P• 75 •Singles

P• 75 •Singles

SEETEMBERJ18,6 P• 75 •SINGLES TITLES A-Z (WRITERS) Amob., 011nAlloel _ _ 66 men,o16ALme IH4.^9' AOues7e4,01Tele [Gore) 42 VerrhoHl __ ..._ .97 Adergho-rs Mang Teel_ 72 M,f4m,,,,, ,(Ce..movtyikr,mc.,,,Andenosonl,),963 •FALCO • •MADONNA • Ant Nods,'Gan, OnBarlhe Rereehnei 30 7A. .,r. enetr,NeregnI4IN,,,o..4e0;1,,.._. ).7., ,7 7" & 3-TRACK 12" SINGLE-OUT NOW! •U8591/T Mao, 5heeet IMay70,66 ,Ae/ NEW 7" & 12" SINGLE OUT NEXT WEEK! •W8550/T NoMo.e Teo-, !Roger,: Aneh'erkiHeorterehe lAda,/-36 , 51 Vok+.7516.6A., Che Glee Tbng IAdornvan, Badel 2? An,..eW"Co)-,Fal Intro, THE SOUND OF Osbonse/Nackl._ -_-40 Pep% geInPUse'ne ïdi " SIRE Bo.86.Bo•Arcbbery (Spry& Modon+ol. - . _ 71 TRUE BLUE Geo•genocison CIo4e1134 Pleated ToMeetYov(PjuA 87 + ORIGINAL VERSION OF 'HOLIDAY' Frond New Loses IDead 0, Remy InPek P'sythedek MUSIK 4)99 Et•evIelefs1Manto+1/7 Ea Rmarlez'i çice-- -ti-v''';'' 'r' DISTRIBUTED BY U. RECORDS LID O A WARNER COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY P,e.:,.....,:i.,:}Sphi....:e.0)11.7:__, Y.:S:4 :1,675 taukt-66Ows,e(/BM"rnbk :481 ; 60 DISTRIBUTED BY U.103 RECORDS LTD 0 A WARNER COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY ORDER FROM THE WM TEL/ORDER DESK 01.998 5929 OR FROM YOUR WM SALE SMAN/T ELESALES PERSON ".,.,,,,,,,,o,..,„ 3 ORDER FROM THE wee TELEGRDER DESK 01-998 5929 on FROM YOUR wee SALE SPAAWIE LE.SALES PERSON tY6sInagbeateiC4"rit )--" lEhm.g7Hodge) „see Ttne Label 7-(12 1 Number IDIstribuIorl 38 ED BRAND NEW LOVER Epic 650075 7(12 .—650075 6)(C Cog' CoaCl/" IFIefe.'ee)." 70 Ramon Olv7...P.47,,Ma'eAri \\us os Antas ¡Prodsrcenl PultAshers PreiovelMel -_ 93 P,1) _,.- Dead Or Alive (Stock/Aitken/Waterman) Warner Bros. Music WV Cone Here.My Love 98 flocr'rteel'Ch°1'W-prJeC.'“*) 70 k TYPICAL MALE Copilol (12ICL 419 (E 5 DON'T LEAVE ME THIS WAY London ION(0) 103 WI Cov,IYoe tsAgf(Ash!tvd.' lEmnuell _- _ 66 39 e 1 Communards (Mike Thorne) Mighty Three Music/Island Music Seten.h Heaven I.S.;;III _.. 92 - rina Turner (Terry Britten) Warner Bros./Rondor/Goodsingle C ng(H ecne 1 14 Sha.e 10. krcy ,R_ Idey7R Dox.ng On he Ced,,g DevenOvrj5rext/MkerJ 40 30 7 ANYONE CAN FALL IN LOVE BBC RBI. 191 (12 .— 12RSI. 191) (E) 3 jerrn 0 stc ..a ''TE '96 2i E) (2) WED aN 'T HAVE(NTOar... Michael Walden) Island ÁrjclOarl in 141u sic Derno,dGA (W_yIn1 57 Woseerto, _ .. _67 Anita Dobson/Simon May Orch (May/Hewson) Lawrence Wright/Dejamus ® Don't eon Me ThA Wu y SIo. De." t. dn'ol.47N- chat , IGornble'He7GIber8 _I Evget ___._ _ 35 50 2 YOU CAN CALL ME AL 3 s 8 GLORY OF LOVE (from Karate Kid Pt Full MootaWamer Brothers W8662(T) DalDon WyozAli,o,FlyeAbc....068 So Mocha Harg ,eo,A. -14 41 A Peter Cetera (Michael °martian) RC Music/Warner Bros. Music Paul Simon (Paul Simon) Pattern Music Warner Brothers W8667(T) (W) .3907 Arke ore rl 70 56S''Sn td eUA Fng TrI RO.67:::-.