![A a %Lue Coal' DUCE DEFIES NATIONS APPLYING SANCTIONS](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
..■ViJ smrn l4fllllM il1ll AVERAGE DAOLT 0IRO17LAT1OM The Ladies Aid sodsty tt the Tbs O CM <lab win rtlissns st with u. eapltal autborisatlaa tt for the Meath of November, 1980 t h e w e a t h e r the Emanuel Lutbstan ' church to^ $800,OPO. Buckingham church wlU glvs a Dtnce to B3I Tafaro’s Fwecoat of U. 8. Weather Baraaa. SEllBAdt TONIGHT night St 7:80 o’clock. Tha new oorporatlon was formed. ••*■ ■ ABOUT_______ TOWN PICTURE FRAMES Ilk . E M U M c o i l Bartterd whist and bridge party in the tss- ODD FBLLOWnS HALL. 8:80. deeonUng to the c< ^ of tha certifl- MdMCMflfHI COMD , ( try of the church tomorrow svsnlng Hotel Nonotock Orchestra cate filed la the o f f ^ o f. the town A largo Selection At the 5,783 ’* 8t UUgaNfa arcI^ Daughten $10 FIRST PRIZE Member of tbe Audit Ctondy and warmer toulgbt aad «f win bowl tonight at at 8 o’clock. Prises will be awarded clerk, to conduct a general Insur- School St. R e c, Friday, Dec. 7 Bureau of OtrcnlaUons Sunday; oceaelonal rain beglnalax f:90 at the T . M. C. A. alleys. and refreshments served. Next 6 winners receive Turkeys PUBUC RECORDS anep business, buy and aeU real ea- FALLOT STUDIO late tonight. * Tables Umlted. Friday—3 to 6 Admission S5c. state and act as a broker for tbe sole of real estate. ) Oertiflente o f IneorpomMoa a: The Women’a Home League of the A new corporation to be known Balbliag Permit. SPECIALS VOL. LV„ NO. 58. (CSaaallled Advertlaing on Page 18.) Salvation Army Is aorvlng a hot, ap­ Mrs. Frank House of Ellington Permission to build a story and a MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1935. A;.. (EIGHTEEN PAGES) Road, Wapping, announces the sec­ as Edward j. HoU Incorporated PRICE THREE CENTS petizing Bupper tonight at the cita­ with a capital authorization of 100,- half, frame, single dwelling south of White Honae del, In connection with its annual ond of a series of five setback par­ 872 Parker etreet has been granted It You Prefer Coke ties at her home, beginning tomor­ 000, of which 3BOOO la tbe amount -“S’ Chrlstmaa sale of handcraft work specified for commencing business, by Building Inspector Edward (!. by the members. Mrs. Arthur Kit­ row night at 8 o’clock. The grand EUUott, Jr., to Annie G. Jarvis, own­ Greek Meets Greek As King Returns For Fuel prize, five doUara, was won last has been approved by the secretary Special Sale COFFEE NEW DEAL TIST WALLACE AVERS tle beads the supper committee, and of state. er, and Harold Jarvis, contractor. SEC GIVES OUT Mrs. Sophia Holmes and Mrs. Hilda week by Wllitam Wlganowskl. Play­ The Incorporators are Edward J. Tbe house wlU be located 90 feet o f Kennedy, refreshments of various ing prizes are awarded each eve­ back from the street line. Order It Prom Us HoU, largest real estate developer sorts. ning and home made refreshments ' NEW SPRING 2 1 « »>• IN FINAL COURT A A A HAS NEVER DUCE DEFIES NATIONS b P P E R S served at the social time following in Manchester, and Mrs. Edna A. ‘CONFIDENm’ per ton cash. the games. HaU Wuerdlg and Austin D. Beech- WOOLENS $12 75 The annual Chrlstmaa party of ler, employed In his office. Armour's Star the Manchester Garden club will BEGINS MONDAY SCRAPPED FOOD Par value of tbe stock authorized and take place Monday evening at 7:30 Reservations for the supper and S A L M RATES Prompt Delivery. "Nearly New" sale tomorrow night la 3100. at the Y. M. C. A., and each one la Mr. HoU Is president and treas­ L T . Wood Co. HEAVY WINTER BEANS APPLYING SANCTIONS; In Center church parish hall close a requested to bring an Inexpensive urer of the HoU Investment com­ tonight. This is tbe big group event 51 BisscD St. TeL 4496 Argaments in Hoosac Mills In New Haven Speech Sec­ gift. The program will Include pany, incorporated six years ago WOOLENS music, a showing of lantern slides of tbe month and Is under the aus­ can Commission Discloses List o f THE W . G. GI.ENNET CO. and other forms of entertainment, pices of No. 1 and No. 2, Miss Lela Case to Be Heard lovolv Webster and Mrs. Philip Lewis, AGENT retary Replies to Minister, Coal, Lnmber, Masons’ Supplies, Paint. as well as refreshments. A large The Talcott Officials of Big Corpora­ atttendance of the members la group chairmen. Mrs. Herbert B. PANCAKE SUPPER Any Flavor Boyal IGNORES PEACE PLEA t, Universal Electrical Appliances. hoped for. House is In charge o f tbe sale and FOR hig Validity o f AAA; Jan­ Says Puritan Faith Has Phone 4149 Manchester Bros. Co. tions; S. 0 . Directors Fig­ '88 8 No. Main St. promises a bargain festival. The 2d Congregrational Worthy Matron Mrs. Florence supper and entertainment, the REMNANT SALES ROOM DESSERT uary Decision Possible. nature of which are not being dls< OPPERS Open Friday 2 to 5 P. M. Been Transformed. Italy's Premier Warns Pub” F# Thornton of Temple Chapter, O. E. Church ure in Big Money Group. Cops Give Big Reward w 8., filled the station of Esther and closed, arc also to be well worth the Saturday 9 to 12 A. M. Worthy Patron Harry Armstrong price of the tickets, snd children FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6 lie Against Excessive Op* may be brought along for half Office Building • Talcottville Washington, Dec. 7.