E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 113 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 159 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 2013 No. 32 Senate The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was appoint the Honorable WILLIAM M. COWAN, a ians. It is time for this awful dictator- called to order by the Honorable WIL- Senator from the Commonwealth of Massa- tyrant to step down and allow his peo- LIAM M. COWAN, a Senator from the chusetts, to perform the duties of the Chair. ple to pursue a peaceful transition to Commonwealth of Massachusetts. PATRICK J. LEAHY, the democracy which they crave. Assad President pro tempore. grows increasingly desperate as rebels PRAYER Mr. COWAN thereupon assumed the continue to gain ground despite the chair as Acting President pro tempore. The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- full force of Assad’s military arsenal of fered the following prayer: f planes, bombs, and rockets. President Let us pray. RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY Assad should understand the world is Eternal Spirit, today, as the snow LEADER watching his every action and will not gently caresses the Earth, we are re- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- tolerate his unforgivable slaughter of minded of Your sovereignty over the pore. The majority leader is recog- innocent citizens, including the poten- seasons of our sojourn. You are our nized. tial future use of chemical weapons. provider and protector. You are king of President Obama has made clear— our lives. Lord, we are grateful that f and I support him 100 percent—the use each day when we pray to You, You lis- SCHEDULE of such chemical weapons would con- ten to our prayers. A thousand years Mr. REID. Mr. President, following stitute a red line for the United States means nothing to You. They are mere- leader remarks the Senate will resume and for the national community. Rath- ly a day gone by or a few hours in the consideration of the nomination of er than continue to kill his own people, night. Caitlin Halligan to be U.S. circuit Assad should end the bloodshed and re- Inspire our Senators this day to use judge for the DC Circuit. At 10:30 there linquish power to Syria’s citizens. wisely the fragile time they have. As will be a vote on that nomination. We f You help them to do Your will, may all know the weather is inclement. It is BRENNAN NOMINATION they celebrate the movements of Your getting worse, as I saw coming in. powerful providence. Show them Your I have talked to Senator MCCONNELL Mr. REID. Mr. President, as America mighty power in these challenging today. We are going to vote on the closely observes the unfolding of events times. judge at 10:30. We have the Brennan in Syria and deals with varying threats We pray in Your strong Name. Amen. nomination that we are going to finish around the world, it is crucial that f this week. I have explained to the Re- President Obama has a seasoned na- tional security team in place. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE publican leader that if they are going to filibuster that—and I understand It is often said there is no substitute The Honorable WILLIAM M. COWAN led that is what they are going to do—we for experience, so it is natural that a the Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: could set up a 60-vote threshold fili- 25-year CIA veteran, John Brennan, I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the buster, and then we can go ahead and was reported out of the Senate Intel- United States of America, and to the Repub- have a vote on that today, allowing ligence Committee by a wide margin lic for which it stands, one nation under God, on a bipartisan vote. indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. people to make proper travel arrange- ments. It is strictly up to the minority. Mr. Brennan is a highly qualified f We are ready to make that arrange- nominee and should be confirmed im- APPOINTMENT OF ACTING ment, if they so agree, because of the mediately. As Deputy National Secu- PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE weather. rity Adviser since 2009, John Brennan has been President Obama’s chief The PRESIDING OFFICER. The f homeland security and counterterror- clerk will please read a communication SYRIA ism adviser. He has been at the fore- to the Senate from the President pro Mr. REID. Mr. President, each day front of every major national security tempore (Mr. LEAHY). decision made during the Obama ad- The assistant legislative clerk read the world watches in horror at what is ministration. He is responsible for the the following letter: going on in Syria. Seventy thousand people have been killed as President White House response to pandemics, U.S. SENATE, Bashar al-Assad carries out a campaign cyber threats, natural disasters, and PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, Washington, DC, March 6, 2013. of wanton violence against his own terrorism attacks. He has played an in- To the Senate: people. strumental role in finding Osama bin Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, These atrocities have gone on for far Laden, killing bin Laden, and, in ef- of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby too long—seventy thousand dead Syr- fect, decimating al-Qaida. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S1137 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 07:20 Oct 03, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD13\RECFILES\MAR2013\S06MR3.REC S06MR3 bjneal on DSK5SPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE S1138 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 6, 2013 His distinguished intelligence career The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- taken? Of course not. The belief is in began more than 30 years ago when he pore. Without objection, it is so or- our system of justice both sides deserve joined the CIA as a career trainee dered. a voice in the courtroom and both straight out of graduate school. Mr. Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, the issue sides, doing their best, give justice an Brennan worked his way up through before us is Caitlin Halligan’s nomina- opportunity. That is what Caitlin the agency to serve in senior manage- tion for the DC Circuit Court. I spoke Halligan did as the solicitor general for ment roles in the CIA, including as yesterday in support of her nomina- the State of New York. Deputy Executive Director under tion. It is unfortunate she is going to Listen to this. One of the arguments George Tenant. Years spent working on be forced to face a filibuster; in other being made against her was that while covert and analytical missions and as words, that the Republicans are going she was solicitor general she served on chief of station in Saudi Arabia give to insist on a 60-vote margin for her ap- a bar committee that issued a report him a comprehensive understanding of proval. That is unfortunate because we that favored using article III courts for the CIA’s capabilities and inner work- have tried in the beginning of this Sen- the prosecution of terrorists. Article ings. His knowledge of the Middle East ate session to avoid this kind of fili- III courts are the ordinary criminal will be essential as we continue to buster confrontation. courts of the land under our Constitu- work to defeat al-Qaida and other ter- In the last several years, we have had tion. The report argued that position. rorist threats. over 400 filibusters, a recordbreaking Many Republicans take an opposite po- Mr. Brennan has distinguished him- number of filibusters in the Senate. sition, that anyone accused of ter- self outside of government as well. He What that means is the ordinary busi- rorism should be tried in a military tri- spent 4 years in the private sector as ness of the Senate has been stopped 400 bunal, not an ordinary criminal court. president and CEO of the Analysis Cor- times, when those who were trying to They have held that position. They poration. His extensive intelligence bring up a nomination or bill or argue that position. They get red in background and executive experience amendment faced a filibuster which re- the face saying that is the only way to uniquely qualify him to lead the Cen- quired literally stretching the vote out take care of terrorists and they ignore tral Intelligence Agency. over days and sometimes even over 1 reality. Just as CIA faces the challenges week. That is unnecessary. It is frus- The reality is, since 9/11, President abroad, it also faces significant deci- trating as well. Bush, as well as President Obama, had sions about its future. John Brennan There are a lot of things we need to a choice between prosecuting terrorists must guide the CIA through a series of do and a lot of issues we need to face. in article III courts, the criminal considerations dealing with the Agen- I am not afraid of taking on controver- courts or in military tribunals. In over cy’s relationship with our military, sial votes on the floor. I think that was 400 cases, they successfully, both Presi- how the Agency should respond to the part of the job assignment coming dents, chose to prosecute accused ter- conclusions of a recent Senate Intel- here. I quoted many times my late rorists in the article III courts—suc- ligence Committee report on interroga- friend, my colleague in the House, cessfully.
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