« V 33 5 AQUESTION OF TIME (Romial Mule 7BONG 12 (12"-12RONG 12) (I/RT/SP 4 JUST) DIED IN YOUR ARMS Siren/Virgin SIREN 21(12)(E) (MoB/Beebyl -53 Honey, ._ . _ 88 42 ° Cutting Crew (John Jansen/Terry Brown/Cutting Crew) Copyright Control Depeche Mode (Depeche Mude/ d. Jones/D. Miller) Grabbing Hands/Sonel °:alitzr,01E.7,1,-,,.,4,--4- 6?5 Fed The lane (Geed 59'n...«e',7eiiir'goiree'lhTe:drenD,IHIT:enme-p:e'›.1,er)? 7' 5 IWANT TO WAKE UP WITH YOU • Rerue/C.reolo Tee..veld _ -63 8 I CAN PROVE IT Ensign/Chrysobs RFD() 1(F) Boris Gardiner (Willie Linda) Welk Music® REV 733 (12 .— REV 033) IA/RH) Chreverl LreAnd Ge 1064D) 24 Phil Fearon (Phil Fearon) Fast Western/Dizzy Heights/Chrysalis Musk® FreedoonOvenplEVAnwoocV 11..e"el ÓI711' -!O7C7y - " 43(D rodeo-01 Arsongensent„ FIcnung,HooLeA ___ -76 EMI (12)JAK) 8(E) WORD UP AndLAI 11.77e geemeNort.'Ryan . )9 7 BREAKING AWAY I, Tbe Jaki Graham (Derek Bramble) Virgin Music ® *; • Cameo (Larry Blackmon) Polygram Music Club/Phonog am MIX) 38 (F) Gloe Of LemeiCere ,a,Touri3 74 44q TheNlod I.Red 3 RAGE HARD ZTT/Island (12)ZTAS 22 (E) . eL The lotógneeenen,M 25 7 Genid1:.b rotemPAA11.6.7 45 28 I, CALLINGIt Bites (Alan ALL Shacklock) THE HEROES Virgin Music Fronkie Goes To Hollywood (Stephen Lipson) Perfect Songs 65 Keg) .87 Virgin VS 872112) (E) &au (Menoldangl ICCI ¡be 011, S.de 04Y. Hav-ded (AbeGowon).. __ 59 fleeheVNewroll___ 81 6 3 HeorelendUolesomi_ 29 The Ilene Warp 108ne71.. Ru 8 i'',"\ HOLIDAY RAP Debut DEBT(%) 3008 (A) ,. r., 46 -is 3 WILDTalking WILD Heads LIFE (Talking Heads) Index Music L.,/ MC. Miker "G" & Deejay Sven (Ben Liebrand) Chrysalis/EMI Music He ,eComes The Ma, Ilicom The WayeI (Hornib, EMI (12)EA115567 (E) Bo. Room} 83 Hold°, Toglo tDov.d) 26 TbardnM §.de , ED TRUE COLORS Portrait 650026 7(12 . —650026 6) (C) (9 Its 3 WALK THIS WAY London LONIX) 104 (F) Hohdoy Rap (Vonovs).. 8 5;e ..a 4 , ,0 47 Run D.M.C. (Russell Simmons/Rick Rubin) Chappell Music Hanlon (Horns _.16 Inee Colon (Rely, Cynch Louper (Cyndi Lauper/Lennie Peton) Warner Bros. Music ConPro.4311(Donoi_ Sleenbeng1 41 ICon't ter You Co (Mgr/61)50 IFeed Leven' IFL,Nan, Walk THORN IN MY SIDE 7' 2 WALKBangles LIKE(David AN Kahne) EGYPTIAN Southern Musc 10 63 Eurythmics (David A. Stewart) RCA Music RCA DA(T) 8(R) WaRed ________ 61 ISIernebetg)._.— _48 48 CBS 650071 7(12 - —650071 6) (C) II In You Arms WaNIKAWoy[TykviPerry) g (fed.) Wetted Teon(Serall_ ._..78 49 37 5 NICE IN NICE Epic 650055 7(12"-650055 6)(C) 11 5 LOVE CAN'T TURN AROUND IWo-d10 Wake Up VAA1You We Dail Have To. (Cams/ Ls Œ.n)i IPeIen)— _5 Walden. 2 Fadey "Jackmaster" Funk (Brs. By Music/J.M. FuCnheJnien ddrrs5)0ENiel 1Mu5stiFC The Stranglers (The Stranglers/Mike Kemp) Plumshaft Ltd./CBS Songs 11TooDeeplBonkTColie;-/ WhenlIbrot Of YoulHo•nl ••• 177Leminackson, I BROTHER LOUIE RCA P8 40875 (12- —PT 40876) (R) ternir air,o,t6 Bans lemma,' 53 2 ICAN'T LET YOU GO CBS 650076 7(12 .