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PDF compression, OCR, web optimization usingawatermarked evaluationcopy ofCVISION PDFCompressor 11:30-W.G-N-5pencer Allen,news. 11:15.-w-G-N-Victer If.Lindlahr[MI 11 .45-WBBM-ROsemarY[CI 10,30-W-G-N-Hearys DesireMI. 10 .15-wCFL--FavorlteMelodies.e 10 Q-W-G-N-Neos Ot-W-G-N-Robert tiVVilrii.dlItteetVoiniti:"Ifforld [C]. 0 WI11334-Paul WCFL-1000 W5OFC-1450WEHS-100.1 v.-EY:R-810 12:15-WBBM-Ma Perkins[CI. 0 11,15-W-G.N-yariet7 Fair.. fit ing Ume. v. L8-820 v. A/T-820 wILL-nso W-G-N-720 O--W-G-18-Meet 0 12: 45-W-G-N-CheckerboardJamboree. 1.2:30W-G-NParraer's MarketReporter. [It] indicatesMRS.[tilNBC,felCBS.and 2 45-1VBBM-DaVldHarlin/(Cl. 9 30-1V-G-N-SayItwithMusicChM 0 25-liymnsofAllChurches[Al. 9-15-W-G-N-5pots ofMusic. i. 95-WBBM-Life,LoveandLouise. 8 :45-1V-G-N-TheWishingWell. 8 30-W-G-N-IlappyBirthday. 6,15-W-G-N-Two TonBaker,song. 7:55-WMAQ-Clifton Utley,news. 7:45-B111 Hamilton,news. 7:30-WBBM--Musical Clock. 7:15-W-G-N-Newst RecordReveilleto8a.m. 6-55-WBBM-New isReporter. 6:45-W-G-N-Morolor News. 6.30-W-G-N-Farm Service. 6 15-WMAQ-TownandFarmprogram. 5 45-WBBM-TheCountryhour. 5:30-W-G-N-Farni hourandnews. 1.:4S-W-G-N-Cedrie 1.40-IIMAQ-Betty Crocker[NI. 1:3D-w-G-N-Famous Names. 127-WMAG-Masquerade, serial[N). 1, 5-w1313M-PerryMason.serial[CI. Programs arelistedIncentraldaylightsav- AAF-950 2:30-W-G-N -Harlem Ilaspitalityrml. 2:15-W-G-N-Who IsIt/ , B8s1-780 NIAQ-670 . -1v-G-N-Leee HareFen. -W-G-N-Dr. GeorgeCrane. -SV-G-N-Inne /takerprogram. -W-G-N-Old TuneMusk. -W-G-N--Queen torsoDay(31/. WCFL-Don Artiste,pianist. IVAAF-News; MidwestHitReview. WJJD-Music fromHollywood. WL.S-Breakfase InHollywood[Al. WcFL-Radio Courtroom. WBBM-Gold CoastRhythm. WMAQ-Nelson Olmsted. WAIT-Frank Sinatra. WMACI-Norrnan Barry,news. 9:End-Album Leaves. WIND-News; RecordShop. WBBM-Paul Gibsonprogram. wmAQ-Muric ThatSings. WIND-Musical Time. WIND-News; Anniversaryclub. WAIT-Donald MCGIbeney,news. WMAC-Alex Dreier,news. W FIBm-Bigsister(CJ. wys-Roundine UptheWorld. WJJD--25 MinutesfromBroadway. WAIT-Stella WhiteStreamliners. WIND--News; SengsbySinatra. WMAQ-Musical Illikwagon. toLs-Rex AllenandRangeRiders. WCF/;-C11/3 Edwards. WBBM-Rornance ofHelenTrent[C]. WJJD--Muslc orDreaming. WCFL-Man BitesRecord. WMAG-Echoes fromtheTropicsMb WBBM-Aunt Jenny'sstories1.C1: %VITO-Music forDreaming. WLS-Kenny Bakershow[A]. W/ND.-News; MusicbyMartin. WerL-News; PatGleason.. WB13M-Kate SmithSpeaks[M. WMAQ-Food Magician.. WONParade ofMelodyto8p. WIND-Dinah Shore. WJID. WHEZ-WinnietheWAVE. WMAQ-Lora Lawson.Aerie(NI. WLS-News reports. weFL-Ted Malone[Al. WyND-News; FrankieCarle. W.T.TD-Bob McLainquintet. WEFM-Morning concert. IVAAF-Mot ClubofChime°. wLs-Galen Drake[Al. WBBM-Grand Slam(Cl. WMAQ-Jack Berchshow[NJ. WIND-News: SongSerenade. WCFL-News; reportsandmusic. WBBM-Arthur Godfrey[Cl. whiAQ-Pred WaringshowIN]. WLS-Club Time[Al. WENS-Bing Sings. %Very-Eddy Howard. WMAQ-Joyce Jordan.M.D.rm., WIND-Hewn; BingSings. WGES-UnIty Viewpoint. WEDe-Ttalleus musical. WBBm-Evelyn Winters'Romance WhIAQ-Road ofLife[NI. WIND-Going AlongTogether. WsIBI. WM-Si-MorningClassics. WIND--News; StarttheDayRight. WLS-My TrueStoryflth WCFL-News reports. WHAM-Shopping