Belgravia Auction Gallery Auction Catalogue 7- DAY SALE BY AUCTION MALTESE & EUROPEAN SILVER & FURNITURE, OLD MASTER & MODERN MALTESE & EUROPEAN PAINTINGS, CHINA & GLASS, ASIAN ART, JEWELLRY, NUMISMATICA, PHILATELY, POSTCARDS Tuesday 17th - Tuesday 24th June 2014 at 3.30pm Catalogue, Images & Details are available 1st at www.belgraviaauctions.com ON VIEW Daily at 3.30pm th Friday 13 09.00 - 13.00 Tuesday 17th 001 - 400 & 14.00 - 18.00 th Wednesday 18 401 - 600 Saturday 14th 09.00 - 13.00 Thursday 19th 601 - 800 Sunday 15th 09.00 - 13.00 Friday 20th 801 - 1000 st th Saturday 21 1001 - 1200 Monday 16 from 09.00 - 13.00 rd Monday 23 1201 – 1400 & 14.00 - 18.00 Tuesday 24th 1401 – 1600 www.belgraviaauctions.com - 1 - Belgravia Auction Gallery Auction Catalogue th Tuesday 17 June 2014 at 3.30pm Lots 001 - 399 1.* Bonello Giovanni, Histories of Malta - Deceptions and € 20 - 50 Perceptions, Vol 1 2.* Bonello Giovanni, Histories of Malta - Closures & Disclosures, € 35 - 60 Vol 7 3.* Bonello Giovanni, Histories of Malta - Confessions & € 40 - 70 Transgressions, Vol 9 4.* Bonello Giovanni, Histories of Malta - Passions & € 35 - 60 Compassions, Vol 10 5.* Bonello Giovanni, Histories of Malta - Confusions & € 40 - 70 Conclusions Vol 12 6.* Buhagiar Mario, The Iconography of the Maltese Islands € 20 - 50 7.* Calleja Joe Fr., Giuseppe Calleja 1828-1915 € 20 - 50 8.* Corace Erminia, Mattia Preti € 20 - 50 9.* Bonanno Anthony, Roman Malta € 20 - 50 10.* Azzopardi Emanuel, Malta, The History of the Coinage € 55 - 80 11.* Rollo D., The Guns and Gunners of Malta € 170 - 220 12.* Bonnici Ray & Gringeri Pantano F, Sicily & Malta: The Islands € 25 - 45 of the Grand Tour (2007) (1) 13.* Denaro V. F., The Goldsmiths of Malta and their Marks € 20 - 50 14.* Buhagiar M & Fiorini S, Mdina - The Cathedral City of Malta € 20 - 50 Vols 1&2 15.* Wettinger Godfrey, Place - Names of the Maltese Islands ca. € 20 - 50 1300-1800 16.* Azzopardi John Canon, St. Paul's Grotto, Church and € 20 - 50 Museum 17.* Bonnici J & Cassar M, A Chronicle of the 20th Century Malta € 20 - 50 18.* Ellis Richard, The Photography Collection Vol 2, Grand € 120 - 160 Harbour and Cottonera 19.* Ellis Richard, The Photography Collection Vol 4, Malta & € 55 - 80 Gozo 20.* Micallef Doris, Paintings of Malta & Gozo € 35 - 60 21.* Spiteri Stephen, Armoury of the Knights € 40 - 70 22.* The Busuttil Family - A Legacy of 3 Generations € 35 - 60 23.* Fenech Natalino, Complete Guide to the Birds of Malta € 35 - 60 24.* Sciberras Keith, Mattia Preti € 90 - 120 25.* Montgomery M. R., Gibraltar Malta and the Ionian Islands € 20 - 50 www.belgraviaauctions.com - 2 - Belgravia Auction Gallery Auction Catalogue 26.* Testa Carmel, The French in Malta 1798-1800 € 20 - 50 27.* Mizzi Edgar, Malta in the Making € 20 - 50 28.* Caruana Dingli Noel, French Language in Malta and € 8 - 20 Napoleon 29.* Alexander J, Mabel Strickland € 25 - 45 30.* Abela A. E., A Nation's Praise - Malta: People, Place & Events € 15 - 25 Historical Sketches 31.* Sultana Joe, Flora u Fawna ta' Malta € 20 - 50 32.* Bonnici J & Cassar M, The Malta Grand Harbour and its € 20 - 50 Dockyard 33.* Bugeja L., Buhagiar M & Fiorini S, Birgu - A Maltese Maritime € 20 - 50 City 34.* Buhagiar M & Fiorini S, Mdina The Cathdral City of Malta, € 10 - 40 CBM 1996 (2 volumes). 35.