BULLETIN OF THE FLORIDA STATE MUSEUM BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Volume 15 Number 4 CATALOGUE OF FOSSIL BIRDS: Part 4 (Columbiformes through Piciformes) Pierce Brodkorb UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA Gainesville 1971 NUlnbe.. of the BULLETIN OF THE FLORlDfl STflTE MUSEUM ~re publi'lI<'<! at irregular intervals. Volumes contain about 300 page> and are not ne""""'ily complet"'" in anyone calendar year. \IiALTf.~ flu ~~f_~Bf.~<J, .\fanal;ing Edit", OLWf.~ L. "'UST'N, JR., h/itor COIIShltanlS for th .. ",he: IhlD£GUDE UOWUD A',EUNDER \IiETMOilE Communication' c<>n<.uning purcha.., or .-xcha"!:,, uf the publication and all man".cr;pl> .hould be addr<."'ed to the Editor of the Ilulldin, Florida State Mu""u"", ~1"""Il"" Dri\'e, Uni\'e»ity of Florida, Caine'ville. ~1orida, 32601 I'"bliratillnd,,!t'; l~ AIlTill971 CATALOGUE OF FOSSIL BIRDS Part 4 (Columbifonnes through Picifonnes) PIERCE BRODKORB' SVI'Of'SIS: The fourth installment of the Catalogue of Fossil Bird. indude. II orders and 36 families, from the sandg'''''se through the woodpeckers in the Wetmorean system. The four part, now puhli'hed have treated the fos'il reoo.d of all but one of the orders of birds (Pa'seriformes). They COYe' 132 families (38 extinct and 94 living), 744 gene.a (404 paleogenera and 340 n""genera), and l,~22 speciell (898 paleospecies and 824 neospedes). The following ,lTe proposed new taxa of fossil bi.ds: family Zygodacty/idae for Zygodaetyl.., BaUmann in order !'icifonnes; subfamily Apopemps/dae and genus AI'0T>eml'sis for Musophaga "Wlnl Ballmann in family Musophagidae; gen'" Eoslri~ for P,()/Qftrir mlm/eo Wetmore in family Protostrigidae. Aegla/ornl' leehnaMti Gailla.d i. emended to Aegia/ornir /een/""dli, as the specific name honors Prof. F. Leenhardt of the Univenity ofToulouse. In the lin"ar 'equence the Cu""liformell pre<:ede the Psillaciformes to bring the parrot. nest to the owl<. with which they .bare many characteristics. On ground, of priority the following .ubfamily name. replace those in Pet"n' Check.Li't: 1'IIIInopinae (Selhy, 163:1) for l'remnlnoe Gray, 1840; C",,· cyginoe (Swain'on, 1637) for Plwenkoplweinae (G.ay, 1840); Geococeyginae (Reichenow, 1882) for Neama'phinae Shelley, 1891; Atelom/thln"" Bonaparte, 16:14. for B"'chYl'te'acilnae Sharpe, 1892. 1 The author is Professor J Biological Sciences and Zoology at the Univenity of F1orida. Gainesville. Manuscript received! April 1970 -Ed. Brodkorb, Pierce. 1971. Catalogue of f....il birds, Part 4 (C..,lumbiforme< th rough Pic/ron"e,), Ilull. Florioa State ~llls., vol. 15. "0 4. Pl'. t63·266. '''' • 1971 HRODKORB, CATALOCUE Of' FOSSIL HINDS "" TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ,,, . "" ADDENDA TO PREVIOUS PARTS. ,, 171 Addenda t<>P~rtl , " 171 Addenda 10 Part 2... ..,............ 175 AddendatoPa't3... I~ Order COLUMBIFORM~:S(Latham). Pigeon' and AUies , 187 Suhorder PTEROCLETES (Bonaparte). Sandgroose,. .•. 1!l7 Family PTEIlOC1IDU BOllaparte. Sandgroose . ..... .. 187 1'lcrodcs Temminck _,......... .. .. ....... 187 Neospecies of'Pterodidae , .•.. , •..•........ 188 Suborder COLUMBAE Latham. J)o,.'cs and Dodos , 188 ~'amily COI.UMOIDAE (Illiger). Do"e, ., .. , _. , .. , _. , . 