— (A P )—All New Haven, Dec. 7.— (A P )—Sec­ gave the obligation at the meeting s-7 p . S t Washlngton. Dec. 7,— (A P I—The of Climax Chapter of Merrow last price. OKE was In readiness today for a tense retary of Agriculture Henry A. Wal­ To W idows o f Victims Sfarrled Oouples Club. Securltle.s Commission today made timism Over War’s End-^ Pinehurst Fresh Fish night Tomorrow night Mrs. Thorn­ a struggle In the Supreme Court next lace in a prepared speech to be re­ Monday over the constitutionality of Every fluh Item advertlned below ton will again Oil the station of A daughter was bom this morn­ Washbuni-Orasby donate 4 door leased todky says the Agricultural public hitherto "confidential” re­ Birdseye Specials Ifl strictly fresh—buy AbIi while you Esther at Good Intent Chapter's ing to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Beebe the AAA—a combat I^en with deep ports .saying that two top officers Boston, Dec. 7. - (A P )—Two Bos-.:,—and Abraham Faber were execut­ Refers Slightingly to Plre- of 9 Strickland street. prizes, also bog of pancake flour significance for 1938 and years be­ Adjustment Administration has not can i^et it fresh from the ocean. meeting at Glaatonbury, which la destroyed food and does not propose of the Standard Qll (Company of ion policemen, who could have used cd for killing a policeman during a This Week observing Visiting Matrons' and Pa­ with each 88o Uoket. yond. If you enjoy Clam Chowder . Ton When the court meets Monday, to. New Jersey received salaries of the $2,000 themselves, shyly turned holdup at Needham Trust Com­ we have freiihly du^ Quohaop^ Clama trons' Night and Mr. Armstrong will Children ISo. In the address, to be given before pany. mier Laval’s Actions — In be the soloist lawyers will begin oral arguments 3112,500 each for 1934. over their share ol the MlIIcns-Fa- Red which will make a dellcloun chow­ the Connecticut Council of Churches McDonnell and Eldredge received % lu e c o a l’ In the Hoosac Mills case. This is W. C. Tcagic, president, and W. btr reward to the widows of two of 31.000 each, part of i reward of der. the case In which Massachusetts and Religious Education, this after­ S. Famish, chairman, were the men Over 100 have signified their In- the gangs’ victims. 320.000 offered by the slate for the Ethiopia, Dessye Is A g a o manufacturers fighting the AAA's noon, the cabinet officer takes Issue who drew 1112,500 apiece. The pay­ Raspberries tlon to partake of the pancake and Walter N. Leclerc with a metropolitan clergyman, who, Timidly and plainly embarrassed. capture and conviction of the Mll- Fresh Mackerel, 19c lb. processing taxes challenge the farm ment to Tcngle represented an In­ Lieutenant Charles Eldredgo and Icn-Faber gang. sausage supper tomorrow night Funeral Director act’s validity. he said, had "pleaded for a return to from 6 to 7 o'clock at the Second crease over the $73,295 he received Patrolman Edward A. McDonnell, Presentation of the checks was steaming Clams Friends and foes of the act have the religion of our fathers. Implying in 1932, but was under the 3125,000 tendered their reward money. 4; 19c Congregational church, given by the 289 No. Main St. Manobeater that one of the first things to do was made at Boaton Police Headquar­ Opened Chowder Clams, Sflc pt. SNOWBALL FROLIC been bombarding the court with for 1929. The latter two figures Lieutenant Eldredge gave his ters yesterday. The men were Main­ Married Couple club. In addition briefs, attacking and defending this to abandon the present farm pro­ check for $1,000 to Mrs. C. Fred Rome, Doc. 7.—Benito Muasollni, Fresh Stewing Oysters, 33c pt. to a free package of pancake flour gram.” were given In Federal Trade Com- ly embarrassed by the congratula­ Cut Corn vital part of the new deal. After Sumner ol Lynn, widow of the bill tions of brother officers and the with each adult supper ticket, there WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY - FRIDAY ‘The Way of God” mlaslon records.
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