The Newark Post VOL, XXV NEWARK, DEt AWARE, 'I' THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1934 NUMBER 7 STATE DEMOCRATS REAFFIRM MESSERSMITH DEATH OF LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE LOYALTY TO R,OOSEVELT AT NOW MINISTER FATHER EARNER CONTINUES WORK ON PUBLIC JACKSON DAY ·DINNER TO AUSTRIA MOURNED WORKS AND RELIEF PROGRAM Chairman James A, Farley of the Democratic National New U, S, Appointment Re- IServices In St, John's Church Emergency Appropriation and Main Program the Committee Makes Keynote Speech I turns Delawarean To Saturday Subject of Conferences 1ndus trial Hold-up of Recovery Attrl'buted To Europe The sudden death of the Reverend George S , Messersmith,--- former su- James F . Earner,or past 0 f St• John's The J'oilnt committee of House and The main program has suffered I'll Greed perintendent of Delaware Schools, R. C. Church, removes from his many Senate at Dover, appointed to prepare time devoted to it, because of the and in his youth a student at Dela- friends throughout the State a cher- a relief and public works program for necessity of immediate appropriation J<' llIir'g all available space in the Defending his recent action in tak- ware College was several weeks ago ished associate, a Delawarean whose the State continues its daily sessions. of sufficient funds to carry the relief ball -roo m and adjoining rooms of the ing mail-flying away from private air named miinster to Uruguay in South service to hIS chosen calling has been needs through April 30, when the Il otel Du Pont in ' Wilmington, on lines, Mr. Farley asserted it had been America, but changes in the consular long and faithful. Father Earner was New Tn-I - Coach State Emergency Relief Commission Tuesday night last, Sate Democrats his duty under the law to annual the service made a vacancy in Europe born in Wilmington, received his edu- ~ under its present authorization offici- howed a rallying and confident spirit mail contracts. where Mr. Mes8eI Smith has had ex- cation there and in other states and ally' ends. The part of the public which in support of the keynoter and local Finds Evidence of Mono-lies perience as consul and consul general was ordained in Baltimore, June 21, for so long sponsored and worked for le nders whose one sufficient theme was .. ~ in Belgium and Germany since 1919. 1911, by Cardinal Gibbons in the Balti- the recognition of school lunches as support of the President in the Re- "It was clearly shown," he said He has been immediately transferred more Cathedral. His pastorates have in many cases the fundamental of co\'ery Program. James A. Farley, "that these contracts were given and to Austria, as consul general, to suc- been in Wilmington, Delaware City, nutrition without which the child was Pos Lma, tel' General and Chairman of obtained thl'ough collusion and fraud; ceed George Earle, of Pennsylvania, Chestertown, Maryland, and in New- not only unfitted to study, but driven the Democratic National Committee, that through them a few favored com- it is announced he will be a candidate ark. He died following an operation beyond his endurance, is gratified that was the chief speaker. His address panies obtained many millions of dol- who is returning to that state, where for gall stones in'St. Francis Hospital legislators now respond quickly and WBS significant as the opening of the lars out of the public treasury; that for governor. in Wilmington. with feeling to this need. The appeal ~atio nal campaign as well as the great monopolies were being built up Mr. Messersmith married Marion The funeral will be held at St. of every detail of the program is be- . tale campaign for the congressional by government subsidy." Lee Mustard, of Lewes, in 1914 and John's Church, Newark, on Saturday ing made in the conferences and (. Iection ca mpaign this year. Mr. Farley said cancellation of the is a brother-in-law of Caleb S. Lay- morning at 10 o'clock. Pontifical Re- hearings, and in the information Chairman Farley defended cancella- mail contracts was "just as much a ton, of Wilmington. Mr. and Mrs. quiem Mass will be conducted by Rev. available to the legislative committee. tion of the air-mail contracts and part of the new deal as any other Messersmith have recently spent sev- John J. Sheehy, with the Right Rev- That the public awaits an equal re- assailed interests he said were seeking action taken with a view to eliminat- eral weeks visiting relatives and erend Edmond J . FitzMaurice, Msgr. sponse to these is evident in all quar- t take all the benefits of recovery ing waste and extravagance in public friends throughout the state. John J. Dougherty, Rev. John J. ters where unemployment is