t NATIONAL HIGHWAY AUTHORITY Procurement & Contract Admini.stration Sedion 28-Mauve Area, G-9/L,Islamabad Tel 9032727, Fax: 9260419 Ref:6(441)/GM (P&cA)/NH /L7 I In 3 y'k nugort,2oLT Director General, Public Procurement Regulatory Authority, lst Floor FBC building near State Bank, G-5/2, Islamabad Subject: AUUOUMBMENT OF EVALUATION REPORT |PPRA RULE-351: Consultancy Senrlces for Detailed Design and Constnrction Supervision of Lahore - Sialkot Motorway (LSlMl Link Highway (4 Lanel connectlng LSM to NaranE Mandi and Narowal (73 I(m Approx.l Reference: PPRARule-S5 Kindly find attached the duly filled and signed evaluation report along with Annex-I pertaining to tJre procurement of subject services in view of the above referred PPRA Rule-35 for uploading on your website at earliest, please. //d (MUHAMMAD AZANTI Director (P&CA) Enclosure : Evaluation Report alongrith Annex-I. Copy for kind information to: - Member (Engineering-Coordination), NHA, - General Manager (P&CA). 5 EVAL N REP 1. Nameof ProcuringAgency: NationalHighway Authority 2. Methodof Procurement: SingleStage Two Envelop Procedure 3. Titleof Procurement: ConsultancyServices for DetailedDesign and ConstructionSupervision of Lahore- Sialkot Motoruvay(LSM) Link Highway (4 Lane)connecting LSMto NarangMandi and Narowal (73 Km Approx.) 4. Tenderlnquiry No.: 6(441yGM(P&CAyNHNlTt 5. PPRARef. No. (TSE): TS315425E 6. Date& Time of Bid Closing: 6s June,2017 at 1130hours local time 7. Date& Timeof BidOpening: 6h June,2Q17 at 1200hours localtime 8. No of BidsReceived: Six (06)proposals were received 9. Criteriafor BidEvaluation: Criteriaof BidEvaluation is attachedat Annex-l 10. Detailsof Bid(s)Evaluation: As below Marks Evaluated Rule/Regu lation/SBD"/Pol icy/ Nameof Bidder Cost Basis for Rejection/ Technical Financial (Pak.Rs.) Acceptance as per Rule 35 (if applicable) (if applicable) of PP Rules,2OO4. ({) M/sPrime Engineering& Testing Consultants(Pvt.) Topscoring JV in combined Ltd.in JVwith M/s 646 171 107,917,2s8 evaluation(PPRA Rule 36(b) (ix)) AssociatedConsulting Engineers-AOE(Pvt.) Ltd.& M/s PAVRON (2) M/s Asif Ali& Associates (Pvt.) Ltd. in JV with M/s Associated 606 198 93,074,030 2nd ConsultancyCentre (Prrt.)Ltd. & M/s TurkPaklnternational (Pvt.)Ltd. (3) M/sABM 200 92,198,200 3'd Engineers- Karachi 574 (4) M/s Zeeruk International(Pvt.) Ltd. in JV withM/s Techno-Consult 591 170 108,362,807 4th International(Pvt.) Ltd. andM/s CPM Enoineerino Page 1 of 2 I Consultants (5) M/s NESPAK(Pvt.) Ltd. in JV with M/s 602 155 118,743,434 5th EngineeringGeneral Consultants(P\,rt.) Ltd. (6).M/s Indus Associated Gonsultants (Pvt.) Ltd in JVwith M/s Umar 579 144 127,822,682 6tn MunshiAssociates& M/s NewVision Engineering Consultants Highest Ranked Bidder: M/sPrime Engineering & TestingConsultants (Pvt.) Ltd. (LeadFirm) in JVwithM/s Associated Consulting Engineers- ACE(Pvt.) Ltd. & M/sPAVRON 11. Any otheradditional / supportinginformation, the procuringagency may like to share: The projectis beingfinanced by Govt.of Pakistan;therefore the procurementwas carriedout in linewith PPRA Rules 2004 and its Regulations.The biddingwas done on QCBSmethod with 80:20 Technicalto Financial Proposals ratio. Signature: .. ofncialstamp: f:;:,:! i!:lif:; ffri!!, lslamabad "StandardBidding Documenfs (SBD). Page 2 of 2 o National Highway AuthoritY (Procurement and Contract Administration Sectionl 28 Mauve Area, Sectot G-911, Islamabad (Pakistanl Phone: +92-5 1-90'32727, Fax +92-5L'926O4L9 Fni[rro"vui$r.rArs Criteria for Bid Evaluation (Annexure-I) FOR ConsultancyServices for DetailedDesign and ConstructionSupervision of Lahore- SialkotMotorway (LSM) Link Highway (4 Lane)connecting LSM to NarangMandi and Narowal(73 Km APProx.) August,2OL7 NATIONAL HIGHWAY AUTHORITY Procurement& ContractAdministration Se ction 28-MauveArea, G-9/I, IslamabadTel: 9032727, Fax:926O419 Ref:6(441)/GM (P&CA)/NHA|IT l860 2'd June. 2OL7 All Prospective Consultants Subject: Minutes of Pre-Proposal Meeting and Addendum No.1 for: Consultancy Services for Detalled Design and Construction Superuislon of Lahore - Slalkot Motoruay (LSMI Llnk Highway 4 Lan LSM to and N f73 Km Approx.l Reference: Request for Proposal Notice for subject Seruices appeared in dailg newspapers on 6th Mag, 2017 The Minutes of Pre-Proposal Meeting and Addendum No.1 for subject Services being integral part of the Request for Proposal are enclosed herewith for necessary action, please. /d (Muhammad Azamf Director (P&CA) Enclosure: - Minutes of Pre-Proposal Meettng (O5 Pages)' - Addendum No.1 (O4 pagesf. Copy for kind information to: - Member (Planning), NHA, Islamabad; - Member (Engineering Coordination), NHA, Islamabad; - General Manager (P&CA), NHA, Islamabad; - General Manager (Planning), NHA, Islamabad; 'o MEETING HELD ON 17- MAY 2017 Consultancv Servicesfor Detailed