• nustr VOLUME 9,5 f HAL IF AX, NOV A SCOTIA FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 1965 Tuition Fees To Inc By $75.00? Hil~e Will Go Into Herald Sell-out Effect In Autumn By Peter Shapiro Gazette News Editor For Carnival Tuitton fees for next year are increasing by$75. 00, to bring Arts and Science tuition to $600.00, according to a reliable source in The Winter Carnival staff are sented for Carnival as a dress the Administration. growing more and more jubilant rehearsal the night before Nep­ The source did not sp.ecify}f_th~r~L~e_ wi_ll be "across the board", as their ringing telephones con­ tune's Winter season begins. and the Gazette has not yet learned further details. tinue to herald a sell-out in all Neptune seats 525. The perfor­ It appears the r eason for the fee hike is a large and recurring the major events. mance follows a fireworks dis­ Unive rsity; operating deficit. If the raise is indeed "~l'rnc:c: Carnival Managing Director play February 4 (at 9:30 p.m.) the board' ', it would net the University budget approximately Frank Hennigar told Dalhousie Hennigar said that the fire­ $200,000. A petition opposing a fee hike Student Council Sunday that the works will be fired from a barge The re has not yet been an ~ff - which was circulated just before performance of the Clancy Bro­ in Halifax Harbour, located near ictal announcement of the m- Christmas collected 1650 signa­ thers in the Capital Theatre, Feb­ the Cable whar!. He said the crease, _and most ?f.thos e_ inter- tures. It was presented to Pre- ruary 7, was almost sold out. He shooting will cost $1500, and that m the Adm1mstratton re- s ident Hicks last week. Dr. said there were approximately it has been especially designed that a r ais e in tuition fees Hicks commented that he was 400 tickets left, and continued that for the Carnival. Apparently yet been considered" happy to receive the views of the they would not last very long. He several •'shots" will be at least budgets have not been students. said au tickets were being sold three times the size of those by the Board of Gov- Most students who have been on a "first come, first serve'· used during the last Halifax Natal / informed of the increase, ex- basis. Day. Hno~<•v<• r the Gazette's source pressed s harp disappointment. Hennigar said that he hoped Hennigar said that on the even­ y reliable, and there ap- Many as ked whether Scholarship Saint Mary's, the University ing of February 4, •'there will pears little doubt that the fees amounts would go up proportion­ sponsoring the Clancy Brothers, be a display of floats, decorated will go up to $600.00 in Sept- ally. They all claimed they were would agree to a showing that cars, girls, horses, plus''. He e mber . willing to demonstrate to pub- Sunday afternoon to accommodate expects a full parade, with con­ The President of the Student licize their situation. students unable to see the night­ tributions from commercial and Council, PPter Herrndorf has re- With the increase, an Art Stu­ time performance. He estimated service groups in the city. Dal­ cognized the fact there has not dent in Residence pays ,asabase, that there will be at least 6000 housie's Carnival Princess has yet been an official announcement. $1300 a year. The figure is slight- students in Halifax during the already been chosen, and was He said the Council would con- ly above the usual tuition and re­ carnival. The Capital theatre crowned during the Science dance tinue to oppose any raise in fees sidence costs of Canadian Uni v­ seats 1954, January 8 - Leslie Ballem, 4th by any means it could. When ersities. Hennigar agreed with the Coun­ Year Science. asked if he would support a stu- When the petition against the cil that something should be done There will be two formal balls dent demonstration, he replied increase was proposed in Student for Dalhousie students, and other on February 4, Dalhousie's at the that if the demonstration were Council in DPcember, Peter students, who will be too late to Mall, and St. Mary's at the Nova usefu l, and responsibly con- Herrndorf charged that a fee iq­ get tickets for the Clancy Bro­ Scotian. ducted, then he and the Council crease would tax the one area of thers show. He intimated that The Carnival staff expects each would support it. the economy the "least able to there might be another program society on the University Campus But he added he would not en- pay for higher education". scheduled to draw some of the to compete for a trophy annually courage any sort of undis ciplined He also said that he hoped the excess crowds. awarded for the '·best snow or or "mob" action. Council