* Ganado A & Agius Vadala M, A Study in Depth of 143 maps € 10 - 40 representing the Great Siege of Malta of 1565, PEG 1994 2 Vols 36.* Mifsud A., Dossier Malta. Evidence for the Magdalenian € 8 - 20 37.* Fiorentini B., Malta Rifugio di Esuli € 20 - 35 38.* Hull Geoffrey, The Malta Language Question € 10 - 25 39.* Dillon J. J., Sulla Sovranita' di Malta € 10 - 25 40.* Luttrell Anthony, Medieval Malta - Studies on Malta before the € 10 - 25 Knights 41.* Quentin Hughes. Fortress Architecture and Military History in € 35 - 60 Malta 42.* Magri E., Ruins of a Megalithic Temple at Xewkija, Gozo. First € 30 - 50 report 43.* Bonello Giovanni, Nostalgias of Malta € 20 - 50 44.* Agius De Soldanis, Ghawdex bil-Grajja Tieghu Vols 1&2 € 20 - 50 45.* Farrugia Dun Guzepp, Ghawdex bil-Grajja Tieghu € 15 - 25 46.* Ellul Michael, History on Marble. A corpus of Inscriptions € 25 - 45 47.* Cavaliero Roderick, The Last of the Crusaders, signed by € 20 - 50 author 48.* Cassar Mario, The Surnames of the Maltese Islands € 20 - 50 49.* Testa Carmel, The French in Malta 1798-1800 € 10 - 25 50.* Bannerman & Gaffiero., Birds of the Maltese Archipelago € 120 - 160 51.* De Boisgelin Louis, Ancient and Modern Malta, Vols 1-3, € 20 - 50 (facsimilie edition) www.belgraviaauctions.com - 3 - Belgravia Auction Gallery Auction Catalogue 52.* Ferris Achille, Descrizione storica delle chiese di Malta e € 20 - 50 Gozo, (facsimilie edition) 53.* Mac Millan A., Malta and Gibraltar illustrated, (facsimilie € 20 - 50 edition) 54.* Ferres Achille, Descrizione storica delle chiese di Malta e € 20 - 50 Gozo, (facsimilie edition) 55.* Bres Onorato, Malta Antica Illustrata, (facsimilie edition) € 20 - 50 56.* Castagna P. P., L-istoria ta' Malta bil Gzejjer tahha Vols 1&2, € 20 - 50 (facsimilie edition) 57.* Abbe De Vertot, The History of the Knights of Malta Vols 1&2, € 20 - 50 (facsimilie edition) 58.* Zammit Vincent, Il-Gran Mastri Vols 1&2 € 20 - 50 59.* Ganado A & Agius Vadala M, A study in depth of 143 maps € 20 - 50 representing the Great Siege of Malta of 1565 Vols 1&2 60.* Warburton Eliot, The Crescent and the Cross, from the € 30 - 80 collection of Baron DeRotchild 61.* Vassallo G., The Great Siege of Malta € 55 - 80 62.* Warburton Eliot, The Crescent and the Cross, Part 1&2 (1) € 260 - 350 63.* Denaro Victor F., The Houses of Valletta € 20 - 50 64.* Mifsud A. Mons., Kinghts Hospitallers of the Venerable € 20 - 50 Tongue of England in Malta 65.* Ordinances and other official acts - Malta 1853 € 15 - 25 66.* Leggi Criminali per le Isole di Malta e Sue Dipendenze, Malta € 80 - 150 1848 67.* The Colour and Life of Malta from Original Paintings by Chev € 200 - 280 Edward Caruana Dingli, published by Critien's 68.* The Colour and Life of Malta from Original Paintings by Chev € 200 - 280 Edward Caruana Dingli, published by Critien's 69.* De Vertot Abbe, The History of the Knights of Malta, € 2200 - 3000 illustrated, with maps by DeLille, plans of the fortifications by DeTigne, 1728, 2 volumes, English folio editioon, leather bound 70.* De Boisgelin Louis, Ancient and Modern Malta 1805, Vols € 750 - 850 1&2, (without illustrations and maps) 71.* Munro D, Momento Mori, MJ Publications 2005 € 10 - 40 72.* Houel Jean, Viaggio in Sicilia ed a Malta, with all engravings, € 340 - 450 and reporduction leaflet 73.