The Issues First100 Tom Edgar athematicians know that updates from Keith Devlin about gaps in the the mathematical landscape proof. Even today, these articles give aspiring is ever-changing with mathematicians an idea about what it is to new research completed prove a statement—one should expect success, Mevery day. The arXiv (arxiv.org)—a website failure, and frequently the fixing of proofs, or where scholars upload their work—lists 34,523 at least some rewriting. submissions during 2017 alone! Yet, many people Math Horizons continued to draw connections believe that mathematics is complete, that it to FLT throughout the years. Dorian Goldfeld is a “dead science.” Students, and often even (September 1996) explained the importance of mathematics majors, learn nothing of current Wiles’s work to the Taniyama-Shimura-Weil research; it doesn’t have a place in today’s conjecture and the Langlands program as well as undergraduate curriculum. Typical mathematics its relation to one of the next big problems: the journals are too advanced for undergraduates, ABC conjecture. The ABC conjecture has been and mainstream news stories are too superficial in the news recently due to its potential solution for a math student to connect to the mathematics by Shinichi Mochizuki. The six-year story of his involved. proof, if its accuracy is confirmed, would make Enter Math Horizons. Since 1993, it has an interesting future Math Horizons article. For been a place where readers can learn about more about the ABC conjecture, see Richard Guy’s mathematical discoveries and feel connected April 1998 article and Ravi Vakil’s September 1998 to those developments. The articles include description of Noam Elkies’s work. relevant and suitable details for undergraduates. In the Winter 1993 article, Wiles stated that They engage readers and encourage them to “there is a certain sadness involving the last dig deeper. Readers have had front-row seats theorem. All number theorists, deep down, feel to many of the major mathematical advances of that. For many of us, [Fermat’s] problem drew the past 25 years (and more). Let’s look at the us in and we always considered it something first 100 issues to see how this periodical has you dream about but never actually do. There presented recent results. is a sense of loss, actually.” However, there is no shortage of great problems. Vakil’s essay and Conjectures to Theorems Devlin’s February 1998 note described the Beal Don Albers created Math Horizons at a fortuitous conjecture: there are no integer solutions to the time—the same year one of the most famous equation ABnm+=C r when n, m, and r are all open problems was solved. Fermat’s last theorem at least 3 if we require that A, B, and C have no (FLT) states that the equation abnn+=c n has no common divisors besides 1. This conjecture might positive integer solutions when n is an integer inspire future number theorists the way FLT larger than 2. No proof of this “theorem” had inspired Wiles; adding fuel to the fire, a proof of been found for over 350 years despite numerous the Beal conjecture is worth $1 million. attempts by a variety of famous mathematicians. Offering money for a proof is not new—Wiles The inaugural issue featured Gina Kolata’s received the Wolfskehl Prize of about $45,000 for article about Andrew Wiles and his proof his proof. The most famous monetary problems of FLT. The following two issues included are the seven Millennium Prize Problems, which 22 November 2018 | Math Horizons www.maa.org/mathhorizons were selected by the Clay Math Institute in 2000. the world to donate their “unused” computer A solution to each problem is worth $1 million. processing power to determine the primality of In 2003, Grigori Perelman solved a Millennium relevant numbers. Problem: the Poincaré conjecture. Both Devlin In April 2000, Dale Buske and Sandra Keith (September 2004) and Jesse Johnson (November discussed the GIMPS project after it found its 2009) described the conjecture and Perelman’s fourth prime, 216,972,593 − . They gave fascinating solution, and Tina S. Chang (February 2008) wrote facts that we can prove about Mersenne primes a fictional story about the conjecture. Perelman and perfect numbers (numbers that are equal famously did not accept the Millennium Prize or the to the sum of their proper divisors). The GIMPS Fields Medal; some of this story is told in Stephen project is still alive and well; in January 2018 it Abbott’s November 2009 interview with Masha found 2177,232,917 − , its 16th prime (the 50th known Gessen, who wrote a book on Perelman. References Mersenne prime) and the largest known prime to other Millennium problems are scattered among number. The GIMPS project led to other crowd- a variety of articles over the years. sourced searches for primes, many of which are Math Horizons has featured other famous being tackled by PrimeGrid.com. number theory problems. In February Math