WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 2020 Hotels welcome rst responders By Anne Marie Tobin isolation. amount of contact if possible. So far, we ITEM STAFF In Lynn, Fire Captain and Public In- have had zero positives, and with 182 formation Of cer Joe Zukas said his de- on staff, that’s pretty good.” Several local hotels are rolling out partment has an arrangement in place Lynn Police Lieutenant Mike Kmiec the welcome mat to rst responders, with the Residence Inn by Marriott in said, so far, nothing is in place for the helping police of cers, re ghters and Danvers. police department. EMTs nd peace of mind and a safe “We’ve been lucky that so far we hav- In Peabody, Holiday Inn & Suites, Ex- place to rest. en’t needed it and I think that’s because tended Stay America, Homewood Suites The hotels are partnering with local we are taking a proactive approach on by Hilton and Hilton-owned Hampton re and police departments to reserve calls,” Zukas said. “We screen the 911 Inn have set aside rooms. blocks of rooms at reduced rates for rst calls to know if it might be COVID and responders who feel the need to be in ask again before we enter to limit the HOTELS, A2 Saugus extends Item photographer Spenser Ha- tax due sak took a 20-minute walk through downtown Lynn on Saturday and this is what he found. date OUR OPINION By Elyse Carmosino ITEM STAFF SAUGUS — Town Manager Scott C. Crabtree will extend the due date for personal and real estate Don’t be taxes to June 1. Crabtree is using a local option to address challenges for local taxpay- ers resulting from the COVID-19 crisis. The new due date will apply stupid even if the due date on previously Symphony of appreciation mailed tax bills or property tax ex- Who are these slobs, these lazy, ignorant emption applications is May 1. fellow citizens, who discard rubber protec- In addition, all interest and other tive gloves onto sidewalks, parking lots for quarantined nurse penalties for late payments of any and anywhere else? excise, tax, or other charges added It’s bad enough that we are all forced when she found out in the last to a tax for any payments with a to socially distance and walk around By Gayla Cawley Katherine ITEM STAFF weekend of March that she due date on or after March 10 will semi-anonymous in masks in an effort to Rush rth was had an exposure and needed be waived if payment is made be- ght coronavirus. But how does any per- surprised with LYNN — For Katherine to be tested. fore June 30. son possessing an ounce of brain power a sidewalk con- Rush rth, a nurse-midwife at The situation was especially “These are tough times for all of think it’s a good idea to discard gloves and cert outside her Massachusetts General Hos- heartbreaking, Rush rth said, us here in Saugus,” Crabtree said in masks wherever they want so that the Lynn home days pital and new mother, being as her mandatory self-quar- a statement released April 13. “We trash sits and festers, a brightly-colored after she was exposed to the coronavirus antine meant she had to be need to continue to work as a com- abomination mocking all of our efforts to exposed to the last month felt like a “worst separated from her infant, munity and stay healthy and safe. bring the world back to normalcy. coronavirus. nightmare scenario.” then 5-month-old Henry, and “We will get through this together.” Item photographer Spenser Hasak in the Rush rth had been dread- husband, Jared Nicholson, Questions regarding payments course of a 20-minute walk in Lynn photo- ing the possibility of being ex- who serves as a member of the should be directed to the Col- graphed 17 discarded gloves and a mask posed to the highly contagious Lynn School Committee, until lector’s Of ce at (781) 231-4135. (above). Lynn is certainly not unique in virus at work and bringing it her test results came back. Questions regarding assessed val- becoming a dumping ground over the last home to her family since the So, when Nicholson told her ues, abatements, or exemptions month for this debris. outbreak began. should be directed to the Asses- How dif cult is it for anyone wearing a NURSE, A2 mask or gloves to discard the protective Her anxiety reached its peak sor’s Of ce at (781) 231-4130. wear properly? Answer: not dif cult at all. Only the laziest and most self-centered among us think it’s OK to practice this be- havior. Virus delivering an What sort of thought process meanders through their heads? Does it occur to them that by discarding protective wear, they are passing on the job