DO NOT BE SHAKEN BY THE PASSING NOISES FROM THE OPPONENTS BUT STAND FIRM FOLLOWING THE TRUTHS FROM THE LORD AND THE FIRM LEADERSHIP OF THE HOLY SEE appearances PILGRIMS TO NAJU NEED NOT of bread and WORRY ABOUT THE THREAT OF wine (Council EXCOMMUNICATION of Trent, DS #1652). This teaching The Kwangju Archdiocese’s Declaration is not the same issued on January 1, 1998 as saying that the species The Declaration on Naju issued in the of bread and name of Archbishop Victorinus Yoon of the wine must Kwangju Archdiocese in Korea condemned (continue to) the reported supernatural revelations in Naju, (1) because the alleged miraculous changes remain un- of the Eucharistic species of bread and wine changed into lumps of bleeding flesh contradicted the (2) even after Church teaching that says that the species of the priest’s bread and wine must remain unchanged even consecration. The authentic Church doctrine after the priest’s consecration and (2) also says nothing that precludes God’s special and because the alleged miraculous descents of miraculous intervention to remove the cover the Eucharist from above violated the Church of the appearances of bread and wine to re- teaching that says that the Eucharist can begin veal the inner reality of the Eucharist, which to exist only through the consecration by the is the Real Presence of Our resurrected, liv- validly-ordained priests. ing Lord. (3)If the Church doctrine really meant that the That the above-mentioned doctrinal assertions Eucharistic species of bread and wine must by the Kwangju Archdiocese in its Declaration remain unchanged even after the consecra- were incorrect and were distortions of the true tion, even the natural changes in the Eucharist Church teachings has been pointed out by in the communicant’s body and the gradual many priests and laypeople inside and outside loss of freshness of the consecrated hosts dur- Korea. These are also understood to be among ing the preservation inside tabernacles would the key doctrinal and theological issues have to be condemned as violations of the concerning Naju that are being examined Church teaching. by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the (4) The distorted versions of the Church Faith in the Vatican. The arguments raised teaching presented by the Kwangju Archdio- against the Kwangju Archdiocese’s doctrinal cese rule out the possibility of God’s working presentations are summarized as follows: miracles for the purpose of strengthening our faith, violating the teaching on the miracles (1) The official Church doctrine on the Eu- by the First Vatican Council in 1869-1870 charist only says that the priest’s consecration (DS #3009 & 3034), and also condemn all of of bread and wine accomplishes changes in the Eucharistic miracles in Church history. the substances of bread and wine into the sub- stances of the Body and Blood of Our Lord (5) The authentic Church doctrine on the without causing any changes in the external exclusivity of the priests’ power of Eucharistic consecration simply teaches that the validly- TV, a commercial TV network in Seoul, filled ordained priests only, to the exclusion with false rumors and accusations against of the lay people and the clergy of other Naju and Julia, was presented to the Holy See communities without valid ordination, have by Archbishop Andrew Choi during the ad been entrusted with the power to consecrate limina visit, but the officials at the Holy See bread and wine into the Body and Blood of were unimpressed by this prejudiced video Our Lord during the Mass (Lateran Council made by a secular company at the instigation VI, DS #802). This doctrine was promulgated and assistance of the radical liberal priests in to counter the Waldensian heresy in the the Kwangju Archdiocese. After the ad limina 13th Century, which rejected the ordained visit, there was some hope that Archbishop priesthood and advocated the general Choi might begin taking measures to comply priesthood. If the Kwangju Archdiocese’s with the guidance of the Holy See, but soon doctrinal assertion were correct, all of the he was again overwhelmed by the powerful miraculous Communions in Church history liberal priests in his diocese. would have to be condemned. On January 21, 2008, less than two months Based on these incorrect doctrinal assertions, after the Archbishop’s return from the the Kwangju Archdiocese’s Declaration Vatican, the Decree on Naju was issued in prohibited promotion of the information the name of Archbishop Choi. The contents about Naju and the religious celebrations at of this Decree were brief and blunt: any places associated with Julia Kim. (1) Anyone, not only those within the Kwangju Archdiocese but any clergy, religious, or lay The Kwangju Archdiocese’s Decree people in the world, who visit Naju would be issued on January 21, 2008 subject to automatic excommunication, and (2) Fr. Aloysius Chang, who had been firm in In 2001, Archbishop