* Peyron Amadeo, Antica e Nuova Grecia € 10 - 45 74.* Wadstorm C. B., An Essay on Colonization, particularly € 10 - 45 applied to the Western Coast of Africa www.belgraviaauctions.com - 4 - Belgravia Auction Gallery Auction Catalogue 74.1.* Lunario, Calendario e Pronostico nuove dell'anno 1778 € 120 - 160 booklet 74.2.* Ransijat Bosredon, Assedio e blocco di Malta, 1843 € 0 - 0 74.3.* Borg Pantalleresco G., Weraq Midmum € 0 - 0 74.4.* Azopardi Barone, Giornale della presa di Malta e Gozo dalla € 0 - 0 Republica Francese 74.5.* La Sicilia di Jean Houel all'Ermitage € 0 - 0 74.6.* Callus M., Daniele P, Il P. Ottomano fu vero principe? 1918 € 1 - 1 74.7.* Il caso del Deputato Commissario di Polizia Amadeo Inglott € 0 - 0 74.8.* Successi dell'armata cattolica - Firenze 1560 € 0 - 0 74.9.* The Siege of Malta - Printed Edinburgh 1815 € 0 - 0 75.* Harris Nicholas Nicholas, History of the Orders of Knighthood € 500 - 800 of the British Empire...., Medals, Clasps, Crosses..., Naval & Military Services, 1842, 2 volumes 75.1.* Giacinto Carlo, Saggio di Agricoltura per le isole di Malta e € 50 - 80 Gozo - Malta 1811 75.2.* Ricordo del Catedrale di Malta, booklet € 10 - 25 76.* Pirotta Joseph M., Fortress colony: The Final act 1945-64 € 20 - 50 Vols 1-3 77.* Gauci Charles A, The Genealogy and Heraldry of the Nobel € 20 - 50 Families of Malta Vols 1 & 2 78.* Pirotta Joseph, L-istorja Kostituzzjonali u l-isfond storiku - € 30 - 50 No64 1800/1942 & No65 1942/2004; Gatt Michael, Geologija u l-Paleontolgija tal-Gzejjer Maltin No69 (3) 79.* Sammut Joseph C., From Scudo to Sterling € 20 - 50 80.* Gaullaumier Alfie, Bliet u Rhula Maltin Vols 1-3 € 20 - 50 81.* De Piro Nicholas, Valletta - A City Built by Gentlemen for € 20 - 50 Gentlemen; Hughes Quentin, Malta - A Guide to the Fortifications (2) 82.* Terribile Tony, Treasures of Maltese Churches, Marsa, Paola, € 30 - 50 Qormi, M'Scala, Zabbar; Treasures of Malta No 46; Caravaggio & paintings or realism in Malta; St. John Foundation 2003/4 & 2010/11; Descent from the Cross (6) 83.* Gerada Eric, Malta - An Island Republic; Nanter Bernard, € 20 - 50 Malta (3) 84.* Attard Joseph, Malta - A History of Two Millennia € 20 - 50 85.* King Edwin Sir., The Knights of St. John in the British Realm € 20 - 50 86.* Abela A E, The Order of St Michael and St George in Malta, € 10 - 40 Progress Press, 1988. www.belgraviaauctions.com - 5 - Belgravia Auction Gallery Auction Catalogue 87.* Schleyer J. M., Volapuk - Grammatica e Lessicologia, 1888 € 25 - 45 88.* Scicluna Hannibal P., The Order of St. John of Jerusalem € 20 - 50 1969 89.* Peyrefitte Roger, Kinghts of Malta € 20 - 50 90.* Hughes Quentin, The Building of Malta 1530-1795 € 20 - 50 91.* Luke Harry Sir, Malta an account and an appreciation € 20 - 50 92.* Cavaliero Roderick., The Last of the Crusaders € 30 - 50 93.* Pickles Tim, Malta 1565; Malta and its Islands (2) € 20 - 50 94.* Mallia Milanes V., Descrittione di Malta Anno 1716; Bonello, € 20 - 50 Fiorentini, Schiavone, Echi del Risorgimento a Malta (2) 95.* Agius De Soldanis, Gozo Ancient and Modern Religious and € 20 - 50 Profane; Cini Charles, Gozo Voyage dans le passe (2) 96.* Dalli Charles, Iz-zmien nofsani Malti; Luttrell, Medieval Malta, € 20 - 50 Studies on Malta before the Knights (2) 97.* Abela A.
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