I MISTER SNITCH HE'S HERE HE'S THERE HE'S HOBOKEN PICTORIAL EVERY- WHERE!! I VOLUME 9 NO. 43 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1967 *MHZ5ZT* TEN CENTS -<rn»O IT happened many years ago. This chap had a good job. He hired bus loads of workers. In fact, most of his work was on weekends when they were changing the banns over to comput- ers . The electronic age was coming into its own at the time. He had charge of personnel.The story comes up because tt was at the holiday season it happened. He not only lost his tab but all his money to boot. He lost gambling. His mon- ey loss wasn't so bad - but die job - that was the blow. He was bragging to Willie Dee Just before *e got the gate. He said "I'm in good with the owner of this .operation. I was drink- ing all night with him." Willie Dee tried to tell ed t»J«mesQulnB>s«can w d from him the errors of his way COMMUNION BREAKFAST HELD - A Fafljer and Son Commmke center, holds plaque that was jb4»» — j— — -» ~z~ , ~i._ Breakfast sponsored by Pope Pius XII Memorial Post, CWV, held a rteht. for ootstaadlng services. Others hi picture, standing, left to because Willie knaw these private , special Mass at 8 ajn. at Sta. Peter and Paul Church, Ho- right, far aucsmozag act-vie*. Others in picture, left to rfgSx are, tactics. Well, the boys at bofcaa. Breakfast follow*! at the Orand Hotel t.i «u attended by M. J. Kochamba,*dvic«^«BniaMdar.Habi^CoijatrChajp^ Joseph the tavein gavs him $30 sc 200 boyt with tfaetr tethers. Judge Victor Kilkenny of Siqwrfer Court Ha»r*ha». HudHn Cwiy Judge YJcwr KflkanayandFraiik Perrucci. that he would not go home m the main speaker. Touttmaster vu James Qutan, Freeholder Hudson Covtty Commander of CWV. The Urrie League team with pennyless on Christmas. end Jonmwader of CWV 1818. Father AlbertHess .pastor, also spoke. their trophies art. left to right, Tta Unalt. John SogUww. James Today, many years later, After breakfast, the CWV Utue League Baseball team were presented Wassmas. Kevin Toomey. Michael Kelly. Stephen Smith. Daonts this guy who never return- with trophies. Jobs J. Grogan, Hudson Cotwy Ota*, pictured in Murphy and manager. Robert Bwawm. M. J- Romano Photo ed the 30 bobs is still gam- bling and still looking for a job. His kid, who would have had a dull and sad ..Judiday ..atr.fcst time, is now in Viet Nam fighting to make the world safe *or free people. Maybe the kid was fortunate and has good atavistic tendencies, ° • * * LET'S call him Hector because thafs not his name but fe is one who puts all his chestnuts in one Joint. Hector is a freeloader par excellence. At least, he is giving everybody credit for being stupid. However, Juan-ihe-bartender proves they are not so dumb after all. It wa s Xa day the Giants were on V and, among KNOWLEDGE THROUGH RBA0WG - The Paperback Bookmobile llcte, Mar&a RtehardMB. Joan Marie G*rlbai<tt, Mary Ann i others, Penn State Charlie, of the Archdiocese of Newark will be ataUonedat 4* and Washington beU, Carlo LosUo, Peter Keliy, Antes Kruse, Michael Totzfe. Pittsburgh Paul, Pepsi Streets. Hobokeo, for one week to enable children of Sta. Peter and \ Steve O'Brien. Denise Wssyle. Maria Peiuso, Christine Ptnl. Msria Pete, Spibali Spitzer. Min- Paul School and the general public to purchase books. The purpose ! Smith, Catya SaSer, Lorryn Keogh, Caaldo DePteie,Anna Pregloaw. nie Sniffy et al. Hector of the sale is to stimulate reading among children and grownups. I Dairel Bucfcey, Rtta Wohrle. In background is Mrs. Stepson Man- came in at 1:00 p.m., the Proceeds of the sale will gof or cducattana.1 materials for -daMroamS I gleUo, asslsatnc chairman: Mrs. Carlo DeOenMtro. president of the TlTstogaTon ft* bootaS*ile tt. "Readtag Makes the Full Ma*"- ' Siena Club of Sts. Peter aad Paul Church: Mrs. Anthony CUento and bartender clocked him in. Mrs. Anthony CUento. a teach«r « dM achool •ndr^rethan 20 j Mrs. Robert Rsaleri, chairman of theprograia.Mrs. Claire Scsrdlgno He opened up with a beer. piE>fls of die *hgrade.madepursh«MB. Jtwo to fiwe books a swdmi. is a memlier of the committee. M. J. Romano Photo However, when the gang Children of the 4th grade tn picture srejota Murray. Leonard PUR- in that corner started buy- ing. Hector changed to scotch and soda. For five solid hours, he lifted his MITES ARE HOSTS TO U0NS-* glass without making a pass The Koboken P^..L. Mighty Min to pay for one little drink. teartJ were hosts to the Monroe Liars poker? Yes, he'll go Little Uaas Football teem. Bach for that but buying a drink Lion team pteyer stayed at the other than