Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 23, 2018 ST. M ATTHEW CATHOLIC CHURCH ...a community of faith and love CǘǥǢǓǘ/PǑǢǙǣǘ OǖǖǙǓǕ/CǟǞǖǕǢǕǞǓǕ CǕǞǤǕǢ SǤ. MǑǤǤǘǕǧ CǑǤǘǟǜǙǓ SǓǘǟǟǜ 2700 SE VǙǢǗǙǞǙǑ AǦǕ · TǟǠǕǛǑ, Kǣ 66605 1000 SE 28Ǥǘ SǤǢǕǕǤ · TǟǠǕǛǑ, KS 66605 (785) 232-5012 (785) 235-2188 ǖǑǨ: (785) 232 -0028 SǤ. MǑǤǤǘǕǧ EǑǢǜǩ LǕǑǢǞǙǞǗ CǕǞǤǕǢ AǔǟǢǑǤǙǟǞ CǘǑǠǕǜ 1000 SE 28Ǥǘ SǤǢǕǕǤ · TǟǠǕǛǑ, KS 66605 (785) 232-5012 (ǕǨǤ 243) (785) 233-1220 www.SaintMatthews.org PǑǣǤǟǢ: FǢ. JǟǘǞ M. TǟǢǢǕǪ (ǕǨǤ. 204) [email protected] Mass Schedule AǔǝǙǞǙǣǤǢǑǤǟǢ: Bǟǒ BǢǟǨǤǕǢǝǑǞ (ǕǨǤ. 201) Weekends: Saturday 5:00 p.m., Sunday 8:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. rjbrox @saintmatthews.org Weekday: See Page 3 for Weekday Mass Schedule AǓǓǟǥǞǤǑǞǤ: CǑǢǕǩ KǕǞǞǕǔǩ (ǕǨǤ.202) Confession: Saturday 4 - 4:45 p.m., or by appointment [email protected] PǑǢǙǣǘ SǕǓǢǕǤǑǢǩ/VǟǜǥǞǤǕǕǢ CǟǟǢǔǙǞǑǤǟǢ: MǑǥǢǕǕǞ LǕǙǛǕǢ (ǕǨǤ. 200) [email protected] PǑǢǤ -TǙǝǕ PǑǢǙǣǘ SǕǓǢǕǤǑǢǩ: AǜǙǓǕ LǑǞǔǕǢǣ (ǕǨǤ. 217) [email protected] AǔǦǟǓǑǤǕ ǖǟǢ AǞǞǥǜǝǕǞǤǣ: SǥǕ CǑǢǣǟǞ [email protected] MǙǞǙǣǤǢǩ Ǥǟ ǣǙǓǛ/ǘǟǣǠǙǤǑǜǙǪǕǔ/ǘǟǝǕǒǟǥǞǔ: BǑǢǒ MǓCǑǥǜǕǩ SǓǘǟǟǜ PǢǙǞǓǙǠǑǜ: TǘǕǢǕǣǑ LǕǙǞ (ǕǨǤ. 216) [email protected] SǓǘǟǟǜ SǕǓǢǕǤǑǢǩ: JǑǝǙǕ RǟǔǢǙǗǥǕǪ (ǕǨǤ. 215) [email protected] EǑǢǜǩ LǕǑǢǞǙǞǗ CǕǞǤǕǢ DǙǢǕǓǤǟǢ: MǕǜǙǣǣǑ MǕǙǞǘǑǢǔǤ (ǕǨǤ. 234) [email protected] DǙǢǕǓǤǟǢ ǟǖ FǑǙǤǘ FǟǢǝǑǤǙǟǞ: LǙǞǕǤǤǕ LǟǠǕǪ (ǕǨǤ . 210) [email protected] DǙǢǕǓǤǟǢ ǟǖ MǥǣǙǓ MǙǞǙǣǤǢǩ: CǘǑǢǜǙǕ WǥǜǛǕ (ǕǨǤ. 237) [email protected] PǑǣǤǟǢǑǜ CǟǥǞǓǙǜ: JǟǘǞ GǟǞǪǑǜǕǪ (ǓǘǑǙǢ) JǙǝ LǕǙǛǕǢ NǑǞǓǩ LǙǣǤǕǢ CǑǤǘǩ MǑǥǢǟ PǑǤǤǩ MǟǢǗǑǞ JǑǛǕ SǥǤǤǟǞ DǙǓǛ FǢǙǤǤǟǞ JǑǝǕǣ CǥǝǝǙǞǗǣ BǕǓǛǩ BǜǑǞǓǑǣ FǙǞǑǞǓǕ CǟǥǞǓǙǜ: LǟǥǙǣ FǥǞǛ (CǘǑǙǢ) SǓǘǟǟǜ CǟǥǞǓǙǜ: Aǜ OǩǕǢǜǩ (CǘǑǙǢ) (Consult Parish Directory for phone numbers ) PARISH MISSION STATEMENT We at St. Matthew Catholic Church are a community of faith and love dedicated to our Lord Jesus Christ. We are committed to spiritual growth through active worship, education and ministry. We provide an environment to support a Christ-centered way of life. Through our actions others will be drawn to Christ. MESSAGE FROM FR. JOHN RCIA T OPIC : D ESIRE AND CAPACITY FOR GOD (S EPTEMBER 27 TH ) Parish Office Hours Monday-Thursday “The desire for God is written in the human heart, because man is created by God 8:00 am - 4:00 pm and for God; and God never ceases to draw man to himself. Only in God will he find Friday, 8:00 am - 12 noon the truth and happiness he never stops searching for: ‘The dignity of man rests above all on the fact that he is called to communion with God. This invitation to Bulletin Deadline: converse with God is addressed to man as soon as he comes into being. For if man Monday noon, in writing. exists, it is because God has created him through love, and through love continues to Who is a parishioner? hold him in existence. He cannot live fully according to truth unless he freely One who is registered and regularly par- acknowledges that love and entrusts himself to his creator’” (CCC, no. 27). ticipates in the liturgical life of the parish and demonstrates support of the parish “E NLISTING WITNESSES FOR JESUS CHRIST ” - USCCB mission by completing and fulfilling an We are living in a secularized society which continues to squeeze Christianity to the annual commitment of time, treasure margins, or completely out of engagement with Jesus Christ and the Church. and talent. We are losing