Certified Minutes of the 175Th ACNW Meeting, 12/12/06

Certified Minutes of the 175Th ACNW Meeting, 12/12/06

4l,,j1MI '1 .'rE, c:~ f;; .'lr,tb 'r i,;:,!s NIJCI,,,.EARREGUL,AT"ORY COMMISSION I,::I\,I::'I I IA WIA,S"T'E: ~l/br,illl,$~~kl Ib\l'f:i"r4::::;bh4l, 1:::11, r;:::, , :~;?~l$l~i!i~~~~::~o~~'I February "11 3,200'7" MEMClRAI"4C)LIM'TC::I: ,,ACNW Bderntuers ACNW Staff ', I () ) ;,,I( )I I!.. j~~~~~~,,,,,,,,,[;,l~8,,.., ~i,,,, ,~~ll~~~~.it~:~. , ,. I,, , 1, ?''~~88,,~,._..~~,..,,,: ;,, ,!I,, b:(, ,,,/;in.. ~ich~!lt&S'. K.aH:r~::m d4ttachlrrrenl:: I:;;ertifie?tj Minutes of tt11ci?175"' hAeetirbg IJecenn~lbar12-1 4, 2[1016 c:;;c,': nq,Bates,$ECYfI(:CI',,,,j6C"I) :S, Jones, NMSS (7",",8A2:3) ,J, C,arnb, OE.ID113 {:0,,."16E,:l5:) 1, J 1 "W' E. D $i;,":lI"~'T[iii 2;; Ikl 1,,,1C::: I,,.,,E A R HE;41 E G LI L,A THE3 R~'hl' C: (3M M I S S 1 10 hU 1!11,I:::l'\/HliijC:)F"1II(\$' 1::; CMM ITrIfi E: [:)N b,/ II,.II[:::L Ei;,AHWlN,AS"r 1; tn~mr\I U ,/j~~,,<iPl'l hi(::i'T(:::l~P+H ,, [:::I ,li:;:i, ;~~!l:J~!Fi~$i~5~~~~(:~btj(::ll"l M i~c ha ciit l 'T' . Fiyia rr ,, C he3i rim cii~n Advisory Cownmlttee on1 FlrRt.~~c:I~eriiiir\Naste # c~!rtifytbllai, tr8~isltzt::jiccnrl rrr y' revicsw of' Ihtsrscis r~lijir~~,.~te~i~'', a r'r tl I:o the il:rea$ t crii' nr~y ~.~~II:::IIW#E?II::~~I;IEIand t::,e[ief,I bawlfa ~bsrisr\~re~clrncn su.,~ tr?i;ta ntiwa~! errors lor on,nielsi~:::rn~iiin Ithe record of this ~::~lro~cearcillr.r(j ~;II,JI trject .......,.,..." " i, 'I ) Mir..ruies(:I$ tbre "1 751'."'Wc;?atin~ga~fthe ,ACFJVIhellti December 12-,,-,14,,20OB, d;iihle~cl Flebri~ary121, :;!d)O;iF. ijB q,j E (1:; "'r: Fyq:(3F3C) S E: Ell 1 N J rfc:'-,.) r)F:',,,,,, "'rI...{ F:-, (1';I ~r"r 1.i MEET I\JG (1 F::' '"llbj AC:)VIS;~ORYcCC>OMMIlTEEII: Ckhii N (.I CLEAR. WAS'TE!: (AC3:'NlW DECEMBER "I %,,,,.,-I4., ,200t; I!! nclc~s~t?cliiiir~! the pru::rlposec:In..rlir..~~trte?s CEI:' I:ll.blii!? '1 ';T5l:"'~mcii?l@lin$;l oil the ACNW. "'r'his;drz~~fl: i!!ii;Y:::rlriliir..'r{;;;i~ ll::rn..c~'~,!i~ded A:u give:! you isn c~pportunilyte~ review ~XIC? rec:;cml crf this rneeting and prorvidel I:::I~::ITVIII~I'IF~?~.'IIIEL.Y'OLIK r::osnrnciiirrits will be?inr::ncrrportated intr:r tY1viil11fi'rlal cerIi!fietl!$ert, of minutes as apprc)pri;iirll:e. Fy'lci:z~rx?~:::~ru:~,vide li1o11r a1:::xsrec;tilons and n:;:olrrarrtents to rm'ciiir. I:"lyease! rnoto that thosrm! min.