey of Karnataka 2012-13 DHV BV, The Netherlands in Association with DHV India Pvt. Ltd. 1 APPENDIX 1: DESIGN AND MONITORING FRAMEWORK FOR THE INVESTMENT PROGRAM 2014–2023 Performance Data Sources/ Reporting Design Summary Assumptions and Risks Targets/Indicators Mechanisms Outputs By 2018: Assumption 1. State and basin At least 3 river basin RBO meeting minutes Certified WRD staff institutions plans are being remain in office strengthened for implemented WRA reports IWRM (baseline = 0) By 2018: WRD/KNNL reports and xx WRD staff (xx% minutes women) are certified in IWRM (Baseline = 0) By December 2015: AC-IWRM annual report AC-IWRM is fully staffed (6 technical State annual budget staff consistent with report the Government Order for establishment), resourced (offices and equipment), with staffed trained in IWRM (baseline =0) 2. Irrigation By 2021: Assumption system 300 km of irrigation WRD/KNNL annual infrastructure and canal modernized reports and scheme management
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