a beer for him- home of a HoboKen teaw mem- self - that's taboo. Hector ber for two days. The group is really a Chestnut, One came trom Connectlcs". One for the fire because Vie al- of (he grotaa are ojctured *ttfa ways gives cau-efor roast Mtcha«i Walsh, Uttle Lions Foot ball team president end Micasei Wladtch. Director of Hobokra • • • P.AX. Mrs. Doris HeasJe is A bunch of iocaT'hippies" pictnred second tram left. Mr. are engaged in amateur and Mrs. Henale were hosts to acting. Recently they did a Steve Maxwell, pictured at left. modern version - modern Others are Fred Menste , II; in their long haired style- Tom Fan-ell, 11. from Connect- of Hamlet. The show got icut, guest of Mr. sod Mrs. An- over witiiout incident ex- thony ftwteo; M&e Corrado.Il cept that one "hippy" asked of Hobokeo; Scon Zltaay, 12 of Coinecticxst. guest of Mr. aad ">'!K"unfaiDpy"o!d man How Mrs. Jstnes J. Corvado. M. j. ": the show go?" The old Ramaao Photo . an looked •• >-irn. in disgust zri * **v (Continues on x agi- $} ... THURSDAY. PBCBM8ER 7, PENGUIN Clill BBSEFIT DINNER-OANCE - A dfamer-daace, proceed* a* which will benefit 6-yeai-old FUlppo Nerl, Me of Mr. and Mrs. FlUppo Nerl, unmacer eC Radio Station WHBI will be held December 9 at the Bloc Point Restaurant tn Haboken. The pragma wiil feature Gianni Farina (Ciauao Villa of Am erica), Fnmk AvoHo, Vtolena Del, Carlo Pepe. Master of Cereroooies will be Attlllo Barbara. Ralph AzzoUnl ts pictured selling the first ticket to Niaizlo Matteat. Also pictured with them. Utt to right, arc FCTBA Recanatl, chairman; Ms. FUfppo Nerl, FUlppo Nerl and Nicholas Recanatt. M.J. Romano Photo TUMULTY TO li SPEAKER AT IAR ASSN. YULE PARTY S. Cramer, general trial will also honor all member* forth* FabUc Serrtce that have been engaged In the Dwttt, Otmar J. Pdl«, Rudolph CMedtaKad Transport Company practice of law for 40 years Schroeder, Albert J. Shea, Com- and prcBfctaitaf f&e Hoboken Bar or more. The following mem- mander WUllam S.Stitr.Stephm A»oct«tfc». haa announced tbat bers will be honored ax the din- K. SuUlvan,Jr..Maxthewj.Tack- the 40& annual dinnerand Christ- eUa, and William GottUeb. ma pttty of the Association Pederal J udge J«me> A. Coola- Cocktails ancJentertalnnientwlU wfii be held an Wednesday, De- han, Superior Court Judges David precede and follow the dinner. cember 20 at the dam Broth A. Pindar and Robert P. Me Committee tn charge of ar- House In Hobofcen. AJevy, Jr., Cowty Court Judge rangement! are Chris G. Pappaa, J«ey Ctty Corporation Attor- Benedict A. Beronio and Com- Rudolph Naddeo, Maurice Gott- ney and former Congreaaanan, sdors John S. Applegate.Nathan Ueb, Joseph Dunn aad Peter J. T, James Tanulty. nbo has Jim Baker. AlfoBSo Blvona, Chaxleo Giordano. been nominated to tf»e Superior 0. Carlucdo, Charles DePazlo. Coon bench at the State of New Jr., Arthur L. Dlclcsaa, Erwln Jersey, a^ail be ibe honored W. Grave, Seaator Frederick H. SGT. REICH Hauser, Domlnlck J. Marrone, The Hobe&en Bar Anodatton Wallace MarneU, Patrick P. Me AWARDED MEDAL Master Sergeant Frank J. Retch •on of Mr. and Mrs. William Reich of 627 Bloomfleld st.Jffo- boken, ha.- -ecefved die U. S. PARADISE DRY Air Fs ••—* a «idatian Medal at Osan i 3, * •:. •«.. Serge-V &eiJ *as decorated for i . itorlous service as a 120-122 WASHINGTON ST. safety superintendent, 309th Strategic Missile Wing, Davls- Mantban AFB, Arizona. He was 798-4246 cited for his outstanding pro- •if""" fessional skill, knowledge and leadership. Su Tienda Hispana The sergeant is now assigned to a wit of the Pacific Alr Forces at Osan. A graduate of Misnal Technical ROPA ZAPATOS EN GENERAL School, he has studied at the University of Miami and theUni- "PENGUNBTTB" - Dolores Sunday, left, and Julia Caprat are verslty of Arizona. employed ax die Pengifti Club, Hoboken, owned by MQce Delia Fare His wife, Jessie, Is the dar- and Joseph A. Caporrtno. If real penguins were anything Iflre VISITENOS ter of Kent Butcher of West Dolores and Julia, there would be a huge trek op North by m embers Virginia. of tne opposite sex. M, J, Romano Photo. WOMAN'S CLUB WILL MEET TODAY The Woman's Clab cf Hoboken | chairman, will recelte poems is holding an Art Department •ad the wife c* ooeof tbe Steven "a meeting today (Thursday), at the Professors from India, will ex- club. Mr.AlfredDrexel,Director plain the history at the costttne of Art to the Hoboken Public . worn bv ^ie- women of Schools, will speak about Ae Mr»- Robert Barthoiamc work of his pupils. Miss May i co-chairman.
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