Monroe DOCTRIN"Respect All. Fear None" E Volume 1 1 December 7, 1972 Issue Twelve Faculty Votes In Winterim For This Year Al By Mark Finkelstt-in & two semesters and therefore Jim Maloney should be paid extra money for Malone teaching during Winterim; the In what was one of the most other camp believes that teachers heated issues of the semester, the are paid to teach for the year; the faculty last Thursday approved an situation is such that at one point a LONG ammended proposal leaving the faculty member suggested that if way open for MCC's first Winterim teachers do not get paid specifical- Semester. The final decision is in ly for teaching during Winterim the hands of the Administration. then the students should not have TO The meeting began with Chair- to pay to participate in Winterim. man. Charles Ruff reading the The ammendment stated simply proposal which included a partial that if a teacher or student desired BE listing of some of the courses to be to teach a NON-CREDIT course he offered. These would be courses at could do so and the school would the 101 level, advanced courses, supply the facilities. The vote REMEMBERED and new "innovative" courses. which passed the amendment was Most of the latter would not be for close (47-52). credit but would zero in on specific The vote which passed the areas of interest both for the stu- ammended proposal however was BY dent and the teacher. not so close. One faculty member Then. David NcNitt. Pres. of the i name withheld I commented that Faculty Association, offered a if the ammendment had been HIS rider to the proposal which led to defeated the entire proposal would nearly fourty minutes of emotional have been defeated. "The entire debate meeting involved politics ... If MANY The chief stumbling block to the the proposal had been defeated Allen J. Malone passage of the bill was the matter you'd have to wait for next year (1951 — 1972) of compensation. One camp before Winterim would FRIENDS believes (hat teachers are paid for materialize." Al Malone exemplified the dedication to Monroe Community College which has manifested itself in so many ways by our Stu- dent Association. He tirelessly sought to seek answers which would benefit all students and never would make decisions on any issues until he was personally satisfied that he knew all of the MCC To Have facts. He was a personable young gentleman in the truest sense and his leadership will be sorely missed. Waste Paper John Trevisan Collection Station FROSH IN NEED By Leo Steinleldt paper). The boxes, however, are The project will start relatively OF A MAJOR? for everyone's use. small, and conditions permitting, Cambridge. Mass. — (IP.) — With an undergraduate body of 6.- An effort, belated as all pollution Material will be regularly escalate in terams of areas served 000 students, it is not possible to control efforts have been, is being The freshman who asks the dif- collected and taken to a storage and students involved. More help ficult question — "What should I arrange prolonged individual dis- made to slow MCC's contribution area, where it will be picked up by will just insure the success of this cussions about fields of concentra- to the spoilage of the environment. so necessary project. Interested major in'.'" will find 38 answers in Better-Life Re-cycling Co.. (a firm a new booklet prepared for Har- tion between each student and a A system for recycling paper which also does residential pick- students can contact Bev Remza member of the faculty. wastes has been set up by the ups, i or Lee Steinfeldt. to find out where vard and Radcliffe un- dergraduates. "The discussions that do take Ecology Committee of student Non-recyclable paper, including their effort can help. (Even half an place often focus upon concrete, government. Deposit boxes are any crumpled, wax or cellophane hour a week would be enough.) The new booklet. "Perspectives Contact Bev and Lee through the practical questions about courses located on each floor of the faculty coated paper, corrugated card- on Concentrations." includes and concentration requirements. towers, and in key administrative board, cartons or cups must not be Senate room, or by phone, ext. 360- descriptions of 34 fields of study by 3H4. Information on Better Life's Something more is needed. offices. (Sites in student areas put in boxes as the sorting will re- 38 leading scholars at Harvard. Students should be able to feel the were vetoed in fear of collecting quire time and effort that can not private collections can also be ob- Prepared by a committee of tained. intellectual excitement and un- more garbage than recyclable be spared. students and faculty under the derstanding the intangible rewards direction of Dean K. Whitla. Direc- of concentrated work in