baptized Catholics at an alarming rate. According to Pew Research, To register in the Parish: nearly one-in-four Hispanic adults (24%) are now former Catholics and most of them We welcome anyone interested in being are “nones”, a term used for people with no religious affiliation. an active member of our parish. Please Many parents are saddened to report that their children are leaving the Church after call the Parish Office (232-5012) and preparing for and celebrating initiation sacraments, and after years of Catholic plan to attend a Welcome Sunday to School or parish religion classes. Figures for baptisms, Church weddings and weekly pick up registration materials. Mass attendance are down. Those who self-identify as atheists or agnostics Baptisms: (“Nones”) now make up roughly 23% of the U.S. adult population. Adults, especially First time parents (or those who have young adults, are more likely to say they are not religiously affiliated than in past gen- not attended a class within the last three erations. Also growing in numbers are those who are baptized, and in junior or senior years) must meet with Fr. John prior to high school, who are increasingly stopping to self-identify as Christians and grouping the scheduling of the baptism for your themselves among the “Nones.” child(ren). Please call the Parish Office At the same time, we are blessed with an incredibly generous cohort of faithful who for information. Baptisms are celebrated are sacramentally graced to give Gospel witness in their homes, schools and work- monthly. place, if only they were invited, trained and supported in their outreach as missionary Marriages: disciples. It will take the whole Church’s witness and engagement of the “Nones”, Couples are required to contact Fr. John inside and outside the walls of the church and across society, to reach out, at least 6 months prior to the anticipated accompany them, and share the joy of the gospel with them. wedding date and BEFORE making any other arrangements or reserving a Our 2018 and 2019 Catechetical Sunday and Leadership Institute themes are de- reception hall. signed to address the phenomena of the “Nones” in two parts. During 2018, we will be researching some of the causes eroding faith and moving people to step away Anointing of the Sick: from life in Christ and his body, the Church. We will also showcase some of the many If you would like to receive the Sacra- groups of missionary disciples already enlisted and engaged as witnesses for Jesus ment of the Sick, please see Fr. John Christ. Hopefully many more will be able to learn about and join in their efforts. after Mass. The sacrament is available During 2019, we will focus particularly on the steps needed to enable the faithful to to all those who are ailing physically, claim their true roles as witnesses to Jesus Christ. In imitation of Jesus’ encounter mentally or spiritually. with two disciples on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35), we will become more Hospital Reminder: familiar with terms like “accompanying”, “evangelizing” and “catechizing”. We will If you are in the hospital and would like to learn how to assist folks in exploring the reasonableness of the Faith, having an receive Holy Communion, please “encounter” with Jesus, sharing in a deeper faith experience, and drawing out the have a family member contact