Annales Entomologici Fennici 51: 33-45. 1985. The type-specimens of Heteroptera described by V. Motschulsky I. M. Kerzhner and A. Jansson Kerzhner, I. M. & Jansson, A. 1985: The type-specimens of Heteroptera described by V. Motschulsky. - Ann. Ent. Fenn. 51: 33 45. The species of Heteroptera described by Motschulsky in 1859-1866 are reviewed and for the majority of them (48 species) lectotypes are designated. The following new combinations, new synonymy, and new species are established: Gerridae: Gerris insularis (Motsch.), sp. dist. (not synonym of G. paludum F.), G. yasurmatsui Miy., syn. n. Miridae: Lygocoris viridlanus (Motsch.), sp. dist. (not synonym of L. pabulinus L.); Zanchius pistacinus (Motsch.), comb. n. (from Lep- tomerocoris), = Z. flavovirens (Popp.), syn. n.; Pharyllus distanti Kerzhner, sp. n. for P. pistacinus of Distant, 1904 (not Motsch.). Anthocoridae: BTilia minuta (Motsch.), comb. n. (from Cydnus?). Lygaeidae: Macropes dentipes Motsch., sp. dist. (not synonym of M. spinirnanus Motsch.), = M. privus Dist., syn. n.; Pachybrachius an- nulipes (Baer.) Plociomerus punctulatus Motsch.,. syn. n.; Pamerarmna distanti Kerzhner, sp. n. for Parnera punctulata of Distant, 1904 (not Motsch.). Plataspidae: Coptosoma ellia Walk., sp. dist. (not synonym of C. variegatum H.-S.). Pen- tatomidae: Rhaphigaster nebulosa (Poda) = Menidafusca Motsch., syn. n. The following cases are in need of ruling by the Commission: Contradictions bet- ween discovered remnants of the types and the designated neotypes of Micronecta al- bifrons (Motsch.), Hallodapus albofasciatus (Motsch.) and Onius tantillus (Motsch.), misidentified type-species of the genera Tyraquellus Dist. and Pharyllus Dist., and a forgotten early synonym of Pentatoma metdllifera Motsch. 1. M. Kerzhner, Zoological Institute, Leningrad 199034, USSR. A. Jansson, Zoological Museum, University of Helsinki, P. Rautatiekatu 13, SF- 00100 Helsinki 10, Finland. Index words: Motschulsky's Heteroptera, lectotype designations, new synonymy, new combinations. Victor Motschulsky (1810-1871) was a well-known Rus- from the back of the title page of issue 4: this issue has a cen- sian entomologist who worked principally with Coleoptera, sorship permission dated 22.11. (old style, = 5.111.) 1860. but he also described insects of other orders. In Hetero- Further, acceptance of the number was notified in the meet- ptera, he established 3 generic and 61 specific names pub- ing of the Moscow Naturalists' Society on 25.11. (a 8.111.) lished in 6 papers shortly reviewed below. 1860 (see Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Mosc. 1860, N 2 Seances; Motschulsky 1859a. Page 11 gives a list of 5 new species 17), and reprint of the article gives the year as 1860 on the of Heteroptera collected by Mrs. Gaschkevitsch, the wife of title page and bears a censorship permission dated 1. (13.) the Russian consul in Japan, during her trip in 1858 along Ill. 1860. Origin of the material on the new species was in- the Amur from Transbaikalia to Nikolaevsk (now dicated only in the title of the article: "Environs du fl. Nikolaevsk-na-Amure). All the names are nomina nuda, Amur, depuis la Schilka jusquA Nikolaewsk". Thus, the de- except Cimex cuprifer, which is formally available. scriptions in this paper seem to concern only those new Eurydema pulchella (= E. gebleri Kolenati, 1846, see Kiri- species of Heteroptera that were collected by Mrs. Gasch- tshenko 1915) was never described by Motschulsky, but he kevitsch in 1858, and deposited in Motschulsky's private (Motschulsky 1860a) described all the others later under collection. Therefore, only specimens from this collection more or less different names: Cimex cuprifer as Tropicoris are considered as syntypes by us. As a rule, the lectotype is metalliferus, Cimex decempunctatus as Tropicoris decem- designated from the specimens labelled "Amur", but speci- punctatus, Coptosoma biguttata as C. biguttula, and Alydus mens labelled "Mongol[ia]" and "Daur[ia] m[eridionalis]" niger as A. atratus. and evidently collected by Motschulsky himself from SW Motschulsky 1859b. Three new species were described and SE Transbaikalia, respectively, are also included in the from Ceylon (= Sri Lanka), all collected by J. Nietner (see syntypes. On the other hand, many specimens of Cop- Nietner 1859 for details) from the "Noura-Ellia" district tosomna biguttuluim, Lelia decempunctata, Pentatorna metal- (Nuwara-Eliya, Central Province), principally in the valley lifera, and P. semiannulata collected before 1860 by G. of "Pudul-Aya" (? Pundaluoya of later authors), where Radde, L. Schrenck and R. Maack and deposited in the col- Nietner had a plantation in the "commune de Rambodda" lections of the Zoological Institute, Leningrad, are not re- (Ramboda, about 11 km NW of Nuwara-Eliya). garded as syntypes, although Motschulsky certainly used Motschulsky 1860a. The paper has always been dated also the collections of this institute when compiling his list 1859, but it was actually published in 1860, as can be seen of Heteroptera from Amur. 34 Kerzhner and Jansson, The type-specimens of Heteroptera described ... Motschulsky 1861. This