Do You Know Your Radio and Movies? Try Our "So You Think You Know Music" Test and Hollywood Crazy Quiz Movie and Radio Guide M. L. ANNENBERG, Publisher CONTENTS NEXT WEEK Movies THIS WEEK W HEN we sent J<'Imes Street out to Shirley Temple in "Young People" .......... 2 S INCE the first d"ys of r"dio. people Full- page Portrait 01 America's Darling Hollywood a few weeks b..,d to Edward G. Robinson as "Brother Orchid" 3 with ide"s h"ve been meeting with do " series on Hollywood for you, we Little Caesar Become, a Monk the onswers "no" and "it con't be done." had no idea of the effect the movie A Hollywl')od Cruy Quiz ......... , .. 4 This wee~ we present" slory telling how clIpiltil would have upon the quiet A Question-a1ld-A1Iswcr Game lor Everyone The Maki ng of an Unforgetable Moment ..... 6 scores of ide" men "nd women h"ve young man from Connecticut. It ' wos Zorin.a in " 1 Wtu an Adventuress" proved it jusl doesn't work to s"y "no" only recent!)' thot we hoppened onto Two Happy Peop le ........... By James Street 8 in rlldio. One of them is Be" W~in, the letters he wrote home. lind because Tile Clark Gable-Carole Lombard Marriage songstress of the "Hit P"r"de." You' lI they lire such grond human documents This Week In Hollywl')od .... ,........ ....... 10 get II b"ng out of her experience end Lates' News from the Film Capital , ebout the most "Turnabout": Picture of the Week ........... 12 D"n Golenp"ul's "mating pltlee in Starring Carole Landis and John Hubbard Md Dovid S"rnoff's. Americo!l, we've de~ This Week on the Screen . .. .... 14 Reod "A ThousMd Revi.ewing the New Pictures cided to PIISS them Times No!" (p. 42). on to you via these Radio In this week's issue poges. Commenc­ Coming Radio Events ..... , 17 III~SO you'lI find ing next week, we Bob Hope's Ship Comes In 18 oodles of quiz The March of Music ..... By Leona rd Lieb ling 20 give you these in­ Th is Week', Programs . ............... 22.38 g"mes. There's " tensely humen lind On Short Waves ...... By Ch.rles A . Morr iso n 39 story of -'50 You intimate reections Men Behind the Di.1 ..................... By Think You Know Oorl')' hy under the title. "A Carlton E. Morse u told to Kate Holliday 40 Music" (p. 50). with l amour First Families of Radio ..................... 41 Connecticut Yonkee P resenling Ihe Gooks questions missed by in Moviell1nd." A Thouund Times '· No! ".. By Leslie Lieber 42 f"mous musicians. ASide from this reve"ling letter, next But Don't TTJI Saying If in Radio Try your skill lIt the qvestions thev _e1o::"s issue is one crammed with good This Week Along the Alrlal tos ... By Willon missed. There's 0 "Hollywood Cr~zy Brown. Evans Plummer .nd Don Moore 44 retlding. Btlby Quintanilitl, who st<!lrted A Gay Nineties Glamour Girl ....... 47 Quiz" {po 4) too. which will surprise and " new infllnt·fed with her performllnce Beatrice Kay of the "Gay Ninelies Revue" IImuse you no end. Then, if you wish to in "Forty little Mothers," is delightfully On the Bandwagon By Mel Adams 48 try your skill professionally. look on the profiled. There's ~ grMd story by Mitchell Ayres: Balld of the Week opposite p~ge for 0 "lillilln Russell Con· This Is Dick Jurgens ...... By Howard Meyerl 49 FrMcis Ch~se, Jr., of the rise of Jo~n The Show They Couldn't KIII .. By Victor ROlen 50 test"-"nd remember our liniM Russet! Font~ine to her, port in "Rebecc~ . " What Jl.Iakes "So You Thblk You Know story in Illst week's issue will help you. M1Uic" Tick? Words·Withln·Worda Co ntest 52 The Voice of the Listener 53 The Girl on the Cover Is Divorce an Evil? Mr. Fairfax Repliea; Bull s .nd Bonera 54 Is divorce M evil? Should teen.~ge 25 Brain·Busters ............. 55 Crossword Puzzle; Birthdays 56 Plluietie Godd~rd w~s known for ~ children pet or ned? Is the fomily the You Aaked for Them . .. ... Facing Page 56 long time lIS the protegee of Ch"rles lost bulwork oqoinst the disintegrotion Nancy Martin and EvelJlII LJlnne Ch"plin Md, perhops. his wife. In" of civiliza-tiant Whot's wrong with Programs series of dYMmic screen portroyols, nlQdern wives? When should young Saturday. May 18 ..... 22 more recently. P"uletie h~s demon· m.rried couples have their first child? Sunday, May 19 ... 24 str"ted th"t she is lIn actress of re~ 1 These ~re oU.importMt problems to Monday, May 20 26 promise Md one who is bound for the IT!.odern Americon fomilies-inc!uding Tueaday. May 21 .... 29 top rung of f"me's I~dder. At the Wednesday. May 22 31 fn'e Borbours of "One Mon's Family." SlIme time. it has been reve~led that Thursday. May 23 . 