ALL-TIME LETTERWINNERS A G McFerrin, Jennifer 1995-96 Stachowski, Ashley 2000-03 Azizians, Harriet 1995 Gall, Amanda 1996-99 McGinley, Kelsey 2008-11 Stewart, Jessica 1997-99 Angermund, Alexis 2015-18 Gandy, Tanya 2006-09 McIntyre, Devon 2000-03 Storm, Bridgett 2017 Ayala, Val 2019 Gimbel, Beth 1995 McLaren, Maddy 2013-14 Storum, Hannah 2017-18 Golaboski, Erin 1997-00 Miller, Rebecca 1999-00 Sullivan, Camy 2008-10 B Golda, Natalie 2001-03, 2005 Monahan, Aubrie 2014-17 Baia, Bella 2019 Grab, Devin 2015-18 Moran, Kelly 2015 T Barker, Nicole 2009, 2011-12 Grams, Nicolette 2002, 2004-05 Mordell, Melissa 2007-08 Tenenbaum, Katie 1996-99 Barnes, Molly 1995-97 Greenlaw, Kim 1995 Munro, Thalia 2001-02, 2005-06 Tielmann, Alexa 2013-14, 2016-17 Barr, Mackenzie 2014-17 Greenwood, Emily 2010-13 Murphy, Eleanor 1999-02 Todisco, Larissa 2010-11 Barth, Brianne 1999 Guerin, Kristin 1998-01 Murphy, Jenna 2004, 2006-07 Trella, Leah 2010-11 Barth, Kristin 1997-98 Musselman, Alex 2013-16 Beauregard, Robin 1998, 2001-03 H Musselman, Maddie 2017-19 U Beebe, Erica 2012-13 Hafferkamp, Kelsey 2008-11 Umphrey, Noel 2008-11 Belden, Anne 2006-09 Hall, Kelly 2000-01 N Belden, Katherine 2003-06 Halligan, Bronte 2017-19 Naranjo, Giselle 2010-12 V Bent, Jahmea 2018-19 Hayes, Erin 1999 Natcher, Stephanie 1995-97 Van Hiel, Heather 2010 Bhesenia, Kim 1995 Hazell, Louise 2016-19 Nelson, Jessica 1995-96 von Schwarz, Catharine 1996-98, 2000 Blacker, Kelsey 2016-19 Heineck, Lauren 2003-06 Nelson, Kim 2006-08 Blanchard, Monique 2005-06 Herrera, Carly 1997-00 Neste, Alexandra 2008 Borchelt, Sarah 1997 Heuchan, Kelly 2000-02 Norris, Jane 1995 Bowlus, Brittney 2004-05 Hill, Kodi 2013-15, 2017 Bresee, Randi 2009-11 Hill, Sami 2011, 2013-15 O Brewer, Devon 1995-96 Hipp, Jaime 2000-03 O’Brien, Kelsey 2014-17 Buckley, Jill 1995-96 Hirose-Hulbert, Brailey 2015 Oesting, Megan 1995-96 Burmeister, Megan 2008-11 Hoffman, Parker 2019 Orozco, Priscilla 2008-11 Alys Williams Ashley Zwirner Hubbs, Bryna 1999 Orozco, Sarah 2009-12 C Humphrey, Erin 1997 Cady, Jennifer 1995-98 Hunter, Leslie 1995-96 W Cahill, Molly 2004-07 Hurst, Jenna 2017-18 Wallace, Laura 1997 Carreras, Rosie 2004 Wentzel, Bella 2019 Clark, KK 2009-12 J Wheaton, Roxy 2018-19 Couture, Shelby 2013-15 Johnson, Ava 2019 Whitelegge, Rachel 2016-19 Crowell, Kamaile 2005-08 Joyce, Mari 2000-03 Wieseler, Allison 2016-19 Juarez, Gabby 2012 Wilkey, Sarah 2012 D Nicolle Payne Katie Rulon Williams, Alys 2013-15, 2017 Dement, Caitlin 2009-12 Wilson, Leah 2002-03 Dindinger, Stacey 1996 P Wright, Heather 1995-96 Parsa, Natalie 1995 Domanic, Gabrielle 2005-08 Payne, Nicolle 1995-98 Donohoe, Emily 2012-15 Y Povey, Jessica 1999-00 Dorst, Becca 2011-14 Yacenda, Sunny 2000 Powers, Monica 2008-10 Drake, Katrina 2019 Pratt, Charlotte 2013-16 Duffi eld, Shanta 1995 Z Pulver, Kristyn 2002-03 Dunn, Faith 2019 Jillian Kraus Courtney Mathewson Zivich, Elaine 1999-01 Zwirner, Ashley 2015-16 E R K Reego, Grace 2015, 2017-19 Easterday, Kelly 2008-11 Kaczmarek, Leslee 2011-13 Reynolds, Grace 2010-11 