BEDROCK GEOLOGY OF PADUCAH NE QUADRANGLE Illinois Department of Natural Resources Illinois Geologic Quadrangle Map ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MASSAC AND POPE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS IGQ Paducah NE-BG William W. Shilts, Chief F. Brett Denny and W. John Nelson 2005 A Km Mts Msb Qc Km Mgd Mgd Mgd Mm BARNES CREEK QTm Qc FAULT ZONE Mpo 15 Mgd 67.5 6 QTm Km 15 Qc 78 4 Msb Mts EXPLANATION Qc E Msb N Mts Mps O QTm Z Mh T Qc Km Mts L Cahokia Formation U Mwb A Qm F Holocene Y 5 Qc T 32 I Cahokia overlying 594 Mpo C 10 Qc/e Msb Equality Formation Qc Y 4 12 Mm A B Qc Mgd Qc Quaternary Unconformity Gravel Pit Mwb 3 Henry Formation Km Qh(d) Dolton Member Mm Msb Mts QTm Unconformity Pleistocene Mh QTm 770 Mpo Mpo Mh QTm Qm Metropolis Formation 10 Mgd Mps Unconformity 15 Mh Mcy Qm 4 QTm Mounds Gravel Qc Mm Tertiary Pliocene Mpo Km Unconformity Msb 70 7 Upper 335 Mts Km McNairy Formation QTm Cretaceous Cretaceous Mm E N 70 Unconformity 180 O 128 Z Mm Qc Mg QTm T Msb L U A Mps Palestine Sandstone F Qc Mg E 7 Km IN Unconformity 104 M Mg QTm QTm N Mm Menard Limestone 207 O T 9 61 P M Qc O C Mwv Waltersburg Formation Mcy and Vienna Limestone Mwv Km Qc 78 Km AЈ Mts Tar Springs Sandstone Km 240 36 Km QTm 397 Mgd Glen Dean Limestone Km MALLARDMALLARD CREEKCREEK Gravel Pit FAULTFAULT AREAAREA Mcy Qm (fig.(fig. 1,1, sheetsheet 2)2) Mh Hardinsburg Sandstone Chesterian 180 241 Mississippian 312 26 12 Mg Golconda Formation QTm Mcy 12 15 Qc Qm Qm Qm Mcy Cypress Sandstone 48 35 71 Unconformity 144 29.5 51 72 Qc Mr Ridenhower Formation Mwb (cross section only) Km Msb Sample and Bethel Baden West 44 Km Km 183 Sandstones Qm Disconformity Qc/e 175 65 15 QTm QTm Mpo Paoli Limestone 100 14 Ste. Genevieve Limestone Qm QTm Msg Km and Aux Vases Sandstone 270 (cross section only) 67 Qm Mwb 108 120 220 47 165 Qc 70 175 90 205 Qm 133 QTm Symbols Mpo 40 Strike and dip of bedding; number 96 indicates degree of dip 5 Mwb Qc 210 Horizontal bedding Qm 40 65 Qc/e 13 245 100 Vertical joints 63 70 111 91 Gravel pits 85 51 68 130 Mwb 100 Km QTm Drill Holes 55 Qm numbers indicate total depth of boring in feet 53 Qh(d) Qc Qm Stratigraphic boring Qh(d) Qc e" 35 QTm 380 Stratigraphic boring with samples Qtm Qm Se" 67 Stratigraphic boring with core description 44 Ce" 15 Water well 25 50 e" 210 25 Qc/e 185 110 28 59 73 Water well with samples 75 Se" 70 T Qc Engineering boring AUL e" 75 Qh(d) Qh(d) CREEK F 18 Line Symbols dashed where inferred, dotted where concealed ALCORN Qm 52 Contact 53 Normal fault; bar and ball on downthrown side Qc/e Qc/e A AЈ Line of cross section Qm 52 65 Qc/e 62 55 34 Qh(d) Base map compiled by Illinois State Geological Survey from digital data provided by the SCALE 1:24 000 Geology based on fi eld work by F. Brett Denny and W. John Nelson, 1995 and 1996. United States Geological Survey. Topography compiled 1956. Planimetry derived from 1 1/ 2 0 1 MILE imagery taken 1993. Partial fi eld check 1996. Digital cartography by L. Verhelst and J. Domier, Illinois State Geological Survey. 10000 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 FEET North American Datum of 1927 (NAD 27) 1 .5 0 1 KILOMETER The Illinois State Geological Survey, the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, and the Projection: Transverse Mercator State of Illinois make no guarantee, expressed or implied, regarding the correctness of the 10,000-foot ticks: Illinois State Plane Coordinate system, east zone (Transverse Mercator) interpretations presented in this document and accept no liability for the consequences 1,000-meter ticks: Universal Transverse Mercator grid system, zone 16 of decisions made by others on the basis of the information presented here. The geologic BASE MAP CONTOUR INTERVAL 10 FEET interpretations are based on data that may vary with respect to accuracy of geographic SUPPLEMENTARY CONTOUR INTERVAL 5 FEET location, the type and quantity of data available at each location, and the scientifi c and Recommended citation: NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929 technical qualifi cations of the data sources. Maps or cross sections in this document are Denny, F.B., and W.J. Nelson, 2005, Bedrock Geology of Paducah NE Quadrangle, not meant to be enlarged. Massac and Pope Counties, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Illinois Geologic Released by the authority of the State of Illinois: 2005 Quadrangle Map, IGQ Paducah NE-BG, 1:24,000. 