^. frmmmeeHUifimiiumKmioiii rS'. -f ^00^W' V ^1 n.^' HAW RIVER SCHOOL '*^:^^ * -i'JjS,^'-' *V-^^ ^" j^ "^^^t^r^ -•*i..f5«!^"j5«»lM;'"^'>i -.liAiai^ ^-^ >5ff». *«». ijsisli^. Annua/ Stdijj The Staff Members hope that with this edition of "The Indian" they can give such expression of school life as will perpetuate fond memories of years spent at Haw River High School. As we turn the pages, may we recall the delightful activities of our high school days. Seated left to right: Jimmy Johnson, Editor; Joan Jones, Typist; Dana Knight, Typist; Miss The 1 ma Gates, Sponsor; Brenda Chatman, Typist; Nancy Faye Wall, General As- sistant. Second row: Larry Alvis, Art Editor; Lewis Duncan, Assistant Sports Editor; Tommy Bosquet, Business Manager; Gharles Glark, Assistant Art Editor; Emii Tew, Sports Editor; Billy Edwards, Assistant Editor; James Best, Assistant Business Manager; Robert Spoon, Typist. / Dedication si- / .• «':^- '^^'. r'/j/ '•''"^'lii*'^^... U/itfi Deep Resided AnJ Affection 5/ie Ml. if- ^ ^ Seniors of 1961 Proudly DeJicale 5fie Indian 5o Sfie <)». of ^"^ -?;^- Our teachers have worked patiently and earnestly and have left memorable impressions of their guidance and in- struction. We appreciate their faithfulness and devotion to their task and their untiring efforts in our behalf. On M emovy y Mr. Curtis Moore - Born May 17, 1902 - Died May 13, 1960 Because of the influence of a great man we will lay hold of all good aims, we will strive to follow his excellence and create good. These things have been inspired by the life of one who was our neighbor, friend, and a leader in school activities. He was known as a man of Christian ideals, who showed sincere interest in all. It is in loving memory of an inspired man that we leave this memorial to Mr. Curtis Moore. In recording our school mem- ories we pause to pay tribute to two of our former school- mates, Jerry Jones and Ronald Wayne Pendergraph. Our associatj.on with them has en- deared their memory to the students and faculty of Haw River High School. Ronald Wayne Pendergraph Jerry Jones Son of Mr. & Mrs. E. M. Pendergraph Son of Mr. & Mrs. Henry Jones Born June 17, 1952- Died November 9, 1960 Born April 13, 1942-Died November 29, 1960 Board Oj Sduedition Mr. J. W. Simpson, Chairman Mr. J. T. Martin Mr. J. M. Williamson Mr. Robert Smith Mr. Garland Thompson We appreciate the work of our Board of Education who form the policies and direct the program of our school. Mrs. Tate - a most efficient secretary who helps to Mr. AUgood - aprincipalwhoisanasset to any school, keep our school functioning smoothly. one who performs his duties in an excellent manner. "VHi^l^ra Bus Vvivevs Sue Cole Larry Thomas Taddy Martin Larry Alvis Our bus drivers perform for us one of the most responsible jobs in the school. Theirs is the task of ( seeing that our students are safely transported to and from school. Virginia Mebane and Porter Phillips - thanks for making Cora James, Helen Trollinger, and Mrs. Harold Webb our surroundings pleasant and sanitary. work many long hours to prepare our daily lunches. Higd Scdool 3Aeulty Mr. E. S. Allgood A.B. Degree High Point College M.E. Degree U.N.C. Mr. Gurney D. Baines A.B. Degree Elon College Mr. L. D. Martin M.A. Degree U.N.C. Mrs. Nancy Bateman A.B. Degree Elon College Miss Thelma Cates A.B. Degree Elon College Mrs. Joan L. Wrenn A.B. Degree Elon College Mr. Arliss E. Claar A.B. Degree Catawba College M.A. Degree Appalachian College Mrs. Syble Miller B.S. Degree East Carolina College Mrs. Frances Martin Librarian jrpC-^J^ WILLIAM LAWRENCE ALVIS "Larry" "All great men are dead, and I don't feel so well myseK." Footballl,2,3,4; Captain 4; All Con- ference 4, Basketballl,2,3,4; French Club 3,4; Vice-President 3; Annual Staff 3,4; Art Editor 4; Monogram Club 2,3,4; Student Council 4; Bus Driver 3,4; Superlative 4; Teenage Council 3,4; Class Officer 1,2,3,4; Treasurer 1,2,3; Vice-President 4. THOMAS LEWIS BOSQUET "Bosquet" "Stand backgir Is; don't mob the boy." Football 1,2; Basketball 1,2; Class Sec re tary 3,4; Annual Staff 4; Christmas Prom King 4. BRENDA HOLT CHATMAN "Brenda" "Happy as a mosquito who just passed the screen test." Glee Club 1; 4- H Club 1; Class Sec- Seniors retary 1; Sweetheart Queen 1; French Club 3,4; Monogram Club 3,4; Future Homemakers of America 3,4; Cheer- leader 