.. .~. 3550 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. APRIL 19, John B. Cooper, to be postmaster at Newport, in the county of Snl­ myself; and in the printing of the document there are errors. The livan and State of New Hampshire. document is House report No. 970 on the bill (H. R. 283) defining Samuel S. Piper, to be postmaster at Manchester, in the county of "lard," also imposing a t.'l.x upon and r8ouulating the manufacture, Hillsborough and State of New Hampshire. sale, importation, and exportation of compound lard. I ask that the John Greenfield, to be postmaster at Rochester, in the county of report be reprinted with the proper corrections and as the report of Strafford and State of New Hampshire. the gentleman from North Carolina. Charles S. Ham, to be postmast-er at Foxcroft, in the county of Pis­ The SPEAKER. Does the gentleman claim that this is a question cataquis and State of Maine. of privilege? l\iinot W. Baker, to be postma&ter at Randolph, in the county of Mr. MORGAN. It is a question of privilege, because I am named Norfolk and State of Massachusetts. as the author of the report when I am not; that error should be cor­ Benjamin L. Fifield, to be postmaster at Amesbury, in the county rected, and besides, there are errors in the printing of the report. of Essex and State of .Massachusetts. The SPEAKER. The Chair doubts whether this is a question of Kensey J. Hampton, to be postmaster at Winchester, in the county privilege. of Clark and State of Kentucky. l\fr. MORGAN. Then I ask unanimous consent for the order !have Jeptha T. W. Cole, to be postmaster at Paris, in the county of Henry indicated. and State of Tennessee. The SPE.A.K.ER. The gentleman asks unanimous consent that the George A. Sells, to be postmaster at Larned, in the county of Pawnee report he has specified be reprinted with the proper corrections. Is and State of Kans::18. there objection? The Chair hears none. David W. Pitts, to be postmaster at Garden City, in the county of PUl3LIC BUILDING AT LYNN, MASS. Finney and State of Kansas. Wilson Dillen, to be postmaster at Evanston, in the county of Uinta The SPEAKER also laid before the Honse the bill (H. R. 448) for and Territory of Wyoming. the erection of a. public building at Lynn, Mass., the bill having been Arthur W. Ladd, to be postmaster at Albion, in the county of Boone returned from the Senate with an amendment and with a request for and State of Nebraska. a conference. The amendment was read, as follows: Strike out all aft-er the enacting clause and insert: "That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and di· HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. reeled to acquire, by purchase, condemnation, or otherwise, a site, and eause to be erected thereon a suitable building, including fire-proof vaults, heaLing and ventilating apparatus, elevators, and approaches, for the use and accommoda­ SATURDAY, April 19, 1890. tion of the United States post-office and other Government offices, in the city ' 1 k Th Ch la' R W H M of Lynn and State of Massachusetts, the cost of said site and building, includ- Th e H ousemet a t 12 O ~ OC? m. e ap In, ev. • · ILBURN, ing said vaults, heatin~: anti ventilating apparatus, elevators, and approaches, D. D., offered the followmg prayer: complete, not to exceed the sum of $125,000, which said sum of 3125,000 is hereby Almighty God as we are gathered to pay the last tribute of respect appropriate.d for said P';lrpose, out of any moneys in the United States Treasury · fr ' h · h f I f: mill' ' not otherwise appropriated. an.d a ffiect10n om t e ~ation ~ t ~ memory o a man ong. a ar to "Proposals for the sale of land suitable for said site shall be invited by public thiS Hall and to those freqnentmg 1t, we pray that Thou wilt grant us advertisement in one or more of the newspapers of said city of largest circu­ a reverent sense of this high and sacred service upon which we enter. lation for at least. twenty ~ays prior to the date specified in said advertise- .1 11 h' b illi' t t 1 ts ial h fl h' 't t' ment for the openmg of sa1d proposals. wh. l ewe reca . IS r a~ !!'en , gen . nmor, as mg Wl 's lr- "Proposals made in response to said advertisement shall be addressed and rmg eloquence, his unwearied mdustry, patient labor for the health mailed to the Secretary of the Treasury, who shall then cause the said proposed and cheer of the humblest citizen of the land his generous advocacy sites, and such others as he may deem proper to