~l,.rtelriiiare baling issued i~rutuval 1:l;arIs: (11) main bcldy (l~n~~c:)rkin..,~~!;gc:::t::)~::~~;)~fI:'(::~rrn) isncil (i!)appendices. ,,, ['he,, z~p~:)e~ndiIc:,es,izlrf> being senl: crnlyto those rnerrhibe!n;wb~~r:lhaw? rlli:!~::l~.,~e!;lied hem, ~::~)pyuf the? cer..I:ifi(ii!(::l rn iri I.,!tes with ;a#::~p~!nidiic,e~i~will !::)(I f'orwardecl to each rnern t:~ciii!r Ill rn Chairman's Report (Open) . ,,, ,,, ,, ,,, ,, ,. ,,, . ,, ,, ,, . ,, ,,, ., . ,. ,, ,,, . ,, ,, ., ,, ,, ,, . ,,, ,,, ,, ,,, ,, ,,, ,, ,,, . ,,, I II. SernCannurrY Briefing by the Officer of Nruwclear Materials Safety and Saf'eguardsi (Open) ,, . ., . ,,, ., . ,. ,. ., . ,. ,. ,, . ., . ,. ,. ,, ., . ,. ,. ., . ,, ,, . ,, ,,, . ,,, ,, ,,, ,,, ,, ,,, ,, ,, . ,. "I Ill. RACER: Tools arr'd a Pro,c,srsto Guidr Decisions about Risk Recliun~~tiorm'fc,r Contaminantas; in t:he Environment (Qpanji , . ,. ,,, ,,, . ,,, , ,,, ,, ,, ., . ,, ,, ,,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,. 5 IV,, Nuclear Energy Institute and Electric Pawsr~Research institute Vmllrws ion NRC): Interim Staff Guidance DHL,WRS-I9G-OIon Seismic Event Sequanccas (Opalm) , . 6 V. Proposed R,wision to Standlard Revlew Plan, Section 11.2, "LiquYaI Waste Managcament SystemV"Open) . ,. ,. , . , . ,. ,. ,. ., ., ,. ., . ,, ., . ,, . ,. ,, ,,, . ,,, ,, ,. 9 Vl. Public Cornm~~entson NRC 2006 Low-Lrvvsl Rz~dioactiveWaste Strrtegic PRanrnriqg Initiative (Opan) ., . ,, . ,, ., . , . ,. ., . ,, . ,, . ,. ,. ., . ,. ., . ,, . ,, . , . ,,, ,. ,,, ,, 10 VIII. C:oneeptuail L.icens;ing Proc.rss;for Globall Nuclear Energy Partnert~chlpF;acilities (Open) . ., . ,. ., . ,. ,. ., . ,, . ,. ., . ,,, . ., . ,, ., . ., . ,. ., . ,, ., . ,. ., . ,,, . ,, . 12 VI11. Closure of Ganer~a:Safety Issue 196: Boral Degradation (Open) , . , . , , , , ,, , 14 A FederalRegisterNotice B Meeting Agemrda C Meeting Attendees 8) FutureAgenda E List of Documents Provideel to the C~omrnitkeeand Meeting Notebcrok C:lonutrrri4.