INDEX Note: page numbers in italics denote photographs. A.A. see Alcoholics Anonymous Across the River and Into the Trees (Hemingway) 103–104, 107, 232, 262–263, 279, 347 “‘Addiction’ in American History Through Literature” (Forseth) 1–17 Addison, Joseph 279 “Adventures in Automobumming” (Lewis) 309 Agee, James 149–150, 152 AIDS and Its Metaphors (Sontag) 245 Alcohol and the Writer (Goodwin) 26–27, 294–295 “Alcohol and the Writer: Some Biographical and Critical Issues (Hemingway)” (Forseth) 83–116, 177 “Alcohol, Disease, and the Limitations of Artistic Representation” (Forseth) 203–223 “The Alcoholic Writer and the Modern Temper: Transcendence Downward” (Forseth) 243–259 “The Alcoholic Writer By Any Other Name” (Forseth) 289–304 Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) Berryman 188, 189, 191, 194–195, 196, 211 Crowley on 254, 257 Dardis on 28 Fingarette on 135 Forseth on 357, 360 founding 2, 22 Gilmore on 24, 25, 29 Gold on 216, 218, 300 Hyde on 194–195 Kurtz on xvii The Lost Weekend (film) 151 treatment model 91, 92, 110 367 Alcoholics Anonymous (handbook) 63, 189, 211 “Alcoholite at the Altar: Sinclair Lewis, Drink, and the Literary Imagination” (Forseth) 35–81, 137–138, 239, 314 Alexander III of Macedon (Alexander the Great) 154, 156–161, 289 Alexander the Great: The Invisible Enemy (O’Brien) 153, 154–161, 162 Algren, Nelson The Man with the Golden Arm 11 Along with Youth: Hemingway, The Early Years (Griffin) 94–95, 111 AMA see American Medical Association “Ambivalent Sensibilities: Alcohol in History and Literature” (Forseth) 19–33 American Bar Association 109 American Cassandra (Kurth) 176–177 The American Disease (Musto) 23, 129–130 “The American Fear of Literature” (Lewis) 280 American Medical Association (AMA) 42, 74, 109 American Mercury 278 American Psychiatric Association 42, 93, 227 Anderson, Dwight 292 Anderson, Greg 46, 75 Anderson, Sherwood 265, 270, 281 “Four American Impressions” 270 Andreasan, Nancy C. 136 Andromache (Euripides) 157 Appointment in Samarra (O’Hara) 39, 248, 252 Archer, Isabel (character) 70, 294, 343 Archibald, Jean 76 Aristotle 94, 128, 177 Nichomachean Ethics 28, 121, 122 Poetics 118 Politics 28 Armor, David J. 40 Arnold, Matthew 94, 177, 197 368 Arrowsmith (Lewis) 39, 225, 226, 229, 272, 346 Arrowsmith, Martin (character) 39, 229 The Arts of Intoxication (J. T. Crane) 7 As You Like It (Shakespeare) 336 Ashley, Lady (character) 256 The Atlantic 357 Atlas, James 136, 331 Auden, W. H. 86, 88, 107, 280, 321 Augustine, St. 217 Austen, Jane Emma 69, 343 Babbitt (Lewis) 39, 59, 60, 225, 229, 271, 272, 274, 281, 346 Babbitt, George (character) 39 The Bacchae (Euripides) 153, 154, 160 Bair, Deirdre 296 Baker, Carlos 94 Bancroft Library 166–167, 168, 175, 347 Barnes, Djuna 227, 273, 276 Nightwood 248, 252–253 Barnes, Jake (character) 105 Bayley, John 293 Beauvoir, Simone de 295–296 Beinecke Library 166, 168, 235 Being Geniuses Together (McAlmon) 227, 250 Bellow, Saul Gilmore on 24 “The Hell It Can’t” 321–325, 330, 331 Humboldt’s Gift 25 It All Adds Up 324 “The Next Chapter” 330 The Victim 25 Bentham, Jeremy 29, 218–219 Berkow, Robert The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy 41–42 Berlin Diary (Shirer) 326–327 369 Berryman, John addiction and creativity 137–138, 200 Alcoholics Anonymous 188, 189, 191, 194–195, 196, 211 archives 191, 211, 299 “Compline” 197 Delusions, Etc. 189, 199 The Dream Songs 187, 199, 