' MAILS T?c? Il 9-- Ml From San Francfeoo! . , 9 Cr't Northern, Mch. 1 J f ; For San .Francl sco:T r Tenyo llara, Mch.X I From Vancouver: --J III h Niagara. March. 22. ' ;k JUulJlk For Vancouver: ' Makora, March 31. Evening Bulletin. EsL H82, No. 6417 14 PAGES HONOLULU, TERRITORY OP HAWAII, WEDNESDAY, ARCH 8, 1916. 14 PAUES Hawaiian Star. VoL XXIII. No. 74"8 if PRICE FIVE CENTO COURT NEW YORK STOCK TiTWO TANGLES IN SAW HEGIRA OF; RUTHLESS MINISTER MCE- -- V,: MARKET TODAY OF WAR WHO MAY BE - VICTIM OF ASSASSIN : Following art the dosia prices cf ,. qikj is stocks on the New York market to PAVING PROJECTS os over day, sent by the Associated Press the Federal Wireless: ,;i;:o V Today. ' a Yester sooof ; - : day. ARE LOOMING UP Alaska Gold 21 I: I'll: Vm 99 . 89 La I "Presumably ( Sane and' Com-- " American Smelter ...... V I JJ a a Mi American Sugar Rfg.... 109 110 L0J ncM siiii -- - . petent," Says Decision, American Tel. & 127 127 .i ... Tel... Lusitana and Kalakaua Avenue Staneslav Martin Rycak, ; Now . - Which Discontinues Use of American Copper ...... 86 : 6ft .3 - TEUTON SOLDIERS IN DOGGED STRUGGLE FORCE WAY Atchison 102 103 - Improvements May. Be in Honolulu, Red Under a Her Name as Plaintiff in Baldwin Loco. 104'2 105 Further Delayed Storm ofGerman Shells SLOWLY THROUGH ALLIED DEFENSES UNCONFIRMED' l-' : : ealtimore & Ohio.......' 87'4 - REPORT TURKISH WAR MINISTER DEAD FRANCE Trust Suit , IS Steel 477 476'2 :1 Eethlehem ...... witnessedIlowing UP WAITS ANXIOUSLY AND Calif. Petroleum ...... --22 21 Vz GILMAN S OFfS IS LOW s CONFIDENTLY FOR OUTCOME --:i ' cahnoFkeep: '' - KUHio UP . 166 i : :. v.- : . Canadian Pacific .165 BUT AVARRENITE IGNORED OF FIVPGREAT BRIDGES OF BATTLE"; , i , x .?, . ; FIGHT AS "BEST FRIEND" C M. A St. P. (St Paul) 92 !93'2 i Colo, A. 41 ' r - Fuel Iron...... 424 City Must Dig Up Excess for Young Men and Women Driven lAaaoctated Press Service by Federal vVIrelessl , Hawaii's Delegate Will Be Sole Crucible Steel 80 .8n4 r. WiVSHlXGTON. D. C. larch 8. The imperial German g5vem Erie Common ........... 36 36 t ; Concrete; No Drainage in Away Pel?; Men By Czars ''.3 I Ger-- . 5 ;. General 169 169 metit Kill comply with the ma in Americaii demands providing v . riainiui. in Acuun mimwi Electric:...... 1 - .1 General Motors 465 Kalakaua Plans Troops; Aged Left Behind many s complaints regarding the British blockade bear fruit, in a change ; - Deed .....:. Seeks to Break Trust ' ' f Crest Northern .121 120!2 policy by Tr; ;f , , - , " v Pfd....; - JiurneV of the Allies. .; ". -- Prop Inter. Harv, N. 109VS 109'2 Two big tangles are developing to- On the last lap of a refugee - Holding Her Majesty's J..:.... day This is one important fact gathered from Germany's latest memor- Lehigh R. R. ........... 774 772 dav from action by the board cf super that . began ';ou (the 20th of last New York Central. ... V.1C4V4 104 visors last night npon two important August when tne uerman army was andum on submarine warfare, handed to Secretary of 'State. Lansing to- Pennsylvania 66 .56 paving projects the Lusitana street driving its terrific hammer blows in day by tiie German ambassador, Count von Ucrnstorff. In this memor-- J Queen Lllluokalani has discontinued Ray. Consol. .......... 24 24 and Kalakaua avenue iraproTements. the third 'and last attack upon the andum Germany ' concedes that the uhmarines are a new eninne of equity- - suit broufiht by Delepate K In'tjoth instances the supervisors city cf Warsaw . Staneslav . Martin the Southern Pacific 97 . f 97 Enver Pasha or Enver Bey, the nl ...... uui-uokala- way warfare and that international law as at present constituted does not;, Kuhlo aeainst the trustees oi tue Studebaker ....... 140 139'4 passed on the Improvements in a Rycak, a young Pole, Is In the city, en Turkish war minister and one of us as her being a v which one of them today character having worked f provide definite regulations for their use. It is conceded that interna-- 1 Trust, far Tennessee Ccpper ...... 56'2 route to San. Francisco, I the leaders of the Young Turk car implafriant concerned, 'according as hasty. without sufficient in way transport J Is Union Pacific 132 132'a ire and Us here, 09 the Shcri I ty, whose death Is rMmored. Sev tional law does not cover activities to which the submarines are put. , v down in - - to an oral decision handed U. S. 83 t - formation dan yesterday from the Orient. he target The memorandum - Steel 82'2 instance---Lusita- na eral times has been the further expresses Genhany's willingness to oiKr- today. Having - to" the supreme court U. S. Pfd 1161. 