Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 10-7-1983 The BG News October 7, 1983 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News October 7, 1983" (1983). BG News (Student Newspaper). 4170. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/4170 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Senate Republicans ask Watt for resignation WASHINGTON (AP) - Senate Re- onstrated that support for Watt had board of directors that the secretary the issue. "He didn't think it was an kind, he wouldn't be a part of the conceded the interior secretary was Sublicans served blunt notice waned far beyond previous estimates, "has done a fine Job." impeachable offense, and I don't ei- administration." in deep trouble. 'ednesday that Interior Secretary and a consensus emerged that the The president said Watt made "a ther," Reagan said. As for the Republican caucus, Sen. "There is an increasing number of James Wan must go, or face a strong secretary should resign for the good stupid remark" when he referred to Bob Dole of Kansas said "Some very members of the majority who are of vote of no confidence. But President of the party. Minority Democrats, in an advisory panel on coal leasing as "I recognize that a mistake was strong feelings were expressed. the opinion that a change will ultima- Reagan said Watt "has done a fine their own caucus days earlier, unani- "a black .. a woman, two Jews and a made," the president said. "He There's a very, very strong feeling tely have to be made," Stevens said. Job7 and a "stupid remark" didn't mously endorsed a call for Watt's cripple" two weeks ago. (Watt) recognizes that, too. What he that Secretary Watt should leave." merit his removal. ouster. was trying to say was not based on REPUBLICANS had a wide rang- Reagan, whose aides had pro- BUT REAGAN told the AP direc- any malice, any prejudice of any And even Watt's must outspoken ing discussion of Watt at the caucus, Senate GOP leaders said a stormy, nounced the case closed over Watt' tors he agreed with House Demo- kind... If there was any bigotry or defender of late, Assistant Republi- and almost all agreed, according to doaed-door caucus Tuesday had dem- last week, told The Associated Press cratic Leader Jim Wright of Texas on malice in the man, prejudice of any can Leader Ted Stevens of Alaska, participants, that Watt should resign. vol. 66. issue 24 friday, October 7,1983 new/bowling green state university Dam bill OK'd WASHINGTON (AP) - A bill that the limited capacity has served to Leader would finance federal dams and wa- back up river traffic. terways, including projects in Cleve- Rep. Thomas Luken, D-Ohio, rose land and Gallipolis, Ohio, cleared the on the House floor in support of the House by voice vote yesterday and Gallipolis project, saying he had re- dies in car steamed toward the Senate. cently visited the facility and noticed An amendment offered by Bob Ed- "what an obstruction it is to naviga- gar, D-Pa., that would have dropped tion." M of the 43 projects in the bill -includ- Luken called the project "an abso- explosion ing the Gallipolis and Cleveland pro- lute neccessity affecting not only the jects -was defeated by a vote of 271- Ohio Valley region... but much of the 133 after more than three hours of mid-continent and northeast quadrant BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - Prime debate. of the United States. It has been Minister Shafik Wazzan accused Is- In remarks for the House floor, designated as one of the two most rael yesterday of a "flagrant viola- Clarence Miller, R-Ohio, said the bill, critical bottlenecks in the inland sys- tion" of the May 17 troop withdrawal combined with authorizing legis- tem," he added. accord and indicated Lebanon might lation, would provide for a complete Rep. Robert Wise, D-W.Va., called scrap the pact. overhaul of the Gallipolis dam, on the the Gallipolis facility a "chokepolnt" In southern Lebanon, meanwhile, Ohio River, and construction of a new on the Ohio River. an Israeli-backed militia commander 1,200-foot lock. The present 600-foot "THE LOCKS are too small today switched on the ignition of his car, lock, half the length of others on the to accommodate modern barge traf- setting off a bomb that killed him and river, is a cause of delays in river fic," Wise said. "Gallipolis epit- critically wounded his wife in a tow- shipping. omizes our nation's deteriorating ering ball of flame. Thes appropriationsapt bill is dependent infrastructure. Products from 19 dif- The victim, Hussein Wahbe, a Shiite upon an ferent states move through the Galli- Moslem, headed the Israeli-supported measure polis locks and dam. The funding