Epstien, Elizabeth 1995 Kapana, Carlee 2016-19 Reynolds, Nicole 2015-18 Ericksen, Paige 1995-97 Kay, Serela 1997-00 Ronimus, Morgan 2008-10 Estrada, Katie 2008-11 Kent, Victoria 2011, 2013-14 Ronimus, Kelly 2011-14 Evans, Haley 2017-18 Kerr, Tahlia 2003-05 Rowe, Brittany 2005-08 Kraus, Jillian 2005-08 Rozeboom, Lizette 2016-19 F Krumpholz, Kari 2011 Rudolph, Catherine 1995 Fattal, Rachel 2013-15, 2017 Krumpholz, Kathryn 2005 Rulon, Katie 2006-09 Feher, Emily 2004-07 Kunkel, Kacy 2004-07 Rulon, Kelly 2003, 2005-07 Ferraro, Danielle 2012-15 Kunkel, Kristina 2003-06 Flanagan, Katie 2003-05 S L Savar, Skylar 2019 LaBonte, Alison 1998-99 Schilling, Elissia 2015-16 Lamb, Jenny 1999-02 Schmidt, Jody 2002-03 Lee, Michelle 1998-99 Schulman, Natasha 2010-13 Liebowitz, Lexi 2018-19 Sears, Samantha 2008 Liu, Lisa 1996 Sebenaler, Hannah 2009-12 Lopez, Jessica 2000-03 Sheldon, Sarah 2016-19 India Forster Natalie Golda Simmons, Coralie 1996-98, 2001 M Simmons, Myna 2018-19 Flanagan, Maureen 2000-03 Martin, Brooke 2010-12 Simonds, Kristen 2009-10 Forster, India 2013-16 Mathewson, Courtney 2005-08 Skelly, Emily 2017-19 Franks, Emily 1997 Maxson, Brooke 2017-19 Slezak, Paloma 2003-04 Fullen, Brittany 2006-09 Mazziliano, Leah 2004 Solheim, Aubrey 1995 McAloon, Mandy 1996-99 Stachowski, Amber 2002 21 MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS / RECORD VS. OPPONENTS Miscellaneous Records Record vs. Opponents Indiv. Season Records Indiv. Career Records Arizona State 26-1 Loyola Marymount 28-1 Brown 2-0 Marist 2-0 Goals Goals Bucknell 2-0 Maryland 6-0 1. Tanya Gandy (2009) 79 1. Kelly Rulon 237 Cal Baptist 10-0 Massachusetts 4-0 2. Coralie Simmons (1998) 74 2. Coralie Simmons 235 Cal Lutheran 2-0 Michigan 26-0 3. Emily Donohoe (2013) 70 3. Rachel Fattal 220 Cal State Monterey Bay 1-0 Pacifi c 24-0 Kelly Rulon (2007) 70 4. Katie Rulon 201 Cal State San Bernardino 1-0 Pomona-Pitzer 5-0 Kellly Rulon (2006) 70 5. Tanya Gandy 187 Cal State Bakersfi eld 11-0 Princeton 6-0 Kelly Rulon (2005) 70 6. Catharine von Schwarz 186 Cal State Northridge 13-0 Occidental 2-0 7. Maddie Musselman (2017) 69 7. Maddie Musselman 183 California 58-13 Redlands 2-0 8. Rachel Fattal (2013) 68 8. Jillian Kraus 178 Claremont 2-0 San Diego State 41-4 9. Erin Golaboski (1998) 65 Emily Donohoe 178 Colorado State 5-0 San Jose State 37-0 Elaine Zivich (1999) 65 10. KK Clark 169 Concordia (Irvine) 2-0 Santa Clara 6-0 Steals Steals Club 1-0 Slippery Rock 0-1 Fresno Pacifi c 1-0 Sonoma State 4-0 1. Kelly Rulon (2006) 72 1. Rachel Fattal 188 Fresno State 2-0 Stanford 35-51 2. Thalia Munro (2006) 69 2. Kelly Rulon 181 George Washington 1-0 Sunset 0-1 3. Rachel Fattal (2015) 65 3. Katie Rulon 167 4. Bronte Halligan (2018) 58 4. Alys Williams 133 Golden West 0-1 UC Davis 19-1 5. Kelly Rulon (2007) 57 5. Jillian Kraus 129 Hartwick 7-0 UC Irvine 29-0 6. Katie Rulon (2008) 55 6. Tanya Gandy 126 Harvard 2-0 UC Santa Cruz 1-0 7. Courtney Mathewson (2008) 53 7. Bronte Halligan 124 Hawai’i 51-3 UC San Diego 30-3 8. Kelly Rulon (2005) 52 