34 who. in the opinion Friday. Ma y 24 .... 36 M is s Godd"rd is of mllny listeners. re~lIy Mrs. Ch~rles have solved m 0 s t CUltis Mitchell. Editor Chllplin. At the of them quite bellu, Vol. 9. No. 32. M.y 18·24, 1940 IIIge of fourteen tifully. Next week 731 Plymouth Court, Chicago. III . Paulette was reo Hollywood writer ASSOCIATE EDITOR, Martin Lewis; MAN",(;J N(; EDITOR, sponsible for pro· Klly Proctor seeks Ruth Bizzell; DEPARTMENT..... EDITORS: Gordon viding a living for the Mswer to their Swarthout, Movies; Wilson Brown, New York; herself lind her Evans Plummer. Hollywood; Don Moore, Midwest; achievement in II Leonard Liebling. Music: Richaz'd Kunstman, Pro­ mother. At eight. story c~lIed "Fllther grams; James Hanlon. Education; Charles A. Mor­ een, she w"s knock- J. Anthony Bllrbour's Code for rison. Short Waves; Mel Adams, Bands and Or­ ing ~f Hollywood's Paulette Smythe living." In mMy chestras; EDITORI ... L ASSISTANTS: Jo Brooks, John gotes. It w"s Goddard Carlson, Francis Chase. J r" Raymond Hanlon, Viva wily s Fllther B.!lr· Liebling. Charles Locigno. Az·th ur Miller, Clarence while working on bour is .!l stuffy old goot Md on opin· Reuter, Melvin SpiegeL "The Kid From Sp~in," with Eddie C,,"· iOMted old coot besides. Th.!lt C.!lrl· Tho foll""ln. Ih' ,h ......... or "Ifl"'" ""hll.""" In ,loll I" ." I· ••• J. lor, th"t she met Ch"plin. Ch~pli n h"s ~I_ t;1I"~t; I·... 4· t:d I;".h"-; I·... ~ Willi.... ; 1"80 t WI". Ion E. Morse, ~uthor of the seri~1. World: f· ... If W." I).. l •. Jocit "1~ln; 1'.,. II .J_ "!bin. II,!,,,,, done much to further her c~reer lind ".1I0j'; I'.... 14· ·11. 01 ~IJ: I'... I ~ - l"lnc r.I"" ••• ; I·... I_II . " relldily ~dmits, but he insists th~t there U.,I" I·... If--lliln t:n.lhh. W'II11"h, .;.1 .... ""Inln. Jo.... , .. fbln; I'u, she will "ppe"r opposite him in "The it--SI'l- Iloll,.........t ~'"dl .. : I'",. U 1< ..... 11. "." I· ... H - J .... _'lloIn; would be c lot more h~ppiness lind ~ !'•• • i$- ".,,- Ih~'...-l, )J.U...... : 1' ... U_I_ I'hoeo !It,..., ... ll,.. f._ Gre~t Dictlltor." From on import""t 1'. !It._; I'",. H U,~: I'",. U - UU ..... II'. Gola; I·.... $1 0 ..',,, lot less hellrt·bre~k if more fllmilies fol. \l Gol. : r ... ln. I· ... u · lot •• ,I'" !It, .... " plIrt in "The Women." she went to "The lowed the 'code which Kay Proctor tells llo<l. " 'D IU,,"O 0,"00: IT".. II.rtt I'.,,,,,...! v. S, 1',( 011\«1. ,."'"_ C~t lind the Ccn"ry." with Bob Hope. I.~, "'._lI<r n_ w .." or )1 •• I~·H, .... _ Publl,,,",, _lr br u.. you ~bout ned week. Her story will '·... 11. l·...... ar. UI I'I1_UI (·... n_ Cl>f .... ro. 11ft ..... ..:.,.<0<1 .. _.! 8ec"use of her success in this hysterio­ .1 __let .1 III< I '~o( HII\«. ('h1 ....O. WI ...I •. t·.., ....., II, lUI. u_, give interesting side·lights on the Bor· 1110 ot\ or )J.rd> J. lIa ....,_""'" br Pool Ofllt<t 1I0I>0'1_,. 01 ..... comic p~rt, she w~s "g"in c~st with ". __ .. _-.f ......,.... '.... '.I.II!. l I n. br' tbo 4· ...11. c_. bours themselves. But it will do more ..11 ,.,III • .-ned. )[ L.~, 1· ... 1_'; Amol<1 K ...... _'or; Hope in Paramount ' s "The Ghosl <-.. d t:t ..., • • _ ..1 lof ......" ..... toll, ('1...,.1.41 .. )1 ......,. C_ld,"", thon thot. It will offer perple~ed fathers ..........1 .... _1<1 boo __led br .....-, .. 11·. __ ...... 1000 I.. Breokers." the next Goddord film to be !'OW"'. T .......... _, 10 tbo 1'.110<1 II.. ,... ""...... I"U ........ In and mothers a pion for living which mlly U>t U, B. __._1 ........ _""I.. or IN 1· .. ·_'_kuI 1_" 1'",.. 1. rele"sed. She is now working in Cecil ••• _no. 2,)1; _ "", 14.11. ~."""I"'IOI> .. ,•• I. r.... I'" _",.1 •. 50lve many of the problems which beset ,,. _. U.H; ........., U.II. K<-o.I. "" _,ot -.- _ .•_ . 8. De Mille's "North West Mounted -.-..- .. _ ....... n '0 ... .so. or II.. , ·, •• " . II •• ,,, ~" - '.1. "U"..... a porent of the twentieth century. ""I., ..... ....-,..... .. .1 ·" ~.,~uo , .. u •• Police." He,",. you, chance to win One 1 Li/Hon RusseJ/ was called"Tbe Most ~./ BeoutHu/ Woman in America. " Thousand DoJ/ars-or ony 01 132 other big cash True 0 False 0 prizes! It's easy! It's lun! The glamorous, foscinating 2 "Diamond Jim" Brody was Lillian beauty, whose lile and loves soon will be seen in Russell s ardent admirer and show­ the spectocu/ar 20th Century-Fox picture, "Lillian ered her with costly jewels.
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