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Thanks to Zenith's comprehensive Intelligent Pouwer Management- a system that lets you control how your battery power is consumed. So you won't waste valuable energy on components and peripherals not in use. EASY COLLEGE READING. The easiest. After all, the SupersPort features Zenith's renowned dazzling backlit Supertwist LCD screen for crisp text and superior readability. And its CRT-size display is one-third larger than most competing portables for enhanced viewing. The screen even tilts back 180-degrees so it lies flat to accommodate a desktop monitor. TO CATCH THE NEW SUPERSPORT PORTABLE PC AT ASPECIAL STUDENT PRICE, VISIT YOUR ZENITH DATA SYSTEMS CAMPUS CONTACT TODAY: Allan Steele112 data Computer Center S-s(stems Sony 112I I THE QUALITY GOES IN BEFORE THE NAME GOES ON' Stony Brook, NY 17 4-2400 PC XT is a registered trademark of IBM Corp. MS-DOS is a registered tradermark of Microsoft Corp. (51 6) 632-8036 Special pricing offer good only on purchases directly through Zenith Contact( s) listed above by students. faculty and staff for their own use No other discounts apply Limit one portable personal computer per individual in any 12- month period Prices sublt to change without notice _____________ L 1988. Zenith Data Systems Form No. 1392 - .j Statesman Monday, December 5, 1988 17 i 7 t Slsanatfj ^X Fine Italian Continental Cuisine 5u^g, 2184 Nesconset Highway t: > f Rickel's Shopping Cln \ Stony Brook, New York ,< i N 751-7411 A XHohday Party Packages (minimum Party of 10, Tax &Gratuity not included)) F or Lunch - soup or Salad, Entree, Side of Pastaor Vegetable, Dessert & Coffee ........................................................................... $8.50 per person k Comn pfete tBuffet )Dinner- Sald. Pasta, Chicken, Veal. Seafood Dishes Garlic Rolls, Table VienneseCoffee .................................. $12.00 per person A La Carte Dinner Parties - Salad, Appetizer or Pasta, Entree of your I- choice (from our regularmenu), Dessert & Coffee ................ 41650 r person * Private yZomfor up to 70 5uzsts Available - 'ni'''!7711S s Week's Dinner Specials :- ;.sa OSSO fBCO uith Gnocchi...$13.95 Includes:SaLd, Pasta, ODucka COrange with A2pple Stuffirg...$ 13.95 Garlc 9ZA I PoachedSalmon unth 'Dif... 15.95 . J A Personal Appearance Center Offers a 10% Discount to l ' l University & University Hospital Faculty, Staff & Students *Hairstyling PAerobics *Permanents 'Weight *Coloring Training 'Massage LORELEI NOW OFFERS SELF I)EFENSE FOR WOMEN A course that has proven effective for women against physically superior assailants. Phy- chological aspects and prevention are taught. Instructor has twenty years experience and has -- I - I = been martial arts consultant/teacher for the United States Government. Discover & master your own power to self determine. Monday Evenings - Ist class FREE Iwe've reformed tnel FEE $100 for 8 weeks i 44m 1-li PERSONAL APPEARANCE CENTER. INC. correction system.I 1303 Main St., Port Jefterson .Per & Pencil Building, Prisoners of old-fashioned great features on the SL 600- 928-7733 correction systems, freedom is like the Spell-Right'"' 50,000 here. word electronic dictionary, full V - - - b Smith Corona's Correcting line correction,WordEraser' Cassette means an end to and more. twists, tangles and fumbles. You might expect a type- w; x J kA It's an easy-to-load, drop-in writer this sophisticated to cost T correction tape vou can insert in a bundle, but the SI, 600 is i i mere seconds. surprisingly affordable. ,< There are no spools to All of which makes it Ii * * * NY Times Re view i unwind. No complicated thread- one of the best values Dim Sum ing. No more muttering under you can find today. /AS Steamed Shrimp Dumpling (4) $2 25 your breath. It's that simple. Case closed. A iiII Steamed Beef Dumpling (4) $2 25 117xv nai -^L As just:* --, as simple-*_ 1_* is_ I Shu Mai (meat dumpling) (4) $2 25 i our Right Ribbon Systemi.' It I Scallion Pancake (2) $2 25 Sesame Pastry (shrimp & pork) (2) $2 25 simply prevents you from Roast Pork (2) $2 25 i using the wrong combination I Crispy Fish Roll (2) $2.25 I of ribbon and correcting I cassette. I We Can Cater Your Holiday Party! You'll find our Correcting rib 1tLz"-, r:n_ - I (QCFqrT,:ttfe nntl Kirht Kihhnn I I -10% Discount to University- I I CaLL FOR DETAILS System on the Smith Corona SMITH - I - -> , SL 600 typewriter. CORONIX RROWSTE6CHNOOGY Steamed Little Basket dumplings (10 pieces) $5 50 I Yon'll also find lots of other l&TA mIYf=Trvw ;' Sun - Thurs. 