militia known as the National Guard priations provided for Gallipolis in this bill is in Adloun, 30 miles south of Beirut. usual congressional procedure and sincerely needed, or else a major Israeli forces sealed off the town and funded projects that Congress has not traffic crisis at Gallipolis can be ex- arrested 40 members of the Shiite yet formally approved. pected by the end of the decade." Amal militia, which has vowed to Rep. Mary Rose Dakar, D-Ohio, punish any collaborator with Israel. "The total estimated cost of a new said Cleveland has been waiting for Wazzan accused Israel of violating Gallipolis locking chamber and an more than a decade to get its harbor the pullout agreement by its partial updated dam is set at $325 million," dredged. withdrawal of troops from the Chouf Miller said. "We expect the House to "I am convinced that because we and Aley Mountains Sept. 4. soon consider a bill authorizing $280 were unable to get the funding to "Israel has violated this agreement million for Gallipolis, with a major dredge our harbor and to provide for by staging its sudden, partial withdra- portion of funding for the project to be all-weather projects, that we lost hun- wal, which caused the very massive taken from the user fees collected dreds, if not thousands, of Jobs," misery and destruction that we from the barge industry and set aside Oakar said. "Five hundred thousand sought to avert by speeding up the in the inland waterway trust fund." jobs, in one way or another, plug into negotiations to conclude the accord," THE BILL also provides funds to whether or not our harbor is able to Wazzan charged. dredge the east and west entrances to accommodate vessels properly. We Cleveland harbor, extend the break- can't wait any longer." BECAUSE OF this "flagrant viola- water at the extreme end of the har- Rep. Louis Stokes, DOhio, said the tion of the agreement, we will not rule bor and add recreational facilities Cleveland port is a major transporta- out a reconsideration of the accord," he said. along the lakefront. It would allow the tion link to the steel industry, the bq news sioit/Poirck Sondor harbor to accommodate a new gener- largest iron ore receiving port on the Wazzan added that the Lebanese ation of bulk freighters, which mea- Great Lakes. Fresh flowers government has never exchanged ra- sure 1,000 feet by 105 feet and bold up "The activity of the Cleveland har- tified treaty documents with Israel to 00,000 tons. bor is closely linked to the economic Oenlse Carroll, sophomore with an undeclared major, stops to smell the flowers that the Kappa Delta pledge because "we reached a stage where The Gallipolis locks and dam were vitality of the Cleveland metropolitan class is selling to raise money for philanthropy. The flowers are on sale in the University Oval. we felt the accord would not yield the constructed in 1937, nearly 280 river area, the entire northeast Ohio re- fruits we hoped it would produce." miles downriver from Pittsburgh, and gion," he said. Bill becomes effective Undressed man roams COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) - A long- ployees of the state. At the start, meetings around Ohio to explain the by Marcy Grande "He just shows up every now and been able to capture him, because debated bill giving Ohio's public em- SERB, among other things, will make bill's purpose and to help employers staff reporter then in his skivvies and sits in one of his mysterious escape tech- ployees collective-hargaining author- rules and regulations to implement and employee groups prepare for its of the caroles." niques. ity - including a limited right to strike the bill and collect information from local implementation. The "Fruit of the Loom Man," - His latest escapade was Tues- "WE HAVE NOT pressed -becameeffective yesterday. employers and employee organiza- Under the proposal, which Ohio's you never know where he'll turn day night on trie fourth and eighth charges yet," Gerkens said. "We tions so that it can execute its as- labor unions have sought for at least a up. Lately, he has been turning up floors. just issued him a warning, but The measure will not become fully signed functions. decade, employees wul have the stat- operational until April 1 but it sets in After next April, the board will utory right to form or Join labor in the Jerome Library, but the big The library monitor first he'll be back." motion a series of preliminary ac- conduct hearings, with the power to organizations to bargain tor wages question is what floor will he show spotted him walking around on The dashing drawer displayer tions.
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