September 13, 2006 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 152, Pt. 13 18155 E.G. Sturgis, Michael Lussier, James J. Walk- dent’s veto of legislation to expand Federal the 60th anniversary of the French Village Fire er, Jr., John T. McNeill, Stephen M. Riggs, embryonic stem cell research ‘‘a blow against Department located in St. Clair County, Illinois. Richard Hippey. scientific progress and human health,’’ mirrors In 1946, residents in the Dutch Hollow and f the views of more than 70 percent of the French Village neighborhoods took action to American public who support expanded em- provide fire protection for their communities by TRIBUTE TO MONROE SWEETLAND bryonic stem cell research. I encourage each forming the French Village Fire Department. of my colleagues to read this well-written Initial funding for this new department came HON. DARLENE HOOLEY piece and ask unanimous consent that a copy from bake sales and raffles, but they were OF OREGON of it be placed in the RECORD. able to purchase a fire engine from Towers IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES [From the Baytown Sun, July 21, 2006] Fire Apparatus in nearby Freeburg, Illinois. Wednesday, September 13, 2006 ASSAULT ON SCIENCE The first firehouse was located on a resident’s (By David Bloom) property off Rural Route 5, which is now 2nd Ms. HOOLEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to President Bush used his first veto Wednes- Avenue in Fairview Heights. honor a great man, Monroe Sweetland. A po- day to block a bill that would have lifted Raising funds for the department was a litical renaissance man who positively affected some federal restrictions on funding for stem struggle during the early years in the late the lives of generations of Oregon students cell research that most Americans support. 1940s and early 1950s. Picnics, dances and through his commitment to higher education. In vetoing the bill, Bush made good on a fish fries were some of the fund-raising activi- A native of Salem, Oregon, Mr. Sweetland promise he made in 2001 to limit federally ties that were required to keep the department was a walking history book of Oregon and na- funded embryonic research to the stem cell lines that had been created by the time. He operational. Through an election in 1953, the tional politics. A former Oregon legislator, also landed quite a blow against scientific French Village Fire District was formed. This newspaper publisher, and education advocate, progress and human health. provided tax revenue so that the fire depart- he counted among his friends many illustrious Bush and other opponents of embryonic ment could begin to plan for equipment, sup- members of the national Democratic Party, in- stem cell research claim that their position plies, and ongoing operations. cluding Eleanor Roosevelt, Harry Truman, is rooted in a respect for human life. They In addition to growth in residential property, John F. Kennedy, and Hubert Humphrey. say that the embryos destroyed in the proc- the early years were also marked by tragedy. Despite the accolades and attention, Mr. ess of extracting stem cells are human beings with a right to life. In 1952, firemen Frank Robinson and Francis Sweetland always considered the work that he In truth, clinics destroy thousands upon Johnson, Jr., lost their lives when their fire did in the field of education to be his most im- thousands of embryos every year, the left- truck was struck while en route to a call. In portant. overs of the in-vitro fertilization process. 1954, another firefighter, Paul Hodson, suf- Through his efforts Portland State University The bill would have allowed federal funding fered a fatal heart attack while fighting a vehi- was transformed from a struggling city college only for stem cell lines made from embryos cle fire. This second tragedy provided the into a full-fledged urban university, thereby headed for destruction, not adoption. Thus, stimulus for the department to provide better giving countless students the opportunity to no lives will be saved by the president’s veto. Further, embryos used in embryonic stem emergency care. study at a first-class institution. cell research are not human beings—not in The next decades saw continued growth for In the mid 1960s Mr. Sweetland’s career any rational sense of the term. These em- the French Village Fire Department. Additional shifted beyond Oregon and he became the bryos are smaller than a grain of sand, and trucks and advanced equipment were added National Education Association’s political di- consist of at most a few hundred undifferen- to keep pace with the growing population as rector for 13 western States. It was in this ca- tiated cells. well as the new advances in technology. pacity that he initiated what became the Bilin- While they have the potential to become In the 1980s an effort at the ballot to dis- gual Education Act of 1968, which provided human beings—if implanted in a woman’s