designate, to be examined in ~- d' t h' fi ty h d I personbyanagentoftheTreasuryDepartment,whoshallmakewrittenreport o f eTery nobl e .measur~ ~n 1ng to promo e t e sa e ! onor, an we - to said Secretary of the results of said examination, and of his recommendation fare of the nat10n; while we remember the graces which he brought to thereon, and the reasons therefor, which shall be accompanied by the original private life the kindly hand the liberal spirit the beaming eye the proposa:ls and~ ttJ.aps, pla~s. and state~ent.s which shall have come into his 1 11 d '· h hts d 1 d h"I' possessiOn relatmg to the said proposed s1tes. SOU I f U 11 0 f ~ sweet an gracwus.t OU~ an purpos~,an W I e:we "If,upouconsidera.tionofsaidreportandaccompanyingpapers,theSecretary remember h1s meek and lowly piety towards Thee! hiS reverent faith of the Trerumry shall deem further investigation necessary, be may appoint a in Thy truth and the hope which lifted him in his last hour from sick- commission of not more than three persons, one of whom shall be an officer of · fir' •ty · t f I tin 1:~ • h"l the Treasury Department, which commission shall also examine the said pro- ne~s an d ID m1 ~to a _s rong assurance O ever as g J.Ue, w I e .we posed sites, and such others as the Secretary of the Treasury may designate, remember these thrngs, hft us all, we pray Thee, to the plane on which and grant such hearings in relation thereto as they shall deem necessary; and he trod· and so may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ enter into eTery said commission shall, within thirty days after such examination, make to the 1 t Secretary of the Treasury written report of their conclusion in the premise11, h ear t h ere presen • . accompanied by all statements, maps, plats, or documents taken by or sub- Ob, Thou who hearest the famtest sob of anguish that riSes from hn- mitted to them, in like manner as hereinbefore provided in regard to the pro­ man hearts wilt Thou not comfort and assuage the grief of her whose ceedings of said agent of the Treasury Department; and the Secretary of the life was on~ J. oyous service to him who has gone? Fulfill Thy wo d Treasury shall thereupon finally determine the location of the building to 00 , · r • . erected. 1 'I will be a husband to the widow. ' And so grant that this service "The compensation of said commissioners shall be fixed by the Secretary of of love and devotion t{)-day may quicken the hearts of all who a.re here the Treasury, but the same shall not exceed $0 per day and actual traveling ex- · 1:& • th 1 f II penses: Prcwided, however, That the member of said commission appointed presen t an d 1eave t h e f rag~ance o f a g l onons ue In e sou SO a · from the Treasury Department shall be paid only his actual traveling expenses. We pray through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. "So much of the appropriation herein made as may be necessary to def1·ay the The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. expenses of advert~sing for proposals. a~tual traveling e~penses o_f ~aid agent, and the compensatiOn and actual travelmg expenses of satd commlSSwners, and ARREARS OF TAXES IN DISTRICT OF COLmmiA. other expenses incident to the selection of the site, and for necessary survey thereof shall be immediately available. The SPEAKER laid before the Honse a message from the President "So much of said appropriation as may be necessary for the preparation of of the United States, which was read, as follows: sketch-plans, drawings, specifications, and detailed estimates for the building To I he House of Representatives: by the Supervising Architect of the Treasury Department shall be available im­ In compliance with a resolution of the House of Representatives {the Senate mediately upon the approval by the Secretary of the Treasury of such sile. concnrring), I return herewith House bill No. 5179, entitled "A.n act fixing the "No money appropriated by this act. shall be available, except as hereinbefore rate of interest to be charged on arrearages of general and special taxes now provided, until a valid title to the site of said building shall be vested in the due the District of Columbia, if paid within a specified time." United States, nor until the State of 1\fassa.cb.usettsshall have ceded to the United BENJ. HARRISON. States exclusive jurisdictiou over the same, during the time the United States EXECUTIVE MANSION, ...4prill8, 1890.
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