8. KK Clark 123 Indiana 13-0 UC Santa Barbara 42-1 9. Rachel Fattal (2014) 49 9. Kodi Hill 120 Iona 2-0 USC 50-33 10. Thalia Munro (2005) 48 10. Maddie Musselman 118 La Verne 1-0 Wagner 3-0 Maddie Musselman (2017) 48 Long Beach State 26-0 TOTALS 644-114 Saves Saves 1. Sami Hill 950 1. Sami Hill (2013) 320 2. Nicolle Payne 746 2. Sami Hill (2014) 280 3. Carlee Kapana 723 3. Caitlin Dement (2010) 264 4. Emily Feher 713 4. Brittany Fullen (2008) 237 5. Caitlin Dement 697 5. Carlee Kapana (2019) 235 6. Jaime Hipp 685 6. Sami Hill (2015) 227 7. Brittany Fullen 531 7. Brittany Fullen (2009) 225 Nicolle Payne (1998) 225 Goals Against Average (min 9. Emily Feher (2005) 210 500 MP) Erin Golaboski (1999) 210 1. Nicolle Payne 3.79 2. Jaime Hipp 4.05 Goals Against Average (min 3. Erin Golaboski 4.58 500 MP) 4. Emily Feher 4.61 1. Nicolle Payne (1998) 2.77 5. Brittany Fullen 4.68 2. Nicolle Payne (1996) 3.07 3. Jaime Hipp (2003) 3.14 4. Nicolle Payne (1997) 3.77 5. Jaime Hipp (2002) 4.00 Team Single-Season Records Offense (Goals/Game) Defense (Goals Against Average) 1. 14.42 (2017) 1. 2.86 (2003) 2. 14.03 (2007) 2. 2.89 (1998) 3. 12.53 (1998) 3. 3.23 (1996) 4. 12.36 (2008) 4. 4.06 (2005) 5. 11.94 (2005) 4.06 (2006) Team Records Most Goals Scored (game) 30 at Pacifi c (2/17/07) Most Goals Scored (season) 451 (1998) Fewest Goals Scored (season) 168 (1995) Fewest Goals Allowed (season) 82 (2003) Most Goals Allowed (season) 216 (2013) Best Won-Loss Percentage (season) 1.000 in 2005 and 2008 (33-0) Worst Won-Lost Percentage (season) .542 (1995, 13-11) Most Shutouts (season) 3 (1998) Longest Season Winning Streak 33 matches, twice (2005 and 2008) Longest Interseason Winning Streak 46 matches (2007-2009) Longest Losing Streak 4 matches 22 UCLA COACHING HISTORY UCLA Head Coaching History UCLA’S FORMER HEAD COACHES Guy Baker Guy Baker (1995-98) Year Record NCAA Finish MPSF Record MPSF Finish Guy Baker led the UCLA men’s and women’s water polo programs to 1995 13-11 — — — seven national titles in a 10-year span. He left the water polo programs 1996 29-1 1st 7-0 2nd in January 2001 to become head coach of the U.S. Women’s Water 1997 31-1 1st 6-0 1st Polo National Team, a position he held through the spring of 2009. 1998 35-1 1st 9-0 1st Baker established UCLA as the dominant men's program of the 1990s Totals 108-14 22-0 with four men's NCAA championships (1995, 1996, 1999, 2000) and three national collegiate women’s titles (1996, 1997, 1998). He earned Adam Krikorian (1999-2009) National Coach of the Year honors four times (1995-96 men, 1997-98 women) and coached Year Record NCAA Finish MPSF Record MPSF Finish the Women’s National Team at the 2004 and 2008 Olympics. 1999 24-10 — 6-3 3rd Baker led the 2006-07 Women's National Team to gold medals at the 2007 World 2000 30-5 1st 8-1 3rd Championships, the 2007 World League Super Final and the 2007 Pan-American Games, 2001 18-4 1st 9-1 2nd where the team secured its qualifying spot for the 2008 Olympic games.
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