188 Suhfamily COI.UMBINAE (l1Iiger). Typical Doves............... 191 tGefmldla Milne-Edward, ....•......•... , 19"2 7...,,,,,idura Bonaparte. 192 Columba Linnaeus ,, ,, 192 S/,eplopella BOllaparte.. 193 GeOfrygon Cos'e _. 193 /,eucO;farcia Gould , ,,............. .. 1113 Subfamily Goua.NAe Gray. Cmwnd Pigeo'" .. ,. .. 19·1 tProgOllraDeVi<................... ···············I9-J Suhfamily PTILlNOI'INAE (Mlby). Frult Pigeon. ... ,,.. HH t Uthophaps DeVi•..... ,., .. .. .. 19-J Neosl"'cies ofColumbidae ,,, ,,, ,......... 195 Family tRAPHIOAE Wetmore, Dodos and Solilaires. 199 Neospecies of Raphidae , .. .,,,, . , 199 Order CUCULtFORMES (Wagler). Cuckoos and Plantain--eaters. , 201 Suborder MUSOPHACAE (Scebohm). Plantain·ealers _ 201 Family MUsoPHAGIOAE Bonaparte. Plantain·eaters , .. .. 201 Subfamily t APOPEMP5lNU Brodkorb . , ... , .. ,, .. 201 ' tDy>i6moplen,s Milne-Edwar<:b................. 201 t AI'<'p"'m".tit Brodkor~ .,,,..... 202 Suborder CUCULI Wagler. Cuckoos. ,,....... 202 Family Cl!cuLloAe Vigo". Cuckoos ... ,_, , .... , . 203 I New.uhfamily. • New genu•. Fig. 1. Some worken in avian paleonlology, XV Inlernational Ornilhological Congre.., The Hague, 3 Seplcrnber 1970. Left 10 right: E. N. Kurotchkin. Moscow; Peter Rollmann, Boon, C. J. O. Harri"'n, London; Joel Cracraft, Chicago; Pierce Brodkorh, Gainesville; Alexander Wetmore, Washington; James Fisher. London; Roo"rt W. Slorer, Ann Arbor; Allan R. Phillips, Mex­ ico City. Photograph by Ralph S. Palmer. 166 BULLETIN FLORIDA STATE MUSEUM Vol. XV Sublamjly CoccYCII'~E (S ·.inson). Nesting Cud<006 204 t Ui",lOnw Marsh. .•..•...•.•..•......•............. .. 20.1 tN",OCOC1:!f% Wftgo"l ..•.••..•.•••.•.•.••••.•.•.•.•..•••. 2(l.4 Subfamily GWCOCCYOIl<AIl (Reidtmow). Ground Cuckoos ...••••.• 2O:i Ge"""'Ccyr Wagler •.•..•.............................. 20S Subfamily CouI!<AE (Crayl. Couu 2M c ...... Sdlinz ....................................... .. 205 Neospec;es ofCu""lidae •••.•.•.............•.. •• •......... .. 20.5 order PSITTACIFOR\tES (Wagler). Parrot•.......................... 207 family P.ITTAC1PAE (lllige.). Parrots ..•..............•.......... 207 Suhramily P'SrTTACINAe (JlUger). Typical Parrots , •........ 209 fArchlle"'nfttacu' mhrechl , .........•. , 210 tConu.op,ois Salv~dori ...............•..........•....... 210 Pi""u. Wagl", 210 Aratingo Spix .......................•.......••....... 211 tLt.>phopoittocw N_too ..........•....•.•.•.•.•. _ 211 tN"cropal'ocw .loliIne.Edwards ...........•....•........ 211 A,o l..:l~de .......................•............ .. 211 Neoo~ ofPsittae:idile •.........•••.•.•.•.••••.•.•...... •. 212 Onkr STRIGIFOR.loIES (W.g1er). Owls............................. 214 Family 'PItOTO!mtIGtDAE Wetmon:...... ....•.. .. ....•...... .. 214 t£ollrrix 8rodkorb' •.•.••.•.....••.••.••.••..•........ 214 t"'<>llWtU Wetmore.................................. 214 Family Sn.lGtDAE Vigors. Typic:aI Owls... ........ .•..... .... .. 21S Subfamily Bu~".4I'; (Vlgor-s). Normal 0..'1s •••...•••.. .... .. 216 &00 nu"""ril .................................... .. 216 Of... Pennant. ... .•. .... .............•.......•...... 217 SP"O"!i'oGloger .................•........•...•...... 218 Atl""1<r BQie.. .. .. ..... .. .. .. ....•.. .. .. .. ... 