3,4; Homecoming Representa- tive 4; Superlative 4. BELLA SUE COLE "Sue" "A girl who is fun when fun is due; when there's work to do, she'll do it, too." Cheerleader 1,2,3,4; Assistant Chief 2,3; Chief 4; SoftbaU 1; Beta 4; Stu- dent Council 1,2,3; Bus Driver 2,3,4 French Club 3; Teen Council 1,2,3 Scholastic Award 2,3; Class Poet 4 Superlative 4; Cheerleader in East West All-star Game 3,4; F.H.A. 3,4. ZEBLON CRAIG COX, JR. "Craig" "It doesn't pay to worry; things are bound to happen anyway." Trade School 3. WILLIAM EARL DANFORD "Bill" "I'll be merry and free; I'll be sad for nobody." Beta Club 2. WILLIAM SAM FARRAR "Bird Dog" "Regret no yesterdays, make good use of your todays, and don't worry about your tomorrows." Football 1,2,3,4; All Conference 4; Class Superlative 4. JULIUS MICHAEL FAUCETTE "Mike" "I would be better if I could, but it's, mighty lonesome being good." Football 1,2; Basketball 1,2; French beniovs Club 3; Homecoming Escort 1,3; Homecoming King 4; Class Treas- urer 4; Testator 4; Beta Club 4; Su- perlative 4. JAMES EDWIN JOHNSON "Jimmy" "Never let your lessons interfere with your high school education." FootbaU 1,2,3,4; Captain 3; Basket- ball 1,2,3,4; Co-Captain 4; Baseball 1,2,3,4; AllConference 3; Class Offi- cer 1,2,3,4; Superlative 4; Home- coming Escort 3; Student Council 1, 3,4; Treasurer 1; Vice President 3; President 4; Monogram Club 1,2,3,4; Vice President 3; President 4; French Club 3,4; President 3; Sec- retary 4; Annual Staff 3,4; Editor 4; Beta Club 2,3,4; Vice-President 3; President 4. JOAN CAROLYN JONES "Joan" "The girl who blushes is not always bashful." 4- H Club 1; Glee Club 1; BasketbaU 3; Future Homemakers of America 3,4; Annual Staff 4. SAMUEL PAIGE JONES "Sammy" "Not that I like study less; I like fun more." Student Council 2; Secretary 2; French Club 3,4; Monogram Club 2, 3,4; Superlative 4; Football 1,2,3,4; ""^PV Basketball 1,2,3; Baseball 1,4. DANA ELLEN KNIGHT "Dana" ^uamaaHit' -t^ " «a|u "Very witty; verywild; nevertheless, a very sweet child." Glee Club 1; 4-H Club 1,2; May Day Attendant 2; Beta Club 2,3,4; Treas- urer 3; Softball 1; Homecoming At- tendant 3,4; Chief Marshal 3; Future Homemakers of America 3,4; Com- mercial Award 3; Class Historian 4; w Annual Staff Typist 4; Superlatives 4; Christmas Prom Queen 4. HELEN MARIE MANESS "Marie" "Admired by all who know her well, but she gets into mischief too often to tell." Glee Club 1; Basketball 1; Future s enioTS Homemakers of America 3; French Club 3; Homecoming Representative 3; Superlative 4. JAMES THADDEUS MARTIN, JR. "Taddy" "Not exactly afraid of work, but rath- er not be intimately associated with it." Football 1,2,3,4; Key Club 4; Pres- ident 4; Baseball 4; French Club 3,4; Monogram Club 3,4; Bus Driver 3,4; Class Prophet 4. JAMES WALTER OLDHAM "James" "Worry and I have never met." Football 1,2,3,4; Monogram 3,4; Su- perlative 4. 10 t BOBBY EDWARD SMITH "Bobby" "I came to school to get a general idea of things." Trade School 3,4; Homecoming Escort 4. ROBERT GLENN SPOON "Curtis" "I've been in many a one but never have I won." 4-H Club. 1; Sophomore Play 2; French Club 3; Glee Club 4; Key Club -Senior Director 4; Annual Staff 4. 1 ROBERT FRANKLIN SYKES "Salty" "As crazy as Dopey, as cute as Doc, as mean as Grumpy, but a good old sock." Football 1,2,3,4; Baseball 4; Super- Seniors lative 4; Class Officer 4; Monogram Club 3,4; Annual Staff 4. DONNIE LEVI TERRELL "Yogi" "The best year of one's life." 4-H Club 1; Sophomore Play 2; Annual Staff 4. LARRY EMIL TEW "Emo" "He's not so quiet if you know him." Football 1,2,3,4; Captain 3,4; All Conference 3,4; Basketball 1,2,3,4 Captain 3,4; All C onf e renc e 2,3 Baseball 1,2,3,4; All Conference 3 Monogram Club 1,2,3,4; Secretary 4 Superlative 4; Class Officer 1,2 Vice-President 1,2; French Club 3,4 President 4; Annual Staff 3,4; Sports Editor 4. n WILMA JEANNE THIES "Wilma" "When hearts are true, few words will do." Basketball 1,2,3; Beta Club 2,3,4; French Club 4. JAMES LARRY THOMAS "Larry" 'Worry little, study less, is his idea of happiness." HomecomingEscort 3,4; French Club 3,4; Beta Club 2,3; Bus Driver 3,4. Seniors NANCY FAYE WALL "Faye" "Speech is great; silence is golden." French Club 1,2; Beta Club 3,4; Stu- dent Council 4; Superlative 4; Annual Staff 4.
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