withtheMinus. WMAQ-Katie's Daughter. WBBM-News reports. WAIT-Melody Souvenirs. WEBM-Musical Clock. WJJD-Ernie Simonshowto10. WAAF-News; LutheranGospelhour. WBBM-News reports. Wh/AG-Your Neighborprogram. WCFL, WLS-Breaklastclub[A). WLS-Ervin Lewis,news. WILL-Student Churches. WIJD-Eddie Lamar,newt. WAAF-Gospel Tabernacle. WJJD-Nrws reports. WLS-Happy Hank. WIS-Rex AllenandRangers. WCFL-Halloween Martin. WBBM-News reports. WIND-News; MusicalNevisReview, WAAF-Stinshlrie Melodies. WLS-Sage Riders. w.mD-The AlarmClock, WhIAQ-Norman Rossshow. WeFL-Martin[A]. WCFL-Lew parkershow. WY.s-Ervin Lewis,news.,c WIND-News; WakeUpMusic. wcFL-Fteveille withRoberts. WBBM-Paul Gibson.neat...... WLS-Mac andBob, WIND-Morning Salute, WCFL-WIngs intileMOMing. WLS-Atorning .Devotions. WIND-News; DownSerenade. WCFL-News reports. WMAQ-News andpoultrynews. WLS-Farm BulletinBoard. It:LS-Smile-a-While show. WBBM-The Countryhour. WMAQ-Prayer: EarlyBird. WIND-Sports Edition. WCFL-Ethel andAlbert[Al. WJJD-Dugout Interview, WGES-Itallan-ArnerIcan hour. WAIT-Russ Morgansorchestra. WIND-News; BaseballQuiz, wery-Kleman's NewsCorner[Al. WMAQ-Belleve ItorNot. V.,/ND-Date withaStar. WJJD-Modern MelodyTime;news. WCFL-Serenade program. wBBSI-ROad ofLife[C]. WLS-Dinner BellTime. WMAQ-Elizabeth HartPresents. WJJD-Bing Crosby. Wt_.Sentimental Side. WIND-News; LuncheonMelodies. WBBM-Young Dr.MaloneIC].' WCFL-Nancy CraigrAi. NV/JD-Jack Gibsonshow. WIMAQ-Tunes andTips. WGES-Polish Dinnerbell. WAIT-D'Artega Presents. WIJD-Weltz Time. WAAF-Symphortic hour., WIND--News; GratefullyYount. Wl...s-Farm news. WMAQ-Don Elder,news. weri.--News ,reporteIA]. WCFL--Don Artiste,plantar. WEHM-Or Gal.-Sunday[CIs WJJD-Breakfast --- vas-Ted Malone., WSIAQ-Pepper Young's FamilyIN1. V.*Bilit-Etiltor's Daughter. WCYL-Den Artiste,pianist. whiAQ-Ma Perkins,serial[NI. WBBM-News reports. WGES-Afternoon Varieties. WYS-Ladies, BeSeated[A]. WCFL--News; musicalprogram. wBBM-King's.Jesters. WMAQ-Life Can;BeBeautifulUM WMAGI-Light oftheWorld(NI, WCFL-Perry Como. WBBSC-Rose ofMyDreamsIC1. WHEM-Lone Journey[Cl. VMS-Bride andGroom(A]. WCFL-Benny Goodman. WJJD-Yankees vs.Boston. WLS-Kay Howard. whIAQ-Women InWhiteINI. WIND-Dugout Dope. WYS-Jullan WBBM-Second Mrs,Burton[Cl. NOMAD-Tex:Mrs Children[NJ. WCFL-Tops inTown. WILL--Education Inthe News. CHICAGO FREQUENCIES T'S- AFTERNOON WCRW-1240 WGES-1390 WBEZ-44.5 WEDC-1240 WEALV-I04.3 WMR0-1280 WBBM-99.3 Willie-1240 W.101.-1 ii,10 W.10B-1210 W3,111-1161/ Whi8H-1110 MORNING [MARC. reports. Gibson program. the Stars. F..11isrleigh, news. We:FM-45.1 WC:NB-4L9 and 00.5 and 08.9 FM- . - . - . LC]. 0 in . WMAQIi. WLSLone WLSFteld WJJDBob WLSNews w.o.NDr. 5:45WANTom WENRSky OW-G-NHop WLsNews WINDTheWCFLKiss WLSClIff WCFLBest WGESEasy WCFLBell WINDBert WBBMBob WIND-7Man WMAQDon WENRDlek WMAQJust WBBMPaul 2:45wMAQThe WJJDPublic WMAQSkip WCFLGoing wlmswingWINDSweetWENRJack WCFLNews WMAQNeWs WINDNews:WGESNews WCFLNewswssunewsWMAQJim WMAQJohn WJJDDandWCFLNews:Mint:IEasy WBBMNewsWENRJacic5:30W-61-NCart. WCFLTeens WMAQDave S:05WMAQBudWCFLNews;WCRWOddsWAITJimmy w.r.mDown WINDNews; W1313MNewsWENRTerry wsam--GoldWCFLFrolicaWINDRepayWMAQFront WINDNews: WCFLNews; WBBMLIfe, WINDJimmyWMAQPortia WINDNewa: WCFLMusleWmAQwrien