1 1 /2 ° ADJOINING ROAD CLASSIFICATION 123 QUADRANGLES M A TRUE NORTH 1 Reevesville G Primary highway, Light-duty road, hard or N 2 Brownfi eld E hard surface improved surface TI 3 Golconda C Secondary highway, 45 Light-duty road, dirt 4 Metropolis N O hard surface 5 Smithland R T Unimproved road For more information contact: H 6 Paducah West Illinois State Geological Survey 678 7 Paducah East 615 East Peabody Drive 8 Little Cypress APPROXIMATE MEAN County Route Champaign, Illinois 61820-6964 DECLINATION, 2005 (217) 244-2414 http://www.isgs.uiuc.edu IGQ Paducah NE-BG Sheet 1 of 2 Introduction Structural Geology An unnamed normal fault was mapped in the southwest corner of Sec. 4, Cretaceous as shown by faults that offset the McNairy but not the younger Alcorn Creek Fault Zone T15S, R6E. This fault was not well exposed and was inferred from the gravel. The second episode, displacing the younger gravel, probably took The Alcorn Creek Fault Zone is projected into the map area from the The Paducah NE 7.5-minute Quadrangle is located in Massac and Pope The quadrangle is traversed by a series of northeast-southwest–trend- abrupt termination of the McNairy sand. The fault is probably small with place during the Wisconsin Episode between approximately 10,000 and Smithland Quadrangle, where it is exposed. An asymmetrical syncline Counties in southeastern Illinois, approximately 5 miles north of Paducah, ing fault zones. From west to east they are the Barnes Creek Fault Zone, no more than 30 feet of vertical offset. 75,000 years ago (Nelson et al. 1999). with an axial trend of N45°E parallels faults that defi ne the graben (De- Kentucky. Ross (1964) published a 1:62,500-scale geologic map of this Compton Mine Fault Zone, Bay City Fault Zone, and the Alcorn Creek vera unpublished). The Alcorn Creek structure appears to be essentially a region. Amos (1966) mapped the Kentucky portion of the Smithland Fault Zone. These faults are southwestern extensions of the Fluorspar Area Compton Mine Fault Zone To the north, in the Brownfi eld Quadrangle, this fault zone is mineralized Paleozoic structure that did not affect Cretaceous or younger units. Quadrangle to the east and the Golconda Quadrangle to the northeast Fault Complex (FAFC), a series of horsts and grabens that strike north- The Compton Mine Fault Zone, which generally trends N30°E, is com- with fl uorite and lead, which were mined underground. Most Mississippi (1967). Nelson et al. (2002) mapped the Metropolis Quadrangle to the east-southwest directly toward the New Madrid Seismic Zone. These faults posed of several high-angle, normal faults that outline a central graben. Valley Type mineralization in the Illinois-Kentucky Fluorspar District is Conclusions west and W.J. Nelson (unpublished) mapped the Brownfi eld Quadrangle to have been traced to the northeast along the Ohio River through Kentucky The width of the graben varies from about 1,000 to 2,000 feet, and the related to igneous mafi c dikes and sills, which were dated by Zartman et The structural and tectonic character of the quadrangle suggests that the the north. This is the fi rst 1:24,000-scale bedrock map of the Paducah NE and into Hardin County, Illinois. W.J. Nelson (unpublished) has mapped bedding within it is nearly horizontal. The graben has vertical displace- al. (1967) as early Permian age. Therefore, most of the movement on this area was subjected to a general southeast-northwest compressional stress, 7.5-minute Quadrangle. northeastern extensions of the fault zones, and Amos (1966) has mapped a ments of up to 850 feet relative to adjacent strata to the west; it is fl anked fault zone was post-Mississippian, with sporadic post-Cretaceous and followed by later extension, which produced a series of normal faults. series of northeast-trending faults in the Golconda Quadrangle that coin- on both the east and west sides by smaller normal faults. Altogether, strata Quaternary movement. No movement more recent than Wisconsinan has The major displacements appear to be dominantly normal, producing a Paleozoic bedrock of the Mississippian System is exposed in the north- cide with the FAFC. The FAFC has been active from as early as the Cam- east of the fault zone are downthrown approximately 500 feet (see cross been documented in the quadrangle. series of grabens. Evidence in the Barnes Creek area suggests that a more east and eastern portions of the quadrangle. Weakly lithifi ed to non-lith- brian. Although most of the tectonic activity occurred during the Paleozoic section). This graben is along strike with and is the southernmost surfi cial recent period of strike-slip movement may have occurred (Nelson et al.
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