218 'Orni"'''gal''''!ix Arredondo... .. .. .. .. .. .. 218 C.ta"ddiur" Hoie , ' .•...•.. .. .. 219 Pulsatrix Kaup. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .••.. 219 Subfamily STIUGiNU (Vigors). Strange-eared Owls ............ 219 tN"c,oo!i'" Mllne·Edward 219 tSuigogy, G.illard........ .. 220 Ano Brisson. .. •• .•...•. .. ....... .. ......... ••. ... .. 220 Sl.b Linnaeus........................................ 221 Neooptcir:s of Slrig>dae. ........ .. .. .•... ••. .. ... ••. .. .. 222 Family PHODIUDAE 8cddard. &y 0..'1s .......•.....•... .. .... .. 2.."'9 f POnlf!ito Brodkorb ............••••••.••...••..•...•• .• 229 F.mily TYTosrD.o.E RkIr"'Y' &m Owls .........•........ •. .. .. 229 f ",...,bri. 8,odkorb .••.•..............••........... .. 229 T!ito Bil1berg .•..•..............•..••......•...•.•. •• 230 t Uchwa Millon- ... .. .. ... .. ....... .. .. ..... ••.. .. .. .. ~I Neooptcir:s ofTytonidae •.••.•.•..•...•.•••..•••..•....... .. 232 Ordoo:r CAPRI.loIULCII'ORMl::S (Ridgway). Night}:lIl' 233 Suborder CAPRIMULGI Ridg...ay. Goatsucke". .. ...... .. ... .. 233 , New gen"s. 197I BRODIWRfl: CATALOGUE OF FOSSIL BIRDS '" Farnily t AfGlALOIlN,THIDAE l.ydekJ<er . t Aegialorlllll.ydckker ., ,. '" Family C~PRlMULG"'~E Vigors. Goat.U<,ke . '" Ncospcciell of Caprimulgidae . "234.. Suborder PODARGI Sharpe. Frogmouths and POl""" ,. Family POOARGIO~E (Gray). Frogmouths .................••.... , '" Family NYl;1l6I1lJ~E (Bonaparte). POI""" , . '" Ncospecie' of Nyctibiidae , . '" Family AE.GOTHEL"'~E (Bonaparte). Owlel.frogmouths . "" t A/egaegotlJele8 Scarlen ,, . ,,,'" SuhOTdCT STEATORNITHES Sharpe. OiI·Birds , Family STUTORN'THWAE (Gray). Oil·bird, ...............•..... , '""" Order APODIFORMES Peters, SwifIS , ,. Family ApOlJIO~E (Hartert). Swifts , ...........••......... '" Suhfamily ApO<lINAE Harlert. True Swifts _ . '" tCYIJSelaoo8 Gaillard , . '" Apu8 Sropoli , . '"239 Callacalla Cray , , . 240 Subfamily HEM'PROCN'NAE (Oberholscr). Crested Swifts , .. Ncospccies of Apodidae . '" Order TROCHIl.l~·ORMES (Wagler). Hummingbirds ,. 242 Family TIlOC'ULlllAE Vigors. Hummingbirds ..............•..... 242 Neoopeeies ofTrochilidae.... ,. '" Order COLIIFORM ES (Murie). Moullebird.. Family COLllOAE (Swainson). Colies . t Umna/om;. Milr>e.Edwards .............. tN",,'orn/& Milne·Edward•.. ,. Order TROCONIFORMES (American Ornithologist" Union). Trogon•. ,. , 2·16 Family TROGOMOAE Swainson. Trogo,," .... ,,... .... ,.,., 246 t choeo'Mgon Milne·Edwards. .. 2·16 t Paro,rogon Lambrecht, _. , .. Neoopede. ofTrogonidae. ..• " ....• "" .. '"'" Order CORACIlFORMES Forbes. Rolierlike Birds ..........••........ Suborder BUCEROTES Furbringer. Hon,bills ..... .•.... 248'" Family BUcEllon"AE (Vigors). Ilornbills ...........•....•.. tGelselace,,,, Lambrecht ........................••. '" tCry/ltO"';8 Mllne·Edwards . '" t Uorrwop... Milne·Edwards ................••••...... , '" Suborder CORACIAE (Forbes). Rolle . '" Family CoRAClIlJAE (Vigors). True Rollers. , . ""2'" Subfamily CoItACIINAE (Vigors). Tree Rollers , . tGeronop/er08 Milne-Edwards . "" Subfamily ATEUl""'TIIlNAE Bonaparte. Ground Rolle . "" Ncospecie. of Coraciidae . '" Family l.EPTosoMAnuAE (Bonaparte). Cuckoo.Rollers
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