WJJDNewe: WBBMLocel WMAQStella WCFLNews;WLSPursult WBBAIIlint WLSBeuleh V.8:43-1V.O.NInsido 6:30w-o-NDenry MINISDinner ,WONRFulton WBBMRobert WINDMelody WBBMBarry WENRBeulah 4:30W-G.NBaker's 4113W-G-NNoveity WLSMemorics S:45WMAQYoungWCFLMuslcal 3:15W-G.N--Melody WILLMusical W.G.NRobert WEAWDinner WHOMMelody WCFLMalcolm WEFMCocktallWCRWVarietyOf WEFMMusical WGESSwedIsh WMAQLorenzoS:30-1V-el.NIfelland WLSHollywood of SVBBMLinde's Of in watmcomtort on a Mir, WBBMVeteran's F. Who 6:15W-G-NSoperman Quiz. of J. and Bison 6:15W.G.NTelephoneElson. Blade wENRTenriessee Aces. _King Donand Elder, and PageTracy4:45W-G-NAdventure Tea Love.Plain Spike in Miller w.upscoreboara. Page.Things Eddy Runt WMAQBackstage Right LibraryWilson.Farrell, Ranger Sweet, BerghEditor'sreports the Sweet reports,reports LewisPreston theXavier the Wood Thorpe, Record Musicalreports HarriganCoast. Tommyreports. FacesShoo. Lovers'Girl GibsonW-G-NPanificilson] Edwards.Simon Engle Tour. Dallas Rhythm. Ramey.Ringers.firstto Places.Lane. on EVENING TroUt, reports. WJJDPan-Americana, Allen's Dorsey. Widder In reports. Jed Time. the Jones. Memos. concert. - concert. and CameClaire. Holtman,. serial ArmstrongMidnight Korner. Matinee.[A]. Gallowayeerier Ends. program.Goodman. [A]. Kerney..and0111. Band. program. [C].Wife and Jr., Parade program. Dance. Spotlight. Utl.Taylor Solid;show, the to program. Air. show news. Life Jones. Music. news. Hospital [N]. Pronienado., Happiness Kaltenborn.Sport,week. tAl. World-' (A]. His Week. newsArtiste. Lane.Tete-a-Tete. [CI. [M]. Farrell show. show. Lite Hanson, Darkish, Love. and, Bradley. (Al.newsnest, Curat's [A). new0. show. Pirate Darin. serial Marries program. Brown serial UM news baritone. [M]. news. Roundup. SOU.. news rm. Ong [C]. [M]. [M]. Louise. MI. Matinee. Day. CAL [A]. new& Happiness IM1. spicy. Century.[N]. Polish.". MOM supper. [C]. reportl. Adventures. Scoreboard. [A]. INIE (111. [111. (NI. [NI. Oil [MI. reports 11 orch. # -.. .0 , (NJ. O -- 7: 0 WCFL, W.G-NSo WENDI I15wCFLB WLSLum WID3MIn B:30W4I-NOnWINDLes wJJDJan WJJDJob WENRDOn WINDDel WBBMBobWMAQDr. WENDJoe WCFLJack WINDCasa WINDCub WCFLWax wLsSongs ng WINDRay WCFLFirst 12:30-1V.G.NGity 11:30W-04qDsy WBBMThe 7:45WINDTime 00-1V.G.NNews WINDNews; WINDMusicWCFLEddY WINNJackWBBMArne WBBMNews10:30W-G-NPaul WIIBMJackWCFLMusic WINDNews: WCFLMusic WINDNews; WCFLLribor WCFLNews: WCFLWaitz 15:15W-G-NRealWINDNews: WCFLNews 7:55WBBMNews WBBlvtJoan 7:30W-G-NOre0. WINDNews; WCFLNews W.C1-NDarld WMAQliere'sWBBMMarty11:15W.C.NFalion WENDBobby W.G.NNews: 10:45W.0.NKenny WMAQFrank wartitQKleveWENRHerble 10:15W-G-NMusle wpamLowen I. f4:15WCFLStrIngs WSBCJewish WINDHere's WMAQVictor WBFIMRadlo WEFMWaltzWJJDSUPPer WLSSherlock WJJDhteiody WBBMInner WCRWVince WMAQLinger My WMAQMyron the $0:30W-13-NBosion WRBMScreen Deal 7:20WINDMusical WCFLConcert WENDMurder W.G.NGabriel In WENDMusical WSW:IClifton MUMSimper WENRDoctors WR-NFishint and 11:45WENRWagner 3:45WONB--Musleal WF.FMEvening to WENRFireside WENRRhythm 14:)WINESEvening ft WHIMMatinee WBBMMatineeLe 1:20WINDDancing WENRRhythm WEFMSpotlight WENRTreastlry Q. to WGNRoperetta and and 11,41-NScotland *ill WINDSymphonic

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