209 “Epilogue” 194 on Fitzgerald 209 Gilmore on 24, 25 Haffenden on 37–38 In Memoriam 185 Love & Fame 199 Paris Review interview 190, 192 Recovery 25, 168, 185–201, 204, 209–213, 218, 223, 299 Schorer on 167–168 Third Alcoholic Treatment 191–192, 211–212, 299 on Thomas 298–299 Bible 243, 257, 342 The Big Money (Dos Passos) 315 Birnam, Don (character) 143, 144–150 Bischoff, Joan 355 Black, Stephen 130 Blackmur, Richard P. 325 Blake, William 196 Blocker, Jack S, 21 Bloom, Harold 133, 141 Bloom, Steven 127, 128 Bolton (Stowe character) 5 Boltwood, Claire (character) 180–181, 183, 266, 267, 308 Bonner, Marjorie 221 Boswell, James Life of Johnson 97 Brace, Donald 226 Brackett, Charles 151 Breasted, Charles 53–54, 75 370 Brickell, Herschel 325 Brideshead Revisited (Waugh) 294 Brinnin, John Malcolm 271–272 Brooks, Cleanth 355 Broom (magazine) 278 Bucco, Martin 342 Buck, Pearl 348 Buddenbrooks (Mann) 189 Buffon, Comte de 263 Bukoski, Anthony 142 Bunyan, John The Pilgrim’s Progress 340 “The Burdens of Biography” (Schorer) 72–73, 165 Burke, Edmund Reflections on the Revolution in France 336 Burke, Kenneth 253, 300 Burlingame, Roger 47 Burroughs, William S. Naked Lunch 11 Calvin, John 20–21 Camus, Albert 196 “Can You Go Home Again? Sinclair Lewis: Main Street and Paris” (Forseth) 261–288 Capote, Truman 39, 85 Carleton College vi, xi, 360 Carlson, George 121 Carlyle, Thomas 19 Carpenter, Humphrey 283, 284 Geniuses Together 265 Carver, Raymond 300 “Wine” 289 Cass Timberlane (Lewis) 60, 63–64, 66–68, 70, 71, 281, 314, 345 Cather, Willa 305, 317 O, Pioneers 359 371 Cathleen (O’Neill character) 127, 129 Cavett, Dick 73, 187, 210 Cerf, Bennett 75 Chafetz, Morris 45 Chapin, Joseph B. (character) 61 Chaplin, Dune 102 Cheever, John 24 Claude Lewis Collection 77 Cleitus 157 Cohen, Richard 44 Cohn, Robert (character) 250, 278 Coleman, Patrick 284 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 346 Collier’s Weekly 232 “Compline” (Berryman) 197 Compton, Charles 176 Compton, Ida Kay 166, 170, 175, 176 Conarroe, Joel John Berryman 198, 199 “The Concrete Universal” (Wimsatt) 204–205 Confessions of an English Opium Eater (De Quincey) 7 Connaughton, Michael 351 Conrad, Barnaby 76 Conrad, Joseph Heart of Darkness 133 Lord Jim 297 “Conspicuous Consumption” (Veblen) 350 the Consul (Lowry character) 25, 39, 150, 205 “Counterparts” (Joyce) 145 Cowley, Malcolm 206 “The Crack-Up” (Fitzgerald) 206, 251 Crane, Reverend Jonathan Townley The Arts of Intoxication 7 Crane, R. S. 297 Crane, Stephen 5, 269 George’s Mother 6, 7 372 Maggie, A Girl of the Streets 7 “Opium’s Varied Dreams” 9–10 Crews, Frederick 164–165 Croce, Arlene 246 “Discussing the Undiscussable” 243–245, 259 Crowley, John W. 5, 151, 259, 292–293 The White Logic 243, 246–253, 254–258 Csencsitz, Cassandra Ellen viii, ix–xiii, 357–358, 358, 359–360, 364–365 Curanne Trueheart (Newlove) 111 Daggett, Milt (character) 183 The Daily Northwestern (newspaper) 321 Daniel Deronda (George Eliot) 294, 343 Dante 104 The Divine Comedy 107 Dardis, Tom 23, 138 The Thirsty Muse 19, 28–29 Darkness Visible: A Memoir of Madness (Styron) 203, 220 Davis, Annie 111 Davis, H. G. 267, 284, 307–308 Davis, Jack L. 164 Davis, Kate 198 Day, Douglas Malcolm Lowry 73 de Kruif, Paul The Sweeping Wind 226 De Quincey, Thomas Confessions of an English Opium Eater 7 Dean, Paul 255 “The Death of Arrowsmith: An Obituary of Sinclair Lewis” (Lewis) 231 Delusions, Etc. (Berryman) 