"... Unity in what is necessory, freedom in ’whofr is unsettled, ond charity in any cas^it!! Denver Archdiocesan Edition FRIDAY, JANUARY 14, 1972 VOL. X L V I—NO. 22 Love Pondering Categorical Aid As late as Tuesday, self did not know wheth­ Governor John A. Love er he would place the had not yet made up his categorical aid question mind about whether he on tiie legislative call. would request legislative Apparently with some action on categorical aid pain, Governor Love w£ for nonpublic school chil­ pondering this questic CL dren. and the question of furtlu y rr easing of abortion san O X Friday, Jan. 7, Martin O LU Work, director of admin­ tions. Demonstrators ca fiOVEimOK EOVE, at the ritfltt , listens to Catholie Chnreh spokes- istration and planning for lier this week picketed f tnen urtfe his avtian in plaeiii;/ cate yorieal aid to nonpnhlie school chil- him to place eased alx • IT) the archdiocese; Msgr. o d re n on th e le g isla iie e eall. i^eft to r iyht are Ifenver attorney T. Itaher W illiam Jones, vicar of Taylor, Martin Worli, direetor of ad ministration ami planning, a n d education, and Denver at­ ISiilloiili ^ t— I Msyr. William Joties, riear for etlne ation. Register readers shonltl knoiv torney, T. Raber Taylor, «=■ 0 0 CO by toflay or toniorroiv tehether th e meeting tvith tin' gorernor teas to At a press conferenc 2: C L t o had met in the governor’s Tuesday afternoon, Ma. X 3 hear frnit. This pieiure teas tahen I ast Fridtty. In the hackgronnd is office to request his call U j —J O John Rrontley, assistant to the yore rn o r. tin Work and Msg =*• tr u to the Legislature for cate­ Jones answered charge CL; LU gorical aid. CC U J CL of the National Asso ^ CL LU iation of Laity on arc »- 5. Such a measure would CL> t o r v .2 allow bus service, school diocesan financial d e . O o . LU South Denver Churches lunches, health care, closures. The Regist X Q books and other peripher­ will cover this story ai al aid directly to the stu­ related issues in dep dents in the same man­ later. Planning Unity Services ner that such aid made available to puijlic school tion on the call, a proposi­ For the third year in a mon and lead the congre­ and professor, currently students.- tion opjxjsed by most row the churches of the gations in prayer. lecturing in the United The categories specified Christians. South Denver area in the On Sunday evening, States. Dr. Baker has had would not be aid to the After the Jan. 7 meet­ vicinity of Washington Jan. 16, pastors and mem­ considerable experience in schools themselves, but ing, Work, Msgr. .Jones Park are observing th e bers of all participating ecumenical relations in aid directly to the stu­ and Taylor had come Octave for Chri.stian Uni­ congregations will join in England and was most dents. away somewhat encour­ ty, but with a_ difference. an ecumenical prayer happy to accept the invi­ The Register talked with aged by the governor’s ap­ This year the ’ participat­ service at St. John’s Lu­ tation of the South Den­ a Legislature staffer to parently open attitude to­ ing congregations intend theran (Missouri Synod) ver Ministerial Alliance. the governor Tuesday and wards the question of cate­ to let their joint warship Church, 600 S. Franklin The prayer format will was told the governor him­ gorical stucient aid. overflow into joint work. St., across from Washing­ follow that proposed b y For the past two years ton Park. In the proces­ the Ecumanical Institute parishioners from eight sion and service each pas­ of the Graymoor Friars in Hospitality House Aids different congregations tor will be robed in litur­ Garrison, N.Y., i n have traveled from one gical garb on his denomi­ Turn to Page 4 Prisoners'^ Families church to another as host nation. Special to the Register on. Two paid counselors pastors gave a little run­ and several volunteers will down on the host church, SPEAKER for the occa­ SAN FRANCISCO — V olunfeers What may be a first for a be there daily to help any and pastors from other sion will be the Rev. Dr. of the 3,000 visitors who churches occupy the pul­ Eric W. Baker from Eng­ Needed diocesan program was an­ come to San Quentin each pit for an ecumenical ser­ land, a Methodist minister Rt'nrer Catholic- nounced recently by Cath­ m onth. CUtmmnnity Serv­ olic Social Services of ices t r i l l h a re a Marin County, California Inside, visiting wives Human Development trtiining session for (Archdiocese of San Fran­ and children can relax in pe rs tins inte re steil cisco). James Kilty of CSS day rooms, eat a free Drive Results in volunteering for reports the agency had op­ snack, warm a baby bot­ any one of