Desisn and Construction Supervision of Lahore - Sialkot Motorwav (LSM) Link Hiehway (4 Lane) connectine LSM to Narans Mandi and Narowal (73 Km Approx.) A Pre-ProposalMeeting was held in NHA Auditorium at 1100 hours on 17thMay, 2017to discussthe Request for Proposal (RFP) for subject Services.Following NHA officers and representativesof prospective consultantsattended the meeting: National Highway Authority General Manager (Planning) General Manager (Design) , Director (P&CA) - III DeputyDirector (P&CA) - lI . Consultants Mr. Aamir Ghori M/s PrimeEngineer,ing and Testing (Pvt.) Ltd. Mr. Naeem Mahmood Khan IWs EGC (PwJ l-td. Mr. Hamayun Gondal iWs ACC (Pvt.)Ltd. Mr. Tanveer Ahmad lW"Wf Pakistan(Pvt.) Ltd. Mr. Niaz Ahmed Sheikh IWs ABM Karachi Mr.Irfan Shaukat M/S ZeerukInt'l (Pvt.)Ltd. Mr. Zubair Emran Khawaja N4/SAZ EngineeringAssociates Mr. Azizullah IWs Osmani& Company(Pvt.) Ltd. Engr.Ahmad Ghias M/s Osmani& Company(Pvt.) Ltd. ' Mr. Haris Aqil . IWs EA Consulting(Pvt.) Ltd. 2. The queriessubmitted during the abovementioned pre-proposal meeting and their clarifications/ repliesare summarized below for informationof all prospectivebidders: Due to the unavailabilityof any staff during Not accededto; proceedas per RFP please. construstionsupervision, one month salary will be deduc.tedand later further penaltywill be , irtrposedby invoking clauses in the Contact Agreement.The consultantsalready not claiming for the subject position then thereis no justificationto deductone month chargerate of the personnel.Due to increased infrastructure works in the countrY availability of the experiencedstaff have become difficult. It is proposedthat this clausemav be reviewedand deleted. Furthermore due to scarcitY of the Thresholdgiven under Data SheetClause 6.5 ineerins staff in the country, the criteria would be relaxe#EiFffiF6Q%for acceptanceof (LSM)Link Highway Minutesofpre.proposal Meetingfor ConsultancyServices for DetailedDesign and Construction (4 Lane)connecting LSM to NarangMandi and Narowal [73 Km Approx.) n Queries Reply for each supervisorystaff should also be Personnel on probation of three months; reviewedso that new staffcan be promoted. subject to their satisfactory performance the Personnelwould be accepted for full duration of assignments. 3. Refer Clause 1.7-vii, the Consultanthas to Not accededto; proceedas per RFP please. engagea new firm havingminimum share of 20%. h is requestedthat the minimum share shouldbe fixed at llYo.It is alsopossible that new firm cannotprovide personnel for its due shareand the responsibilitywould be shared by the establishedfirm. 4. Refer Clausel.7-viii, the Consultantis to be The Consultant's Head ,Off q.rppott is responsiblefor the defectsliability period. mandatoryas per Note +$Form FIN-7. Only two months of the ResidentEngineer are provided during the defects liability period.This clauseneeds to be reviewedas the Head Office of the Consultantmay be responsible for the Final Certification. PertinentRE may not be availableproviding two months during 12 monthsperiod. Staff from Head Office can carry out the Final Certification. 5. Financial Forms does not include the cost The cost for carrying out Axle Load Survey requires for carrying out the Axle Load may be includedin the consultant'sfinancial Surveysas per TOR proposal. 6. FinancialForms also doesnot include,the The cost for stake out of the alignment may be costsfor stakingout of the Alignmentas per included in the consultant's financial proposal. TOR. 7 In Para 3.2 of the TOR it,is etated"Traffic Consultantshall carryout Axle Load Survey surveyand Axle Load Surveyor collectionof using portableweigh stationas statedin Para datafrom nearbyweigh stations",whereas in 3.1.4of theTOR. para3.7.4 requires Axle LoadSurvey. Please clarifu. 8. As per TOR a cost to be quoted for the The cost may be included in the consultant's Highway Safety Audit facilitation and other financial proposal. expenseshowever the sameis not included in the financial forms. 9. As per the TOR, it is statedthat drawings Typically,drawings are acceptedin A3 size. would be required in A1/A3 size. Please Howevet, the Client may request the clarify thatwhich sizeof drawingsis required Consultantto provide drawings in A1 size becauseit affectsthe cost estimates. whichshall not be more than one (01) copy. 10. Financial forms does not contain item for The costfor carryingout EnvironmentalImpact environmental surveys. This activity may be AssessmentStudy in accordancewith the TOR included in the financial forms to avoid any maybe includedas I S confusion. ,A - (LSM) Highway Minutesof Pre-proposalMeeting for ConsultancyServices for DetailedDesign and Construction ,W'f"r" sialkotMotp Link Page2 (4 LaneJconnecting LSM to NarangMandi and Narowal
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