THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 24, 1868. poses of tlie Bill, the provisions, or some of the Actjlassed in the 7th and 8th years of the reign provisions of the local and personal Acts following of King George the Fourth, intituled " An Act (that is to say) — 4 and 5 William IV., cap. 88 ; for supplying with water the town and neigh- 1 Viet., cap. 71; 1 and '2 Viet., cap. 27; 2 and bourhood of Huddersfield, in the West Riding 0f 3 Viet., cap. 28; 4 and 5 Viet., caps. 1 and 39; the county of York," and also of an Act passed 7 and 8 Viet., caps. 5, 63, and 86; 8 and 9 Viet.. in the 8th and 9th. years of the reign of Her caps. 86, 88, 83, 107, 121, 165, 185, and 199; present Majesty, intituled "An Act to after, 9 and 10 Viet., caps. 129, 13J, 173, 174, 175, enlarge, and amend an Act for supplying with 252, 355, 370. and 39 i ; 10 and 11 Viet, caps. water'the town and neighbourhood of Hudders- 57, 58, 8S, 9G, 97, 1 15. 145, 167, 243, 244, 249, field, in the West Riding of the county of York" 273, and 297; 11 and !2 Viet., caps. 75,85, 87, (and which Commissioners are hereinafter 89, 125. and 157; 5t Geo. III., cap. 196; 12 referred to as "the Commissioners"), and for- and 13 Viet., caps. 33 nud 34; 13 and 14 Viet., vesting in the Corporation the said undertaking, cap. 24; 14 and 15 Viet, cap. 83; 16 aud 17 together with all the lands and works, property, Viet., caps. 09 and JG4; 17 and 18 Viet., caps. real or personal, and effects, powers, rights and 186 and 20-S ; 18 and 19 Viet., caps. 122, 177, privileges, duties and liabilities of the Commis- and 188 ; 19 and 20 Viet., cap. 120; 20 and 21 sioners, and for conferring upon the Corporation Viet., caps. 18, 24, 72, 121, and 136 ; 21 .and 22 all necessary .powers for enabling them to supply Viet., caps. 56, 58, 07. 89, and 101; 22 Viet, with Water the borough of Huddersfield, attd cap. 3 ; 22 nnd 23 Viet. caps. 31, 44, 81, 95, and any other placet to which the powers of the 134; 23 and 24 Viet., r;ips 92, 103, 124, 158, and Bill, as it may be passed into a law may extend. 185 ; 24 and 25 Viet., caps. Ill, 220, and '4S4j And the said Bitl will confer upon the Corporation, 25 and 26 Viet., caps. 42, 71, 78, 143, 152, 165, the following, or some of the following, among and 227 ; 26 and 27 Viet., caps: 90, 109, 192, and other powers r— 208 ; 27 and 28 Vicr., caps. 87, 166, 174, -227, To construct and maintain the following hew and 325 ; 28 and 29 Viet., caps. -89", 102, 103, works, all in the West Riding of Yorkshire. 104, 268, 273, and 304; 29 and 30 Viet., caps. 216 and 217; 30 and Gl Viet., cap. 156 ; and 31 A Reservoir (herein referred to as No-. 1) and 32 Viet., cap. 69, relating to the Company, to be constructed in the townships of Mel- and 28 and 29 Viet., cap. 19; and 29 and 30 tham and South Croslaud, in the parish of Viet., cap. 217, relating to the Poole and Bourne- Almondbury, at and near to Blaekmoor Foot, mouth, Railway Company.. Upper Wash, and Lower Wash. A Catchwater Drain and Conduit to be wholly And notice is hereby fnrdlier given, that on or situate in the said township of Meltham, to before the SOtli* day of November, 1868, plans of" commence at or near a place called W-pper the lands intended to be taken compulsorily under Colders, in a field there,, belonging to John the powers of the Bill, together with a book of Holroyd, and occupied by William Pickles, reference to such plans, and a copy of this Notice and to terminate at Reservoir No. 1,-. about as published in the " London Gazette," will, be 180 yards to the north-east of certain pre- deposited with the Clerk of the Peace, for the mises called or known as " Cop." county of Surrey, at his office m North-street, A Main-pipe or Aqueduct to commence in thfc Lambeth, in that county, and with the Clerk of said township of Meltham, from and out of the Peace for the county of Hants, at his office at Reservoir No. 1, at about 60 yards westward "Winchester, in that county, and that on or befoie of the boundary or division between th'e said the same day a copy of the said plans and book of townships of Meltharn and South Crosland, reference, together with a copy of this Notice, as and to pass thence through or into the published in the "London Gazette," will be de- several parishes, townships, and places fol- posited for public inspection with the parish clerks : lowing or some of them (that is to saj), of the said- parishes of Basingtoke and Merton, at Meltham, South Crosland,, Linthwaite, their respective residences. otherwise Middle- Linthwaite, and Lower "Printed copies of the intended Bill will, otr jft Linthwaite, all-in:the. said parish of Almond- before the 23rd day of Deeem-feer; 1#68',; be; de* bury, Gcolcafc, otherwise East Gk>lcar Long- posited* vn the Private Bill- Office- of tha House ojf v w.oods, Marsh, and Hu'ddersfield^ in the Commons. ..parish and borough, of Huddersfield, and to 'Dfoted this 5th day of November,' terminate in the said hamlet of. Marsh, in Bivcham, Dalrymple, Drake\ the Tank or Reservoir next hereinafter JBiu-fi 46, Parliament-street', Solicitors1 for described. ' . tho-BUI:. At Tank or Reservoir (herein referred to as .No. 2) to be situate; at or. near a place called Snodley, otherwise Snodley- Hill, in the said hamlet of Macsh and borough,- of. Hndders- fieWL In- Parliament—Session: 18'69. A. Main-pipe or Aqueduct to ,be situate. in»the ..'.. '.- Hwddersfield-Watecworks.- townships of Huddersfield and Lindley-eum- (Transfer of existing Waterworks to Corporation, Quarmby, both in the parish and borough of of Huddersfield; Alteration and, extension of- • Bhiddersfield, and to commence from* and such Works, and construction of. ne.w,..'Works; out of the last-mentioned Main-pipe or Diversion of Water; Purchase of Lands; Power Aqueduct, at a point in the said township of to. supply Local Boards;. Alteration, of Rates Huddersfieldj where the road called. Luck or Rents;, Hew Rates ;= Borrowing of Money.;. Lane joins the Huddersfiekl and Newt Hey Application of Money8.7 Repeal and Amend- Turnpike Road, aud to terminate at or near ment of Acts, &c.) r. Oaks, in the said township of Ldndley-eum- ~TV7 OTJ.CE is hereby, given; that application is . Quarmby, in. the tank • next hereinafter J_l| intended to be made to Parliament, in the mentiou&d. next Session thereof;, for leave to .bring in a Bill A Tank or Reservoir (herein referred to as for the transfer to the Mayor,. Aldermen,- and No. 3) to be -situate in the said townshijp-of Burgesses of .-the'borough, of Huddersfield (here- Lindley-cum-'Quarmby, at-or near the- juacr- - in called " tlie Corporation") of the undertaking, tion of Crosland Lane, with the said flud- of the Commissioners acting in execution of an dersfield and New Hejr Turnpike Road..
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