band the department was defeated and a Federal money to encourage school districts uterus and brought to term—they are no- where near actual human beings. bond issue was passed to replace aging to try approaches such as teaching English as No one knows for certain all that can be equipment and build a second fire station. The a second language. helped by stem cells. Most scientists believe 1990s saw the opening of the new station and His work at the NEA merely exemplified the they hold extraordinary healing powers and the department’s 50th anniversary. In the new compassion that he felt for all people, regard- may aid everything from brain function im- century, the French Village Fire Department less of skin color. He was a vocal critic of the paired by Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s to continued to expand and improve with the ad- internment of Japanese Americans during pancreas function limited by diabetes and dition of a 75-ft. aerial ladder. heart function after a heart attack. World War II and is credited with helping build It is revealing that Bush has used his first The French Village Fire Department has support for a civil rights bill passed by the Or- veto to oppose potentially life-saving re- been a shining example of dedication and pro- egon Legislature in 1953, after 17 civil rights search to shore up his support among people fessionalism, made possible by the sacrifices bills had been unsuccessful. who regard destruction of an embryo as that their firefighters and their families have I know that I am joined by my fellow Orego- abortion. made since 1946. Their compassion, valor, nians, and many others across the country, Anyone who truly cares about human life and unselfish acts of courage make each of when I express my deepest condolences to should condemn this religious assault on them an everyday hero. medical progress. Monroe Sweetland’s family for their loss. Granted, it’s difficult to balance the moral, I ask my colleagues to join me in honoring Oregon has lost one of its greatest citizens, ethical and economic considerations in life the 60th anniversary of the French Village Fire a person whose influence will continue to be sciences research. Elected officials must set Department and to wish the best to them for felt for years to come, and we, as a State, are policy that is flexible but consistent with continued service in the future. greater for his presence and lesser for his historic national values. f passing. But in this case, the president’s beliefs and his aim for better poll numbers are pre- f PENSION PROTECTION ACT venting research that offers hope to many ADMINISTRATION STEM CELL ailing people. HON. RUSH D. HOLT VETO: ‘‘ASSAULT ON SCIENCE’’ f OF NEW JERSEY HONORING THE 60TH ANNIVER- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. GENE GREEN SARY OF THE FRENCH VILLAGE Wednesday, September 13, 2006 OF TEXAS FIRE DEPARTMENT IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. HOLT. Mr. Speaker, last month Presi- HON. JERRY F. COSTELLO dent Bush signed into law the so-called Pen- Wednesday, September 13, 2006 sion Protection Act. I opposed this legislation OF ILLINOIS Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speaker, because it fails to address America’s retire- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I rise to bring my colleagues’ attention to the ment security crisis—in fact, it accelerates the editorial entitled ‘‘Assault on Science,’’ which Wednesday, September 13, 2006 move away from defined-benefit pension plans was published on July 21, 2006 in the Bay- Mr. COSTELLO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to and it makes it easier for companies to elimi- town Sun. The editorial, which calls the Presi- ask my colleagues to join me in recognizing nate pensions or dump their obligations onto VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:38 May 10, 2017 Jkt 049102 PO 00000 Frm 00251 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BR13SE06.REC BR13SE06 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with BOUND RECORD 18156 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 152, Pt. 13 September 13, 2006 the backs of taxpayers. It also treats the pen- There is no accomplishment or gift greater who was chosen ‘‘New Mexico’s Outstanding sions of CEOs and top executives as more sa- in life than the birth of a son or daughter. As Older Worker of 2006.’’ At the young age of cred than those of workers. the father of five wonderful children who are 87, she continues to work and is currently the The Federal Government should ensure the light of my life, I know how happy and ful- deputy village clerk of the village of Roy, lo- that, after 30 years of service, workers will re- filled Julie and Chad are to have a healthy cated in eastern New Mexico, serving the resi- ceive the pensions that they have been prom- and beautiful newborn baby daughter.
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