Andrew Choi was defending Naju, was excardinated from the installed as the successor to Archbishop Kwangju Archdiocese. In other words, Fr. Victorinus Yoon in the Kwangju Archdiocese. Chang was expelled from the Archdiocese. As the new Ordinary of the Archdiocese, Then, copies of this Decree were mailed all Archbishop Choi issued several additional over the world. Numerous people became Declarations and pastoral letters to persuade fearful of being excommunicated, and and coerce the faithful to accept and obey canceled their plans to visit Naju. It appeared the first Declaration on Naju issued by his as though this Decree, which apparently was predecessor. His repeated efforts, however, the last resort for the Kwangju Archdiocese did not stop the flow of pilgrims to Naju or in its effort to put an end to Naju, finally the propagation of information about Naju. succeeded. During the Korean Bishops’ recent ad Fr. Aloysius Chang appealed limina visit to the Holy See (November/ to the Holy See December, 2008), Archbishop Choi was advised by the Bishops and priests at the After receiving a copy of the Decree from Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith to Archbishop Andrew Choi, Fr. Aloysius accept Naju and was also strongly urged to Chang immediately wrote a petition to accept Naju by Cardinal Ivan Dias, Prefect the Archbishop to reconsider his case and of the Congregation for the Evangelization remove the penalty of excardination from of Peoples, according to Archbishop Choi’s him. Archbishop Choi promptly replied own testimony to several priests after his refusing Fr. Chang’s petition. Then, Fr. return from Rome. Chang prepared extensive legal documents necessary for making an Appeal to the The infamous video tape produced by MBC Apostolic Tribunal in the Vatican with the 2 help of a lawyer. On February 12, 2008, remaining obstacles (to the official Church he was on an airplane to Rome. At the recognition of Naju). Then, His Eminence Fiumicino International Airport in Rome, he gave us a blessing. We were so grateful and was joined by me, as I arrived in Rome a few encouraged. We relayed the good news to hours earlier from Oregon, the United States, Julia and the volunteer helpers in Naju. to function as Fr. Chang’s interpreter. Cardinal Ivan Dias sent a letter to The next day, Fr. Chang and I visited the Archbishop Andrew Choi suspending the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, application of the Archbishop’s Decree the Congregation for the Clergy, and the Congregation for the Evangelization of Several months later, in July 2008, we Peoples. We were warmly received at all were informed by a Bishop (We are not three Congregations. It was comforting at liberty to reveal his name at this time), to learn that the Bishops and priests in who had visited the Congregation for the those Congregations had already been well Evangelization of Peoples and asked about informed about the situation in Naju and were the situation concerning Naju, and learned especially sympathetic to Fr. Chang who had that Cardinal Dias had sent an official letter been unjustly punished by his Bishop. They to the Kwangju Archbishop regarding Naju, advised us that the office in the Holy See most which contained the following information: competent to handle the Naju case was not the Apostolic Tribunal but the Congregation As what has been happening in Naju for the Evangelization of Peoples, which is is considered a private revelation, the responsible for the pastoral guidance and restrictions do not apply to the pilgrims supervision of the Church in Korea. to Naju. Likewise, the penalties on Fr. Aloysius Chang should be lifted. Fr. Chang So, we presented copies of the legal documents can celebrate Mass. to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and the Congregation for the Clergy Thus, the Cardinal was informing the Kwangju and presented the original documents to Archdiocese that the penalties mentioned its Decree could not be applied. Therefore, the the Congregation for the Evangelization of faithful who consider visiting Naju need not Peoples. worry about the threat of excommunication Thus, Fr. Aloysius Chang’s Appeal against any longer and, also, Fr. Aloysius Chang is the Kwangju Archdiocese’s Decree was not to be expelled from his diocese and can formally received by the Holy See within continue his priestly functions. Of course, 30 days from the day the Decree had been Cardinal Dias was not making the final issued. On February 16, 2008, Saturday, decision on Naju, as this decision will be we were allowed an audience with His made by the Congregation for the Doctrine Eminence Cardinal Ivan Dias, Prefect of of the Faith after the completion of its the Congregation for the Evangelization of examination of the doctrinal and theological Peoples, who had just returned from a trip to issues involved in the Naju case.
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