i ft Area schedules for district Pap cancer tests start. 980 meet corn-soybean Women's bowling tourney A {- INSIDE: -tournaments — ffage 1 B this month-Page 10 B 'experts' — Page 5G winners — Page 2KB 110th Year No. 45 ST, JO^NS, MICHIGAN THURSDAY, March 3,1966 3 SECTIONS - 36 PAGES 10 CENTS Next Lent service at St. John's Plan apartment complex, The Rev EverettWarrenFran- activities are: service as dean of cis, associate in the Department' convocation; a member of. the of Programs for the Episcopal board of directors of the United Diocese of Michigan, Will tie guest Community Services of Western speaker this Sunday evening as Wayne County; vice chairman of the Union Lenten Services in St. the Western Wayne Service Johns continue. .Group, which provides Neighbor­ hood^ Service Organization staff new convalescent center The Rev Mr Francis will speak persons for their area; member al 7:30 p.m. at St. John's Episco­ of the board of directors of the A 60-bed convalescent center and a 48- pal Church on East Walker Street. Religious Center of the Dearborn unit complex of apartment buildings has been The Rev Hugh Banninga, rector campus of 'the University of of the church, will be in charge, Michigan. He"has held a variety proposed for a nine-acre plot of land in the and the choir of St. John's will of offices in the Dearborn Pas­ tors Union. )' ' , southeast part of St. Johns. sing. • . , REV EVERETT FRANCIS * ** Future plans include a medical-profes­ USHERS and greeters will be sional center- in conjunction with the conva­ from the County Line EUB Church, and the coffee hour fol­ Capitol Savingis lescent center. lowing the Lenten service will be The proposal -w a s' apartment building complex, in charge of the Lowe and Ma­ Which at the start will include ple Rapids Methodist churches. intro d u c e d Tuesday only one 12-unit apartment house. night to the St. Johns * N * The Rev Mr Francis jolnedthe to open branch City Commission with GREEN, SPEAKING for the diocesan staff and the bishop's corporation planning the con­ household as associate director a request for rezoning valescent center, told the com­ of program in May 1964. He had of the area to permit mission Tuesday night the center been vicar of the Church of the office in St. Johns is expected to cost in excess of Good Shepherd, Dearborn, since the construction. half a million dollars, t 1955. Capitol Savings and Loan Pennell, Paul Kreger, Joseph C, Normal procedure is for the, Assn., a Lansing banking institu­ Coleman, Harold J. Reniger, A. city commission to refer the re­ It would be built for a minimum TIMOTHY M. GREEN. ROY F. BRIGGS JUDD MARZKE He was born in 1927, was edu­ quest .to the city planning com­ tion, will open a branch office in Taylor Menzies, Stanley V. Weed, of 60 beds, and*"eventual plans Local Men Involved in Convalescent Center, Apartment Proposals cated in, Wilmington, Del.; St. Johns within-about 90 days. Charles s] Cummins, Walter A. mission for its study and recom­ are to make it a 100-bed home. Swarthmore College, receiving Graff and Richard P. Lynam. mendation. The area involved, on It ^would ,be a one-story, ultra­ his BA degree from Duke Uni­ •96 feet in size which would house The announcement .last week- the south side of Sturgis Street modern building of masonry, 12 apartment units. The building °1 i versity In 1946. After attending between US-27 and Scott Road, is k| will result in the shuffle of four WHILE rr may' be' several brick and steel construction. It would be of colonial design. General Theological Seminary, presently zoned for single-fam­ would be built in the shape of a following private studies in the local businesses and the further months before Capitol Savings result of a reduction of one empty • ily residential. cross, with four wings extend­ If the necessary zoning ar­ diocese, he was ordained deacon gets into its new quarters, the ! "in June 1955 and priest in Jan- building In the business districtEct*. other <changes' -wilt c'om'e^stion-'« -^^W,, ~^ * - _ ing out equal distances from a rangements can be made, Marzke central core area. 