East Riding of Yorkshire and Kingston upon Hull Joint Minerals Development Plan Document Preferred Approach Summer 2010 Consultation East Riding of Yorkshire and Hull City Council Joint Minerals Development Plan Document Consultation Document Regulation 25 (2008) Consultation Summer 2010 Notice This report was produced by Atkins Limited for East Riding of Yorkshire Council and Kingston upon Hull City Council for the specific purpose of The Joint Minerals Development Plan Document. This report may not be used by any person other than East Riding of Yorkshire Council and Kingston upon Hull City Council without East Riding of Yorkshire Council and Kingston upon Hull City Council’s express permission. In any event, Atkins accepts no liability for any costs, liabilities or losses arising as a result of the use of or reliance upon the contents of this report by any person other than East Riding of Yorkshire Council and Kingston upon Hull City Council. Document History JOB NUMBER: 5049925 East Riding & Hull CC DOCUMENT REF: Draft Report JMDPD JMDPD v.1.0 For Client Comment AH, LT, AH, RB JD 03/04/09 RB, YP v.1.1 For Issue AH, LT, AH, RB JD JD 10/05/10 RB, YP Revision Purpose Description Originated Checked Reviewed Authorised Date Joint Minerals Development Plan Document Preferred Approach Summer 2010 Consultation This report has been produced for the East Riding of Yorkshire Council and Kingston upon Hull City Council by Atkins Ltd. If you would like a summary of this document in a different format such as large print, Braille of tape, or in a different language, please contact your Council’s Information Centre on East Riding of Yorkshire 01482 393939 Or email [email protected] City of Kingston upon Hull 01482 300 300 Or email [email protected] The Joint Authorities are keen to obtain the views of everyone with an interest in minerals planning on the issues raised in this Consultation version of the Joint Minerals Development Plan Document. A response form is provided and further copies can be downloaded from our respective websites. www.eastriding.gov.uk and www.hullcc.gov.uk Alternatively, responses can be made online through the websites. The consultation period ends on Wednesday 14th July 2010, and completed response forms should be sent for the Attention of Richard Barker to; Atkins Limited, The Axis, 6th Floor West, 10 Holliday Street, Birmingham, B1 1TF Electronic Response to: [email protected] For further information contact either: Andy Wainwright at the East Riding of Yorkshire Council offices on 01482 393730 or Anthea Hoey of Atkins Ltd on 01392 352900 Independent advice and support Planning Aid provides free, independent and professional advice on planning issues to community groups and individuals who cannot afford to pay a planning consultant. Yorkshire Planning Aid also provides a programme of community planning, training and education activities. Planning Aid contact details Address: Yorkshire Planning Aid, The Studio, 32 The Calls, Leeds, LS2 7EW Telephone: 0113 204 2460, or For general planning advice contact the Planning Advice Helpline: 0870 850 9808) Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.planningaid.rtpi.org.uk i Joint Minerals Development Plan Document Preferred Approach Summer 2010 Consultation Contents Section Page List of Abbreviations iv 1. Introduction 1 The Joint Minerals Development Plan Document (JMDPD) 2 Sustainability Appraisal 6 Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) 7 2. Background to the Proposed Plan 13 Introduction 13 Spatial Picture 13 Geology of the Joint Area 15 Current Picture of the Minerals Industry 17 3. Minerals Objectives and Core Strategy Policies 20 Minerals Objectives 20 Developing Minerals Core Strategy Policies 22 Safeguarding 25 Planning for the Supply of Mineral Resources 30 4. Aggregate Minerals 31 Introduction 31 Sand and Gravel 34 Crushed Rock 42 Extraction outside Preferred Areas and Areas of Search 48 Borrow Pits 48 Recycled and Secondary Aggregates 50 Imported Aggregates 51 Marine Aggregates 52 5. Non Aggregate Minerals 57 Clay 57 Industrial Chalk 60 Peat 62 Silica Sand 65 6. Energy Minerals 68 Coal 68 Exploration Boreholes 74 Appraisal Boreholes 75 Production and Distribution 76 Underground Storage of Natural Gas 77 7. Development Management Policies 80 Introduction & Background 80 Development Management Policies 82 8. Site Allocations 93 Introduction 93 Defining Mineral Safeguarding Areas 93 ii Joint Minerals Development Plan Document Preferred Approach Summer 2010 Consultation Buffer Zones 96 Candidate Preferred Areas for Sand and Gravel Working 98 Candidate Areas of Search for Sand and Gravel Working 99 Candidate Areas of Search for Crushed Rock Working 100 Candidate Preferred Areas of Clay Extraction 101 Candidate Areas of Search for Industrial Chalk 102 9. Monitoring