action "would prompt The Carnival staff Sunday told ice" sculpture. It declared that Herndorf said he realized that the Administration to make de­ the Gazette that most events were ''if enough individuals construct the Winter Carnival, He said one factor probably causing the finite attempts to seek alterna­ selling very well. Theyattributed sculptures on their personal pro­ the name recalls the history of Last WE'ek a r espite in hitter WE'ather permitted thE' Dalhousie ground crew to get an ear lv Admihistration to raise the fees tive methods of financing, either the early run on tickets to ad­ perty there will be a substantial Nova Scotia as a fishing ecom­ start in pr eparin~ Mudley Field for next year. The Dalhousie Gazette photographer Arch Munro.e is lack of financial support from in the ar ea of "private endow­ vertising on Halifax radio stations prize offered". The artistic omy, of Halifax as a garrison ca ught on film the delicate manuring operation. the government of Nova Scotia. ment, or gover nment aid". during the past few days. efforts will be judge(:! Friday, town. He said that some members in the Eric Hillis, Council member­ Louis Armstrong, appearing in February 5. He said when Nor•easterwinds Administration had told him they at-large, then claimed that a fee the Forum February 5, is selling A Variety Show called the hit, fisherman usually stayed in felt that there should be more increase would make "it imposs­ very fast. Almost 500tickets have "Winter Freeze' ' will present the port ·'and the whole community support for the Univers ity from ible for many Maritime students been sold or reserved on Sunday best performers from each ofthe was called upon to provide enter­ the government. to come here". alone. The forum seats 8000. five Universities in the city, from tainment". Nor' easter days", Compete For Connolly Premier Robert Stanfield told The Dominion Bureau of Stat- Satchmo's show marks his only Acadia and St. F .x., and from Tishman said, ' 'were usually a gathering at St. Xavier Univers- is tics has released figures which stop between Zurick(Switzerland) Halifax, Dartmouth and County packed with fun, including vigor- ity Tuesday afternoon, the Gov- indicate that students from the and I< lorida. He will l.>y ti1en High Schools, in the St. Pa sAud­ 011.3 1r!nter .spud ::., ::.011g :> by lu ~.- nl ernment of Nova Scotia was pre- hip.:hest income bracket have twrn­ have just completed a tour of itorium February 4, During the singers and musicians, and danc­ sentl> mcapable uf meGting- all ty tim~s more opportunity to Australia and New Zealand. show at approximately 10:30 the ing''· At ~ g', nesday the financial demands being made attend University than those fr om The carnival staff said that Winter Carnival Queen will be Hennigar said that tickets are on the treasury by the province's the lower bracket. a large number of tickets had also crowned. sold in the Carnival office, Dal­ universities. The Committee which the stu- been reserved for Neptune's Howard Tishman, Carnival housie Arts Annex, The telephone Dal Drama Society has an­ by Christopher Fry. Miss Lawlor has disastr ous consequences, in­ He explained, the government dent Council establis hed last ·'Two for a Sea-Saw". The Chairman, explained that Nor' number for Carnival information nounced that it will sponsor four said that the play's seUing is· volving a jealous husband, The had a certain, alloted amount to month to explore the "problems bedroom comedy is being pre- Easter is a "natural" theme for is 429-0802. The phone is manned one-act plays . in the Connolly Greece, 1000 year s ago. She said show has a cast of four . spend in the field of education, of University financing" has not t ..-.>m approximately 8:30am. to Shield Competition next Wednes­ the play is intended to s how ··The Boor", by Anton Tchekov, a nd would have to divide it fairly yet prpsented a report. Herrndorf midnight, seven days a week. day night. several levels of comedy. It is the effor t of the Education among the various academic in- told President Hicks that it was All members of the Carnival Miss Susan Vallance will involves a woman, who, mourning department, to be directed by stltutions in Nova Scotia. expected within the next two Campus Parking s taff are confidently predicting a choose the winner play, and na me her dead husband, goe~ to his Linda Piers. It concerns a widow weeks. sell-out. Hennigar suggested that the •·best" actors, actresses and tomb and get s drunk, along with in mourning who is approache~: the tickets may be gone by Jan­ directors.
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