'UBry-1956: HfHs- marrleH aHUH^- r «*- -«**Jfi&aMS" *Wa'* 'F*iday * ,he* PRQMQ-rEBS^QF^thtfWSproj- said., the apartment building could, t 1 T1 j five children, ranging in a!ges ects* are"m'osUy local men, Tti- "V"" "' *" ' _'-*•'' -"- .possibly be-.open-by this Sep­ 1 1- >k *.r «fl«fl"«< «' ' •* | fronWntl+'rinrtli-T portionm, Otitf thMme b'uildlhKimrilHrg* non™w» " * * '** T volved witji the convalescent cen­ ""The'center would employ 35 tember. - 4 •? " * * —* > *i •** j from 15 years to six months* • Becker's*" bUilding to his new ' -*, * being Used by. Jim's insurance quarters the'weekend of March ter are Jud Marzke, former ra­ persons. Agency, the St. Johns Chamber 12, with opening of business dio station owner here; Timothy \ , He said there would be 11 two- HIS SERVICE to the diocese of Commerce and Charlie Lynam s M, Green, St. Johns attorney; Roy bedroom apartments and 1 one- includes a creative ministry at there" March 15. It would not be anursinghome, Accounting, all at 222 N. Clinton F. Briggs, local realtor; Rex Green explained, because it would bedroom' apartment. Each, would Good Shepherd, Dearborn; serv­ Avenue, O'Connory Ionia attorney; and have air conditioning, carpeting ice" on the former department of McKenzie said tjfe new loca­ not be restricted to terminal care . * ' •' '*' tion will provide* fqr "larger of­ Floyd Wylie, manager of the Ionia patients or residents.' The center and drapes, full kitchen, living Christian social relations, the JM McKENZIE, owner of the v Manor nursing home at Ionia. and dining area, bathroom and bishop's chaplain for ecumenical fices and better faculties for our­ would encourage residents during insurance agency, has purchased selves and our customers." The Marzke, alone, is planning the the recovery stages oynness or the one or two bedrooms. work, chairman of the ecumenical the building previously housing relations, worked out by the dio­ new building is 22, by 90 feet, .injury where hospital stay would the Central National Bank and is somewhat narrower but much not be necessary. The first building would be cese at the time of general con­ remodeling the interior for larg­ constructed on the west side of if vention in 1961. He has been ac­ longer than the 25 by 60 foot * * - er offices for his agency, the building he's leaving. A REGISTERED nursewouldbe a proposed U-shaped drive lead­ I tplp Proposed tive in the family camp program Chamber of Commerce and Lyn- ing from Sturgis Street. Future for many summers. He and his on duty around the clock, Marzke ". Development am's business. said. ' plans are for two more buildings family participated in the Alaska J on the south end of the "U" and clergy exchange during the sum­ THE OFFICES for the Cham­ Kurt Becker, owner of Kurt's The convalescent center as a third building on the east side mer of 1963. ber of Commerce ahdLynam Ad- (, Appliance Center, owns the build­ counting will be enlarged from proposed would have private of the U." A landscaped garden ing he is In and which also in­ their present 8 by 8'size to 10 rooms, double rooms and four- is planned in the center. Among his recent community cludes the building Jim's Insur­ by 14. -McKenzie said he plans to bed wards, and Marzke said it * * * County zoning ance is presently located in.'He put in a new, lower-celling this would be built above State Health THERE WOULD be a play­ will lease the front 40 feet of summer, as well as a permanent Department standards. ground area to the rear of the the' present insurance building awning over the front of the build­ property. Adequate parkingwould School citizens to Capitol Savings and Loan for ing to match awnings over Irrer's The building would be equipped be provided, Marzke said, and unit approves its branch office. Barber Shop andWesternAuto. with hydrotherapy and physical •thefe would be a service road therapy rdoms. It would have a around the back side of the apart­ unit on call The rear portion of the build­ Becker plans to'makeuseofthe dining room and kitchen. Bath­ ment buildings. apartment house " The St. Johns Board of Educa­ ing will house Becker's appliance extra space at the rear of his rooms would be located in every tion has decided to call its school service center and equipment, store for display of televisions, room. ' ^ New bank's The Clinton County Zoning tions frpm Ray and Maxlne De- citizens committee back into ses­ allowing him to expand his tele­ particularly color.sets. Commission tabled four zoning Young of Alward Lake Resortfor sion for adlscussion of the school vision display area all the way The building would be con­ matters, approved one applica­ operation of a trailer coach park to the rear of his present store. .grand opening .building proposals. structed, if approved, 500 feet tion 'for a five-unit apartment at Alward Lake in Olive Town­ The service center is now lo­ Mayor exchange west of Scott Road on the south JOHN FEDEWA now under way house in Olive Township and re­ ship; from W. M. Fineout of De- cated at the Tear of the store. side of Sturgis Street. A large jected a zoning change to allow a Witt for operation of a trailer' In a special meeting last pairings nrtacle * '* The new Central National Bank Thursday evening, the board ac­ * * parking area would be provided, trailer coach' park in Bingham.
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