discussed. and "let the rest of us revert to the expenditures." In addition to his services to Dela- Lynch, Rev. Wm. M. Maddock, Rev. The secretary of the Committee, Mr. mi sery of a year ago." "There was no thought or sugges- ware schools as state superintendent John M. Walsh, and Rev. Edward Abrahams, has been authorized to h" h 'd tion of politics in connection with the and secretary of the State Board of Dougherty in their respective posi- Iconsult Federal representatives, and "Ii you look deep enoug, e sal , cancellation of contracts," he said. Education after conducting schools tions in attendance. Mr. Kelso, representing the federal re- "you will fi nd behind every attack on "Notwithstanding, some of the spokes- in several towns as principal and su- lief work, is expected in Wilmington thc President and his policies a special . PRESBYTERIAN C E SOCIETY interest which seeks to I'e-establish men for the opposition party are permtendent, Mr. Messersmith is the . tomorrow for assistance to Mr. the advantage it held ho,long by con- diligently endeavoring to make it author of The Government of Dela- INVITES ALL TO ATl'END Abrahams. The State Highway De- trolling the government." that there was." ware, still used in State High Schools. "What did Religion Mean to Jesus 7" partment and other local departments Fi nds Critics Ruled by Greed He said politics was little in evi- Al M is the topic to be discussed at the are cooperating. The proponents of In reirence to t he disputes darken- dence for a while after the Roosevelt umnae eet Christian Endeavor meeting Sunday. adequate relief and public works are ing the recover y picture, the chair- inauguration, but that Republicans Orville Richardson will lead the ser keeping befol'e the committee t.te man said: were beginning to pick flaws and The Newark Chapter of Women's vice. The Endeavorers wish to urge extent of the need. The normal wor - "The men now foremost in their minimize gains. College Alumnae will met this coming that everyone arrive early so that the ingdP~p~la~on is ;~riou~~hestimatedt ". Lrl'ctures on the course that was taken Accuses "Poltical Profiteers" Monday evening, Ma.rch 26, at 8:00 meeting may begin promptly at 6:46 ANDREW BOWDLE no ,e bnlltebgture'thelng a the m~~~o o'clock, at the home of Miss Phoebe p. m. ,. aV81 l a e, u WI more an , are the very men who clamored most Mr. Farley accused "p~ltfical, profit- Steel, 19 Amstel avenue. Mis Steel Just one week from Sunday will be registered '/unemployed out of a loudly for the government to take eers" of strring up dissatis actIon and Easter. On that date the annual Sun- total population of 238,000 for the hem out of the predicament into fear "because they know there is no ~~~te!:s~. F rancis Squire will act as rise Service will be observed. It is Asks Student Body to Cooperate State the seriousness of the problem which their own greed had plunged hope for them if the pl'ogress already b d With "New Deal" in Athletics is unavoidable. made toward national recovery con- ------- important that all mem ers atten ,hem, this meeting. Although it is planned =========;================== "Th se people, now that business tinues," Engineering School Will and conducted by the young people, , eems to be co ming back, want to get "They offer no substitute program," Have Latest Auto Model there is no restriction on attendance PETITION CIRCULATED all the benefits for themselves, and let he aserted, "but by innuendo , if not by adults. Everyone is invited to BY FRIENDS OF BRINSER the rest of us revert to the misery of by direct statement, sook to plant the come. GUILFORD a year ago, notion that purging our g ov~ r~ment J;>- Pontiac chassis is being specially The service will commence at 6:46 Includes Item of Criticism of "What has been done" Mr. Farley system of g, r~ft is a b,olshevlstlc as- bUilt br the General Motors Company, a. m. COLLEGE CHOIR <atd "is to turn the tid ~ and start us I sault o ~ legI timate bU Siness and th~t ~hromlUm 'plate.d throughout, for ~ - REBllLDING School Board on the u rade which course will con-I separating t~ ~ pl:ofi teers from the!r In t~e Engineering School of. the Um­ , ~g th lfi h f a few fat opportumtles IS an asult on busl- verslty of Delaware. Pierre S. Henry F Mote has started to re­ The Post has not seen and does not I ' PROGRAM ~ ~r:~_~l n ~::d i:t e~:s t~ ~se s:b~ to put ness generally. d~ Pont and Hugh G.allag!ter, of Wil- build . his ~arage damaged by fire know who are the signers {If a petition --- IJ locks i~ the way, and so delay our I "There is multi~lying evidence that Immgton, secure thIS gIft for the several' weeks ago.
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