VOL. IHL, NO. 137. (Cl— HiM Advcrtlatiif P s fe 14.). MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, MARCH 12, 1934. (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS BIG PRIZES FEATURE VETERANS’ BONUS B IU OF COOKING SCHOOL NEARS VOTE IN HOUSE State Tbeater to Be Scene of MAY ASK RKTRAINT This Year * Sessions - QJJ U Q jjQ jj More Than Two-Thirds Vote High Court Allows Valuable Gifts Absolutely for Immediate Considera­ Free Every Day— No Owners of Package Stores Big Hartford Merger tion of Patman Measure; Admission Charged. of State Engage A tt Spd- Washington, March 12— (AP) —#quired by purchase or otherwise, or Democratic Leaders Sdent The right of two Connecticut com­ the distribution of physical prop­ panies to merge in a declared effort erty brought into a single ownership Bustle, scurry, excitement filled lacy to Seek Legal A i i to give the public lower costa and to by merger.” When Vote Is Taken. TnaintAin employment was upheld the atmosphere at the State theater today by the Supreme Court. The Arrow Electric Company and today. The final preparations for Hartford, March 12.— (AP) —The The Arrow-Hart and Hegeman the Hart and Hegeman Manufac­ Washington, March 12.— (AP) — the Manchester Herald Cooking possibility of a constitutlcmal court GHectric Company appealed from a turing Company consolidated into By more than a two-thirds vote— Federal Trade Comnfission order re­ the Arrow-Hart and Hegeman Elec­ School, which opens tomorrow morn­ to sit on the questions raised In the that necessary to override a Presi­ fusing them permission to imite. tric Company. Before consolidation, ing at 10 o’clock, were under way. dential veto— the House today ap­ The grocer was making deliveries, liquor control situation in light of Lower courts held the merger was they had a total capitalization m proved Immediate consideration of for Mrs. Edna R. Crabtree needs a the Supreme Court’s decision which an illegal consolidation of two com­ approximately 84,580,000, the Ar­ peting companies. row company bavhig been known in the Patman cash bonus bilL The lot of good things to stir and mix granted druggists the right to have roll call vote was 313 to 104. Into the dishes she will demonstrate their own permits to sell intoxicat­ The decision was 5 to 4. The opin­ the trade for its socket line and ion was handed down by Justice the Hart and Hegeman Company Immediate consideration of the tomorrow. The dairyman w m de­ ing liquors, was seen today as the 82,200,000,000 measure got under livering from his fine supplies; there outcome of the meeting yestenlay Roberts, with CJhief Justice Hughes for its switch line. and Justices Brandeis, Stone emd The consolidation was first at­ way after it was agreed that two were fruits and salad oil, loaves of of protesting package permit hold­ hours of debate be equally divided bread and bags of flour. Looked ers. • Cardonzo dissenting. tempted through a holding company which was dissolved when the Fed­ between the proponents and oppon­ Idee preparations for a party. And It was Indicated yesterday after The commission ruled the ctmsoll- ents. dation of the Arrow Electric Com­ eral trade commission in March, that’s just what it is, a big party the protest meeting held here that Representative Fish (R., N. Y.), pany and the Hart A Hegeman 1928, Issued a complaint against it for the housekeepers of Manchester counsel for the Connecticut Package controlled the opposing hour and and vicinity. Store Aseociatlon, Inc., newly Manufacturing • Co., violated the The two companies then decided to merge, but the commission in July, Representative Patman (D., Texas), list of Prizes formed, would seek a Federal in­ Clayton Antl-’Tnist Act. that for those who favor paying the junction to restrain the Connecti­ It took the position the two com­ 1932, ordered the dissolution, holding Here are some of the prizes that the consolidation was in violation >t bonus with United Statees notes. cut Liquor Control commission panies before the merger had been “Everybody knows what the re­ the women of Manchester and sur- active competitors, and that the the Clayton Act. from issuing druggists permits as sult is going to be and we might hs toonding places may win simply by required imder the law’s interpreta­ consolidation bad resulted in sub­ Asserting the public had suffered filling out the blank that win be well do it here and now," said Can­ tion by the Supreme Coiul of Elr- stantially lessening competition. no Injury through t;he consolidation, non (D., Wis.). ven to them as they enter the rors of this Bt&ti. The new company contended tbe and insisting it had benefitted leater: “The only reason this, debars is S Studying Situation merger was legal, asserted there through manufacturing economies, wanted Is because some members Grand prizes to be given at the Inquiry today showed that coim- had been no lessening of competi­ resulting In lower prices. Improved A heavy police guard surrounded (left to right, In foreground) Irving IDllen, Murton Millen an<l Abraham want to get their names in the Con- end of the four dasrs session include: sel for the package store men are tion, and declared it was in the in­ quality and continued operation of Faber when they were brought to court in Dedham, Mass., to plead not guUty to five indictments In gre^onal Record tomorrow.’’ Carton of 25 packages of Rlnso; one studying the situation to see if a terest of induArial recovery, im­ the plants, the company contended it connection with the 813,900 Needham Tnist Company hold-up. Spectators booed and hissed the accused Leaders Silent 24 1-2 poimd bag of Pillsbury’s constitutional court would be the men. proving employnoent conditions and was meeting active competition in It was noticeable during the de­ proper channel along which to move. flour: one Congoleum rug from Wat- giving the public lower prices. its field from other concerns and bate on the motion to consider the Idns Brothers; 10 rolls of wallpaper Such a court sat in the complicated In handing down the court’s de­ that the consolidation did not 'ji- problems of the film industry, truck bill that none of the Democratic and border for one room from cision Justice Robert^ observed that volve monopoly. leaden sx>oke in opposition. Thomas McGill; one Universal elec­ transportation over state highways, it was unnecessary to consider It asserted tbe enforcement of the and the gasoline tax. Representative I;»bella Greenway tric cooker from Manchester Elec­ whether competition was diminish­ commission’s order would work good Retain Spellacy PRISONERS RIOT (D., Ariz.), close friend of the tric Compnay; two 2-pound boxes of MELLON CALLS CHAR(XS, ed by the holding company since to no one; that it wcnil<’ innihilate Roosevelts, voted for consideration. ■Vogue chocolates from Bidwell’s. ’Thomas J. Spellacy and his office 'the commission lacked authority to or greatly weaken one of the com- associates have been retained by Representative Byms of Tennes­ Daily prizes include: 25 bags of issue any order agEilnst the petition­ pcmles if forced to separate, and the package men to repBfl|ett them see, the Democratic leader, voted AS LIGHTS FAIL er.” would result in throwing many per against groceries valued at over 18.00 each; in such proceedings as ace insti­ H A Y M C R lto POLITICS The justice said that the Clayton sons out of employment at a time three quarts of Manchester Dairy tuted. Attorney Hpellacy aaid t o ­ Chairman Doughton (D., N. C.), Anti-Trust Law, under which the when the Federal govem m ^ t was ice cream; one large carton of toilet day the matter of pfoosfiiire la being of the ways and means committee, commission izsued its order “does attempting to promote industrial re­ goods from Arthur’s Drugstore; one studied, It may 1^, be- voted to discharge his own group can of paint fsosa. Thomas McQiU; pot forbid t)iej^qutrfliaeat of. prop- covery and increase employment. uid bring the bill before the House. GbroxnieBi is .Ik Sgpe One Sets Fire to Mat­ erty,^sthe’ merger of corponUionz one pound box of Vogue ^ocolates (OtfBtlaned on F ife Plvey ’The ■4ewer^Federal courts sustain­ from Bidwell’s; one Nellie Don dress pwriNKuri to 4riate'tatwz, nor does It ed tbe ort^ of the comniisslon, but AIR MAIL DDBATi; from J. W, Hale Company and Cabinet Member for In­ tress in New Haven Jail provide any machiaery for com­ It was set .aside,.by the Supreme Washington, March 12.—(AP) — florsd table centerpiece from Ander­ SET FOR THURSDAY pelling a divestiture of azMts nc- Court. Coi^iSw vibrated 'today ^th ac­ son Greenhouses. v and Trouble Starts. tivities that case their qbadows into Gifts donated by various Man­ BUSINESS OUTLOOK come Tax; Preparing tc the fall campaigns, :he House, being chester merchants to be given away forced to a bonus vote and this Sen­ at the stores on Saturday for which Brin^ Score of Suits. ate at conflict oyer air mall. coupons will be distributed to all IS ENCOURAGING :rmer Utilities Magnate New Haven, March 12.— (AP) — SALT LAKE CITY ROCKED Two votes were necessary before women attending the Cooking school Darkness— sudden and complete— the House could send to the Senate the Patman bill to pay the veterans' will be as follows; One pair of Kall- ’.erved as a signal for general riot­ Washington, March 12.—(AP) — Must Get Out of Greece obligations in United States notes. sten-lk shoes by C. E. House and ing among 227 fear stricken prison­ The petitioners, who ran counter to Bon; one walltype ironing board by The Justice Department, cracking BY SHARP EARTHQUAKE Head of U.
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