-650076 6)(C) e lls 7 o Modern Talking (Dieter Bohlen) George Gluck/Rocket/Intersong Music® r>>.' Haywoode (Bruce Nazian/Duane Bradley) CBS Songs ehechence) no WI,PMIci,Lie C-By;e-f: 46 long WfideCor (Mt Elhone/ Wonderful lde 'Coe _ 95 RAIN OR SHINE Tent/RCA PB 40901 (12 .—409112)(R) Slanw/Trenersl_ - We'd Up ffAxktno-elenkenl 6 51 NO MORE TEARS Five Star (Billy Livsey) Quince Music/Chappell Music/Virgin Music lowLowyeCab.iT,c .gr_Afound (Falk/ YouCalCollMeAllSomed 41 Hollywood Beyond (Stephen Hague) Island Music WEA YZ 81(T) (W) ti You Cove Lave ABud Noee Lovej.r,B7e.seral te.lon1Sornborof SO MACHO/CRUISING C. Fanfare (12)FAN 7(A) 56 5 i),1 2 BYE BABY lire JIVE (T) 126 (81 Sinitic (G. Hargreaves/Midr Parker) Sigh Music (A)/Southem/Sigh Music (AA) Male Srao/xr IN, Zone l_ -64 You Shoal Me AM Nghllong Ruby Turner (J. Butler/J. Skinner/B. 'Chuck' New) Zomba Music cY.Ag/YoungNolunanj -73 N. 15. I, 7 YOU GIVE LOVE ABAD NAME Verligo/Phonogrom VER(X) 16 (9) 53 40 8 DREAMTIME RCA (ALM) 1(Et) Bon Joel (Bruce Fairbairn) PolyGram Music/CBS Songs Daryl Hall (Daryl Hall/David A. Stewart/Tam Walk) RCA/Amious/Wamer Bros. HUMAN Virgin VS 880(12)(E) 54 izi eild OTHERH EARTAC HE Wan... Broihers W13&31(T) (W) 16 10 5 Human League (Jimmy Jam/Terry Lewis) CBS Songs ® Stewart (Bob Ezrin) Carlin Music/Rondor Music SWEET FREEDOM MCA MCAM 1073 (FI THE NEXT 25 55 Ei:3 LONG WHITE CAR Mercury/Phonograrn MER(X) 230 (F) ; • 17 27 '3 Michael McDonald (Temperlon/Rudolph/Swedien) Rondor/Rodsongs Hipsway (Paul Staveley O'DuHy/Hipsway) 10 Music 76 ,1 tZE,,,DewOSM ZERIPILL loo L'in r 18 25 5 PRETTY IN PINK CBS ma 7242 (Cl , ., LOVER BOY EMI (12)EM)5585 1E) Psychedelic Furs (Chris Kimsey) CBS Songs 77 " s,56D"s, Chairmen Of The Board feat. General Johnson (General Johnson) EMI 7 , „r WHEN I THINK OF YOU AMA AM1Y) 337 IF) iso (eh.., .5'. hAnOI est, Mo. lelo 57 /4 2 DIAMOND GIRL MDM/Viroin MDM 12(12)1E1 Janet Jackson (Jimmy Jam/Terry Lewis) CBS Songs r® Pete Wylie (Zeus B. Held/Pete Wylie) Warner Bros. Music 79 - s.T,trOD.s.UrStelanneRee,e.e. 58 45 8 PANIC Roug 11 Trade RUE) 193 (I/Ri) 20 )'4 RUMORS. 80 t, (LIMING DOWN 1}1,L / Timex Social Club (J. King/D. Foster) CoCZ nrCloCnhtrr'o'llis COOL(X) 133 (F) The Smiths (John Porter) Warner Bros. Music 5 STUCK WITH YOU Chrysalis HUEYLX) 5V) 81 ZE...° ,7e;•6„,1 59 42 HAUNTED from the Motion Picture Soundtrack Sid & Nancy) Huey Lewis and The News (Huey Lewis and The News) Chrysalis Music 82 , PLEASED TO... Ep4mArzir -4.907/ I The Pagues (Craig Leon) Stiff Music MCA MCA (T) 1884 (9) Doe Pal Pale, laa.afs >Ma as wee. 22 23 IN TOO DEEP (from the film 'Mona Lisar ®Charisma/Virsin GEN5 202) (E) 83 „ HERE COMES_ to. :17. -51» C ;,,e,yed;,ne,,HOMUTuslic(12"-SHOUX 11 IF) Genesis (Genesis/Hugh Padgham) Banks/Cállins/Rutherford/Hit & Run Ises Tea. Rm. Amee.

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