Horizons has grown up alongside 1996, Joel Chan described a few facts and the Internet and changes in personal conjectures about prime numbers including computing, thus allowing authors to explain the twin prime conjecture, possibly the most the importance of computers to mathematics famous open problem, which states that there research (as in the crowd-sourcing mentioned exist infinitely many pairs of primes of the above). Much of Art Benjamin’s and Jenny form p and p + 2 such as 11 and 13, 101 and Quinn’s February 2001 advice for how to 103, and 2, 996,863,034,895 ⋅−211290000 and search the Web for math articles is still 2, 996,863,034,895 ⋅211290000 + (the largest known relevant today. In February 2010, Bruce twin prime pair). Torrence interviewed Richard Rusczyk about In September 2013, Jordan Ellenberg wrote the Art of Problem Solving website—one of the about one of the major breakthroughs in this first online schools dedicated to mathematics. conjecture, which was the proof of the “bounded In April 2017, Sophia Merow wrote about gaps” conjecture by Yitang Zhang. Zhang proved the connection between the game Set and that there are infinitely many pairs of primes the famous cap set problem; she described that differ by at most 70,000,000. That article how an article posted on the arXiv by Croot, also included a link to the Polymath Project, a Lev, and Pach was adapted within 10 days by crowd-sourced effort to improve Zhang’s bound, Ellenberg and Gijswit independently to improve which showed that there are infinitely many the bounds on the problem. Mathematical pairs of primes differing by at most 246. advances of this speed were unthinkable before the Internet. The Digital Age Advances in computational power have been The Polymath Projects, of which you can learn demonstrated by articles such as Fred Guterl’s more by reading Dave Richeson’s September November 1994 essay on the importance of 2015 interview of Fields medalist Tim Gowers, number theory to coding theory for error- might have introduced students to the crowd- correcting data transmission and to cryptography sourcing mathematics. But one of the first for secure data transmission via the RSA crowd-sourcing mathematics projects arose algorithm, one of the most common methods of from another conjecture listed by Chan: the secure public key encryption. In February 1995, Mersenne prime conjecture, which claims there Chan followed with the story of the eight-month are infinitely many primes of the form 21p − . In project to factor RSA-129, a 129-digit number, as 1996, the GIMPS project (short for Great Internet a product of two primes, a feat my computer Mersenne Prime Search) allowed users around (23 years later) still cannot perform. www.maa.org/mathhorizons Math Horizons | November 2018 23 Math Horizons has also participated in the mathematicians including, but not limited to, conversation around computer assisted proof: Jean Taylor (September 1994), Persi Diaconis in February 1997, Kolata described a computer- (February 1995), Fan Chung (September 1995), created proof that might be classified as creative; Karen Uhlenbeck (April 1996), Ron Graham in April 2001, Dinoj Surendran discussed Thomas (November 1996), Anne Hudson (February Hales’s use of computers to prove the Kepler 1997), Frank Morgan (September 1997), Ravi conjecture, which postulated the most efficient Vakil (April 1998), Ingrid Daubechies (April method of packing spheres; and in April 2009, 2000), Manjul Bhargava (September 2006 and Mark McClure and Stan Wagon investigated a November 2011), Melanie Wood (September consequence of Sipka’s November 2002 note 2004), Martin Gardner (September 2010), about the four color theorem—perhaps the most Steven Strogatz (February 2014), Artur famous theorem with a computer-aided proof. In Avila (February 2015), Maryam Mirzakhani his interview, Tim Gowers mentioned his interest (February 2015), and Eugenia Cheng (February in automated theorem proving, and in November 2018). Seeing active mathematicians like these 2015, Merow described how computers played provides inspiration for a new generation a role in finding the 15th (and final) tiling of the of mathematicians and demonstrates that plane by pentagons. mathematics is a thriving science. Math Horizons encourages its readers Politics and Public Service to engage with mathematics beyond the Math Horizons provides a place for the undergraduate curriculum and inspires them discussion of mathematics in the political in a way that traditional classes cannot. As landscape. There are many articles introducing a student, I remember excitedly reading the readers to the mathematical theory behind September 1995 article about the history of voting (see articles in the November 2000, the classification of finite simple groups, and I September 2008, and September 2016 issues). eventually became a group theorist.
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