paper includes 5 new species of condition of the specimens for 37 species (all other names Heteroptera from Japan. They were collected by Mrs. mentioned by them are nomina nuda, never used in the Gaschkevitsch (Motschulsky 1860b) in the vicinity of papers of Motschulsky or others). Zhelokhovtzev & "Khokodody" (= Hakodate, her residence), and during Zimina added a printed red label "typus" to the pins with her trips in "Nipon" (Honshu) and "Eddo" (Hokkaido). In specimens bearing Motschulskv's identification label. The addition, in tht notes, a subsequently overlooked but for- paper by Bergroth (1921) and the fate of the types mally available name was given to a species from Greece. examined by him were apparently unknown to them. Motschulsky 1863. Several new species of Heteroptera The types of Corysus semicruciatus and C. brevicollis were described from Ceylon (Sri Lanka). They were col- were examined by Scudder in May 1965 (Scudder & Popov lected by J. Nietner near Colombo, in "montagnes de Nura- 1967, Scudder 1970), and Coptosoma dilatata by Stys & Ellia" (mountains in the vicinity of Nuwara-Eliya) and from Davidova-Vilimova (1979). In 1981, the types of three "Mt. Patannas", an area specified later (Bull. Soc. Imp. species were examined by G. Schmitz, but the results have Nat. Mosc., 1866, N 2. p. 393): "Mont Patannas, Sommite not been published up to date. Schmitz reglued the speci- Patannas ou simplement Patannas" meaning "les prairies mens and added his labels on the pins. elevees de l'ile de Cevlan" in the vicinity of Nuwara-Eliya Several rather recent papers concern examination of the (see Nietner 1859). In the notes, there were also diagnoses types that have been preserved in the collections in Helsinki of some new species from Algeria, Java and Cuba. (although in some of the papers their location was not indi- Motschulsky 1866. Descriptions of some new Hetero- cated): Drake (1956) Monanthia atra, Slater, Ashlock & ptera collected before 1865 by Mrs. Gaschkevitsch from Wilcox (1969) and Slater & Wilcox (1973) Macropes Japan. spinimanus and M. dentipes, Scudder (1968) Rhyparo- Later, Motschulsky (1869-1870) published a list of the chromus brevis, Scudder (I1970) Rhyparochromusfusconer- new genera and species established by him. For Hetero- vosus, Plociomerus bispinus and P. rufipes, Slater & Zheng ptera, this list wrongly included 2 nomina nuda, but did not (in press) Plociomerus rufipes and P. geniculatus. In March include Menidafusca. 1965, Scudder added to all Motschulsky's types of Lygaeidae in Helsinki (except Macropes dentipes) a label "? syntype', and to all except both species of Macropes, his identification label. Motschulsky's type material In 1983. the long overdue Bergroth's loan of Motschulsky's types was returned to Moscow via Lenin- as cases Motschulsky sent syntypes of some of his species to Stfil. grad. But in many concerning Bergroth's collec- who indicated their correct systematic position (StAl 1873. tion, some of the specimens had disappeared and types of 1874, 1876). The types of Anthocoris funebris and only 15 species could be found. The number of specimens in the Stockholm per species and the condition of the specimens were the Eurydema dauricum, deposited Museum. same were later examined by Reuter (1884, 1885). and the type as indicated by Bergroth (1921), except for Strachia of Monanthia? tingoides by Drake (not published?) and geometrica, in which only one of the five syntypes was Pericart of from found, and for Monanthia atra, in which 3 out of the five (1983). Species Coptosoma Motschulsky's were collection were examined by Jakovlev A syntypes found. Correspondence with several private (1880). on number of species from the Amur region and Japan were specialists working Heteroptera resulted in the discov- clarified from the original descriptions by specialists of the ery of some of the type specimens of Monanthia atra, M. and those from by W. L. subovata and M. tingoides in the United States National palearctic Heteroptera. Ceylon Museum. The were Distant (who made some errors as well). However, many of specimens borrowed from Helsinki by the names remained incertae sedis. Dr. C. J. Drake in 1955, and were not returned until now. In the beginning of the 220th century. Motschulsky's badly Thus, of the types studied by Bergroth (1921), only those of two species of Lvgaeidae (Cymus basicornis and damaged (mainly eaten up by dermestids) private collec- Plociomerus tion was discovered in Moscow. and placed in the Zoologi- obliquefasciatus) and four species of Miridae cal Museum of the Moscow Universitv. The director of the Capsus albipes, Deraeocoris piceoniger, D. rubrovtulneratus and D. t'iridanus) are still Museum, Prof. G. A. Kozhevnikov. sent types of 2 1 missing. palearctic species to Dr. A. N. Kiritshenko and types of 23 At our request, Dr. P. Lindskog searched for the types of species (one from Japan, all others extrapalearctic) to Dr. Motschulsky's Heteroptera in the national collection in E. Some or somehow overlooked Stockholm (Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet).
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