of cleaning up this unexpected dilemma mess to someone else — and potentially exposing that person to coronavirus? Those who discard protective gear in a public place are sending a message that in pregnancy their own needs and security are para- mount over the needs and security of ev- By David McLellan say we’re not.” eryone else around them. That sel shness ITEM STAFF Along with much of the popula- ies in the face of the shared social respon- tion, Zukowski has been limiting sibility and concern for all of our collective LYNN — A few months ago, Lynn her contact with others, going out- welfare that will ultimately determine if resident Ashley Zukowski planned side only for walks or exercise, and we survive coronavirus. to have a baby shower, shop for sending her husband to the store How can anyone show such blatant dis- children’s clothes and toys, and with a list whenever she needs regard for basic sanitary practices in an have her husband, Scott, by her supplies. However, “the safety of unprecedented time when a rampant dis- side when she gives birth in July. the child is most important,” and ease is killing people? Answer: because Zukowski, a 28-year-old dental Zukowski has been particularly they are sel sh fools. assistant, is expecting her rst careful about avoiding infection. Imagine working in a grocery store and child, a son. But what was a “nor- This means Zukowski can’t have doing your best all through your work mal pregnancy” at rst has now the same support network by her shift to protect yourself against corona- become a stressful situation with side — no parents coming to check virus, only to walk out to the store park- many unknown variables due to in, no husband allowed in the doc- ing lot and discover you have the task of the COVID-19 virus, which has tor’s of ce during a checkup. sweeping up discarded gloves and masks. infected more than 16,000 in the “I don’t really do anything,” Zu- These fools know who they are and, by state, according to the Massachu- kowski said. “Even just being able de nition, they undoubtedly have no qualms setts Department of Public Health. to go to the store, go shopping, just about littering at a time when life and death “The whole thing is confusing,” a little bit of normalcy, I can’t even hang in the balance. But let’s make it clear Zukowski said. “Some articles I have that, on top of all the hormones as a society that it is time for the stupid and read say pregnant women are at sel sh among us to clean up their acts. higher risk (of illness), and some PREGNANCY, A3 Fauci: “We’re not there yet” to reopen Endicott professors pound away at staying in shape economy, A6 By Elyse Carmosino closed gyms, and warnings to ple are working from home and teaching experience to create ITEM STAFF stay away from others, many are homeschooling their children their workouts. Cuomo: Trump not a seeing fewer opportunities than at the same time,” Marisa said. “We worked together using Endicott College tness edu- ever to stay active. “It’s very easy to sit down all day, the stuff we teach our students king, can’t force states cators Marisa and Jacob Mickey To remedy the issue, Marisa, even when this (virus) wasn’t in the School of Sports Science to reopen, A6 want to help everyone stay active an assistant professor of exer- happening, so this issue really and Fitness Studies, and what at home during the COVID-19 cise science in the school of Sport hasn’t helped at all.” Jake uses with the athletes,” pandemic. Science, and Jacob, an athletic She said she and her husband Marisa said. “We put together Death toll hits 45 at While some have taken advan- trainer in the school’s depart- were asked by the Endicott me- something we would honestly be Virginia nursing home, tage of the extra time and good ment of Athletics and Recre- dia team to put together an at- teaching our students in class on weather during the last several ation, have released a workout home guide of tips and tricks for how to get people physically t.” A6 weeks to t in extra workouts, plan tailored to all tness levels. staying t during prolonged stay- Available on the Endicott the couple worries that between “The sedentary lifestyle is a at-home orders, and the couple overwhelming life adjustments, concern, especially now that peo- said they drew heavily on their PROFESSORS, A2 OBITUARIES ..............................A2 SPORTS ................................ B1-2 DIVERSIONS .............................B5 HIGH 52° VOL.
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