189, 199 Demosthenes 155 “Denial as Tragedy: The Dynamics of Addiction in The Iceman Cometh and Long Day’s Journey into Night” (Forseth) 117–142 373 Deronda, Daniel (character) 294 Descartes, René 56 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-III) 93, 110, 227, 290 Dickinson, Emily 4 Dionysos: The Literature and Intoxication Triquarterly v, vii, xvi, xvii–xviii, 355–356 Dionysus xvi, 153, 154, 155–156, 157, 160, 292, 297 “Dionysus” (O’Brien) 162 “Discussing the Undiscussable” (Croce) 243–245, 259 Disease and Representation (Gilman) 119 The Disease Concept of Alcoholism (Jellinek) 88–89 Diver, Dick (character) 39, 205, 207–208, 209, 218, 251–252 The Divine Comedy (Dante) 107 Dodsworth (Lewis) 39, 237, 280, 317, 346, 349 Dodsworth, Sam (character) 39 Donahue, Kate 198 Donaldson, Scott 85, 100 Donne, John 128 Dorothy and Red (Sheean) 163, 174 Dorothy Thompson: A Legend in Her Time (Sanders) 75, 177 Dorothy Thompson Collection/Papers 169–170, 176, 177, 240, 285, 317 Dos Passos, John 305 The Big Money 315 Douglas, Ann Feminization of American Culture 255–256 Douglas, George H. 69 Douglass, Frederick 4 Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan 11 The Dream Songs (Berryman) 187, 199, 209 Dreiser, Theodore 141, 265, 269, 347 Sister Carrie 6, 11, 248 Drink (FitzGibbon) 110 Drinking in America: A History (Lender and Martin) 2, 19–20, 22–23, 29, 32 374 Drouet (Dreiser character) 11 The Drunkard’s Progress (print) 7 Dryden, John Upon the Death of Lord Hastings 46–47 DSM-III see Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Dubliners (Joyce) 144, 145 Duluth Herald 179–180 Dunham, Bob 36, 39, 85 Dupree, Ellen Phillips 278 Earnshaw, Steven The Pub in Literature: England’s Altered State vii Eclogues (Virgil) 337 Edel, Leon 59, 77, 165, 173, 176 The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defense (Anna Freud) 76, 121, 139, 291 “Elegy” (Gray) 107 Eliot, George 270, 293–294, 343 Daniel Deronda 294, 343 Middlemarch 270, 343 Eliot, T. S. 105, 107, 265, 271 The Waste Land 133, 323 Elkaim, Arlette 295 Ellmann, Richard 297 Elmer Gantry (Lewis) 39, 60, 237, 346 Emerson, Ralph Waldo 19, 125 Emma (Austen) 69, 343 English, Julian (character) 39, 252 Ephemerides (or Royal Diaries of Alexander) 158 Ephippus 160 “Epilogue” (Berryman) 194 Epstein, Joseph 126 Equivocal Spirits: Alcoholism and Drinking in Twentieth-Century Literature (Gilmore) 24–26, 125, 200–201, 293 375 Euripides 123 Andromache 157 The Bacchae 153, 154, 160 Fadiman, Clifton 331 Fall of Valor (Jackson) 152 The Far Side of Paradise (Mizener) 221, 223 Farrell, James 252 Faulkner, William 26, 28, 348 Felman, Shoshana Writing and Madness 119 Feminization of American Culture (Douglas) 255–256 Ferris, Paul 298 Fingarette, Herbert Heavy Drinking 31, 135 Finnegans Wake (Joyce) 280 Fitzgerald, Ed That Place in Minnesota 185 Fitzgerald, F. Scott addiction and creativity 24 Berryman 196–197 “The Crack-Up” 206, 251 Crowley on 247, 251 Dardis on 28 Forseth on xi Goodwin on 26 The Great Gatsby 100, 207 and Hemingway 100–102, 104, 186, 251, 285 Jackson allusions 145 The Last Tycoon 186, 208 and Lewis 60, 229, 281, 340 Mizener on 221 quotes 243, 257, 347 Tender Is the Night 39, 204, 205–209, 213, 215, 218, 221–223, 247–248, 250, 251, 258 This Side of Paradise 13 376 FitzGibbon, Constantine 296 Drink 110 Flaubert, Gustave 227, 274 Fleming, Robert F.
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