a nnm- ened a House of Hospitali­ tle, use a phone, take a l>(>r of programs ty just outside the main shower, hear Spanish Are Announced gate of San Quentin Pris­ Turn to Page 12 Preliminary figures released by Archbishop James sponsori'd by the V. Casey last week show that the Campaign for Human agt'ncy. T h e re is Development collected a total of $41,000 in the Arch­ anyone tcho conld diocese of Denver. The Campaign, now in its second particular need for year, dropped 32% from last year’s collection of $60,000. provide iranspttrta- National in scope, the campaign was established by tion daring dtiytime Archbishop Urges the National Conference of Catholic Bishops. Collections hoars, and for those are taken in all Catholic Churches the Sunday before interested in tcork- Support for Catholic Thanksgiving. ing tvith the elderly. The regeneration of concern for the poor and the The training session mitigation of want are the prime purposes of the cam­ trill he held on Mon­ Communily Services paign, which seeks to fund programs which help the day evening, .lann- poor to help themselves. ary 17 at 7:30 p.m. Twenty-five percent of the total funds collected are in the /\nnex, I OHS CATHOLIC COMMUNITY retained for use in initiating local programs on human firant Street. Earli- SERVICES SUNDAY development. ing i.v available im­ Dear Family in Christ: mediately in front II Of last y e a r’s $60,000 collection, .$40,000 was re­ On Sunday, .January 16, I am asking for your turned to the Denver Community in the form of a grant of the hnilding. Etir- generosity once again supporting the work of Catholic to the Crusade for Justice bilingual school for Chicano ther information Community Services. 1971 was a year of substantial children. Also, $20,000 was granted to Greater Park Hill cat: he obtained hy Change within this organization, formerly known as Community, Inc. Twenty five per cent, or $15,000 last cttllittg Mrs. fmer:^ Catholic Charities. Based on a self-study done during year and $11,250 this year automatically remained here Rotce' at 222-3H2S. the previous year, the name of the organization was in Denver. Turn to Page Two Archbishop Asks Assistance Archbishop Urges In F in n llZ in g S p r in g S c h e d lllc Communlfy Services Continued from Page One In another move to im­ level and to make the Archbishop .lames V. changed to belter reflect its work and philosophy, and prove inter-Church com­ office of bishop m ore Casey has invited Cath­ new directions of service were begun. munications on the local available to the people, olics of the archdiocese to assist him in assign­ Basically there now exist three service agencies; ing dates for all Official Denver Catholic Community Services, Colorado Springs -V • Engagements scheduled Catholic Community Services, and Catholic Community Official Schcfliilcs for the Spring of 1972. He .Services of Northern Colorado, each with its own Board ARCHBISHOP CASEY is asking that letters of of Directors and programs, and a central Archdiocesan Thursday, January 13, invitation be submitted office for overall planning and administration. 7;30 p.m. Fort Carson, Confirmation, Pontifical as soon as possible for all Read Mass. meetings and events in Catholic Community Services is attempting to ad­ Sunday, January 16, which the participation dress itself to all types of human needs and problems: 3;00 p.m. Denver, Cathedral of the Immaculate of the Archbishop or the families in distress, alternatives to abortion, economic Conception Rectory, Seminarian Party Auxiliary Bishop is development programs, work with minority groups, Tuesday, January 18, desired. social advocacy for major community problems, pro­ 1:30 p.m. Denver, Chancery Conference Room, “This request is ad­ grams for senior citizens, and adoptions and budget P riests’ C'ouncil Executive Meeting. dressed,” the archbishop counseling services. Needs of people cross all econom­ BISHOP EVANS said in a clergy ic and social lines, and each need must be addressed Friday, January 14 memorandum, “not only in some manner. More than 17,000 individuals received through to pastors but to every some type of service in 1971 from the organizations. Sunday, January 16 priest, religious superior One of the chief recommendations of the “Planning Kansas City, Missouri, Ecumenical or layman who is in Witness (Joncerning Indo China War. charge of planning” for the 70's” study was that Catholic Community Serv­ Tuesday, January 18, meetings or special ices should relate more effectively to parishes, and help them address their human needs problems on a 7;30 p.m.
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