and Implementation 103 Introduction 103 Monitoring 103 Performance Indicators 104 Implementation 110 What Happens Next 110 List of Tables Table 4.1 - Guidelines for Aggregate Provision in Yorkshire and Humber Region 2005-2020 32 Table 4.2 - Joint Area Sub-Regional Apportionment for Aggregate Provision, 2001 to 2016 33 Table 4.3 - Aggregate Reserves and Landbank Position at end of 2008 33 Table 8.1 - Candidate Preferred Areas for Sand and Gravel Working 99 Table 8.2 - Candidate Areas of Search for Sand and Gravel Working 100 Table 8.3 - Candidate Areas of Search for Crushed Rock 101 Table 8.4 - Candidate Preferred Area for Clay Extraction 102 Table 8.5 - Candidate Area of Search for Industrial Chalk 102 Table 9.1 - Monitoring Indicators 104 List of Figures Figure 1.1 - Joint Area for the JMDPD 1 Figure 1.2 – Plan Preparation Process for the JMDPD 4 Figure 1.3 - ERYC Local Development Framework (LDF) 9 Figure 1.4 – Kingston-upon-Hull City Council Local Development Framework (LDF) 10 Figure 2.1 – Simplified Geology 15 Figure 4.1 - Sand and Gravel Deposits 35 Figure 4.2 - Chalk and Limestone Deposits 43 Figure 5.1 - Brick Clay Deposits 58 Figure 5.2 – Silica Sand Deposits 66 Figure 6.1 - Oil and Gas Licences 72 Appendices Appendix A A.1 Site Assessments Appendix B B.1 Lists and Inset Maps of Proposed Site Allocations Appendix C C.1 Response Form iii Joint Minerals Development Plan Document Preferred Approach Summer 2010 Consultation List of Abbreviations Term Meaning AMR2008 Aggregates Monitoring Report 2008 prepared by Yorkshire and Humber Region Aggregates Working Party BAP Biodiversity Action Plan BGS British Geological Survey CBM Coal Bed Methane CLG Communities and Local Government DCLG Department of Communities and Local Government DEFRA Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs DM Development Management DPD Development Plan Document EC European Community ERY East Riding of Yorkshire ERYC East Riding of Yorkshire Council EU European Union FBA Furnace Bottom Ash FRA Flood Risk Assessment HRA Habitats Regulations Assessment I and O Issues and Options JMDPD Joint Minerals Development Plan Document JMLP Joint Minerals Local Plan (Adopted 2004) KHCC Kingston upon Hull City Council LDD Local Development Document LDF Local Development Framework LDS Local Development Scheme LNR Local Nature Reserves LPA Local Planning Authority LSP Local Spatial Planning MNR Marine Nature Reserves MPA Mineral Planning Authority MPS Minerals Policy Statement NE Natural England NNR National Nature Reserves ODPM Office of the Deputy Prime Minister iv Joint Minerals Development Plan Document Preferred Approach Summer 2010 Consultation Term Meaning PCPA Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act (2004) PFA Pulverised Fuel Ash PPS Planning Policy Statement RSS Regional Spatial Strategy (for Yorkshire and the Humber) RIGS Regionally Important Geological and Geomorphological Sites SA Sustainability Appraisal SAC Special Areas of Conservation SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment SINC Site of Interest for Nature Conservation SPA Special Protection Areas SSSI Site of Special Scientific Interest TCPA Town and Country Planning Act (1990) YHA Yorkshire and Humberside Assembly YHRAWP Yorkshire and Humberside Regional Aggregates Working Party v Joint Minerals Development Plan Document Preferred Approach Summer 2010 Consultation 1. Introduction 1.1 This consultation document is the second formal stage in the preparation of the Joint Minerals Development Plan Document (JMDPD), prepared jointly by the East Riding of Yorkshire Council (ERYC) and Kingston upon Hull City Council (KHCC). This follows the Issues and Options Report (undertaken in accordance with Regulation 25 of the previous plan-making regulations1) which was subject to public consultation in June 2008. The Options contained in the Issues and Options Report was subject to an initial Sustainability Appraisal (SA) published in May 20082. 1.2 This document has been produced in line with the Development Plan making system for England3, and will help inform the final version of the JMDPD. It will be subject to consultations with the local community, key stakeholders, minerals industry operators, and local partners. The consultation is in accordance with the ERYC and KHCC Statements of Community Involvement (SCI). This consultation document has been subject to a further stage of Sustainability Appraisal (SA) and other Habitats Regulations Assessment screening; this will ensure that the final JMDPD is the most appropriate having gone through an objective process of assessing alternatives and consultation. 1.3 The aim of the JMDPD is to set out the objectives and spatial approach for mineral development within the administrative areas
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