~~ CERTIFIED 2/12/07 By MICHAEL K. RYAN CERTIFIED MINUTE8 OF THE 175THMEEFINO OF THE ADVISORY COMMlTFER OM NUCLEAR WASTE DECFBMBIBA @l2-"1,2006 "The CI. S. I'lluclear F;g!qjulal:oryCon~rmi:ei~rsi'oru [NRC::) Ad~~isolry C:ornmittee orr Nu~~::::~IlearYllrl~/8si8'lt(iii! (A(3WlnfW or the Commii'ttee) held its i';;iiFSthmlesting 1:Irla lai'ecernber '12-16,, 2006, iiiil,t 1'3rhli3 W'iWfH"lit:ti3 Flint Nlorth, 11555 Rot::k.vilile Pike, Ro~cikvills,Marylanc:l, "l'he ACNW publishecll ;;a r~oticm~:::rf'tPiis rneetirr:g irw the Ftinderisl Ragisfor on hlcrvember :2,,20106 ('71 FR. 64568) (see Ar:vl;:~enc:lii,:~,C~I~).. "U~is meeting senfed assiii forurn for atten~d.eesto discr,.rssarrrd take appropriat,e actioln on a~g~~n~r~cli?~ iterms ~;::;ee A,ppendi:x8). "'Aheentire r'rleeting vvaa o~pento the public. A ,tramilicri~:rt,of sellecbtj pa,rl:soif the r~weiatingis a'roipailable in the NRC's I"kut>licI:::~II;::,~U~~.IE!!II~ t IF:(il::r~c:~rn ii3t Orre!!White Flint IVo'rth, RCEOIITJI'I F 'I !1119 ,, '1 1555 IFZc~ckvilRf~13iike, Rockville,,Ma nyl';ia~~qt:i.C~sr:~iezi; it::r~'R: the Il:ra~nscrip't;i~e available! for pr,~r"chasefrmrrr Weal R:,.Gvc~s's and Company, Inc. (,il::::::ourlll;Cey::rorLe:!rs ;14ndTr~irrscribers), l1:32:3 R~."Io&~ 1sIarxt:ll Atvenue,N'W, V'Wa!shington, DC 20005. Ir~Aemb1e;niof the ~:,ublic([::an download t!ranscripts ,froml,cnr review tl'harn it::rn,the WRC's public Wlmh site ;i%t ihtt~l~ww,nrc.~,vllF~a,~d~r:rm.n'_d~a;..~~6a1)Iea:tio~?,:sI,~.?1'cnr1t!!:!~ a 1: no s't', AC:INUII rnernbers Dr. Pld icW'ra8ei'"T'.. Ryi31n11( ACN W' C;'lH"1airmr~;3r1::I, Mr. Allen G . Croff: (~i!:!k,C::::hl\l"~~l'ri/i[::liiii! (ntliairnuan), Clr. Jarr~esH. C:,larke,,Dr. '~LNiilliarn,ll. Hinire,,and Dr. Ruth Weir'ier a.tll:er~denllthk, nneetir~lg.Appendix: C:::incll.~tjeai a list (::Ilf othelr attende~!!ii;~. I,. C:l:WAIIRMAWPSREPORT (OPEN:) I1:Dr. Ar"~l:o~nil:~Dias v\lr$rslthe Il:>ei,signattrr(:I Federal Offiic;iial ,for this part of the rneelI:,ii~r~~;;~,,] l:lr..Ryiii~ri, ACTNW C:,hkii~irrrnar'~~,~11::rnv'er'1Eild the! r~i~etirlg iil't 1l1:00 8.n"r, and briefly revieuvcii~c:II:hcii: ttger~diia. He noted that. the wieeting wa,s be1in.g ccrnclu,~ctec:lin canforrnance witll'r tlhe F'edle!r;i%l ,Advisosny Cormmi t.lee k?r,,c;t,I:lr'.. Ryarli a'sked rrrerr~bearsch,li' Xl~epublic who were prs~~er11:eund \,rwlsh,ed ,!:aa,ddress the Cc:,nrw miittee I::miriforrn A,CNW staff' :rc::r that tirne could be allc;rr::.a~ted,fair tknlsr!rr to :spc:?a k ,. II. SEMIANNUAL BRIEFING BY 'THE OFFICE OF1NUCLEAR MATERIALdil ?SAFEITIYAND SAFEGUARDS (OPlEN) I::Dr.I3ii;iiis vvas the Deaigr~a'U:edFederal C>lffic'ia# tlhi:~;;[:,a~ril: crf the rneetir.