11.30am - 10:30pm For more information on this product, write to Smith Corona Corporation, 65 locust Avenue, New Canaan, CT 06840 Fri. & Sat. 11:30am - 11:30pm Closed Tuesday l or Smith Corona (Canada Ltd.), 440 Tapscott Road, Scarborough, Ontario, Canada M1 B 1 Y4. Take out orders welcome 724-3656 II 127 Alexander Avenue - Lake Grove, New York (Pathmark Shopping Center) I1_ _ 1 I Mm I 1 8 Statesma n Monday, December 5, 1988 m ---- Lady Pats The Lady Pats basketball team (4-1) was runner-up at this weekend's Chuck Resler Invitational in Rochester. They defeated Thiel 87-80 on Saturday before losing 52-50 to Rochester in the championship game on I To Sunday. The Lady Pats rallied from a six-point half- time deficit to beat Thiel. Leslie Hathaway led the way with 27 points and 13 rebounds, while Barbara Boucher added 16 points and 15 rebounds. Knin~~~~~~~~~~ Hathaway had another strong game in the final, tossing in 21 points and grabbing 12 rebounds, but it was not enough to keep the Lady Pats from losing a nailbiter. Roches- ter's Kelly Connors hit two free throws with 17 seconds left in the game, and that proved to be the margin of victory. Notes: Hathaway and Anne LoCascio were named to the All-Tournament team...The Lady Pats return home on Tuesday to take on William Smith College. Tip-off is at 5 p.m. - | - TIbBUSY) To do the laundry? ) Lt Us Do It! ( WE WILL WASH, FLUFF ( v vI- SCUBAT DRY & FOLD, INDIVIDU- Now You Can Tone Lr^ClrNlUTR ATlnNM <: ALLY HANG SHIRTS & \ ! /,^ ^" . U- I IVWI 2I rJI #I% II *vI SLACKS, NEATLY PACK & Tan In I VlsitI THE REMAINDER IN A Introductory Offer 5'^'TTRY IT FOR FREE"" CLEAR PLASTIC BAG, Tanning // ALL READY FOR YOU TO 12 Sessions // ( Classes Forming Now PICK UP. $29 // 7 tables eoch desgnod / to workone or more moaofmuscle T Gymnasium Pool (Sundays) kNDY ANDY Fm* Facl al // group Easy & effecthe The { Call 226-SAFE to Register A C/A // mochine does ethere swork.u l s l / Yo u se e t h / / t d service and b--elt WUNDROMAT' (Service Laundromat 2460 Nexonset Hwv , Stonv Brook NY t Each Bed has , ART HAGGERTY & CREW / Built in // \ Comer of Stonv Broo Rd & Rt 47( Nesonset Hwv j I SAM to l()PMl S eenDns% with Ponderosa and BurgerKing() stero // 1st VISIT FREE! | Certified to teach the Handicapped ) \ l I ant \NashxH)PM1 751 -9268 )) \ Divegear - Lessons - Trips J . Az--- nd^-a.*^'-^s '''^^'^-''-^^^'-^ // Coll formore information &Apoointlmen1 - Am.. I}PIOITYr P AI "E ' I 'I 'I' IIN T m a The Economics Societv is holding its last meeting of First SADD Meeting SKt CLUB the semester on Wednes- Held on Tuesdav, December 6th day. December 7., 1988, at At 8:00pm - U'nion 6:30pm, in the Union, Rm Non-Smokers 1ou()UnFge 236. Guest speakers will BIYS~f ,; include alumni with B.A./s in Economics from Stonv Ssm®c{^ /^^scrc X ?!!tr^/^4ff'lca Ras °aaa #aan For a taped niexssage listling these and otiler e^veix. cail me - Voice of Student Activities at 63^2-6»921, 2-thrs. _____ I Statesman Monday, December 5, 1988 1 9 I Statesman SPORT.Sa Pats Swimmers Lose To Albany in OpeneDr \r Ken llchukWins I PF 200M Weeks After Spraining Knee ^ by Dan Daley / - The Pats mens swim team coming off an : incrediable 10-0 season last year started this season with a 137-104 loss to SUNY Albany Friday night at Stony Brook gymnasium swmmning pool. This years squad has only half the group that lead them to thier undefeated dream season of last year. A feat which was never done before at Stony Brook by any team. The meet was close early in when sopho- more Nick Cunard won the 200M free style. Cunard also won the 500M freestyle later in the meet. Cunard was a big help as a freshman last season and represents a sound future for the next couple of years. The biggest contribution was made by senior captain Ken llchuk. llchuk who swims the individual medley and breast stroke holds thru Stony Brook swimming records.
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