24th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF THE AERONAUTICAL SCIENCES THE PROPERTIES OF WING AND AIRFLOW OF FLYING INSECTS Koji TSUYUKI , Seiichi SUDO Department of Mechanical Engineering, Iwaki Meisei University Keywords: Biomechanics, Flapping flight, PIV, Wing morphology Abstract mained unresolved because of the large number of insects that exists. Each insect has different This paper describes the results of some exper- flight mechanics. If we study more about insect iments concerning wing morphology and flight flight, the results of such studies will lead to fur- performance of several flying insects; cicadas, ther developments in the biomechanics and bio- dragonflies and bumblebees. Firstly, the surface engineering. To this end the current paper investi- shapes of three insect wings were visualized by gates the airflow around several flapping insects. a distinct three-dimensional image. The surface In this paper, we visualized and examined some shapes showed a difference of functions for flap- three-dimensional images of several insect wings ping flight between each wing. Secondly, the and the airflow around three different flapping in- distribution of velocity fields around a flapping sects. The results of these experiments are de- dragonfly, a flapping bumblebee and a flapping scribed. cicada were visualized with a PIV system to iden- tify the airflow generated by the wings. Peri- 2 Experimental Apparatus and Procedures odical vortex rings were observed in the result with the bumblebee. Finally, the successful ob- 2.1 Three-dimensional Surface Roughness servation of a flapping cicada the free flight is re- of Insect Wings ported. The surface roughness of an insect wing was 1 Introduction measured by the three-dimensional curved shape measuring system [7]. Figure 1 shows a Insect flight has especially fascinated a lot of sci- schematic diagram of the experimental apparatus entists and the flight mechanisms of various in- for the measurement of an insect wing. This mea- sects have been investigated extensively [1-4]. suring system was composed of a microscope The studies of flapping flight have contributed system, a laser displacement detector system, an to developments in biomechanics and bioengi- automatic high accuracy scanning X-Y stage sys- neering. For example, a flapping flight robot tem, and an automatic focusing system. A curved has been developed as an application [5, 6]. Al- shape measurement of a sample wing was per- though these have been a lot of research on in- formed to the submicron accuracy. And we found sect flight, further research is required for devel- the measuring system was suitable for the obser- opments in biomechanics and bioengineering to vation of the surface roughness of insect wings continue. There still remain unexplored domains to the minutest of details. The sample wing was concerning the mechanisms of flapping flight. severed from the insect body before the start of For instance, the properties of insect wing and the measurement, and it was mounted on the X- airflow around flapping insects have generally re- Y stage. After the severing, the wings of the in- 1 KOJI TSUYUKI , SEIICHI SUDO YAG Laser 1 YAG Laser 1 Personal Computer He-Ne Laser DIMENSION XPS YAG Laser 2 YAG Laser 2 D300 CCD Color Color Monitor Flexible Arm D825TM Camera Flexible Arm ICD-700DC Laser Controller LMaisneir LCaosnet IroI-l2le0r Color Monitor Power Supply Mini Lase II-20 Laser Lightsheet Laser Lightsheet UCM-1000A Power Supply Wind Tunnel Wind Tunnel AF Sensor Mirror PORTA SMOKE Insect Auto Focus Halogen Insect PORPTSA- 2S0M01O KE Controller Lamp PS-2001 MAF98 Laser Beam Test Section Objective Lens Test Section Z-axis Stage Sample Wing PIVCAM PI1V0C-3A0M XY Stage Synchronizer 10-30 MSOyDncEhLr o6n1i0z0er3 2 MODEL 610032 Digital Counter Digital Counter ND920 ND281 XYZ Stage Controller ( for XY-axes ) ( for Z-axis ) MD-38 Personal Computer Display Monitor PersoMnailll eCnonmiap uter DispRlDay1 7MGoRn itor Millennia RD17GR Fig. 1 The experimental apparatus for the mea- surement of three-dimensional surface roughness (a) PIV system with small wind tunnel of an insect wing Laser Lightsheet Laser Lightsheet sects were coated with gold using an ion sput- PORTA SMOKE PORPTSA- 2S0M01O KE PS-2001 tering method in order to catch the reflection of Flying Insect Flying Insect the laser beam. This was necessary because in- sect wings mostly consist of transparent mem- branes. When a laser beam hits the surface of Transparent Box Transparent Box the sample wing, a diffused or scattered reflec- Wooden Stand Wooden Stand tion occurs. The scattered light reflection is then PIVCAM PI1V0C-3A0M focused through an objective lens on a unique 10-30 semiconductor sensor. An output signal from the (b) Cicada in transparent enclosed box photodetector gives the position of the measured surface relative to a gauge