116'4 The first Rycak told- his story today the for assassination but always es-- Steel ' '. ate her submarines in : ' original was : brought by obligates v the city to pay $1500 In Star-Bulleti- n of accordance with the international Uw prevailing The suit i!tah . S54 84'4 througii the , courtesy caped unscathed. He is popular- rpnre&entine . - ,Kuhkv himself as "next 89 ." 89 extfess of the Engineer s estimate when Detective Rudolph: Stein, who . inter- Western Union ........ ly credited with winning his way ' ' " .'' today's dec! has an offer - c. '' friend" of the oueen, and at the same time the city Russian and. several other jan laws. 'P.y : ; : : ; - 64- -' power by Killing same ; l ' :v 'r petition filed by Westinghouse- .......... .63 from a local contractor to do the job to at least one' slon had to do with a guages for the police court and, the of the officials who opposed him, queen's attorney to prohibit Cir ' - within the estimate and save the city story printed Is Rycak, the Bid. Unquoted. ., herewith. 'as and Is generally regarded as Tur- . 1 cuit Judge Stuart trora taking further .".' more than $1700. r; , with shrug of shoulder and gesturing so oraerea Kalakaua key's leading fighting statesman.' ir action In the matter until The second instance ae of arm, gave it to the officer. - , Germans rorge ronara at v crami Ly the bucreme court. ; ' nne pacing authorizes the paving of In far off Viadivostoa. In the Rus It is held by the supreme court that JAPANESE HERE tins main thoroughfare and important s'an war camp from Which Rycak fled. drainage, which Kuhlo Is rightly a party In the suit in boulevard without sub Rycak's wife Is waiting until the day But French Think Foriress Sccnfw . the lower court, although this was not engineers declare is absolutely .neces that he can get to San Francisco and the contention of Judge Antonio er sary, settle down in ctrk that will provide PAR IS, France, March 8. After hard fighting in Cliampagne, Uw ry, counsel for. the queen. The court iTGOIlBACK The tangles arise partly front the sufficient means to bring her to hini. further holds that any discontinuance technicalities . surrounding . action by Ryack' destitute, when French have recaptured iwitoni of the trenches lost to the Germans on is not for the ' ' operate in so partly from the terri- (6. - ''y'y : by the queen could not the board and war broke put he and his wife began March : far as the delegate being a party to tory's Interest in both projects. --As a to save tip the earnings of the little ; 1 . ' ! ' developments night, lhe situation to thejnorth of Verdun js unchanged. he terrific the suit is concerned, ' result of the last tailor shop in Warsaw against the rav hand, it Is held that INTO MILITARY Superintendent of : Public Works artmery lighting continues.but no irttantry attacks were made today. On the other ages of -- the greatconrilct MEl KrQtlfP u'raitc ilia rvf VtifflA - party to the suit, Forbes, conferring with city offi iccn thie rrron f mvraictir Ke-V vMi(otAtii the queen is not a after Loses Trace of Parents.' : OF VILLA'S siv uuv va uu.? IVAfc crav v atiAivu LL4 VUH livivlic and for this reason the writ of pro- - cials today, said that in at least one s ly. ; ' Of own parents 'Military observers do not believe that Verdun will fall. t was project, of Lusitana paving, his and those of his . hibitioa asked for by her counsel that the : " wife Rycak knows nothing, save .that Germans, of, men; " - '" Out 'The at the cost huge losses among their have denied. '.';'--' , More ;Than 10,000 Take he will not, be a party to a requisite when he left Warsaw for the interior AtsocUUd TttU by vHrClua) Ttofged. nuiiv-Frenc- Sane and Competent ," I agreement until he has legal advice forward until they command the approaches to the ' Certificate Which Exempt i of Russia that memorable jday in the ,EL PA80yTex., - Marchrdl un The court added in thiB connection anc) until he Is satisfied the action of "positions beyond the west bank of the Meuse. 7 The real . stniggle is ex Russian midsummer, they were some report . says Is presumption that the From Military ptjty !) the is for the best interests of confirmed this afternoon four-mil- there a Them loard - " pected e that city. , - when the Germans: attack alonir a front' between Beth dls-- i ? ; where. In the He half believes two Americans. Wright and queen Is Bane and competent to .(' :;;;. ,r, the Lusitana owner and the taxpay ' that t they may perished on one incourt 'and . v w continue the suit, and that she has More than 10.000 vounsT Japanese that have Franklin, have been killed at PechecO Cumien.j't--- '.v,. nve u,y-vfll-a d as as her be--; If 91 4rA 22 have Gil man's Offer Lowest.
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