~g.:(/ Mr. Jack Strosnider, I:::l~irer:lor ccrf the I::::Ill''ic,e c~fN\.~clea~r h,dater"ial Safety and Safel!i3!.ra1'~::itii(I1"41h4l:SS),, belgan'[he briefing by ~ickr~owledgiwrgthat proglress ha$ been made in the iriteu.;;iic~tio~"'k!iil:~n.l:'weerr !:he tvl/r::l~offices {NMIjlIj and A(>:NW)by praat::t:i!,teIy iderhtifj~ingacfivifies ann:l I~SSII.,A!~E;for 'II~~~/.I~I::::#..,II MtNU'rES 17SVHACNW MEETING DECEMBER d2-14, 20061 IW IMSSIi is soliciting ~l:::lcc~rw.rrntsn'ht s iii3nd in[:::uli..rtf rcsrxl I:he!AC:: PdlIIW , ti^! 12-mont,h rollini;;;;lca llclrrdta ir li..~i,iiiii!iii, beerr iiiiu helpful t,oc,W,, b~jt'tkies8e ir'~terac::t:ions can imiyu'rovfin e'ven more through ple%innin(;j#'uI~i.~rciiiil ac;'tivitiesc:onsistenli with budga3t cycliei~:a,,which ,l~ilRIeriable: NMSS to properly S;~IL,,II~~(CIY.~the!: iF\,r:::::::IWW'., NF1IISSi will continue tcl focu.~or7h idenll:iif:yirig acntivilius ark ftarly as possible, sc:, that ~ITE!!AC,N'\flbl' ca,n pr~operlyexpress its int,eres'toiri the ts:~i::ricrs;,an'wrl wil! c:oc::~rdinateupcomirlg briefiir'ngs in ;;;j I:~irrnciii:!il!,r 11~ii3nn~i!r..'The independen!: corx~mea~t,sreceived ,f'rc~nritRirj! (ACNW are appret;iatciii!d and irnl:~t:rr'l:ant iin t1elr:ring NMSS dewalop iir rrl'ore TO~IH,,IS~proglsmr as 'un?llas withstand the scwt..ntnny that irnii~;jl-rt ,", ,, c:,orne frchn.1 a varietly c::Ef SCIP..I~CB?~~..!he!! ren=en,l (Od:ober '1 , 2006) reorgar~izatiorlic;reated .Il:brue! I~IE~W Offic'e of Federal ari~dSt,ate Mat,eriaHs arrd E~,rr~viirclr~mentalManagement Progrigliirnrs (:F::ShrlE);end left the: NMSS office w\ilith 1:hreeir divisicu~is,speclific:,ally (;'I :b the Division of Fuel C::::?lccUeli3$ir'Fely liil~r~d Sa'fegu,.~ards(FCSS), wvhicl'l addresserit produ8cl:iorr (conversion, enrichment, arucl f:al:1rir::e1t:ic;ril.~)c::~f nuic=lear fuel, (:2)the C::Iivisi~r~c3f' Spenl: I"=il~elStora'lle and ll'ranspartatiorr (SFST,,~wt"~li(mYi..i ~::Je?niiihlsi~ m~iilhspent fuel (stor8agearid transpor.l:ie,tion),an,d (3) the Division of High-ll,ewerl V'IJ'asl:e Reposi'itoy Safety (DI-1ILW RS), wllitabi~c'onsiders I:he uIQirn'a4edisposition o'f the!!l~r,~i~tal., Re?pres;enf:a4,ives~~C)IIKI fh@!ii,~: ,thire'e divisions a,ddre:~asedths Committee.

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