probe. The three- Fig. 2 The experimental apparatus for the mea- dimensional measurement of the whole surface surement of velocity fields around an insect of the sample wing is made by autoscanning the wing with the X-Y stage and processing these im- ages with a computer. The surface roughness of a tem to reveal the characteristics of airflow around dragonfly, cicada and bumblebee were measured flapping insects. Figure 2 (a) shows a schematic using this experimental system. diagram of the experimental apparatus. The flap- 2.2 Velocity Fields around Flapping Insects ping insects were analyzed by using the PIV sys- tem in a small wind tunnel. This experimental A lot of papers investigate the visualized flow system was composed of a CCD camera, a small fields around flapping insects [8-10]. However, low-turbulence wind tunnel, two Nd: YAG lasers, there are few papers that analyze and observe a synchronizer, and a personal computer. The test flapping insects using by a Particle Image Ve- section of the wind tunnel was 200 mm high, 200 locimetry (PIV) system. The PIV system was mm wide and 300 mm long. The turbulence in- established for the measuring two-dimensional tensity at the test section was 0.75 % rms at ve- flow fields. Therefore, we have used the PIV sys- locity U0 = 10 m/s. Each test insect was fixed in a 2 The Properties of Wing and Airflow of Flying Insects uniformly smooth wind field in the test section of length of the dragonfly was L = 39:81 mm, the the wind tunnel. The insect was tethered for mea- right forewing length was l f = 32:51 mm. The surement. The velocity fields during the wing color indicator in this figure displayed the height flap of a dragonfly and bumblebee were measured of undulation on the wing. The display of the by the experimental system. forewing has been separated into eight pieces for The measurement of velocity fields around a the observation of seven cross sections. Though free flight cicada was also performed using the the figure was cut into eight pieces, the color in- PIV system without the small wind tunnel. The dicator was put on the surface before the wing cicada was mounted on the wooden stand in the was separated. It can be seen that the leading transparent enclosed acrylic box shown in Fig. 2 edge to the trailing edge formed a big camber (b). This box was 400 mm high, 400 mm wide near the center region. The dragonfly generates and 800 mm long. The height of the wooden aerodynamic lift by using this center region of stand was 115 mm, and the stand was set at near the wing [12]. Furthermore, it can be observed the center in the box. The measurement of veloc- that the thick veins made a large undulation with ity fields was performed at the moment of taking a V-shaped like groove moving from the root of off. the forewing along the leading edge. There was a small undulation near the tip of the forewing. 3 Experimental Results and Discussions Therefore, each section of the dragonfly wing performs different functions. Figure 4 shows the 3.1 Three-dimensional description of sur- relationship between the non-dimensional wing face roughness of the insect wings length and the non-dimensional undulation of two different kinds of dragonfly wings. Even In general, insect wings do not have a flat sur- though the dragonfly wings are shown the transi- face. For instance, a large roughness of the tion tendency of the undulation is same. Dragon- cross section along the costa was identified on flies in the suborder Anisoptera Selys commonly the wing structure of a dragonfly. Moreover it have the same undulation in wings morphology. is well known that this structure contributes to That is, the root of the wing strongly and flexibly the good performance of dragonfly flight [11]. supports the wing, the center of wing creates the Even though the cross sections of insect wings lift force through the big camber and the wingtip are quite complex in structure, there are very few keeps the airflow under control for steady flight. studies describing the roughness of insect wings. This complex structure has not yet been shown to exist for all insect wings. So, we measured the 3.1.2 Three-dimensional image of the cicada surface roughness of three different insect wings, wing the dragonfly, bumblebee, and cicada wings in or- The three-dimensional surface roughness image der to reveal the wing structure of these insects. of the right forewing of the cicada, Tanna japo- And we also compared the surface roughness of nensis japonensis is shown in Fig. 5. The color each wing. In the measurement, total values of indicator was put on the surface before wing was the height of undulation at each cross section separated as in Fig. 3. The body length of the were minimized by setting the insect wing on the cicada was L = 25:92 mm, the right forewing X-Y stage.
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