different tor of the Office of Tests, the fields. booklet tries to provide un- "They should know some of the dergraduates with a more vivid reasons that persuaded another "Once Upon A War" - To Be view of the nature, rewards and person to devote his energies to a disappointments of academic dis- particular subject. They should ap- ciplines than they would gather preciate the reasons why more ex- Presented By Newman Community from catalogue descriptions. perienced scholars consider their President Derek C. Bok. in his field to have meaning and impor- The Quaker Rehabilitation and its patients, the Newman Com- others. As Father Donnelly said, it foreward to the pamphlet, in- tance." Center of Quang Ngai. South Viet munity is sponsoring "Once Upon is to "raise our own level of dicates the concerns which led to Contributors to this booklet have Nam is a hospital run by the A War" on Tuesday, December 12, awareness of our fellow-men and its production; "The essays grew written from a personal stand- American Friends Service Com- from 9.00-4:00 in the Brick to share the money that we save on out of our desire to convey to point, dealing, not with the bare mittee ithe Quakers). It treats the Lounge. A movie about the the fast " The money the members students a sense of the special op- facts and requirements of their Vietnamese civilians whose bodies hospital will be shown throughout would have ordinarily used for portunities and the personal fields, but with some of their own have been maimed by the war. The the day. There will also be a food is. instead, being sent to the rewards of the various fields of personal experiences, triumphs, people are provided with artificial collection taken for the hospital. hospital. concentrated study available to and failures. Almost all of the limbs, physical therapy, and In addition, the members of the Anyone interested in helping out them during their undergraduate writers discuss the motives which operations to remove anti- Newman Community (and anyone in this project, contact Pat Wilt; years. prompted them to enter their personnel bomb fragments from else who wants to) will join in a any club or organization wishing to "In a sense, the essays attempt fields in the first place, and many their bodies. A great number of the last on that day. It will be done in help contact Ann Hegarty. They to compensate for some of the in- discuss where their field of study patients are children. the spirit of Advent and Christmas can be reached through the evitable gaps and weaknesses of will be going in the next half cen- In an effort to help the hospital sacrificing and sharing with mailfolders. the traditional system of advising. tury. Page Two MONROE DOCTRINE December 7, 1972 Monroe D@CTRINE Ph. 442- MMWtrii»MM<i On Campus 9950 MONROEO0MMUNITVCXXXEX3E,ROCHESTigi.N.V.MB Ext. 721 TRANSFER PLACEMENT AND with them before making your off faculty committees, attend FINANCIAL AID UP TO PAR- the wall judgements. By the way. various division and departmental Volume 1 1 December 7, 1972 Issue Twelve SECRETARIES vs. why didn't you have enough guts to meetings, and also see as many ANONYMOUS sign your name? drop-in students as time and com- Editor in Chief Faculty Advisor mittments allow. Ed. Note: The letter was signed, Mike Dunn Charles Salamone To the Editor: but the M.D. withheld the name at As to the point in question regar- I would like to comment on the the student's request. ding the absence of a counselor Associate Editor letter from "Anonymous" who dis- during a crucial transfer period, Mark Finkelstein cussed the Administration Office your friend would have had to wait Features and News Editor—Lynn Blocker with particular reference to not more than two weeks at the To the Editor: Features and News— Transfer. Placement and Finan- very most for an appointment (not Jim Maloney, Gail Knowles, Al Deblieck, Almon cial Aid. This is in reply to "Anonymous" the exaggerated three weeks as I notice you stated, "a student who wrote regarding the Ad- Fisher, Jim Coye, David Finkelstein, Daryl Brown, stated by Anonymous). This un- Rich Floyd, Jay Stagles who I know quite well . .". Do ministration in the November 30th usually long wait for an appoint- issue of the Monroe Doctrine. you often make rash judgements ment was due to the fact that the Fine Arts Editor — June Felice from the one time reaction of your We would like to give some other administrator from our friends? I know the people in the "first-hand" knowledge as to the department resigned and we were Fine Arts Staff - Tranter Office quite well and I am working of one part of the Ad- not able to divulge this information Vince lorio, Gail Knowles, Mary Jane Triassi, ministration of MCC.
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