the meaning of those experiences for their lives. May the joy of our life in Christ be so Parish Office (232-5012). remarkable that even the “Nones” are moved to ask what is the secret behind this joy and claim it for themselves. Bishop Robert Barron, Chairman Committee on Evangelization and Catechesis 2 St. Matthew Parish: “The Refrigerator Page” This page is provided for you to add to your family’s information center, the “fridge!” Sunday, 9/23 MASS INTENTIONS 8:00am Mass/Church September 24 - September 30, 2018 9:00am School of Religion (SOR) Classes/School 10:30am Mass/Church Monday ........................................................... Weekday No Mass Monday, 9/24 Tuesday ........................................................... Weekday 5:15pm Rosary Group/Church 8:05 a.m. (Grades K - 5) - † Ivan & † Tomasa Sapata 6:30pm Adult Faith Formation (St. Peter)/Parish Hall Wednesday... .................................................. Weekday No Mass West Thursday .................................................... Saint Vincent 8:00pm Men’s Open Gym Night/Trompeter Gym No Mass Friday ............................................................. Weekday Tuesday, 9/25 8:05 a.m. (All School) - † Raymond Hunninghake 8:05am Mass/Church Saturday ......... Vigil, 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:00 p.m. - † Norma Christian Sunday ........Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Wednesday, 9/26 8:00 a.m.– † Mike Clark and St. Matthew Parishioners 8:30am-3:00pm Prayer Blanket Ministry/Parish Hall 10:30 a.m. - Special Intention for Russ & Barb Robison West 50th Wedding Anniversary 6:30pm School of Religion (SOR) Classes/School 7:00pm Choir Rehearsal/Church Thursday, 9/27 PRAYER CORNER… We pray for those among us who are ill and 9:00am Adult Faith Formation (St. Peter)/Parish Hall for their caregivers, for those experiencing a hardship or difficulty and for West those in the Armed Forces. To place someone’s name on the prayer corner, please call the Parish Office (232-5012). 5:30pm Centering Prayer/Weekday Chapel 7:00pm RCIA/Parish Hall West Sean Casper Charles Kennedy Rob Roberts Larry Housh Lisa Mendoza Adolph Degenhardt Braden McGraw Sam Kelly Friday, 9/28 Joe Scheve Marvin Gardner, Jr. Janet Harkins Mary Luna 8:05am Mass/Church Nancy Clasemann Judi Stork Janet Arthaud Karen Testa Amanda Merida Aurelia Heiman Alice Hansen Kimberly Duncan 6:00pm Knights of Columbus Social/Parish Hall West Margaret Dolan Pauline Johnson Wanda Phillips Chris Dodds Theresa Becerra Art Pagles Korri Simmons Karl Alber Saturday, 9/29 Ada Barkes Jackie Fellows Cailey Keating Cheyenne Tetuan Stephanie Muth Kathy Keck Bev Runnebaum Patricia King 7:30am Men’s Fellowship Group/Parish Conference Doralie Johnson Andrew Soto Margaret Rohr Ralph Lopez, Jr. Center Kelli Seiler Roberta Stadler Eric Schleicher Terry Lopez 4:00pm Confessions/Church Michelle Gilbert Eva Athon Judy Cadwallader Steve Dominguez Pat Coker Kay Becker Tracy Costales Mary Alice 5:00pm Mass/Church Becky Glotzbach Jessica Elva Buchanan Dominguez Vince Melvin Wilson-Carpenter Gena Wiggins Kimberly W. Sunday, 9/30 FOR THOSE SERVING IN THE ARMED FORCES 8:00am Mass/Church 9:00am School of Religion (SOR) Classes/School Eli Latendresse Shea Brinker Marvin Fehrenbach Barry Price Dan Schiefelbein, Jr.
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